Djelic: Srbija ne treba da nervira susede !...ja vise ne razumem ove DSovce,a vi?

To ne menja cinjenicu da vecina(ako ne i svi) politicari treba da osete cari lopate,krampa i drugih sredstava za oplemenjivanje duha!z:poz:z:)
Не мења. Нико то није ни рекао.

Треба да осете, него шта.

Чак, и кад не кажу ништа, или кад не ураде нешто лоше.

За сваки случај.
Djelic: Serbia is a regional leader in the West Balkans for the investors

29. November 2007. | 09:55 17:44

The best guarantee of economic development and EU approximation for Kosovo would be it remained within Serbia
Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic said on Wednesday evening that despite the fact that negotiations on the issue of the future status of Kosovo-Metohija did not result in a compromise, Serbia will continue to look for a solution which would be acceptable to both sides. Speaking at the 6th roundtable organised by London magazine the Economist, Djelic said that with its constructive approach in the negotiations Serbia has proved that it is a regional leader and not without reason is the favourite place in the West Balkans for investors. He said that Serbia cannot prevent some countries from recognising a possible unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo-Metohija, but he stressed that Serbia will spare no efforts to convince the international community that it is necessary to find a mutually acceptable solution. The Serbian Deputy Prime Minister said that Serbia proposes what is based on facts and reality and that it cannot accept the province's independence, adding that that position is incorporated in the Serbian Constitution and several parliament resolutions. According to him, regardless of the resolution of the Kosovo issue, Serbia will not jeopardise its European future, which however does not mean that Serbia is ready to give up its territorial integrity in exchange for concessions in getting closer to the EU. No one in Serbia would accept that, Djelic underlined and added that the best guarantee of economic development and EU approximation for Kosovo would be it remained within Serbia.(Serbian Government)


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Danny Elfman
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Djelic: Serbia is a regional leader in the West Balkans for the investors

29. November 2007. | 09:55 17:44

The best guarantee of economic development and EU approximation for Kosovo would be it remained within Serbia
Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic said on Wednesday evening that despite the fact that negotiations on the issue of the future status of Kosovo-Metohija did not result in a compromise, Serbia will continue to look for a solution which would be acceptable to both sides. Speaking at the 6th roundtable organised by London magazine the Economist, Djelic said that with its constructive approach in the negotiations Serbia has proved that it is a regional leader and not without reason is the favourite place in the West Balkans for investors. He said that Serbia cannot prevent some countries from recognising a possible unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo-Metohija, but he stressed that Serbia will spare no efforts to convince the international community that it is necessary to find a mutually acceptable solution. The Serbian Deputy Prime Minister said that Serbia proposes what is based on facts and reality and that it cannot accept the province's independence, adding that that position is incorporated in the Serbian Constitution and several parliament resolutions. According to him, regardless of the resolution of the Kosovo issue, Serbia will not jeopardise its European future, which however does not mean that Serbia is ready to give up its territorial integrity in exchange for concessions in getting closer to the EU. No one in Serbia would accept that, Djelic underlined and added that the best guarantee of economic development and EU approximation for Kosovo would be it remained within Serbia.(Serbian Government)
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Ма човек је један мали пацов, па цела њихова страначка кампања била је у фазону СРБИЈА ЛИДЕР У РЕГИОНУ - а БоТа је такве изјаве дао бар 100 пута
да би он сада цијукао нешто скроз обратно...:

Đelić: Ne treba da nerviramo susede

16. decembar 2009. | 15:23 | Izvor: Beta

Beograd -- Vicepremijer Božidar Đelić kaže da Srbija treba da predlaže nove ideje o napredovanju Evrope, a ne da pretenduje da bude neki lider, što nervira susedne zemlje.

Đelić je na skupu EU i Ugovor iz Lisabona: Nova šansa za Srbiju naveo da se državna administracija uveliko priprema za popunjavanje upitnika za kandidaturu za članstvo u EU i da je od susednih zemalja dobila 4.000 tehničkih pitanja koja su podeljenja ministarstvima.


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