Religija i Dinosaursi :)))))))))

paa...iz raznih razloga...npr. ispade da su vam nesto slagali...presutjeli?
samo, mojne se ljutite...mozda je za vase dobro, roditelji to ponekad tako...:lol:

Bog isto tako mnogo toga nem precuti ne bi podneli istinu :lol:

nego trazim materijal o dinosaurusima :aha:

evo nesto :sad2:

’Dinosauri su jeli travu‘
”Znanstvenike je jako iznenadilo“ otkriće da su ”dinosauri jeli travu“, stoji u izvještaju Associated Pressa. Do tog otkrića došlo se analizom fosilizirane balege jednog sauropoda koja je pronađena u Indiji. Zašto je to bilo iznenađenje? Zato što se smatralo da ”trave nisu postojale još dugo nakon što su dinosauri izumrli“, stoji u izvještaju. Također se vjerovalo da sauropodi ”nisu imali zube kakvi su im trebali da bi mogli samljeti grube vlati trave“. Paleobotaničarka Caroline Stromberg, voditeljica tima koji je došao do otkrića, kaže: ”Većina ljudi ne bi mogla zamisliti da su [sauropodi] jeli travu.“
evo nasla sam nesto pa prevedi :))

Discovering ‘The Great Reptiles’ of the Past

WHEN you stand on the edge of the Red Deer River valley, just south of the town of Drumheller in Alberta, Canada, you stand on the edge of two different worlds. At eye level, in every direction, are the endless wheat fields of the Alberta prairies. But looking down the cliffs into the dry and barren valley, visitors can imagine another world far removed from their own—the world of the dinosaurs.

In this valley, with its steep canyons of multicolored sedimentary rock layers, hundreds of dinosaur bones have been unearthed. Some people in this area call the barren canyon “the badlands.” But visitors, young and old alike, are filled with astonishment as they view the fossil legacy of some of the most amazing animals that ever lived on earth.

Discovering Dinosaurs

Before 1824, dinosaurs were unknown to man. In that year the bones of several kinds of fossilized reptiles were unearthed in England. British paleontologist Richard Owen called these animals Dinosauria, from the two Greek words deinos and sauros, meaning “terrible lizard.” The name remains in common use to this day, although while dinosaurs are reptiles, they are not lizards.

Since 1824, dinosaur fossils have been found on every continent. The fossil record, left in layers of sedimentary, or water-laid, rock, indicates that there was an extraordinary abundance and variety of dinosaur types at a time in earth’s history called the Age of Dinosaurs. Some made their home on land, while others lived in swamps. Some perhaps even lived in water, much like the present-day hippopotamus.

Large quantities of dinosaur remains—including such nonskeletal evidence as tracks—have been unearthed in the Great Central Plain of North America. The prairies of central Alberta have yielded many dinosaur remains, including nearly 500 complete skeletons. In the 1920’s, expeditions discovered dinosaur bones in the Gobi Desert of central Asia. In the 1940’s a Soviet expedition in Mongolia discovered a dinosaur skeleton some 40 feet [12 m] in length.

In 1986 Argentine scientists discovered the fossils of a plant-eating dinosaur in Antarctica. Until then, Antarctica had been the only major land area where dinosaur fossils had not been found. Just before that, an American researcher found dinosaur bones on the North Slope of Alaska. Throughout the last hundred years, deposits of dinosaur bones have been uncovered in so many places that it has become apparent that dinosaurs were widespread in the remote past.

When Did They Live?

Dinosaurs played a dominant role in life on earth during their age. But then they came to an end. The rock layers containing human fossils consistently occur above those layers containing dinosaur fossils. Because of this, scientists generally conclude that humans came on the earthly scene later.

In this regard the book Palaeontology, by James Scott, states: “Even the earliest species of Homo sapiens (man) lived long after the disappearance of the dinosaurs . . . After tilting (through earth movement) has been allowed for, rocks containing fossil men consistently occur above those preserving the bones of the great dinosaur reptiles and it follows that the latter belong to an earlier age than the human remains.”

In the Red Deer River valley, there is a layer of sedimentary rock that contains dinosaur bones. Just above this, there is a purplish-brown layer that follows the contour of the hillside. On top of the purplish-brown layer is a layer of brownish siltstone containing fossils of subtropical ferns, indicating a hot climate. Above this, there are several layers of coal. Farther up the hillside are coarser-grained layers of earth. There are no dinosaur bones in any of the higher layers.

The book A Vanished World: The Dinosaurs of Western Canada states that “all of the 11 major kinds of dinosaurs . . . ceased to exist in the western interior at about the same time.” This, and the fact that human bones have not been found with dinosaur bones, is why most scientists conclude that the Age of Dinosaurs ended before humans came on the scene.

However, it should be noted that there are some who say that dinosaur bones and human bones are not found together because dinosaurs did not live in areas of human habitation. Such differing views demonstrate that the fossil record does not yield its secrets so easily and that no one on earth today really knows all the answers.


Scientists have concluded that east of the North American Rocky Mountains, a great shallow sea once existed. This sea was hundreds of miles wide, extending from the present Arctic Ocean to Mexico. Along the flat shoreline were lush, marshy forests. Fossils suggest that many types of dinosaurs flourished in this ecological setting. The edmontosaurus, a duck-billed dinosaur about 30 feet [9 m] long, apparently browsed in herds in cow fashion through the swamp. Well-preserved three-toed footprints and the fossilized contents of the stomach led paleontologists to this conclusion.

Other evidence suggests that some dinosaurs displayed social habits. They likely herded together, perhaps in groups of hundreds or more. Discovery of successive layers of nests and eggs in the same place indicates that some dinosaurs returned to the same nesting sites year after year. Skeletal remains of infant dinosaurs near the nests, states Scientific American, ‘strongly suggest sibling social behavior and also imply the possibility of parental attendance on the young after their hatching.’

The fossil evidence thus demonstrates that there were vast numbers and varieties of dinosaurs. But just what did they look like? Were they all fearsome, gigantic monsters—“terrible lizards”? Why did they seem to disappear so suddenly?
’Dinosauri su jeli travu‘
”Znanstvenike je jako iznenadilo“ otkriće da su ”dinosauri jeli travu“, stoji u izvještaju Associated Pressa. Do tog otkrića došlo se analizom fosilizirane balege jednog sauropoda koja je pronađena u Indiji. Zašto je to bilo iznenađenje? Zato što se smatralo da ”trave nisu postojale još dugo nakon što su dinosauri izumrli“, stoji u izvještaju. Također se vjerovalo da sauropodi ”nisu imali zube kakvi su im trebali da bi mogli samljeti grube vlati trave“. Paleobotaničarka Caroline Stromberg, voditeljica tima koji je došao do otkrića, kaže: ”Većina ljudi ne bi mogla zamisliti da su [sauropodi] jeli travu.“

Znaš li u čemu je značaj ovog istraživanja i koja je metoda korišćena pri tome? ;)
The Ornithischians

The ornithischians (“bird hipped”) were one of two general classes of dinosaurs as determined by the structure of their hips. Those in this category had a hip structure similar to that of a bird but, of course, vastly larger. Some were small in overall size, others huge. The iguanodon reached lengths of 30 feet [9 m]. Skeletons of several types of hadrosaurs indicate a duckbill upper and lower jaw, with numerous teeth. Hadrosaurs were apparently bipedal, walking or running on two legs. Some of them reached lengths of 33 feet [10 m].

The stegosaurs were a group of the ornithischians that had large bony blades mounted in a pattern down their back. They walked on all four legs and were about 20 feet [6 m] long, and 8 feet [2.4 m] high at the hips. More recently, it has been thought that the bony back plates served not just as a protection but as part of a cooling system for their body. Hind legs were heavy and elephantine, while front legs were of smaller size, causing the small head to be low to the ground. The tail had long, bony spikes radiating from the end.

A final group of ornithischians—widespread throughout the earth—was that of the ceratopsians, or horned dinosaurs. They ranged from 6 feet [1.8 m] to 25 feet [8 m] in length. Not unlike the African rhinoceros, these armored “tanks” featured a large skull extension forming a characteristic neck shield. A three-horned version, triceratops, was common in the dinosaur world. The two horns over the eyes grew up to three feet [0.9 m] long. Numerous fossils of triceratops have been recovered from the Red Deer River valley in Alberta.

The Saurischians—Dinosaur Giants

Another general class of dinosaurs is known as saurischians (“lizard hipped”), having hip structures like those of lizards, though, again, much larger. They fit the usual concept of dinosaurs: huge and fearsome. Among these were the apatosaurus (previously called brontosaurus), a plant-eating dinosaur that walked on all four legs. It reached lengths of 70 feet [21 m] and weighed an estimated 30 tons. These dinosaurs have been unearthed in North America and Europe.

The equally gigantic diplodocus was more snakelike, with a long neck and tail but having legs. It is the longest dinosaur known, stretching out some 90 feet [27 m], though weighing somewhat less than the apatosaurus. Uncovered in North America, the diplodocus had nostrils on top of its head, allowing it to submerge its head almost totally.

Then there is the brachiosaurus. A skeleton discovered in Tanzania reached a length of 70 feet [21 m]. It is estimated that some weighed more than 85 tons. They stood 40 feet [12 m] tall, with a body that sloped downward toward the tail, giraffelike.

In 1985 fossilized vertebrae of unusual size were unearthed in New Mexico, U.S.A. The curator of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History named it seismosaurus. The animal was estimated to be about a hundred feet [30 m] in length and to tip the scales at perhaps a hundred tons!

The fierce-looking tyrannosaurus rex (“tyrant-lizard king”) was about 10 feet [3 m] high at the hips. When standing, it could measure some 20 feet [6 m] tall. It was about 40 feet [12 m] long. Its head was up to four feet [1.2 m] in length, and its large mouth was equipped with many six-inch [15 cm] conelike teeth. The hind legs were elephantine, while the front legs were very small. A huge lizardlike tail brought up the rear. Rather than walking upright, it is now concluded that the tyrannosaurs held their bodies horizontal, balancing their body’s weight with their long tail.

A Changing Scene

That dinosaurs existed abundantly throughout the earth, in an ancient landscape long ago vanished, is obvious from the fossil record. But these amazing creatures, along with countless other animal and plant kinds, passed out of existence. As to just when these things took place, paleontologist D. A. Russell states: “Unfortunately, existing methods for measuring the duration of events that happened so long ago are relatively imprecise.”

What happened to the dinosaurs? What does their sudden appearance and apparently sudden extinction mean? Do the dinosaurs bring into question some basic principles of Darwinian evolution? We will explore those questions in the following article.
nisam...mislim, meni svejedno...samo nek je...rumeno tj. zutim akcentima :mrgreen:

Nek se crveni :mrgreen:


Evo crvenih narodnih mudrosti :D
eeeeeeeeeevo ljudi :)


ta divna stvorenja
U setnji sa dinosaursima.. ? Da li je iko ikada setao sa dinosaursima ?
Kako su nastali? Kako su izumrli ? Cime su se hranili ?

za pocetak bi jaaaako zelio da vidim smisleni odgovor na ova pitanja, a iz pozicije nekoga ko sumnja u "ateisticku, evolucionisticku, satanisticku ili komunisticku" zvanicnu nauku

A nakon odgovora, volio bi da ovu temu pretvorimo u opustajuce - ozbiljnu temu o institucionalizovanoj religiji i svim njenim apsurdima :)

kako je moguce da su izrazi "neman" i "morska zvijer" oznacavali - dinosaurse ?
"ako se zna" da su dinosaursi bili biljojedi do potopa, a u potopu su nestali, zbog cega se ovi izrazi koriste za mirne biljojede i prezivare koji su zivjeli sa ljudima ?

zbog cega mislite da je izraz "velike morske zivotinje" takodje koristio za - dinosaurse ?
zar ne mislite da bi taj izraz trebao da oznacava kitove, ajkule... ?

hvala onima koji ce ucestvovati

:heart: :bye:

Bog ih je stvorio ... kad i ostale zivotinje...

Stvorio ih je pre nego sto je stvorio ljude...

ne zna se tacno kada... prema Bibliji

zna se da su prvi ljudi stvoreni 4026 god pre ne.

izumrli su u potopu...

bili su biljojedi...

to je sve sto znam o dinorosaurusima :sad2:


devetog sana Bog stvori dinosauruse jer bejaše mu dosadno a on testiraše svoje stvaralašto i uzeše i stvori goleme reptile, kada mu dosadiše on ih rastavi ... :D
Vaistinu rastavi.

Kad smo kod dinosaurusa, pade mi nevezano na pamet da se u Bibliji ne pominje ni Internet. Imajući u vidu magnitudu uticaja istog na čovečanstvo, prosto mi je nejasno kako nema baš ni jedne reference u tom od-strane-boga-nadahnutom tekstu. Ili ima?

Nešto kao "I šestog dana bog stvori mrežu nad mrežama, i vide da je dobro."

Ili nešto kao Jevanđelje po Sizifu, 42:42: "Blagosiljajte one koji vas kunu, i molite se Bogu za one koji vas vređaju po forumima a reči svoje kite malim žutim spodobama koje udarahu glavom o zidove." :dash:
Pominjali su Tarabići ono njihovo čuveno sokoćalo koje će imati svaki čovek i kleti se u njega. Mnogi su mislili da je to kompjuter a ispostavilo se posmatrajući evolucionarne majmune na ulicama kako blenu u njegovo visočanstvo zvano mobilni da je ipak nešto drugo u pitanju.
Pominjali su Tarabići ono njihovo čuveno sokoćalo koje će imati svaki čovek i kleti se u njega. Mnogi su mislili da je to kompjuter a ispostavilo se posmatrajući evolucionarne majmune na ulicama kako blenu u njegovo visočanstvo zvano mobilni da je ipak nešto drugo u pitanju.
Tarabići nikad nisu ništa predvideli, sve je to lepo analizirao i dokazao Voja Antonić u svojoj knjizi "Kremansko neproročanstvo - istorija jedne obmane". Gomila dokaza, i lepo se vidi kako su iz jednog izdanja u drugo menjali izvorni tekst. Nije mrzelo čoveka....

Ah da, tebe izgleda banovaše.

S kim ja onda razgovaram? :eek:

Bog ih je stvorio ... kad i ostale zivotinje...

Stvorio ih je pre nego sto je stvorio ljude...

ne zna se tacno kada... prema Bibliji

zna se da su prvi ljudi stvoreni 4026 god pre ne.

izumrli su u potopu...

bili su biljojedi...

to je sve sto znam o dinorosaurusima :sad2:


prvi ljudi su bili biljojedi i izumrli su u potopu? :eek:
i to je sve sto znas o...dinosaurusima? :eek:
