Бугарска тражи да Косово призна Бугарску мањину


Hurray for the most righteous nation, the Serbians!

P. s. I'm afraid that Greeks and Romanians are also members of the evil axis of NATO and EU.


Poslednja izmena:
Yeah. That was a huge mistake (1885), I admit.
Now do you admit your big mistakes? There are planty of them- 1330, 1913, 1915, 1941..


Oh, yeah, but the war in 1885 was not your first giant mistake towards the Bulgarians in your modern history. This is one even earlier Serbian aggression:

The historical, ethnographic and geographical map of the "Serbians" and "Serbian lands" by Miloš Milojević, 1873



Full resolution: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Velika_Srbija_Milosh.JPG

Oh, yeah, but the war in 1885 was not your first giant mistake towards the Bulgarians in your modern history. This is one even earlier Serbian aggression:

The historical, ethnographic and geographical map of the "Serbians" and "Serbian lands" by Miloš Milojević, 1873



Full resolution: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Velika_Srbija_Milosh.JPG

I don't see any military agression. Don't make fun of yourself here anymore. You have made so many mistakes to us through history, that you should kneel and bag for our forgiveness.
I don't see any military agression. Don't make fun of yourself here anymore. You have made so many mistakes to us through history, that you should kneel and bag for our forgiveness.


But I see one disgusting denial of the existence of the separate Bulgarian nation, which is a form of nationalist aggression.
This comical map, that I see for the first time in my life is comparable with everything you have done to my country? What are you sick or something? :D

I'm not surprised that you don't know almost anything about the Serbian nationalist pretensions and crimes towards the Bulgarians in the modern history. My advice: first read at least 10 academic publications written by neutral authors about that period and then come back here and discuss on one more relevant base.

Poslednja izmena:
I'm not surprised that you don't know almost anything about the Serbian nationalist pretensions and crimes towards the Bulgarians in the modern history. My advice: first read more academic publications by neutral authors about that period and then come back here and discuss on one more relevant base.


Main problem is that you dont know what crimes are those that you are speaking about. Name one?

For example- Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1330, or Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1913, or bUlgaria attacked Serbia at 1915, or Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1941, or Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1999, or Bulgaria recognized kosovo at 2008..

Just like that name anything that Serbia have done to Bulgaria, except what happened at 1885.

Please just dont say, somene pictured this or that map, or someone painted this or that, or someone puked here or there.
Bugari su usli u ksenofobiju prema autoru ovog teksta agencije Rojters, po pitanju Pomaka.


A evo sada nastoje da i ljude na Kosovu svojata.

Ali na Kosovu se pamti situacija kada su Bugari okupirali gnjilanski kraj.

Izgleda da ksenofobija postaje sve jaca sto zemlja ulazi u katastrofu kao sto je slucaj sa Bugarskom ovih dana.
Bugari su usli u ksenofobiju prema autoru ovog teksta agencije Rojters, po pitanju Pomaka.


A evo sada nastoje da i ljude na Kosovu svojata.

Ali na Kosovu se pamti situacija kada su Bugari okupirali gnjilanski kraj.

Izgleda da ksenofobija postaje sve jaca sto zemlja ulazi u katastrofu kao sto je slucaj sa Bugarskom ovih dana.

te delove su pripadali Bugarsoj i pre a okupacija je sto siptari su im dali neke teritorije od makeodniju i kosovo jel oni nikada nisu imali drzavu ...nikada nisu imali pravop na nista
siptare od gde tebi informacija da neko ima ksenobiju ovoga teksta:rotf:
Bugari nisu okupirali taj kraj nego siptari su okupirali zapadnu makedoniju ;)
Poslednja izmena:
Main problem is that you dont know what crimes are those that you are speaking about. Name one?

For example- Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1330, or Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1913, or bUlgaria attacked Serbia at 1915, or Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1941, or Bulgaria attacked Serbia at 1999, or Bulgaria recognized kosovo at 2008..

Just like that name anything that Serbia have done to Bulgaria, except what happened at 1885.

Please just dont say, somene pictured this or that map, or someone painted this or that, or someone puked here or there.


Lies, lies, endless Serbian lies. In the first half of 1913 Serbia closed all several hundreds Bulgarian schools and churches in Macedonia and expelled thousands of teachers and priests. In the same period Serbia made a secret ant-Bulgarian alliance with Greece and thus violated its prewar treaty with Bulgaria. The paving of the path to Srebrenica began in Macedonia in 1913.
Е па када би Срби знали да Бугари источну Србију Бугари називају "Западна Булгариа" и да Болгари тврде да су цркве на Косво њихове не би вас чудило.

Па Бугари траже права и у Албанији где нема ни једног Бугарина
