Копти под опсадом


Мухамедански секташи...у европи причају о толеранцији..а где су већина нападају свакога...ко неће да буде део њихове секте!

Браћа Копти су нападнути...
Ко је следећи!
Мухамеданци су се повампирили опасно...по Атини пале..нападају хришћане где стигну...ево и у Рашкој што је онај главни муфтија из педерације ****о...

А наши ћуте и ****ју о толеранцији!

Hajde malo da smiriš rečnik. Sve to što si napisao se moglo izložiti mnogo lepšim rečnikom.
Nemojte zaboraviti da su ovi muslimani ubijali (moram da biram rijeci kada ovo pisem, da ne ispadne da nazivam narod svinjama) odnosno izvrsili genocid nad svinjama prije nepun mjesec dana. Kao sto znamo u eri Svinjskog Gripa Vlada Egipta je naredila tamanjenje svinja. A svinje su bile koptske...pa niko onda nije reagovao.
Где год су мухамеданци већина дешава се напад на Хришћане!



Scene of a bomb blast outside an Assyrian Christian church in Iraq

Islamists drive Christians out of Nineveh
Iraqi city declared 'most dangerous place on Earth' for non-Muslims

Страна са преводом!

Колико ја знам они се одлучно слажу са муџосима, имају радње једни поред других, већина њих носи свој специфичан крст у облику сузе без икаквих проблема. Иначе када те у неку радњу не вуку за рукав, знај да је ту раде Копти :D
Колико ја знам они се одлучно слажу са муџосима, имају радње једни поред других, већина њих носи свој специфичан крст у облику сузе без икаквих проблема. Иначе када те у неку радњу не вуку за рукав, знај да је ту раде Копти :D

Веруј ми није тако...побили су их мухамеданци где су стигли....Копте, Бербере и Либанце!

Мухамеданство је на ратној стази..само ми Хришћани као чекамо нешта..још један пада Цариграда!
Веруј ми није тако...побили су их мухамеданци где су стигли....Копте, Бербере и Либанце!

Мухамеданство је на ратној стази..само ми Хришћани као чекамо нешта..још један пада Цариграда!

Нема шта да ти верујем, ово што сам написао сам видео својим очима. Иначе ти верски ратови о којом ти причаш су од самог почетка били параван за крађу и ширење интереса моћника.
Mislim da ce opet zapad da iskoristi neku manjinu da bi ocrnio zemlju ,ovde se kaze da su uhapseni jer su se molili van prostorija za to odredjenih ,pa ljudi moji skoro bila tema da su u sred Beograda uhapsili iz istog razloga i to u glavnom gradu pravoslavne zemlje.Kao sto rekoh mislim da neko vesto podpiruje mrznju izmedju ljudi zarad nekih interesa .Pogadjajte kome je u interesu da se ocrni zemlja Misirska.

Мухамедански секташи...у европи причају о толеранцији..а где су већина нападају свакога...ко неће да буде део њихове секте!

Браћа Копти су нападнути...
Ко је следећи!

I ne samo to. Juče je oskrnavljeno Hrišćansko groblje na zapadnoj obali, Palestinci Muslimani (90% većina) su razbili groblje Hrišćanskih Palestinaca:
Ево још случајева мухамеданске мржње према Хришћанима!

Afghan Christian Could Get Death Sentence
By DANIEL COONEY, Associated Press Writer
Sunday, March 19, 2006

(03-19) 15:48 PST KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) --

An Afghan man is being prosecuted in a Kabul court and could be sentenced to death on a charge of converting from Islam to Christianity, a crime under this country's Islamic laws, a judge said Sunday.
The trial is believed to be the first of its kind in Afghanistan and highlights a struggle between religious conservatives and reformists over what shape Islam should take here four years after the ouster of the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban regime.
The defendant, 41-yer-old Abdul Rahman, was arrested last month after his family accused him of becoming a Christian, Judge Ansarullah Mawlavezada told The Associated Press in an interview. Rahman was charged with rejecting Islam and his trial started Thursday.
During the one-day hearing, the defendant confessed that he converted from Islam to Christianity 16 years ago while working as a medical aid worker for an international Christian group helping Afghan refugees in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, Mawlavezada said.
"We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law," the judge said. "It is an attack on Islam."
Mawlavezada said he would rule on the case within two months.
Afghanistan's constitution is based on Shariah law, which is interpreted by many Muslims to require that any Muslim who rejects Islam be sentenced to death, said Ahmad Fahim Hakim, deputy chairman of the state-sponsored Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.
Repeated attempts to interview Rahman in detention were barred.
The prosecutor, Abdul Wasi, said he had offered to drop the charges if Rahman converted back to Islam, but he refused.
"He would have been forgiven if he changed back. But he said he was a Christian and would always remain one," Wasi told AP. "We are Muslims and becoming a Christian is against our laws. He must get the death penalty."
After being an aid worker for four years in Pakistan, Rahman moved to Germany for nine years, his father, Abdul Manan, said outside his Kabul home.
Rahman returned to Afghanistan in 2002 and tried to gain custody of his two daughters, now aged 13 and 14, who had been living with their grandparents their whole lives, the father said. A custody battle ensued and the matter was taken to the police.
During questioning, it emerged that Rahman was a Christian and was carrying a Bible. He was immediately arrested and charged, the father said.
Afghanistan is a conservative Islamic country. Some 99 percent of its 28 million people are Muslim, and the remainder are mainly Hindu.
A Christian aid worker in Kabul, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said there was no reliable figure for the number of Christians, though it was believed to be only in the dozens or low hundreds. He said few admit their faith because of fear of retribution and there are no known Afghan churches.
An old house in a war-wrecked suburb of Kabul serves as a Christian place of worship for expatriates. From the muddy street, the building looks like any other. Its guard, Abdul Wahid, said no Afghans go there.
The only other churches are believed to be inside foreign embassies or on bases belonging to the U.S.-led coalition or a NATO peacekeeping force.
Hakim, the human rights advocate, said the case would attract widespread attention in Afghanistan and could be exploited by Muslim conservatives to rally opposition to reformists who are trying to moderate how the religion is practiced here.
"The reformists are trying to bring about positive changes," he said. "This case could be fertile ground for extremists to manipulate things."
Muslim clerics still hold considerable power in Afghanistan, especially in rural areas where most women wear all-encompassing burqas and are dominated by men.
Hakim said that if Rahman was acquitted, it would be a propaganda win for the Taliban rebels, who have stepped up their insurgency in the past year.
In the months before U.S.-led troops ousted the Taliban in 2001, it claimed Western aid groups were trying to convert Afghan Muslims. They arrested eight foreign aid workers for allegedly preaching Christianity, but later released them unharmed.


Bomb Blast in Catholic Church, Kathmandu
KATHMANDU, Nepal, May 25, 2009, 10.45 Hrs (CBCI News based on Agency reports):

A bomb exploded at the Assumption Church in Dhobighat in Lalipur in Nepal's capital Kathmandu killing two and injuring dozen others. The explosion occurred at 9.15 a.m Saturday.
A teenager and a newly-married woman on her honeymoon from eastern India were killed while over a dozen others, mostly youngsters, were injured in the explosion.
Dipa Patrick, a 30-year-old woman from Patna in India's Bihar state who had arrived with her husband Vikash Patrick and two sisters-in-law four days ago to spend their honeymoon in Kathmandu, had planned a quick visit to the Assumption Church in the morning before returning to Patna by afternoon.
Her body now lies for post mortem at the Patan Hospital while her husband, who works for the up-market Chanakya Hotel in Patna, is grappling with death.
Two cousins of Vikash, Sweety Singh, 16, and Mona Patrick, 21, all of them from Patna, are also being treated at the same hospital.
According to sources, there were at least 500 people attending the church service when the blast went off. Since Sundays are working days, Christians usually attend church on Saturdays when schools and offices remain closed.
A dazed Sun Bahadur Tamang, who survived the explosion, sqid:
"An obese woman, who looked to be in her late 30s, came up to us at the place of prayer and sat down right next to my wife," the 50-year-old said. "Then she asked us where the toilet was and went out, saying she would be back. She left her handbag behind," he recalled.
The bomb was in the handbag pushed under her seat which blew up around 9.15 a.m., police told. There was pandemonium in the church compound as panicky people ran towards the gate.
"I toppled over to one side," said Tamang. "And now, I can't hear anything."
Still, the elderly man who sat in his blood-spattered shirt in Alka Hospital was luckier than his wife Sunmaya. The 45-year-old Sunmaya, who had sat next to the 'killer woman', received serious injuries and is not yet out of danger.
The general secretary of the National Council of Churches of Nepal, Dr. K.B. Rokaya, said he was deeply pained by the incident that "occurred in one of the largest church in Nepal."
“This is a very sad incident. This is going to affect the harmonious co-existence and religious tolerance of Nepal. This certainly should be condemned as innocent people have died,” he said.
Although no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, initial investigation suggests the handiwork of Hindu extremists. Pamphlets from the ‘National Defence Army’- a Hindu extremist group - were found in the blast site.
“This is a newly emerged Hindu group. In the past too there have been such incidents against Christians which the group was involved,” pointed out Rokaya.
Although no one has claimed responsibility for the blast, pamphlets found around the premises suggest involvement of the Hindu extremist group Nepal Defense Army (NDA). The pamphlets found read out the demands of the group which included declaration of a Hindu nation, compulsory Sanskrit education till middle school, and public holidays on Hindu festivals. Nepal Defense Army is the same group that was suspected of killing Father John Prakash principal of Don Bosco Christian school in in Dharan, last year. The 60-year-old Salesian priest who served as the was shot dead by five masked men at his residence.
NDA, which strives to restore Nepal as an exclusive Hindu nation, has been responsible for several bomb blasts across Nepal from the year 2006.
The police have identified the bomb as a low-intensity IED. The bomb was hidden underneath a seat in the prayer hall.
The attack has been condemned by Father Silas Bogati, Pastor of the Assumption Church and Damodar Gautam of World Hindu Federation.
Nepal had been a monarchy throughout most of its history. After it was declared a federal democratic republic in May 28, 2008, the country never witnessed any attack of this sort on churches.
The explosion has come in the backdrop of recent political turmoil and the process of forming new government that began on Friday.
Nepal, according to the 2001 census, has 80.6 percent Hindus, 10.7 percent Buddhists, 4.2 percent Muslims and 0.5 percent Christians.
Kopti su opstali tolike godine u Egiptu u mnogo gorim uslovima a sad se najedmom nadjose u opsadi .A egipat je jedna od tolerantnijih muslimanskih zemalja nesto mi se tu ne uklapa.

Ни мени. Коптска верзија хришћанства је из традиционалних разлога једна од државних религија у Египту иако је исповеда мање од 5% становништва.
Ни мени. Коптска верзија хришћанства је из традиционалних разлога једна од државних религија у Египту иако је исповеда мање од 5% становништва.

Па ви као да нисте видели мухамеданце у животу...и у Тунису је Хришћанство једно од државних религија..па иди шетај Тунисом и шири Хришћанство!!
А Турска је република..па опет у Цариграду убијају Хришћане и данас...а многи су тајни Хришћани!

Нисте ми јасни никако...убијају Хришћане а ви расправљате где су им бутици!
Па ви као да нисте видели мухамеданце у животу...и у Тунису је Хришћанство једно од државних религија..па иди шетај Тунисом и шири Хришћанство!!
А Турска је република..па опет у Цариграду убијају Хришћане и данас...а многи су тајни Хришћани!

Нисте ми јасни никако...убијају Хришћане а ви расправљате где су им бутици!

A sto bi sirio hriscanstvo?
Moze neki link ka ubijanju hriscana u istambolu ili je corak kao i ova tema?
