Vaša lična himna...

Kad biste svoj život ili svoje mentalno stanje opisali nekom pesmom, koja bi to pesma bila?! :ceka:

Ja sam na primer bez svake sumnje pesimista, ali itekako spreman da se borim. Tako da je ovo moja himna.:cool:

Postoji jedna pesma koju pustam svaki put kada sam sama ili uznemirena, nisam sigurna da je u desetak godina proslo par dana a da je nisam pustila.
Najvise je volim nocu, po mraku i sa slusalicama. Tada smo samo ona i ja.
shadow dancer will you walk with me tonight
while my body lies so peaceful
we could walk a million miles before the day breaks
while the world is deeply sleeping

shadow dancer will you walk with me tonight
(under the stars)
in a dream we will awaken
(awaken in the moonlight)
we could walk a million miles before the day breaks
(walk a million miles)
while the world is deeply sleeping

shadow dancer will you walk with me tonight
while my body lies so peaceful
we could walk a million miles before the day breaks
while the world is deeply sleeping

shadow dancer will you walk with me tonight
(under the stars)
in a dream we will awaken
(awaken in the moonlight)
we could walk a million miles before the day breaks
(walk a million miles)
while the world is deeply sleeping

shadow dancer will you walk with me tonight
in a dream we will awaken
we could walk a million miles before the day breaks
while the world is deeply sleeping
while the world is deeply sleeping

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