
La Femme
Identifikovala sam ga..nalazi se u zasebnom folderu medju fotkama i nema teoretske
šanse da ga izbrišem niti da ga kasperski neutrališe..probala sam..ostaje
i ne mrda...
Komp krene da radi sasvim normalno i kroz pet minuta, cim se komp pokrene i krene da radi ne mogu da ucitam ama baš ništa, zaledi sliku i kraj..
Kad ponovo pokušam da udjem na net samo mi pokazuje Untitled bilo koju adresu da biram...

A ima neko cudno ime...eula rtf...
Kad hocu da ga obrišem komp mi izbaci sledece:

Cannnot delete eula. rtf: Access denied.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protekted
ant that the file is not curently in use.

Ja mislim da me to zeza a možda i nije to to..:(
Ovdje je objašnjeno kako ručno da ga obrišeš ali sam mišljenja da bi trebala pokrenuti Malwarebytes Anti Malware a nakon njega ComboFix...Zaustavi ga u Task Menageru pa pokreni ove programe...naravno ako to uopšte dozvoljava...ako ne onda u Safe Mode režimu...

How to Remove EULA.rtf

1. To enable deleting the EULA.rtf file, terminate the associated process in the Task Manager as follows:
* Right-click in the Windows taskbar (a bar that appears along the bottom of the Windows screen) and select Task Manager on the menu.
* In the Tasks Manager window, click the Processes tab.
* On the Processes tab, select EULA.rtf and click End Process.
2. Using your file explorer, browse to the file using the paths listed in Location of EULA.rtf and Associated Malware.
3. Select the file and press SHIFT+Delete on the keyboard.
4. Click Yes in the confirm deletion dialog box.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each location listed in Location of EULA.rtf and Associated Malware.

Deleting Locked Files

You can delete locked files with the RemoveOnReboot utility. You can install the RemoveOnReboot utility from here.

After you delete a locked file, you need to delete all the references to the file in Windows registry.

To delete a locked file:

1. Right-click on the file and select Send To -> Remove on Next Reboot on the menu.
2. Restart your computer.

The file will be deleted on restart.

Note: In the case of complex viruses that can replicate themselves, malware files can reappear in the same locations even after you have deleted those files and restarted your computer. Exterminate It! can effectively eradicate such viruses from your computer.

To remove all registry references to a malware file:

1. On the Windows Start menu, click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window opens.
3. On the Edit menu, select Find.
4. In the Find dialog box, type FILENAME. The name of the first found registry value referencing EULA.rtf is highlighted in the right pane of the Registry Editor window.
5. Right-click the registry value name and select Delete on the menu.
6. Click Yes in the Confirm Value Delete dialog box.
7. To delete all other references to EULA.rtf, repeat steps 4-6.
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