Žene psihopate "češće nego što mislimo"

1: I am being stalked!

Posted by William D on 04/01/06 08:47 PM

I am being stalked and have been stalked for several years now. I have this insane lady that insists that I am in love with her. There is nothing that I can do to make this lady understand that I don't want anything at all to do with her.

I have even publicly announced that I was gay just to get rid of this lady. I have gone so far as to totally tone down my appearance, dress like a slob, and even partake in activities that would be construed as disgusting. All to no avail. This insane lady believes that everything I do is somehow meant to impress her. There's just no end to this nutjobs harassment and stalking.

While all this is occurring, my stalkers are running around displaying photographs and videos of me and telling people that I'm all sorts of bad things, and that I'm looking for fame or attention. Basically, my stalkers are displaying all of the characteristic traits of stalkers.

They harass... They watch me day in and day out... they slander me... they make up stories that show me as being the bad one, effectively limiting my chances of getting justice.

I am at my wits end, and I am prepared to take effective action despite any consequences.
Žene su mnogo češće duševno bolesne nego muškarci.Emotivno su osetljivije i život ih pogađa mnogo jače.Žene nisu za džabe u patrijarhatu postavljene pod svojevrsno stakleno zvono.Da odgajaju decu i da se neko brine za njih.Posledice tog odsupanja i urušavanja prirodnog potetka danas najviše trpe žene.
