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Као вероватно већина нас, учио сам да је умро од туберкулозе. Откуд прича о томе да је стварно умро од сифилис?
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Као вероватно већина нас, учио сам да је умро од туберкулозе. Откуд прича о томе да је стварно умро од сифилис?
Повремено видим како се пласира кроз разне форуме и сајтове оваква ствар.
Као вероватно већина нас, учио сам да је умро од туберкулозе. Откуд прича о томе да је стварно умро од сифилис?
Interesantno je da oni koji uđu u fazu neuroluesa postaju lucidni, da ne kažem rečima onog Jutjubera sa običnim imenom - počinju da komuniciraju sa demonima (besplatan LSD). Otud je moguće da mnogi umetnički (i drugi) geniji 18. i 19. veka mogu upravo spirohetama da zahvale svoj opus. A malo-malo, pa svaki drugi je imao neku "vodenu-bolest", ogluveo, oslepeo...
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Let’s look at a few of the more famous:
Édouard Manet. Died in 1883 aged just 51, having suffered a long, horrible, lingering death from the disease, with years of partial paralysis from locomotor ataxia and a foot amputation.
Paul Gauguin. When Rolf Harris was imprisoned for fondling girls the value of his work bombed. Yet people are happy to pay tens of millions for Gaugin’s work, despite him not only being a paedophile of Jimmy Savile proportions, but also being syphilitic, infecting many of those dusky Polynesian girls you see in his pictures and many more. Gauguin died in abject poverty in 1903 aged just 54 in the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia, easing his long pain with morphine.
Vincent van Gogh. Committed suicide in 1890 aged 37. Before his death he suffered from poor digestion and a bad stomach, hallucinations, nightmares, stupor, absent mindedness, impotence, insomnia, and anxiety. Typical symptoms of syphilis. Vincent was treated for gonorrhea in 1882 and the grandson of Dr. Cavenaille, one of his physicians, said that he had been diagnosed with syphilis.
Francisco Goya. Died in 1828, in Bordeaux, France at the grand old age of 82. From 1792 an undiagnosed illness made Goya deaf, he then descended into paranoid dementia with noises in his head, temporary loss of vision and of balance. The nature of his artistic output changed drastically.