kada kazemo Islam, danas mislimo - terorizam. i jako lako sravnjujemo ameriku i 'istok' preko jednacina imperijalizam=fundamentalizam, unipolarna globalizacija=terorizam. i onda nam je kao 'svejedno' ko dobija jer su svi isti i sve ih mrzimo. ja to ne razumem tako. terorizam se definise kao egzistencijalna pretnja usmerena na izazivanje paralitickog stanja kod individue ili drustvene grupe radi postizanja razlicitih vrsta dominacije. dakle, ako imamo u vidu znacenje termina terorizam u psiholosko-propagandnom, a ne samo u dnevno -politickom diskursu: ko se konzistentnije bavi terorizmom? ko se koristi najjacim sredstvom zastrasivanja - medijskim kodiranjem drustva? i ko pokriva vise polja dominacije? i veci deo covecanstva?
evo sta pise jedan pametan cika:
Engendering terror through intimidation
Nature-related terror
Intimidation by natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, etc)
Intimidation by wild animals (man-eaters, sharks, bears, snakes, etc)
Contextually-induced terror
Intimidation by accidents (explosions, traffic, etc)
Intimidation by economic disaster (financial collapse, factory closure, etc)
Intimidation by doom-mongering (asteroids, aliens, epidemics, end-times scenarios, nuclear winter, etc)
Intimidation through display of force (weaponry, small arms, missiles, battleships, etc)
Intimidation through health threats, by physicians, pharmaceutical companies, etc (obesity, smoking, diet, cancer, etc)
Intimidation by threat of change to status quo
Politically-induced terror
Intimidation by "terrorists" (suicide bombing, kidnappings, etc)
Intimidation by liberation movements
Intimidation by political activists (animal rights, etc)
Militarily-induced terror
Intimidation by "legitimate" conventional warfare (bombing, fire-bombing, search and destroy, etc)
Intimidation by the threat of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear warfare, etc)
Intimidation by targeted assassination
Institutionally-induced terror (through abuse of power and authority)
Intimidation by government officials (bureaucratic harassment, taxation, etc)
Intimidation by corporate executives (dirty tricks, etc)
Financial intimidation (bankers, loan sharks, etc)
Intimidation by priests and priesthoods (hell fire, mortal soul, fear of God, sexual abuse, etc)
Intimidation by incompetent or irresponsible professionals
Intimidation by scientists and physicians (human experimentation relating to tolerance of radioactivity, biochemical agents, etc)
Intimidation by service and shop personnel
Intimidation by teachers
Intimidation by legal harassment
Socially-induced terror (groups)
Intimidation by labour unions
Intimidation by ethnic groups
Intimidation by opposite gender
Intimidation by cults
Intimidation by community or peer sanction (ostracism, shunning, etc)
Socially-induced terror (individuals)
Intimidation of pedestrians by drivers
Intimidation by landlords (bullying, loss of tenancy, etc)
Intimidation by neighbours
Intimidation by competitors and rivals
Intimidation by criminals (serial killers, sociopaths, etc)
Peer-related terror
Intimidation by fellow students (bullying, torture, hazing rituals, etc)
Intimidation by drivers (tailgating, cutting in, etc)
Intimidation by work colleagues (bullying, etc)
Intimidation by fellow prisoners (rape, sex slavery, etc)
Intimidation by military platoon mates (bullying, hazing rituals, etc)
Personal and domestic terror
Sexual intimidation (rape, etc)
Intimidation of servants (bullying, threat of job loss, threat of beating, etc)
Intimidation of spouse (bullying, domestic violence, etc)
Intimidation by siblings (bullying, torture, etc)
Intimidation by parents (child abuse, etc)
Intimidation by in-laws (dowry-related, etc)
Subjectively-induced terror
Intimidation through induced phobias:
of the dark
of being alone
of open spaces (wilderness, etc)
of insects
etc [checklist]
Intimidation by the media (horror movies, etc)
Intimidation through hoaxes (duplicity, harassment, hazing, "only a joke", etc)
Intimidation by extraterrestrials (abductions, etc)
Intimidation by beliefs in the supernatural (demons, evil spirits, evil eye, ghosts, etc)
Intimidation by witchdoctors
Intimidation by the unknown
Intimidation by the prospect of:
ageing (loss of looks, senility, dependency, etc)
being forgotten
being unrecognized
being ignored
being impotent
Intimidation by alienation of affection
posle dva sata gledanja televizije, citanja novina, setanja po gradu, kontaktiranja sa institucijama sistema, druzenja i neobaveznog caskanja sa drustvom i porodicom... koliko ste punktova striklirali?
ja ne mislim da mi je Islam neprijatelj. strah od Islama je moj neprijatelj. Samo jedan od mnogih, i sa Islamom ti strahovi imaju malo veze.