Sulejman Veličanstveni


Selma (Hatidže) na dodeli za najbolju glumicu u Turskoj, kako sam ja razumela. :D

Poslednja izmena:
Посебно су ми симпатични делови серије везани за Сулејманова освајања.
Како су га Турци лепо претставили .... осваја а ''ослобађа''
Где његова нога крочи, ту одмах креће просперитет ... ослобађа заточенике, враћа им имовину, неверницима пружа сигурност и безбедност, 5 год. нема харача, пореза ...

Дође ми да се разнежим колико га приказују као средњевековног хуманисту, неку ондашњу османлијску мушку мајка Терезу, давну претечу Црвеног крста и полумесеца, унхцр, плавих шлемова ...
А био велики злотвор

Ja kao da slušam "uterivanje" demokratije amerikanaca ... :lol: Oslobađaju, donose prosperitet, humanitarne akcije :dash:

Sve je isto, samo njega nema. :lol:
This result is brought to you by google, learn to use it.

Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha

The Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, awaits the arrival of his Grand Vizier Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha at Buda, in the year 1529.

Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha was the boyhood friend of Suleiman. Ibrahim was originally a christian greek,or Albanian and when he was young was educated at the Palace School under the devshirme system. Suleiman made him the royal falconer, then promoted him to first officer of the Royal Bedchamber.[55] Ibrahim Pasha rose to Grand Vizier in 1523 and commander-in-chief of all the armies. Suleiman also conferred upon Ibrahim Pasha the honor of beylerbey of Rumelia, granting Ibrahim authority over all Turkish territories in Europe, as well as command of troops residing within them in times of war. According to a 17th century chronicler, Ibrahim had asked Suleiman not to promote him to such high positions, fearing for his safety; to which Suleiman replied that under his reign no matter what the circumstance, Ibrahim would never be put to death.[56]

Yet Ibrahim eventually fell from grace with the Sultan. During his thirteen years as Grand Vizier, his rapid rise to power and vast accumulation of wealth had made Ibrahim many enemies among the Sultan's court. Reports had reached the Sultan of Ibrahim's impudence during a campaign against the Persian Safavid empire: in particular his adoption of the title serasker sultan was seen as a grave affront to Suleiman.[57]

Suleiman's suspicion of Ibrahim was worsened by a quarrel between the latter and the Minister of Finance Iskender Chelebi. The dispute ended in the disgrace of Chelebi on charges of intrigue, with Ibrahim convincing Suleiman to sentence the Minister to death. Before his death however, Chelebi's last words were to accuse Ibrahim of conspiracy against the Sultan.[57] These dying words convinced Suleiman of Ibrahim's disloyalty,[57] and on 15 March 1536 Ibrahim's lifeless body was discovered in the Topkapi Palace.

Posto je na ovom plakatu stavljen fimski Sulejman, ne razumem zasto nisu stavili filmskog Obilica?
A ko ono bese igrao Obilica? :whistling:

Koliko kosta stampanje i lepljenje ovih plakata?
Zar nije efikasnije taj novac dati srpskoj deci sa Kosova i Metohije, nego trositi ga na gluposti.
A puna su nam usta srpske dece sa Kosova i Metohije.
Licemerju nikad kraja
Joj ne mogu dočekati večeras :mrgreen:

Ne znam jeste li znali da je Piri-paša u stvari Mehmeda-paša Sokolović, Srbin iz Hercegovine.

Ne pratim baš temu pa ne znam je l' to neko već spominjao... :)

Ja bih rekao da je ovaj malo prestar za njega. Sokolovic je bio klinac u to vreme.

Izgleda da je bilo mnogo Pirija u to vreme. Najcuveniji Piri je pirat, kartograf i admiral turske mornarice. Pokazivali su njegovu mapu Rodosa u seriji, a njegova mapa sveta, pravljena po mapama iz Indije, Kine, kao i po jednoj Kolumbovoj mapi i danas izaziva cudjenje. No ovaj Piri u seriji nije ni taj Piri. Ovaj je u to vreme bio kapetan i ucestvovao u pohodu na Rodos. Izgleda da je ovaj Piri u seriji neki nevazni Piri kojeg istorija nije zabelezila.
