Promene od 1. jula 2012. godine


Zainteresovan član
Sve one koji ne stignu da apliciraju za vizu pre kraja juna 2012. ceka SkillSelect

Points test i dalje ostaje isti, granica je 65 poena ALI pre nego sto aplicirate za vizu, morate da se prijavite na EOI - Expression of Interest listu, tamo cete na osnovu broja poena biti rangirani a najbolji iz svake struke bice pozvani da apliciraju za vizu.

"Predispitne" :) obaveze su i dalje iste 1. IELTS i 2. zavrsen skills assessment

Vize za koje mozete aplicirati (nakon sto bas vas odaberu sa EOI liste) su:

Subclass 189 Skilled – Independent (Permanent) (Class SI)
Subclass 190 Skilled – Sponsored (Permanent) (Class SK)
Subclass 489 – Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (Class SP)
Business Skills visa program.
Subclass 186 – Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) (Class EN)
Subclass 187 – Regional Sponsored Scheme (RSMS) (Class RN)
Subclass 457 – Temporary Business (Long Stay) (Class UC)

Srecno :ok:
Koliko se meni čini, ako se izuzme Skillselect, samo su promenili brojeve i nazive viza. Da li je neko primetio neke suštinske promene u uslovima za vize?

Sustinska promena je to sto za neka zanimanja sa SOL vise nece biti dovoljno 65 poena da bi konkurisao za permanent vizu.
Napravili su takmicenje izmedju kandidata. I koliko sam ja mogla da tumacim sve ovo, javljaju se dva problema za sve one kojma engleski nije maternji jezik i sve one koji nemaju neku privremenu vizu i vec su u AU gde se skoluju i/ili rade neko vreme..

1. ako pogledate forum engleza njihve IELTS ocene su u 99% slucajeva 8 ili 9, sto je 20 poena.
2. za nekog ko je na privremenoj vizi u AU, tamo radi 1 ili 3 godine, i konkurise za permanent vizu dobija 5 odnosno 10 dodatnih poena.
Recimo da su vam SOL zanimanje, godine, overseas iskustvo i kvalifikacije iste, taj neko (npr gore spomenuti Englez :) ) imace 15-20 poena vise, (u totalu 80-85p.) a na istoj ste rang listi za konkretno SOL zanimanje...

Pitanje je samo kada sve to krene, kakva ce biti raspodela kandidata po SOL zanimanjima i onih sa IELTS ocenom 8-9 i radnim iskustvom u AU... To ce vreme pokazati. Takodje "holding 65 points and applying on 1st July will only make one competitive against other 65-point applicants..."
A kada Englezima nije sve bilo lakse?
Koliko ce se njih takmiciti?

Koji je broj koji ce biti primljen po fiskalnoj godini?
I koliko ce se prijaviti?

Jel si o tome razmisljala?
Ili si se samo izivljavala?

Na sebi, Forumu, mami...tati...muzu...itd...
The benefits of submitting an expression of interest on 1 July

As we get closer to the launch of SkillSelect on 1 July, we would like to point out the benefits of being ready to submit an expression of interest (EOI).


  1. It’s free to submit an EOI!
  2. You don’t have to meet the pass mark on the points test to submit an EOI. However you won’t receive an invitation for the points based visas unless you meet the pass mark. You can build upon your EOI to achieve the desired pass mark for points based skilled migration or you can be considered by employers for employer sponsorship.
  3. You can update your profile in SkillSelect at any time, and have the ability to continually build on your EOI as your credentials and experience grow.
  4. Your details will be available to employers who can search for and contact you to discuss employment opportunities. This may increase your opportunity to receive sponsorship.
  5. You can select interest in more than one visa subclass in the same EOI. This means you can be considered for invitation or sponsorship for any of the visas in which you are interested —all from the one EOI.
  6. SkillSelect will provide you with feedback on your visa eligibility based on the information you provide on your EOI—giving you an indication of the visas for which you may meet the threshold criteria.
  7. Submitting EOIs and visa applications is an online process, saving you time as you can gain access to your SkillSelect account 24/7 from anywhere in the world.
  8. If you are invited to apply, visa processing will be more responsive, as the total number of invitations and applications will be controlled and matched to the migration program.
Nema na cemu, zato smo ovde :)

@paramax: Sigurno ce ti biti lakse nego kada si pocinjao :) jer koliko sam razumela sto se papirologije tice 99% procedura je neizmenjeno, novost je "lista cekanja"

@Miroslav: Tako je. I ako npr. ponovo polazes Ielts i poboljsas ocene, mozes azurirati svoje podatke na EOI listi i povecati broj poena i sansu da te pozovu... Isto vazi za radno iskustvo, diplomu itd...
Poslednja izmena:
Lose vijesti za one koji bi da apliciraju za sponzorstvo drzave jer su uglavnom iskljuceni veci gradovi iz dobijanja sponsorshipa. Uglavnom te salju u neke zabiti koje nisu nastanjenje gdje ne zelim da idem.

Odavno raspravljeno. Najveći grad u koji možeš da odeš sa sponzorstvom neke države je Adelaida. No, imaš obavezu da dve godine boraviš u tom manjem mestu, a posle možeš otići gde god hoćeš. Mislim da nije prevelika žrtva, a meni i ne smeta, jer su u manjim mestima cene smeštaja niže, a na to ti u početku ode najviše novca.
Da jeste za istocne drzave, ali nekada je za WA sponzorstvo vazilo za citavu drzavu, a od skoro ne ili ja sanjam!?

Ubih se ja od citanja, ponekad mislim da sam poludila.

i u cemu je onda poenta
za 190 vizu

Allows visa holder to live and work anywhere in Australia.

za razliku od 489

Requires visa holder to live and work in a specified regional area

Ma vise cu poludjeti! Izgleda da cemo opet morati da ganjamo 5 poena za onu Independent vizu....
Da jeste za istocne drzave, ali nekada je za WA sponzorstvo vazilo za citavu drzavu, a od skoro ne ili ja sanjam!?

Ubih se ja od citanja, ponekad mislim da sam poludila.

i u cemu je onda poenta
za 190 vizu

Allows visa holder to live and work anywhere in Australia.

za razliku od 489

Requires visa holder to live and work in a specified regional area

Ma vise cu poludjeti! Izgleda da cemo opet morati da ganjamo 5 poena za onu Independent vizu....

190 je permanent viza sa kojom imas pravo da radis u okviru jedne drzave koja ti je dala sponzorstvo. Sponzorstvo moras da pribavis pre apliciranja za vizu.

489 je privremena, cetvorogodisnja viza, koja ti daje mogucnost dodatnih poena (za sada 10) ukoliko si sponzorisana od strane rodjaka ili drzave. Takodje, nemas zdravstveno i socijalno osiguranje...
Za rodjake Designated Areas of Australia
Za drzavu Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas
dobro pogledaj, postoje razlike.

Ovi linkovi koje sam gore poslala se odnose na 475 vizu, i ja mislim da ce 489 biti zamena za ovu vizu, kao sto ce 190 biti zamena sadasnjoj 176.
kontam razliku izmedju te dvije vize (190 i 489) ali ja se pitam da li je ta prica za trajnu vizu ili ovu 489. Sad sam malo citala dalje i ispade da sa 190 vizom mogu doci u srce Perta :)) ispravite me ako grijesim. Sajt zapadne Australije nije azuriran pa me buni.

Ako je tako onda skupljamo papire i imamo sve bodove za 190 vizu.
Jos ispade da je bolje ici na 190 nego na independent vizu, manje se ceka.
If the state/territory government nominates you, you will automatically receive an invitation from SkillSelect to apply for a visa.
What I have heard about SkillSelect is:

1- It will take longer (Indefinite period) to process your visa

2- If you have 65 points, it will be almost impossible for you to get
selected in your occupation (Developer Programmer) because so many people
will be applying for the same occupation with higher points.

Miranda says:
May 15, 2012 at 7:52 am

Thank you for your questions.

1. If you are invited to apply, we expect to achieve more effective visa
processing times, as the total number of invitations and applications will
be controlled and matched to the migration program. Each year the
government announces the number of places in the migration program as part
of the Budget. In the 2012–13 Budget 129, 250 places have been allocated
to the skilled migration program. This limits the number of skilled visas
that can be granted in a given program year. Previously, when the
department received more applications than migration program places this
led to longer processing times. SkillSelect is designed to prevent this in
the future by only issuing invitations to match the available places in
the migration program.

2. SkillSelect will ensure the skilled migration program is based on the
economic needs of Australia. The Australian Government will be able to
manage who is able to apply for skilled migration and invite the best and
brightest skilled migrants to meet this need. Essentially, this means that
invitations for the independent and family sponsored visa programs will be
issued to the highest ranking EOIs each month, subject to occupation
ceilings. If the highest ranking EOI is for 65 points, then a 65 point
scoring EOI may receive an invitation. You could be considered for state
or territory nominated visas which does not require you to be the highest
ranking EOI in order to be invited, invitations for this program based on
the nomination of a state or territory government. You can also express
interest in employer sponsorship and may be contacted by an employer to
discuss employment and sponsorship opportunities.
kontam razliku izmedju te dvije vize (190 i 489) ali ja se pitam da li je ta prica za trajnu vizu ili ovu 489. Sad sam malo citala dalje i ispade da sa 190 vizom mogu doci u srce Perta :)) ispravite me ako grijesim. Sajt zapadne Australije nije azuriran pa me buni.

Ako je tako onda skupljamo papire i imamo sve bodove za 190 vizu.
Jos ispade da je bolje ici na 190 nego na independent vizu, manje se ceka.
If the state/territory government nominates you, you will automatically receive an invitation from SkillSelect to apply for a visa.

Pa vidis da pise The pass mark for the new SkillSelect visa subclasses 189, 190 and 489 will be 60 points

Za 190 (176) vizu pise
If you are nominated by a State or Territory government, you need to agree to:
remain in the State or Territory for a period of at least two years
keep the State or Territory government informed of changes in address details before and after arrival
be prepared to complete surveys and provide information as required.

Nigde ne pise da ne mozes da odes u srce Perta :)
