tommy gun:
koja vam je najteza misija,meni ubedljivo trka i LUCKY BASTRAD!
Kada igras trku posle prve krivine sa leve strane postoje neki stubici koji zaprecuju jedan prolaz. Medjutim na kraju izmedju stubica i ograde postoji dovoljno mesta da se provuce auto, tako da izlazis na precicu koja skracu je pola staze i vraca te na normalnu traku negde pre zadnjeg pravca ( MAFIJA nema sta)
Mada se jos nista nezna kakva ce radnja biti. Citao sam na nekim forumima predlazu da se radnja odvija na Siciliji kad Michel Corleone pobegne i tako nesto... ako ste gledali film znate sta mislim
Electronic Arts Confirms The Godfather 2 In Development

Electronic Arts Confirms The Godfather 2 In Development Talking in the Electronic Arts shareholder meeting today, EA Games head Frank Gibeau has referenced The Godfather 2 as a currently in-development title at his EA Games brand.

Responding to a shareholder question about how EA deals with more mature, edgier titles - with the question referencing the way that Disney uses labels such as Miramax to subdivide its fare, Gibeau was asked to answer the question.

Gibeau is the head of EA Games, one of the four new EA divisions (alongside EA Sports, Casual, and the Sims division.) EA Games, which also includes the EA Partners publishing label and high-profile titles such as the Warhammer Online MMO, has $1.15 billion in yearly revenue.

The EA exec started by noting: "The appeal of those types of games is growing as the demographics start to open up for that older demographic", and continued: "We make products like Godfather 2, Army Of Two, Crysis - a lot of products that appeal to that older customer."

Industry analyst Todd Greenwald had already reported in a 2007 research note, following a visit to EA, that he believed The Godfather 2 was in development. But this mention by Gibeau appears to confirm that the famous franchise, which spawned a multi-SKU 2006 title from EA, is being used for a second game.

Gibeau ended his answer by also noting that "...the good news is that we have a good critical mass of franchises and brands" in the mature/older gamer-oriented market. No specifics on launch dates or platforms for the title were revealed.
Mafia 2 Headed To PC, Consoles

Mafia 2 Headed To PC, Consoles Take-Two subsidiary 2K Games announced that Illusion Softworks, the developer of 2002's mobster-driven action title Mafia, is currently working on a sequel for the PC, as well as for unspecified next-generation console platforms.

The game, which will be published by 2K Games, will again be set within the gangster genre of the 1940’s-early 1950’s, and will feature gameplay “packed with both behind-the-wheel and on-foot action...fusing high octane gunplay with white knuckle driving and an engaging narrative,” according to the publisher.

While the original Mafia was critically praised by the gaming media when it was originally released, the game's arrival on both the Xbox and PlayStation 2 nearly two years later was not met with a similarly favorable response. However, 2K officials call this upcoming title “the sequel fans have been clamoring for.”

“As the original Mafia was a big success, we are excited to leverage the power of next generation console technology to create an all-new experience, while embracing the elements that resonated with the previous game’s fans,” said Christoph Hartmann, President of 2K. “The ‘wow’ factor of Mafia 2 is definitely the benchmark-setting visual quality and action that you expect to see only in Hollywood movies.”
3 razloga zasto je mafija najbolja igra ikada:
-prvo, mafija je igra sa najboljom pricom ikada.
-drugo, mafija je, iako losije grafike (slabog enginea) jedna od najboljih vizuelno napravljenih igara ikada (za razliku od godfathera, koji je vizualno cisto sranje)
-trece, mafija je preteška igra. Zbog toga je potrebno najmanje 30 sati i to iskusnim gamerima da bi je prešli, dok je meni trebalo mnogo više... Da je igra napravljena da bude lakša mogla bi se preći za 3-4 sata jer ima samo 20 misija, i bila bi sranje

Meni je najteža misija bila The lucky bastard, stvarno bili su pretjerali sa njom i trebalo mi je nekoliko mjeseci da je pređem.
Što se tiče trke ne razumjem zašto neki kažu da je najteža, u stvari kad sam prvi put vozio mislio sam da je prelaka. Prešao sam je od 6-10 pokušaja. Stvar je samo 1. Prije krivine malo zakočiti, 2. Kroz krivinu proći BEZ GASA. To je sve.
Momci koji su napravili igru su takođe napravili Vietkong, još jednu jako dobru igru, koju su nažalost u propastili drugim izdanjem. Zovu se illysion softworks, veoma su talentovan tim, ali i veoma glup. (jer nisu napravili mafiju 2, a vietkong su upropastili)
Čuo sam nedavno da tajno rade na novom naslovu. za PS3, PC i xbox2.
MOGUĆE JE DA JE TO MAFIA 2!!!!!(mada iskreno u to ne vjerujem)
izvinjavam se što nisam pročitao post gore, TO JE MAFIA 2!!!! Naizad! Izgleda fantastično! Pitam se kakav će biti gameplay i priča, valjda neće zasrati.
Jedno je sigurno: kupujem PS3
Мафиа 2 (наводно) се прави годинама. Недавно су се појавиле гласине да ће бити презентована на неком од наредних сајмова, и до тада треба бити стрпљив, и не треба гајити лажну наду. Ове слике... не делују уверљиво.
