Prizrensko-timočko narečje

Torlački dijalekt je

  • Ukupno glasova
  • Anketa je zatvorena .
Jатова граница између Срба и Бугара? :hahaha:
Где и колико има овде западно падеже? :per:
Испада да српки jезик нема падеже? :think:

То је по идеологији твог колеге Аце.
Зар их нема уопште?

Српски књижевни језик има падеже, мада су и у њему неки замењени другим падежима.
У српским говорима има редукције и замене (сливања) падежа, али не као у бугарском.
Poslednja izmena:
Тогава да, ама в времето на Крум и Омуртаг не.

Слика е из Минология на Василий II, 10 век.

Не, моје село је, као што сам рекао, у Пчињском округу, република Србија.

За Хан-Сола зна се да је Шоп из Софије, а кој си ти братко? :)

Mora da vratite monastiru sv.Prohor Pcinski na Makedonije,jer tamo je stvoren makedonski "jezik" u 1945.
Pitao sam te da li si makedonec zato sto sam vidio jedan "Karlos Sakal" na jedan makedonski forum.
Ja isto sam sop kao Han Solo.
Зар их нема уопште?
Српски књижевни језик има падеже, мада су и у њему неки замењени другим падежима.
У српским говорима има редукције и замене (сливања) падежа, али не као у бугарском.

Књижевни бугарски jазик, као и македонски нема падеже, има само неки појединачним случајевима облицима падежа.
Нема падежа ни у Западноj Бугарскe, ни западно од ja-товоj границе, осим 2 падежа у диjалекта око Трн и Чипровци (као и око Пирот).
Poslednja izmena:
Двојца Шопи и обадвојца Бугари :rotf:

Па поставите некоја шопска песен за Симеона или за Аспаруха, или да постављам овде за Душана из Софијско? :mrgreen:

Mora da vratite monastiru sv.Prohor Pcinski na Makedonije,jer tamo je stvoren makedonski "jezik" u 1945.

Ће ги врнемо, не се секирај. Подобро е и да буде велика Македонија и малка Грција :aha2:
Poslednja izmena:
.. jedan makedonski forum.
Ja isto sam sop kao Han Solo.

Ама неси.
Све ово што овде рекламираш, већ си и раније рекламирао на другим темама.
Напр. Охрид македонски је македонски, а охрид бугарски , то је данашње село Силистер према турској граници, на обали Црног мора.... писала сам ти ономад да има и трећи, костенечки Охрид).

У путописима руских путника кроз блгарску територију од 17-19 века, Партеније монах је записао: "седмог дана стигосмо у Силистар, у древни Охрид
[...] На седмия ден пристигнахме в Силистра, наричана в древността Охрида [1], където е живял архиепископ Климент Охридски автор на българския вариант на „Благовестник”...Руски пътеписи за българските земи XVII—XIX век, ПАРТЕНИЙ, МОНАХ

Бугарски Охрид-Силистар

Силистар - малък и удобен за спиране на морски съдове залив при едноименно селище, между днешното село Резово и Синеморец. При безлюдния днес залив се откриват обилни следи от средновековно селище ..

Резово е „границата", където синьото море се среща със зелените вълни на гората. Красив е брегът край Синеморец, загадъчен и примамлив е плажът на Силистар..

а ево и где је на мапи, јужно од Ахтопола, у области престонице Малко трновосилистар+синеморец/@42.073817,27.5859482,10z?hl=sr

Лепи су пејзажи Силистера-бугарског Охрида у којима је некад уживао Климент, на домаку турске границе


тренутно заштићена зона (ај вондер вуај)
Силистар е защитена местност (ЗМ) с къмпинг в Община Царево, Бургаска област. Намира се в граничната зона с Турция в близост до Синеморец..Силистар_(защитена_местност)
Poslednja izmena:
Напр. Охрид македонски је македонски, а охрид бугарски , то је данашње село Силистер према турској граници, на обали Црног мора....

:hahaha: :hahaha:
Сребрена географиja...

Мислим да не знаш ни где jе Београд. ;)
Силистар ниje село или град, него заштићено подручје око турскоj границе.
Силистра (Дръстър, Доростол) je град на обали Дунава. Охрид je у Македониja.
Нема везе између ове три места. ;)


Сам Борис даде блаженом Клименту у Деволу три прекрасне племићке куће. Поклони му и места за одмор у Охриду (κατ' Άχρίδα) и Главеници.

Постави га за епископа Дрембице или Велице и тако Климент постаде први епископ бугарског језика.
Све ово оставља у манастиру који je y Охриду био подигао још за живота (se. за време) блаженог Бориса, пре но што jeсасвим преузео Величку епископију.

Јер, како je видео да je овај кнез саградио по целој Бугарској седам дивних саборних цркава, као да je запалио свећњак са седамсвећа, зажеле и он да у Охриду (εν Αχρίδι) сагради свој манастир. Поред њега подиже још једну цркву, која je касније постала архиепископско седиште. И тако су у Охрио,у биле три цркве, једна саборна и две Климентове, много мање од саборне, али по свом кружном облику лепше од ње.

Цар Борис-Михаил, ктитор манастира "Свети Наум", Охрид, Македониjа:

Poslednja izmena:
Kratki uvod :

We find here, as everywhere else, the ordinary measures of "Serbization" — the closing of schools, disarmament, invitations to schoolmasters to become Servian officials, nomination of "Serbomanes," "Grecomanes," and vlachs, as village headmen, orders to the clergy of obedience to the Servian Archbishop, acts of violence against influential individuals, prohibition of transit, multiplication of requisitions, forged signatures to declarations and patriotic telegrams, the organization of special bands, military executions in the villages and so forth.[2]

— Report of the International Commission

Immediately after annexation of Vardar Macedonia to the Kingdom of Serbia, the Macedonian Slavs were faced with the policy of forced serbianisation.[3][4] Those who declare as the Bulgarians were, harassed or deported to Bulgaria.[5] Many high clergy of Bulgarian Orthodox Church were expelled: Cosmas of Debar (Bishop), Axentius of Bitola (Archbishop), Neophytus of Skopje, Meletius of Veles, Boris of Ohrid and others.[6] The population of Macedonia was forced to declare as Serbs. Those who refused were beaten and tortured.[7] prominent people and teachers from Skopje who refused to declare as Serbs were deported to Bulgaria.[6] International Commission concluded that the Serbian state started in Macedonia wide sociological experiment of "assimilation through terror."[6]

During the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, the government of the Kingdom pursued a linguistic Serbisation policy towards population of the Macedonia,[8] then called "Southern Serbia" (unofficially) or "Vardar Banovina" (officially). The dialects spoken in this region were referred to as dialects of Serbo-Croatian.[9] Either way, those southern dialects were suppressed with regards education, military and other national activities, and their usage was punishable.[10] The Serbianisation of the Bulgarian language and population in Republic of Macedonia increased after WWII. Persons declaring their Bulgarian identity were imprisoned or went into exile, and in this way Vardar Macedonia was effectively de-Bulgarised.[11]

The Albanian population of Macedonia was also subjected to policies of Serbianisation, especially from 1912 until the establishment of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, when the Slavic Macedonian language became prominent and was imposed upon the Albanian population.

Krvava Koleda:

The Bloody Christmas (Bulgarian: Кървава Коледа, Karvava Koleda) or the Bloody Bozhik (Кървав Божик, Karvav Bozhik) was a campaign in which several hundreds of people with Bulgarian self-identification were killed as collaborators by the Yugoslav communist authorities in the Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia between January 7–9, 1945.[1] Thousands of others who retained their pro-Bulgarian sympathies suffered severe repression as a result.[2]

After the end of the Second World War, manifested Bulgarians in the so-called "new lands" in Vardar Macedonia, briefly annexed to Bulgaria during the war, were persecuted with the heavy charges of "great-Bulgarian chauvinism". This chapter of the Macedonia's history was a taboo subject for conversation until the late 1980s, and as a result, decades of official silence created a reaction in the form of numerous data manipulations for nationalist, communist propaganda purposes.[3] The Macedonian national consciousness was only in germination until 1945, but at the end of the WWII it was ripe for development and a political decision to do it was taken.[4] To wipe out the bulgarophile sentiments of parts of the local population, the Yugoslav Communists started a remarcable process of nation-building.[5] This events are belittled even today in the Republic of Macedonia and their victims are counted at only 200 people, but Ethnic Macedonians.[6]

From the start of the new SR Macedonia, accusations surfaced that new authorities were involved in retribution against people who did not support the formation of the new Ethnic Macedonian identity.[7] The numbers of dead "traitors" and "collaborators" due to organized killings of Bulgarians during the Bloody Christmas and afterwards, however is unclear, but some sources put the number of the victims to 1,200.[8] The idea was to weaken the Bulgarian intelligentsia in Macedonia, to eradicate the Bulgarian self-consciousness of parts of the population and to speed-up the process of Macedonisation.[9] During the terror of January 1945, on the road between the lake Ohrid and lake Prespa, on the hills of the Galichica Mountain near the village of Teševo and other villages, more Bulgarians were executed.[10] Most of the bodies were disposed of in the Prespa lake. Nearly all inhabited places in Vardar Macedonia provided victims for the campaign.[11] In several cities in Vardar Macedonia which were set up people's courts, issuing death sentences over citizens charged of "great-Bulgarian chauvinism". Only in Skopje in 1945, 18 trials were held with 226 defendants, 22 of whom were sentenced to death. In Stip in the same period seven Bulgarians were sentenced to death, in Prilep - ten, in Veles - ten, in Bitola - nine etc. According to Bulgarian sources only in the period 1945-1947 over 4,700 Bulgarians were massacred or gone missing.[12] As a result of the purge, thousands were deported, displaced, persecuted or sent to concentration camps of the Former Yugoslavia

Da li se išta slično događalo sa govornicima Torlačkog odnosno da li je bilo ubojstava intelektualaca, zatvaranja ili protjerivanja akademika i običnog puka, pokušaja Srbijanizacije i sl?
Kratki uvod :

We find here, as everywhere else, the ordinary measures of "Serbization" — the closing of schools, disarmament, invitations to schoolmasters to become Servian officials, nomination of "Serbomanes," "Grecomanes," and vlachs, as village headmen, orders to the clergy of obedience to the Servian Archbishop, acts of violence against influential individuals, prohibition of transit, multiplication of requisitions, forged signatures to declarations and patriotic telegrams, the organization of special bands, military executions in the villages and so forth.[2]

— Report of the International Commission

Immediately after annexation of Vardar Macedonia to the Kingdom of Serbia, the Macedonian Slavs were faced with the policy of forced serbianisation.[3][4] Those who declare as the Bulgarians were, harassed or deported to Bulgaria.[5] Many high clergy of Bulgarian Orthodox Church were expelled: Cosmas of Debar (Bishop), Axentius of Bitola (Archbishop), Neophytus of Skopje, Meletius of Veles, Boris of Ohrid and others.[6] The population of Macedonia was forced to declare as Serbs. Those who refused were beaten and tortured.[7] prominent people and teachers from Skopje who refused to declare as Serbs were deported to Bulgaria.[6] International Commission concluded that the Serbian state started in Macedonia wide sociological experiment of "assimilation through terror."[6]

During the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, the government of the Kingdom pursued a linguistic Serbisation policy towards population of the Macedonia,[8] then called "Southern Serbia" (unofficially) or "Vardar Banovina" (officially). The dialects spoken in this region were referred to as dialects of Serbo-Croatian.[9] Either way, those southern dialects were suppressed with regards education, military and other national activities, and their usage was punishable.[10] The Serbianisation of the Bulgarian language and population in Republic of Macedonia increased after WWII. Persons declaring their Bulgarian identity were imprisoned or went into exile, and in this way Vardar Macedonia was effectively de-Bulgarised.[11]

The Albanian population of Macedonia was also subjected to policies of Serbianisation, especially from 1912 until the establishment of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, when the Slavic Macedonian language became prominent and was imposed upon the Albanian population.

Krvava Koleda:

The Bloody Christmas (Bulgarian: Кървава Коледа, Karvava Koleda) or the Bloody Bozhik (Кървав Божик, Karvav Bozhik) was a campaign in which several hundreds of people with Bulgarian self-identification were killed as collaborators by the Yugoslav communist authorities in the Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia between January 7–9, 1945.[1] Thousands of others who retained their pro-Bulgarian sympathies suffered severe repression as a result.[2]

After the end of the Second World War, manifested Bulgarians in the so-called "new lands" in Vardar Macedonia, briefly annexed to Bulgaria during the war, were persecuted with the heavy charges of "great-Bulgarian chauvinism". This chapter of the Macedonia's history was a taboo subject for conversation until the late 1980s, and as a result, decades of official silence created a reaction in the form of numerous data manipulations for nationalist, communist propaganda purposes.[3] The Macedonian national consciousness was only in germination until 1945, but at the end of the WWII it was ripe for development and a political decision to do it was taken.[4] To wipe out the bulgarophile sentiments of parts of the local population, the Yugoslav Communists started a remarcable process of nation-building.[5] This events are belittled even today in the Republic of Macedonia and their victims are counted at only 200 people, but Ethnic Macedonians.[6]

From the start of the new SR Macedonia, accusations surfaced that new authorities were involved in retribution against people who did not support the formation of the new Ethnic Macedonian identity.[7] The numbers of dead "traitors" and "collaborators" due to organized killings of Bulgarians during the Bloody Christmas and afterwards, however is unclear, but some sources put the number of the victims to 1,200.[8] The idea was to weaken the Bulgarian intelligentsia in Macedonia, to eradicate the Bulgarian self-consciousness of parts of the population and to speed-up the process of Macedonisation.[9] During the terror of January 1945, on the road between the lake Ohrid and lake Prespa, on the hills of the Galichica Mountain near the village of Teševo and other villages, more Bulgarians were executed.[10] Most of the bodies were disposed of in the Prespa lake. Nearly all inhabited places in Vardar Macedonia provided victims for the campaign.[11] In several cities in Vardar Macedonia which were set up people's courts, issuing death sentences over citizens charged of "great-Bulgarian chauvinism". Only in Skopje in 1945, 18 trials were held with 226 defendants, 22 of whom were sentenced to death. In Stip in the same period seven Bulgarians were sentenced to death, in Prilep - ten, in Veles - ten, in Bitola - nine etc. According to Bulgarian sources only in the period 1945-1947 over 4,700 Bulgarians were massacred or gone missing.[12] As a result of the purge, thousands were deported, displaced, persecuted or sent to concentration camps of the Former Yugoslavia[/SPOILER](1945)

Da li se išta slično događalo sa govornicima Torlačkog odnosno da li je bilo ubojstava intelektualaca, zatvaranja ili protjerivanja akademika i običnog puka, pokušaja Srbijanizacije i sl?
Koliko je tačan Vikipedijin članak koji si naveo, najbolje govori njegova druga rečenica, koju si nekim čudom preskočio da navedeš:

In 1689, Čarnojević led thousands of Rascians, respectively Serbs, and settled them in Croatia.

Drugim rečima, Velika seoba Srba je Srbe pod Čarnojevićem naselila u Hrvatsku, ne u Ugarsku, i to 1689 (a ne 1690. kada se zaista dogodila). Kako samo uspevate da pronađete te gluposti po engleskoj Vikipediji, koja je inače prilično savesna, ne znam, ja vam se divim.

Sledeći biserna budalaština, koju integralno navodiš, jeste da se pod pojmom "serbianization" podrazumeva događaj nazvan "krvavi Božić 1944" iako zapravo o Srbima nigde nema reči, nego je reč o represiji u Makedoniji u okviru komunističkog revolucionarnog terora (čije su, uzgred, najbrojnije žrtve bile upravo Srbi) nad nekim stanovnicima Makedonije koji su se izjašnjavali kao Bugari.

Moram priznati da o tom događaju ne znam dovoljno pa ne bih o tome, mada sam zapazio čudnu stvar da se događaj "krvava Koleda" vezuje za 6. i 7. januar 1944. godine, kada je zaista Božić, ali ne Bugarima, čija se crkva, koliko znam, ne pridržava julijanskog kalendara i njima tada nije Božić.

I onda se, na temelju svih tih manipulacija i falsifikata, nevino zapitaš da li je "govornicima Torlačkog odnosno da li je bilo ubojstava intelektualaca, zatvaranja ili protjerivanja akademika i običnog puka, pokušaja Srbijanizacije i sl".
Koliko je tačan Vikipedijin članak koji si naveo, najbolje govori njegova druga rečenica, koju si nekim čudom preskočio da navedeš:

Drugim rečima, Velika seoba Srba je Srbe pod Čarnojevićem naselila u Hrvatsku, ne u Ugarsku, i to 1689 (a ne 1690. kada se zaista dogodila). Kako samo uspevate da pronađete te gluposti po engleskoj Vikipediji, koja je inače prilično savesna, ne znam, ja vam se divim.

Sledeći biserna budalaština, koju integralno navodiš, jeste da se pod pojmom "serbianization" podrazumeva događaj nazvan "krvavi Božić 1944" iako zapravo o Srbima nigde nema reči, nego je reč o represiji u Makedoniji u okviru komunističkog revolucionarnog terora (čije su, uzgred, najbrojnije žrtve bile upravo Srbi) nad nekim stanovnicima Makedonije koji su se izjašnjavali kao Bugari.

Moram priznati da o tom događaju ne znam dovoljno pa ne bih o tome, mada sam zapazio čudnu stvar da se događaj "krvava Koleda" vezuje za 6. i 7. januar 1944. godine, kada je zaista Božić, ali ne Bugarima, čija se crkva, koliko znam, ne pridržava julijanskog kalendara i njima tada nije Božić.

I onda se, na temelju svih tih manipulacija i falsifikata, nevino zapitaš da li je "govornicima Torlačkog odnosno da li je bilo ubojstava intelektualaca, zatvaranja ili protjerivanja akademika i običnog puka, pokušaja Srbijanizacije i sl".

Bugarska pravoslavna crkva upotrebuje julijanskog kalendara do 20 decembar 1968.Приемане_на_григорианския_календар
Poslednja izmena:
Zbog studentskih demonstracija, hipi pokreta i tako tih stvari.
A koji bi drugi razlog da bas bude 1968?

Јесте мало необично. Православне цркве су генерално питање календара решавале на конгресу 1923. године. И поделиле су се. Неке су задржале јулијански (као српска), неке су усвојиле нови, грегоријански, а неке су, као бугарска, усвојиле такозвани Миланковићев календар што је у пракси исто као и грегоријански. Али ето, бугарска црква није то учинила тада, него тек 1968, каже Хан-Ацо, то нисам знао.
