Sankcije SAD protiv Rusa


Ovakva totalna blokada će brzo slomiti Rusiju. Kao što je poznato, ona je mala i resursima siromašna zemlja. Sada će biti prinuđena da trguje samo sa Kinom, Indijom, arapskim zemljama i Iranom, Evropom, Južnoameričkim državama i još milijardom stanovnika tu i tamo.
Svi ostali će ih bojkotovati.
da,rusi su poznati kako imaju extra life-style i standard:roll:...narochito sa bnp-om tek nesto vecim od svajcarske...siromasna sila,sta sad-ubedicete sebe da zive extra i da su bogati?:)
yebote,neka chudna panslovenska ljubav vam zamagljuje realnost koja nije tako ruzicasta..ali,navukli ste se vi na iskrivljenu stvarnost,volite to izgleda..
Na svasta sam nailazio na ovom forumu.........

Ubedjivali su me da smo pobedili NATO pakt........
Da smo super ziveli devedesetih, za vladavine Satrapa.............
Da smo , nebeski, najpametniji, najbolji, najposteniji narod u galaksiji , a i sire...........
Da je rakija najcenjenije pice na svetu, i kako se svi rasplacu od srece, kad je samo liznu....

Da je Vjeko Seselj , srpska majka..........
Da je Toma Nikolic doktor nauka, ali inkognito...............

Ali, da me ubedjuju , kako Rusi krkaju samo sampanjac i kavijar, i kako su zesce situirana nacija, gde svaki Ruja bira ujutro oce mleko od jarebice ili jaja od krokodila za je vec , bolesno!
1. The misconception of full employment. This proposal seems to be unaware that more than 15 million American workers cannot currently find a full-time job. This includes the officially unemployed, those who recently were officially looking for work and have given up and those who have had to settle for a part-time job.

2. The misconception of a burgeoning job market. The nation has 3.5 million fewer jobs than when Mr. Bush took office. The population has been growing rapidly during that time. Mr. Bush’s advisors apparently have not heard about this.

3. The misconception that the black underclass no longer exists. The Washington Post recently did a major spread on the plight of black men nationwide, relating the horrifying statistic that 40 percent of them are jobless. The stories about the incredible efforts that many of these men make to hold down the most menial of jobs at low pay were heart-breaking. Nearly 40 years after Congress passed laws to provide for the full assimilation of black Americans into the country’s political, social and economic life, the lack of job opportunities for these descendants of the American slavery system is scandalous. But apparently in the White House view, none of these men is looking for a job.

4. The misconception that the Americans With Disabilities Act has done its job. This crown jewel of the first Pres. Bush’s presidency was supposed to eliminate barriers to the nation making use of the talents and energies of the millions of disabled Americans. Instead, recent reports indicate, it has been a colossal failure as most disabled Americans who want to work still can’t find jobs. The White House seems to be unaware that businesses have preferred the physically strong foreign workers (more than 10 million of them have been provided over the last decade) to physically handicapped American workers.

5. The misconception that current American workers in meatpacking plants, agricultural fields, restaurants, hotels and constructions are paid too much. Millions of Americans in these and other occupations work but cannot support their families in dignity, often relying heavily on other taxpayers to subside their wages with various forms of public support. These occupations are disproportionately filled with recent immigrants. AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney says guest-worker/amnesty proposals like this one are recipes for “large-scale displacement and wage erosion.” Mr. Bush’s proposal doesn’t seem to recognize the law of supply and demand in labor markets and that continually pouring more foreign workers into these occupations guarantees the continuation of working-poor jobs.

6. The misconception that our scientists, engineers, computer programmers and other high-skilled professionals are fully employed and well-paid. In fact, there are alarming rates of unemployment, even greater underemployment and declining wages in these fields. Our bright kids who pursue these fields get out of college and even now often find that businesses prefer hiring through present foreign worker programs. Pay rates for Ph. D. holders in many fields are surprisingly low. American students are well aware of this, helping to explain why such a high percentage of the degrees awarded by U.S. colleges go to foreign students. The President’s proposal opens these fields up to unlimited numbers of professionals from all over the world. The law of supply and demand applies to both high and low skill occupations. John Templeton, a leader of black professionals in the high-tech industry, commented after hearing the President’s proposal: “ Will the last black worker please turn out the lights? We should call this George Bush’s Emancipation Decimation.” Templeton has documented the tech industry’s preference for foreign programmers over black Americans, as tech students at historically black colleges find virtually no recruiters attending their job fairs. A similar situation also befalls Hispanic and women programmers of all ethnicities who are American-born and woefully underrepresented in the high-tech industry.
"Today, America bestrides the world. In strategic terms, it is the only superpower. Its economy is the most powerful. Its language, its popular culture (from jeans to burgers to films) and its preferred model of free-market democracy make new converts daily."

From "The Millennium," special section
in the New York Times, Jan. 1, 2000

"They just took my stuff and dumped it in a dumpster. I had all my papers in there. I have AIDS, so I had to go fishing through the garbage to get my stuff back. I don't ask nobody for nothing. I clean floors at the corner store for my money. And everyone still sees me as dirt."

Tyrone Saunders, 35-year-old homeless
man in San Francisco, after the police
seized his possessions
yebote, pa ja zivim u paralelnom svetu................

U onom pravom, Rusija je zemlja sa najrazvijenijom ekonomijom, industrijom , demokratijom.
Rusi imaju najveci BND po glavi stanovnika...........
Najbolje zdravstveno, socijalno , penziono osiguranje................

Ma, Rusija je zemlja dembelija, svi srljaju prosto , da se nasele tamo....

S druge strane, SAD je bedna , jadna, propala drzava , sa jos propalijom ekonomijom, po ulicama LA i NY se vuku bogalji i prosjaci, dok Moskvom sija ruska srednja klasa u najnovijim meckama.....

Mislim........brate.......udara ova DAVIDOV.........a i spiritus je , cujem popularan medju Rujama kada nema vatrene vode.............ali da udara, udara..........samo tako , sa trajnim posledicama
ma jok. ti jednostavno zivis u srbiji, a ja u rusiji. i ti si sitni srpski privatnik a ja internacionalni marketolog konsultant. to je sve. slozices se da neko od nas dvojice sigurno bolje vidi sta se desava... u najmanju ruku zato sto jednom od nas dvojice od toga zavisi karijera i milionski budzeti najkrupnijih svetskih kompanija sa kojima operise.
ma jok. ti jednostavno zivis u srbiji, a ja u rusiji. i ti si sitni srpski privatnik a ja internacionalni marketolog konsultant. to je sve.

Ma ti si yaya.......nije sporno.. :D :D :D

Ali, kakve to veze ima sa stanjem ruske privrede, i ekonomije , a narocito standardom Rusa?
Ako je tvoj marketinski konsalting, preokrenuo tokove svetske privrede i ekonomije, pa od Rusije napravio najbogatiju drzavu sveta, mashala, majstore.......... :D

Sitni srpski privatnik?? :D :D :D :D :D
i tema je besmislena. u rusiji se zivi zaista sve bolje. stopa rasta na godisnjem nivou u glavnim parametrima meri se ne desetinama vec stotinama procenata, u nekim stvarima cak i na kvartalnom nivou. sto se tice sankcija, zezali smo se samo, zato sto je vest smesna, jer nema nikakvih sankcija vec nadjebavanje us vlade dve firme za izvoz oruzija zbog ruskog upada na trziste latinske amerike i bliskog istoka.
ja cesto odgovaram afektivno jer me nervira to sto se barata nekim nejasnim emocijama ljubavi i mrznje, bez ikakve sklonosti da se stvarno sazna sta se desava. a danas je to teze nego ikad...
No, dobro.........posle laganog izleta , u sfere sta ko radi , i ....moj tata je jaci od tvoga..

da se vratim Rusiji..........

Number of Russian Homeless Children Nears Post-WW2 Rates


The number of homeless children in Russia was estimated at 700,000 at the end of 2002, which is close to the number registered in the Soviet Union following World War II, the Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday citing a press release of the Russian Children’s Foundation.

“The Prosecutor General Office’s examination of orphanages and boarding schools in a number of Russia’s regions has shown that 40% of these institutions’ graduates become alcoholics or drug-addicts, 40% join criminal groups, 10% commit suicide because they have no place to live, and a mere 10% are able to live a normal life,” the press release reads.

The foundation’s chairman Albert Likhanov said the number of children in Russia has shrunk by 14 million over the past 12 years. It stood at 44.3 million in 1992. “The pace at which the number of children has been declining suggests that the situation will only get worse,” he said.

“Reports issued following the annual nationwide medical examination of children have suggested that only 32% of Russia’s children are healthy, 51% have poor health, and about 5% are chronically ill,” the statement reads.

“Infant death rates in Russia are 13.3 per thousand among newborn children,” it says.

Ovo su strasni podaci.........
Uopste ne likujem, niti se radujem ovakvoj bedi bilo kog naroda na svetu....

Pocelo je sa foliranjima tipa.........".eto, sad jedemo samo kavijar bez sampanjca," i slicno

Sa ovim bi zavrsio pricu o Rusiji , kao zemlji blagostanja
i tema je besmislena. u rusiji se zivi zaista sve bolje. stopa rasta na godisnjem nivou u glavnim parametrima meri se ne desetinama vec stotinama procenata, u nekim stvarima cak i na kvartalnom nivou. sto se tice sankcija, zezali smo se samo, zato sto je vest smesna, jer nema nikakvih sankcija vec nadjebavanje us vlade dve firme za izvoz oruzija zbog ruskog upada na trziste latinske amerike i bliskog istoka.
ja cesto odgovaram afektivno jer me nervira to sto se barata nekim nejasnim emocijama ljubavi i mrznje, bez ikakve sklonosti da se stvarno sazna sta se desava. a danas je to teze nego ikad...

Tema je totalno bez veze.................
I jasno je svakome , ko bar procita novine, ili pogleda TV, da se u Rusiji zivi bolje nego ranije.
I to je sasvim ok........voleo bi da i Srbija krene takvim putem....ili bar slicnim, posto je svaka uporedba , zbog velicine i snage zemalja, malo glupava.........

Takodje me iritiralo to sa kavijarom i sampanjcem, koje nisam bas protumacio kao zezanje, narocito ne od onog nesrecnika, sto fura ime nekog aviona...........

Od tebe, da.........moze se ocekivati Pajtonovski humor......., ali onda se napale drugi, pa taj humor preraste, u nekontrolisano s*anje..........i ja onda reagujem..

yebi ga.........sorry , if I said any heavy word
