H Hitler Gost 13.07.2003. u 18:06 - C&C GENERALS #1 Ova igra je sjajna(kampanja je malo buđava,ali kad se igra u igraonici to je fenomenalno!!!!!!!!!)
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 13.07.2003. u 23:09 - C&C GENERALS #2 Zbog cega su kampanje budjave SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
Zbog cega su kampanje budjave SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
H Hitler Gost 14.07.2003. u 12:05 - C&C GENERALS #3 Pogrešno sam se izrazio,nisam mislio da su kampanje buđave(sasvim su OK)nego su malo kratke
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 14.07.2003. u 12:06 - C&C GENERALS #4 Vidi u isto vreme smo na forumu :? SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
Vidi u isto vreme smo na forumu :? SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 14.07.2003. u 12:10 - C&C GENERALS #6 trci dok nije nestalo SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
trci dok nije nestalo SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 14.07.2003. u 14:50 - C&C GENERALS #8 Koji si mentol SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
Koji si mentol SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
H Hitler Gost 14.07.2003. u 17:00 - C&C GENERALS #10 Stani bre, skrenuli smo sa teme, ako neko zeli da kaze nešto o ovoj igri neka to i učini 8)
Corey Aktivan član Poruka 1.805 14.07.2003. u 17:54 - C&C GENERALS #11 Evo ja cu.odlicna i no koment any more SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
Evo ja cu.odlicna i no koment any more SlipKnoT 4e\/er You fu*kin' touch me I will rip you apart I'll reach in and take a bite out of that Sh*t you call a heart... _________________ www.cs-centar.net _________________
G green knight Obećava Poruka 51 03.08.2005. u 16:13 - C&C GENERALS #14 kampanja je FENOMENALNA BUDAL [/i][/b]