Twelve Sky

Twelve Sky is an oriental style, martial arts based Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). Located in ancient China, Twelve Sky puts players in the middle of an age old conflict between three warring factions. Choose your side in a quest for honor and power. Wage a never ending battle to obtain ancient holy relics that will help destroy all that oppose you.

* - Natural martial arts movements using motion capture technology
* - Robust large-scale fast-paced Player vs. Player (PvP) battle system
* - A large variety of authentic weapons and thousands of unique items
* - Elaborate weapon and armor enhancing system
* - Regularly updated content
* - Exclusive abilities never before seen in any MMORPG

Battle System

The game features a battle system that is both solo and party friendly. Monsters are easier to defeat than in most MMORPG's which gives the player more opportunities to explore instead of just grinding. When you do spend time fighting Non-playing Characters (NPCs), there are a few features that make things a little more interesting. One is the 'Parts System' that allows your character to hit the upper, middle, and lower body parts of enemies resulting in different death animations. After you get some fighting practice in, heads will definitely roll.

Player vs. Player (PvP)

The game is designed around making an intense PvP experience for players. When you create a character, you swear allegiance to a clan, and you must do everything in your power to expand its power. This generally means joining the various clan battles constantly raging across the land. Be careful though, even if your clan is beating another in battle, a third clan may take you by surprise.


The battle system is based around the mastery of various martial art skills. Skill points are earned after each new level, which can be used to learn new moves or master the ones you have. Not all skills are based on combat. Like a ninja, you must learn to leap from rooftop to rooftop to avoid detection, or cross chasms to reach advanced areas. It will take more than brawn to fulfill your destiny.
Evo su rase:
Guanyin The Guanyin is a well balanced clan. Noble in heart, they are often underestimated by those who think they do not have the will to be devastating fighters. However, they're the most well balanced fighters when compared to the other factions. Proficient in all weapons, The Guanyin are just as well suited with a blade as they are with using their fists.
Znachi ovo kao neki humani

Fujin The Fujin is the master of the double-edged swords. While they have the lowest defense, health, and chi when compared to other factions, they can wear the most powerful armor. They are also the fastest among the three factions, making them very desirable.
Ovo su kao Vampiri,

Jinong The Jinong is by far the strongest of all the factions. Their damage increases dramatically according to strength, and the difference becomes huge as the characters level up.
In terms of stats alone, they are the most powerful characters.
While mighty as the ox, the Jinong is slow of foot when it comes to running. To supplement this drawback, the Jinong actually has a special form of martial arts that increases their speed.
A Ovo su kao izgleda kao neki Divovi,Ovo su bash Warriori.
OVAKO,igra je dobra,grafika i nije nesto ali je extra.Imaju dva servera Devotion(vise igraca,ja sam tu) i Serenity.Rokas se katanama,double bladeom itd.Ima dobrih kombo udarca kako bi ih mi nazvali FINISH HIM!!!Kad pocnes,prvi kombo koji imas je da roknes moba katanom,on padne dole,i ti napravis jedans SALTO MORTALE i skratis ga bas po pojasu.Kontrole u pocetku malo nejasne.Ali priznajte tako je i bilo sa WoW-om i GW-om.Dakle ja sam Guanyin,lvl 8.Uvideo sam nesto sto me zbunilo:Guanyin imaju BLADE a FUJIN katana.ZAPRAVO BLADE I KATANA IZGLEDAJU ISTO.To mi je zamerka.Ima tu i raznih drevnih moci,nije na Japanskom ili Kineskom(Dobro je:lol:) nego na Engleskom.Ima jos jedan problem,mobovi i igraci ne pokazuju koji su lvl.Dakle ko hoce Guanyin,nek ide na devotion samnom,zovem se RAYMONDO
Znachi, vredi skidati.
Taman, nastavljam skidati 54%
Ja cu verovatno biti vampir lol ne znam
ne volim humane,glupo mi je biti human , zasto ne bih bio vampir sto nikada u zivotu necu moci da budem,human sam human....
E da,ima i onog osvajanja teritorija,ali ne znam sve o tome,samo da se kolju klanovi za teritoriju,ili sta vec.A ti mixed,svidja mi se ono za nindzu.Ali jos ne mogu da skacem pa...shavatas:lol:
Svi klanovi se bore medjusobno,npr:ti i tvoj klan se borite protiv nekog drugog,recimo fujin protiv jinong.A fujing pobedjuje,ali sa druge strane grada ti unistavaju sve,KAPIS?
