Pa ulepsao si mi dan oziman -cak se i rimuje.Zahvaljujem ti na tome.Ja istina nisam citala Dantea,al'sam o njoj citala u Demijanu-pa otuda.A nadjoh jos nesto Iz "Bozanstvene komedija": Beatrice and Virgil
“Beatrice am I, who do bid thee go;
I come from there, where I would fain return;
Love moved me, which compelleth me to speak.
When I shall be in presence of my Lord,
Full often will I praise thee unto him.”
Then paused she, and thereafter I began:
“O Lady of virtue, thou alone through whom
The human race exceedeth all contained
Within the heaven that has the lesser circles,
So grateful unto me is thy commandment,
To obey, if ’twere already done, were late;
No farther need’st thou ope to me thy wish.”