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Kako to da osmi najbolji gitarista dvadesetog veka, i pored toga sto svira gitaru skoro 20 godina pred milionima ljudi, ne zna da se bezicni gitarski transmiter i bezicne slusalice u smeju dodirivati, jer stvaraju staticno zujanje u slusalicama. Osnovna stvar za koju trazi pomoc od njene ekipe, dok joj nisu objasnili sta je problem. I povrh svega, ona to javno obeznani svima tokom koncerta......blam u najmanju ruku, rekao bih.
"Sorry, I’m just wondering if there’s anything that you guys can do about the static in my ears. It just got really bad. It’s, like, very awful.”
She then addresses the crowd, saying, “I just wanted this to sound good for you guys, so I’m going to have somebody come out and change my pack really quick.” After seemingly hearing what her crew had to say via her earpiece, she exclaims, “Oh, I can fix this! It’s fixed. OK, so wanna hear a boring story? I have a wireless ear pack on my clothing and I have a guitar pack for my wireless guitar and they cannot touch. Which I just was today years old that I learned, so now I know how to fix that in the future.”
"Sorry, I’m just wondering if there’s anything that you guys can do about the static in my ears. It just got really bad. It’s, like, very awful.”
She then addresses the crowd, saying, “I just wanted this to sound good for you guys, so I’m going to have somebody come out and change my pack really quick.” After seemingly hearing what her crew had to say via her earpiece, she exclaims, “Oh, I can fix this! It’s fixed. OK, so wanna hear a boring story? I have a wireless ear pack on my clothing and I have a guitar pack for my wireless guitar and they cannot touch. Which I just was today years old that I learned, so now I know how to fix that in the future.”