Ovo je najomrznutiji čovek u Americi, možda i na celom svetu


Yes, he's the most hated man in America – possibly the world


At some point, you’re going to see a movie about Martin Shkreli, the so-called “pharma bro” who at one point was described as “the most hated man in America”.

A biopic-cum-tragicomedy, it will feature a charismatic young actor out to prove they can do more than playing the action hero or the rom-com lead. In the right hands, it could be a massive hit.

My saying that might infuriate a lot of people. Shkreli became infamous for gouging HIV patients and pregnant women after his pharmaceutical company acquired a life-saving treatment and promptly hiked the price by 5,000 per cent.

His most recent outrage, in a long and growing list, was an offer to pay $5,000 (£3,750) for one of Hillary Clinton’s hairs, with the follicle attached. That one landed him in jail. He’s currently awaiting sentencing for cheating investors in two of his former hedge funds, and a judge revoked his bail having decided it was a solicitation for assault – understandably, given near maniacal hatred for the former presidential candidate inspires in a subculture that sees her as the antichrist.

It might be some time before Shkreli is again able to enjoy life outside of a cell. He’s facing up to 20 years behind bars for the offences he has been convicted of. There’s not much in it for a judge in being lenient with him.



Zvanicno proglasen za najomrznutijeg coveka na svetu zato sto je nakon kupovine farmaceutske kompanije povecao cenu leka za obolele od Side i Malarije za neverovatnih 5000%

Zbog njega ogroman broj stanovnika ne moze da se leci, jer ne postoji zamenski lek

Skoro je uhapsen jer je ponudio na fejsbuku 5000 dolara za pocupanu kosu hilari klinton :lol:
Yes, he's the most hated man in America – possibly the world


At some point, you’re going to see a movie about Martin Shkreli, the so-called “pharma bro” who at one point was described as “the most hated man in America”.

A biopic-cum-tragicomedy, it will feature a charismatic young actor out to prove they can do more than playing the action hero or the rom-com lead. In the right hands, it could be a massive hit.

My saying that might infuriate a lot of people. Shkreli became infamous for gouging HIV patients and pregnant women after his pharmaceutical company acquired a life-saving treatment and promptly hiked the price by 5,000 per cent.

His most recent outrage, in a long and growing list, was an offer to pay $5,000 (£3,750) for one of Hillary Clinton’s hairs, with the follicle attached. That one landed him in jail. He’s currently awaiting sentencing for cheating investors in two of his former hedge funds, and a judge revoked his bail having decided it was a solicitation for assault – understandably, given near maniacal hatred for the former presidential candidate inspires in a subculture that sees her as the antichrist.

It might be some time before Shkreli is again able to enjoy life outside of a cell. He’s facing up to 20 years behind bars for the offences he has been convicted of. There’s not much in it for a judge in being lenient with him.



Zvanicno proglasen za najomrznutijeg coveka na svetu zato sto je nakon kupovine farmaceutske kompanije povecao cenu leka za obolele od Side i Malarije za neverovatnih 5000%

Zbog njega ogroman broj stanovnika ne moze da se leci, jer ne postoji zamenski lek

Skoro je uhapsen jer je ponudio na fejsbuku 5000 dolara za pocupanu kosu hilari klinton :lol:

Nije bitno kom narodu pripada, ali ovaj je besocajni monstrum, pa ljudi umiru. Zar je bitno da li ih je ubio golim rukama.
Ето ти сад...
Човек је грађанин, анационална особа, Американац, бизнисмен, као и сваки други поштовалац капитализма.
Нема то везе са пореклом, већ са вредносним системом који је усвојио.
Новац је једини важан, и из тога извире све остало чиме се овај лик бави.
Имамо и ми таквих, гомилу...
Zvanicno proglasen za najomrznutijeg coveka na svetu zato sto je nakon kupovine farmaceutske kompanije povecao cenu leka za obolele od Side i Malarije za neverovatnih 5000%

И ја би дигао цену за.. 5000%.

Ко зна колико је људи том одлуком спасао од ...СИГУРНЕ СМРТИ - ТРОВАЊЕМ...:think: :aha2:

Zbog njega ogroman broj stanovnika ne moze da se leci, jer ne postoji zamenski lek

Постоји ...ПРИРОДНИ ЛЕК И ТРЕТМАН...:aha2:

Skoro je uhapsen jer je ponudio na fejsbuku 5000 dolara za pocupanu kosu hilari klinton :lol:

:ok: ...СВАКА МУ ДАЛА...:D;):lol:
Па комбинација 'рватице и Шиптара једино и може да изроди оваквог монструма.......

Nema on nikakve veze sa poskupljenjem leka

- - - - - - - - - -

Ето ти сад...
Човек је грађанин, анационална особа, Американац, бизнисмен, као и сваки други поштовалац капитализма.
Нема то везе са пореклом, већ са вредносним системом који је усвојио.
Новац је једини важан, и из тога извире све остало чиме се овај лик бави.
Имамо и ми таквих, гомилу...

Prvo te opljačkamo pa posle ako nemaš para onda ti yakonom objasnimo da ne treba da živiš
Današnje metode ubijanja varaju mnoge mozgove
Nije ko nead kad te osvoji tad te ubije i ćao zdravo
sada je da te osvoji i ubija natenane plus se smeši on tebi i ti njemu

- - - - - - - - - -

И ј

Постоји ...ПРИРОДНИ ЛЕК И ТРЕТМАН...:aha2:

Prirodne bolesti / Prirodni tretmani

Veštačke bolesti / Veštački tretmani :hehe:

- - - - - - - - - -

a mnogo dobar smajli


Yes, he's the most hated man in America – possibly the world


At some point, you’re going to see a movie about Martin Shkreli, the so-called “pharma bro” who at one point was described as “the most hated man in America”.

A biopic-cum-tragicomedy, it will feature a charismatic young actor out to prove they can do more than playing the action hero or the rom-com lead. In the right hands, it could be a massive hit.

My saying that might infuriate a lot of people. Shkreli became infamous for gouging HIV patients and pregnant women after his pharmaceutical company acquired a life-saving treatment and promptly hiked the price by 5,000 per cent.

His most recent outrage, in a long and growing list, was an offer to pay $5,000 (£3,750) for one of Hillary Clinton’s hairs, with the follicle attached. That one landed him in jail. He’s currently awaiting sentencing for cheating investors in two of his former hedge funds, and a judge revoked his bail having decided it was a solicitation for assault – understandably, given near maniacal hatred for the former presidential candidate inspires in a subculture that sees her as the antichrist.

It might be some time before Shkreli is again able to enjoy life outside of a cell. He’s facing up to 20 years behind bars for the offences he has been convicted of. There’s not much in it for a judge in being lenient with him.



Zvanicno proglasen za najomrznutijeg coveka na svetu zato sto je nakon kupovine farmaceutske kompanije povecao cenu leka za obolele od Side i Malarije za neverovatnih 5000%

Zbog njega ogroman broj stanovnika ne moze da se leci, jer ne postoji zamenski lek

Skoro je uhapsen jer je ponudio na fejsbuku 5000 dolara za pocupanu kosu hilari klinton :lol:

jeste pretrerao. medjutim, problem je u tome sto su ti lekovi poznati u farmaciji kao ''orphan drugs'' - lekovi za retka oboljenja. na njima nema zarade jer za njima nema potraznje. samo 7 fabrika u svetu radi lekove za retka oboljenja.
otprilike kao kad bi neko otvorio restoran u gornjem milanovcu i na meniju imao supu od sipinog mastila.
on je koknuo cenu i pucici ce svakako jer su to retka oboljenja.prodace 100 kutija godisnje.
Poslednja izmena:
Ko uopste zna za ovog tipa? Meni je sasvim nepoznat.
Mozda je poznat prosecnoj americkoj domacici... ali to se nas ne tice.

meni je poznat posto sam u farmaciji i kolege su se sprdale kako je pukao kao zvecka. nije isto imati monopol na apspirin i monopol na lekove za retka oboljenja. zato je naduvao cenu u nebesa jer se retki lekovi prodaju u malim kolicinama, rade ih uglavnom male kompanije po narudzbini.
ovaj sipac je biznismen osrednje kategorije koji se bavi svim i svacim i kuio je tu malu kompaniju za retke lekove i pukao- ili ce puci .
