Милиони Британаца приморани да живе у сред зиме без струје у крајњој беди које расте!


Милиони Британаца приморани да живе у сред зиме без струје у крајњој беди која расте!!!!

Millions of Britons forced to go without energy as bills rise and fuel poverty soars​

One women shave her hair off as she couldn’t afford the energy to wash it, a report from National Energy Action has said​

Jabed Ahmed
Thursday 30 November 2023 15:31 GMT

<p>41% of prepayment meter customers - approximately two million households - have found themselves without credit on their prepayment meter</p>

41% of prepayment meter customers - approximately two million households - have found themselves without credit on their prepayment meter


More than two million Britons have gone without energy in the last three months, according to new polling that shows the number of people in fuel poverty is set to surge from January.

Figures from fuel poverty charity National Energy Action (NEA) revealed 41 per cent of prepayment meter customers - approximately two million households - have found themselves without credit on their prepayment meter and unable to access energy in the last three months.

The survey also found 6.5 million UK households will be in fuel poverty from January 2024 when Ofgem’s price cap changes - up from 4.5 million in October 2021.

The charity say they have heard harrowing stories from those in fuel poverty including one woman who shaved her hair off as she couldn’t afford the energy to wash it regularly. Others have said they take cold water bucket showers to save using electric showers.

The polling, in association with YouGov, also showed that 43% of adults in the UK have gone to bed early to stay warm, while 5.5 million people have used ovens to stay warm. It comes following Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement last week, which was criticised by fuel poverty charities across the country for failing to provide financial support to the poorest households.

<p>Jeremy Hunt has been criticsed for not doing enough to tackle the cost of living crisis</p>

Jeremy Hunt has been criticsed for not doing enough to tackle the cost of living crisis
(UK PARLIAMENT/AFP via Getty Imag)
National Energy Action Chief Executive Adam Scorer said: “Let’s make no mistake. These are not ‘coping tactics’. No one should have to shower with cold water or disconnect from energy entirely. For two years we’ve been warning that people’s lives are in danger from sky-high energy prices and the situation is only getting worse from January.

“Many households need to use more energy to run medical equipment at home but are being forced to ration its use or stop using it altogether. Others are turning off fridges, despite them containing vital medicine. Or they are running up unmanageable debt so that they can keep the heating on, causing a devastating impact on mental health. People trapped in a vicious cycle of hospital admission, discharge and readmission. For thousands it means premature death.

“The failure to provide additional support in last week’s Autumn Statement means the poorest households are living in cold and unsafe homes this winter, with grave consequences for people’s health and well-being.”

Last week the national energy regulator Ofgem announced energy bills will rise by 5% – an average of £100 more for households with typical usage.

A Department for Energy Security and Net Zero spokesperson said: “We’re providing targeted support to the most vulnerable this winter - three million households are expected to benefit from our £150 Warm Home Discount and millions will receive up to £900 in further Cost of Living Payments.

“We recently launched our Great British Insulation Scheme, helping families in lower council tax bands with less energy-efficient homes to keep their homes warm and save money on their bills.

“The government’s record on energy efficiency speaks for itself, with almost half of all homes in England now having an EPC rating of C or above, up from 14% in 2010.”


2 милиона британских домаћинстава немају да плате струју и живе у сред зиме , у тоталном мраку смрзавајући се!!!

43% Британаца иде рано у кревет јер им је хладно и немају новца да греју сопствене станове!!!

Британија је од некада најбогатије земље - постала земља трећег света где скоро 50% популације нема новца да угреје сопствену кућу!!!

И док њихова власт троши МИЛИЈАРДЕ пореских обвезника на ратове у иностранству против Русије, Кине, Сирије, Либије, Ирака, Ирана, Јемена њихови грађани живе у никад већој беди која експоненцијално РАСТЕ!!!!

Не знам шта би рекао на ово @Победоносцев али ово је крајње поражавајуће за Британце.
Ено једу Стари Београд сардину њих 6

Код Србина тј мене у кући пријатних 24 степена.

Греје ме буковина са Голије и Рогозне.

Могу и да се разгаћим.

А Енглез бајо, седа на ледену даску од ВЦ шоље која му смрзава и леди јајца у ваздуху.

Код Енглеза зими је просек испод 15 степени, греје се само једна соба а у купатилима је плус 3.

Србија је за Енглеску запад.
Зато друже што имају пара да наредних 50 година деле плате и пензије а да притом не раде.
Банкарска земља.
А друго,јежим се од филозофије сви цркавају,само је нама добро.
Немам тај ниво интелигенције.
Зато је прича шупља...за уже народне масе.
"Dugoročni izgledi nude malo olakšanja. Danas je vodeći britanski prognostičar tržišta električne energije predvideo da će cene električne energije porasti za trećinu 2024. Za milione Britanaca ovi sumorni naslovi su svakodnevna realnost. Karin, 54, ne može da priušti da plati račune za svoj socijalni stan u Nortemptonu - cena je „daleko, daleko veća“ nego što njen budžet dozvoljava. „Voda, gas, sve – verovatno sam potrošio oko 20 sati ukupno otkako sam se uselio u julu. Osećam se kao da kradem u prodavnici kada ga koristim", kaže ona. „Zapravo sam prestravljen. Ne znam šta ću da radim kada vreme postane hladnije. Zaista ne znam šta ću da radim."
Бивша колонијална империја (лопови),центар масонерије света,европска филијала свих америчких корпорација....

А колико породица држи Србију?
Зато друже што имају пара да наредних 50 година деле плате и пензије а да притом не раде.
Банкарска земља.
А друго,јежим се од филозофије сви цркавају,само је нама добро.
Немам тај ниво интелигенције.
Зато је прича шупља...за уже народне масе.
Laže Indpendent, banda je to ? :think:
Милиони Британаца приморани да живе у сред зиме без струје у крајњој беди која расте!!!!

Millions of Britons forced to go without energy as bills rise and fuel poverty soars​

One women shave her hair off as she couldn’t afford the energy to wash it, a report from National Energy Action has said​

Jabed Ahmed
Thursday 30 November 2023 15:31 GMT

<p>41% of prepayment meter customers - approximately two million households - have found themselves without credit on their prepayment meter</p>

41% of prepayment meter customers - approximately two million households - have found themselves without credit on their prepayment meter


More than two million Britons have gone without energy in the last three months, according to new polling that shows the number of people in fuel poverty is set to surge from January.

Figures from fuel poverty charity National Energy Action (NEA) revealed 41 per cent of prepayment meter customers - approximately two million households - have found themselves without credit on their prepayment meter and unable to access energy in the last three months.

The survey also found 6.5 million UK households will be in fuel poverty from January 2024 when Ofgem’s price cap changes - up from 4.5 million in October 2021.

The charity say they have heard harrowing stories from those in fuel poverty including one woman who shaved her hair off as she couldn’t afford the energy to wash it regularly. Others have said they take cold water bucket showers to save using electric showers.

The polling, in association with YouGov, also showed that 43% of adults in the UK have gone to bed early to stay warm, while 5.5 million people have used ovens to stay warm. It comes following Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement last week, which was criticised by fuel poverty charities across the country for failing to provide financial support to the poorest households.

<p>Jeremy Hunt has been criticsed for not doing enough to tackle the cost of living crisis</p>

Jeremy Hunt has been criticsed for not doing enough to tackle the cost of living crisis
(UK PARLIAMENT/AFP via Getty Imag)
National Energy Action Chief Executive Adam Scorer said: “Let’s make no mistake. These are not ‘coping tactics’. No one should have to shower with cold water or disconnect from energy entirely. For two years we’ve been warning that people’s lives are in danger from sky-high energy prices and the situation is only getting worse from January.

“Many households need to use more energy to run medical equipment at home but are being forced to ration its use or stop using it altogether. Others are turning off fridges, despite them containing vital medicine. Or they are running up unmanageable debt so that they can keep the heating on, causing a devastating impact on mental health. People trapped in a vicious cycle of hospital admission, discharge and readmission. For thousands it means premature death.

“The failure to provide additional support in last week’s Autumn Statement means the poorest households are living in cold and unsafe homes this winter, with grave consequences for people’s health and well-being.”

Last week the national energy regulator Ofgem announced energy bills will rise by 5% – an average of £100 more for households with typical usage.

A Department for Energy Security and Net Zero spokesperson said: “We’re providing targeted support to the most vulnerable this winter - three million households are expected to benefit from our £150 Warm Home Discount and millions will receive up to £900 in further Cost of Living Payments.

“We recently launched our Great British Insulation Scheme, helping families in lower council tax bands with less energy-efficient homes to keep their homes warm and save money on their bills.

“The government’s record on energy efficiency speaks for itself, with almost half of all homes in England now having an EPC rating of C or above, up from 14% in 2010.”


2 милиона британских домаћинстава немају да плате струју и живе у сред зиме , у тоталном мраку смрзавајући се!!!

43% Британаца иде рано у кревет јер им је хладно и немају новца да греју сопствене станове!!!

Британија је од некада најбогатије земље - постала земља трећег света где скоро 50% популације нема новца да угреје сопствену кућу!!!

И док њихова власт троши МИЛИЈАРДЕ пореских обвезника на ратове у иностранству против Русије, Кине, Сирије, Либије, Ирака, Ирана, Јемена њихови грађани живе у никад већој беди која експоненцијално РАСТЕ!!!!

Не знам шта би рекао на ово @Победоносцев али ово је крајње поражавајуће за Британце.
Demokratija ima i svoju cenu.
Najbolje se zivi na zapadu u mozgovima Sorosevaca z:D
samo ako rikne berza i nastupe godine kao za vreme velike depresije 30-ih, zapad bi propao, a u svakoj drugoj varijanti nema sanse, bar ne amerika, a za brite nisam siguran kada oni moraju da biraju izmedju 'rane i grejanja
Код Србина тј мене у кући пријатних 24 степена.

Греје ме буковина са Голије и Рогозне.

Могу и да се разгаћим.

А Енглез бајо, седа на ледену даску од ВЦ шоље која му смрзава и леди јајца у ваздуху.

Код Енглеза зими је просек испод 15 степени, греје се само једна соба а у купатилима је
Jel ti to zivis u satoru, cus 24 stepeni. Znas Tixi stil zivota nije isti u Raskoj i Bristolu…
Код Србина тј мене у кући пријатних 24 степена.
mnogo je kume
mi ameri drzimo do ili oko 22 c iliti 72 f, bar ja ne volim da se dira termostat i pojacava, da se znojim bzvz, mada neki drze i nize

aaa, bukovina... kada bih instalirao cevke kroz krov i sve bilo po ps za drva bih se snasao. ima ih iza kuce vec popadalih

Is 72 F hot or cold?

68 to 72 degrees is a temperature range that is not too warm or cool, and is sufficient enough to warm up the home just enough so that everyone is comfortable regardless of the type of clothing they have on.
Poslednja izmena:
Jel ti to zivis u satoru, cus 24 stepeni. Znas Tixi stil zivota nije isti u Raskoj i Bristolu…

Evo me ustao sam . Pala mi temperatura na 22.8 a zadao sam da drzi 23 .

Sad cu malo jutarnje gimnastike da primenim u vidu unosenja drva pa da zalozim .

Mojoj deci je toplo .

Ugrejte sopstvenu sirotinju mesto sto pare trosite na sirenje zla sirom sveta.
