Posle SAD i Velika Britanija dala dozvolu Ukrajini da raketama gađa duboko unutar Rusije

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Biden’s green light for Ukraine to use ATACMS in Russia just raised the stakes in a war Trump will inherit​

Analysis by Nick Paton Walsh, CNN
Updated 3:32 PM EST, Sun November 17, 2024
An early version of an Army Tactical Missile System is tested December 14, 2021, at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

John Hamilton/US Army
In this handout photo from the US Army, an early version of an Army Tactical Missile System is tested December 14, 2021, at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
The decision by US President Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to use long-range American missiles in Russia follows a familiar pattern.
The White House refuses for months to grant a weapons request from Ukraine, fearing it would be escalatory. Kyiv loudly decries the refusal, and just when the request seems to have been parked, the Biden administration approves it.
Ukraine’s request for HIMARS, Abrams tanks, F16s – all followed a similar pattern of refuse and prevaricate, and then grant, almost at the moment when it is too late.

Is it too late for the US-made Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, to make a difference if it hits targets deep inside Russia?
The answer is complex and perhaps explains some of the reluctance of the Biden administration to grant permission.
Firstly, there is a limited supply of ATACMS that Ukraine can get its hands on. So even Kyiv being able to hit deep inside Russia – and the longer range of ATACMS is 100km or 62 miles – is not going to yield an overnight change in the battlefield.
Analysts have listed the volume of Russian targets that are in range of these missiles – with the Institute for the Study of War listing hundreds of targets – after the Biden administration apparently briefed that Russian airfields in ATACMS range had seen their attack aircraft evacuated deeper inside Russia.
But really, Ukraine will not get enough ATACMS to alter the course of the war.
EAST COAST, SOUTH KOREA - JULY 29:  In this handout photo released by the South Korean Defense Ministry, U.S. Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) firing a missile into the East Sea during a South Korea-U.S. joint missile drill aimed to counter North Korea¡¯s ICBM test on July 29, 2017 in East Coast, South Korea. North Korea launched another test missile, believed to be an Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), which travelled 45 minutes before splashing down in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Japan. (Photo by South Korean Defense Ministry via Getty Images)

Biden authorizes Ukraine to use long-range US weapons in Russia

Secondly, Ukraine has been able to penetrate deeper inside Russia using domestically manufactured and cheaper drones. The United States has agreed to help fund the development of these devices, which appear to have caused havoc around Moscow’s airports and across Russia’s energy infrastructure.
Thirdly, the permission to use US precision missiles to hit deeper inside Russia is, as it sounds, quite provocative.
It is true that Moscow is quite militarily weak now, and unlikely to seek full conflict with NATO or the US.
But at some point, the Kremlin will seek to restore its deterrence. Moscow’s intelligence services have been blamed for sabotage of civilian targets across Europe, including recent reports that explosive packages were planted on courier planes inside Europe.
The Biden administration was correct to weigh the practical utility of longer range strikes, against the potential for civilian collateral damage in NATO member states, if Russia felt obliged to somehow hit back.
So it was not as simple or obvious decision as some advocates in Kyiv claimed. The wider goal seems to have been to get the Biden administration to put more skin in the game of Ukraine’s war – to truly takes the gloves off.
Yet the White House is keen to stress the deployment of North Korean troops into Kursk fueled its decision – that this is the US’ response to Moscow’s escalation.
Western officials have noted the North Korean deployment represents the Ukraine conflict expanding and becoming something that the United States’ Indo-Pacific adversaries now have a role in; that it has made the war slightly more global for America.
In Biden’s eyes this is an escalation, in response to an escalation.
But the fact he delayed so long because of the extraordinary symbolism of granting this permission just adds to the potency of the decision he just took.
President-elect Donald Trump may think he can talk peace, but he will inherit a war where the stakes have just got significantly higher.
Ma regionalna sila, samo što ima nuklearno oružje pa je to problem, da ga se nije riješila Ukrajina, ostao bi Putin unutar svojih granica...
Русија је светска сила са нуклеарним наоружањем. Још сада је ушла у Савез са Северном Корејом која исто има нуклеарно наоружање.
Удар на Русију би била велика грешка. Руси би гађали Лондон, Берлин итд. Европа би била у пламену.

Biden's move is 'decisive moment' for Ukraine​

The Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda has responded to Joe Biden's decision to lift restrictions on Ukraine using US weapons to strike deeper into Russia.
Mr Naudesa described the move as a "decisive moment" in Ukraine's fight against Russia.
Why is this move important?
The decision is a major US policy shift and comes as Mr Biden is about to leave office.
President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to limit American support for Ukraine and end the war as soon as possible.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy and many of his Western supporters have been pressing Mr Biden for months to allow Ukraine to strike military targets inside Russia with Western-supplied missiles, saying the US ban had made it impossible for Ukraine to try to stop Russian attacks on its cities and electrical grids.
Some supporters have argued that this and other US constraints could cost Ukraine the war.
Русија је светска сила са нуклеарним наоружањем. Још сада је ушла у Савез са Северном Корејом која исто има нуклеарно наоружање.
Удар на Русију би била велика грешка. Руси би гађали Лондон, Берлин итд. Европа би била у пламену.
Tako je. Duboka država koristi zadnju priliku da izazove svetski rat. Iran se pokazao prejak, pa sada čačkaju rusku mečku. Tramp treba da se čuva od sila zla koje rade preko Bajdena i ostalih marioneta poput Šolca, Makarona i sličnih.
Usraće se Putlijer u gaće, jedino što će goreti je Kalinjingrad i Jekatarinburg
Нема ништа од тога. Путин ће сравнити целу Европу, ако треба, али Русију неће дати.
То мора да буде свима јасно.
Русија је светска сила са нуклеарним наоружањем. Још сада је ушла у Савез са Северном Корејом која исто има нуклеарно наоружање.
Удар на Русију би била велика грешка. Руси би гађали Лондон, Берлин итд. Европа би била у пламену.
Da, ako su totalno sišli s uma, pa da gađaju drugu nuklearnu silu.. i tako odosmo svi na jedan izlet, i onda ćemo da upoznamo sve one čikice s aureolom oko glave što su postavljeni na crkvenim kalendarima...
Što misliš, npr. Sv. Prepodobni Putin od radijacije?
Tako je. Duboka država koristi zadnju priliku da izazove svetski rat. Iran se pokazao prejak, pa sada čačkaju rusku mečku. Tramp treba da se čuva od sila zla koje rade preko Bajdena i ostalih marioneta poput Šolca, Makarona i sličnih.
Мене је страх да дубока управа не покуша да ликвидира Трампа пре инагурације и после оптужи Иран или Русе и да крену у општи рат.
И Војвода Шешељ је упозорио Трампа да треба да се чува до инагурације.

Zelenskyy: Missiles will speak for themselves​

Strikes are "not carried out with words" and "missiles will speak for themselves", Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said in an evening address today.
The Ukrainian leader said the plan to strengthen Ukraine was the "victory plan" which he presented to partners and one of its "key points" was long-range capabilities for the Ukrainian army.
"Today, there's a lot of talk in the media about us receiving permission for respective actions. But strikes are not carried out with words. Such things are not announced. Missiles will speak for themselves. They certainly will," he said.
Addressing Russia's attack overnight, Mr Zelenskyy also said today marked "one of the largest and most dangerous Russian attacks in the entire war".

He said: "And this is the answer to all those who wanted to achieve something with Putin through conversations, phone calls, hugs - appeasement.
"Today, this 'dove of peace' sent us yet another barrage of kinzhal and kalibr missiles. That's his diplomacy. His language is treachery."
Time should be invested "not in talking to someone in Moscow, but in really forcing Russia to end the war", Mr Zelenskyy continued.
Нема ништа од тога. Путин ће сравнити целу Европу, ако треба, али Русију неће дати.
То мора да буде свима јасно.
Ne može on ništa, kao što vidiš, da ima nešto što može sa ugrozi Evropu odavno bi upotrebio. Ćorak.


Administracija američkog predsednika Džozefa Bajdena ukinula je danas ograničenja koja su dosad Ukrajini blokirala upotrebu američkog oružja za napade duboko na rusku teritoriju, rekli su izvori upoznati sa situacijom, javlja Rojters.

„Ukrajina planira da izvede prve udare na velike udaljenosti u narednim danima“, rekli su izvori, ali nisu otkrili detalje iz bezbednosnih razloga, dok je Bela kuća odbila da komentariše.
Promena politike usledila je nakon što je Rusija rasporedila severnokorejske kopnene trupe kako bi ojačala svoje snage, što je izazvalo zabrinutost u Vašingtonu i Kijevu.
Prema neimenovanim izvorima Rojtersa, prvi duboki napadi verovatno će biti izvedeni pomoću raketa ATACMS, koje imaju domet do 300 kilometara.

Ministar: Veliki ruski napad na elektro-sistem Ukrajine – bez struje tri oblasti

Poljska podigla lovce zbog velikog ruskog napada u Ukrajini

Agencija navodi da nije jasno hoće li novoizabrani predsednik Donald Tramp poništiti Bajdenovu odluku kada preuzme vlast 20. januara.
Tramp je dugo kritikovao obim američke finansijske i vojne pomoći Ukrajini i obećao da će brzo okončati rat, iako nije precizirao kako.
Rusija je upozorila da će smatrati pomeranje ograničenja u vezi sa upotrebom američkog oružja od Ukrajine kao ozbiljnu eskalaciju.



Jel sad idemo svi za Kanadu?
Da li će ostati od Amerike za dva meseca?

Staće svi Ameri po jednu palmu na Floridi.


Administracija američkog predsednika Džozefa Bajdena ukinula je danas ograničenja koja su dosad Ukrajini blokirala upotrebu američkog oružja za napade duboko na rusku teritoriju, rekli su izvori upoznati sa situacijom, javlja Rojters.

„Ukrajina planira da izvede prve udare na velike udaljenosti u narednim danima“, rekli su izvori, ali nisu otkrili detalje iz bezbednosnih razloga, dok je Bela kuća odbila da komentariše.
Promena politike usledila je nakon što je Rusija rasporedila severnokorejske kopnene trupe kako bi ojačala svoje snage, što je izazvalo zabrinutost u Vašingtonu i Kijevu.
Prema neimenovanim izvorima Rojtersa, prvi duboki napadi verovatno će biti izvedeni pomoću raketa ATACMS, koje imaju domet do 300 kilometara.

Ministar: Veliki ruski napad na elektro-sistem Ukrajine – bez struje tri oblasti

Poljska podigla lovce zbog velikog ruskog napada u Ukrajini

Agencija navodi da nije jasno hoće li novoizabrani predsednik Donald Tramp poništiti Bajdenovu odluku kada preuzme vlast 20. januara.
Tramp je dugo kritikovao obim američke finansijske i vojne pomoći Ukrajini i obećao da će brzo okončati rat, iako nije precizirao kako.
Rusija je upozorila da će smatrati pomeranje ograničenja u vezi sa upotrebom američkog oružja od Ukrajine kao ozbiljnu eskalaciju.



Jel sad idemo svi za Kanadu?
Bajden hoce da se pokaze na kraju,a ovi ga slede.Umesto da rade na smirivanju problem,oni podpiruju sve vise.Budale.
Ne može on ništa, kao što vidiš, da ima nešto što može sa ugrozi Evropu odavno bi upotrebio. Ćorak.
Има нуклеарку. Може да запали целу Европу. Али он је човек мира који жели договор. Међутим, ако друга страна буде желела општи рат, добиће га. Само се то неће лепо завршити за њих.
Има нуклеарку. Може да запали целу Европу. Али он је човек мира који жели договор. Међутим, ако друга страна буде желела општи рат, добиће га. Само се то неће лепо завршити за њих.
Evo gledamo 2 i pol godine koliki je to čovijek mira.
