Pesma koja vas „trenutno“ drži...

Welcome Home (Sanitarium)-Metallica

Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
Just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, No windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred

Sleep my friend and you will see
That dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
Can't they see it's why my brain says Rage

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Build my fear of what's out there
And cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
But violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
He's getting better, can't you tell?

No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
But they think this saves us from our Hell

Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone

Fear of living on
Natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
Got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
Seems the only way
For reaching out again
Lepa Brena
Bice belaja

Pise Mujo iz Nemacke
da ga jure strasne macke
ali ne zna kuku njemu
u kakvu je up'o semu

Za to vreme u vajatu
komsija mu vija Fatu

Kada za to cuje
u Derventi raja
bice belaja, bice belaja

Pise Haso iz Japana
geise su mu slaba strana
svake noci bolan sniva
da u raju s njima pliva

Komsiji se sreca smesi
pa mu nocu Hajru tesi

Kada za to cuje
u Bihacu raja
bice belaja, bice belaja

Pise Huso iz Francuske
da rulete voli ruske
ima butik pored Sene
perjem kiti tudje zene

Za to vreme do svanuca
komsija mu puna kuca

Kada za to cuje
sva Bosanska raja
bice belaja, bice belaja
jestdej aj spent an aua
a ful aua of terapi
maj fejvrit daktaa lendej
maj gad aj heit his breth
he eskd mi kvescns
det kaind of ful disrvs tu laj
aj giv him ensvzzz
d kain of ensvzzz doktor laik
jes aj giv him a banc ov laizz
aj told him ol maj najtmers
wrr ded end gan
diz dejz aj slip lajk a bejbe
and ter nevr evr woz dem

aj ko sterefi.....strefio je :)
David Ryan Harris-Dont Look Down(Soundtrack iz filma Biker Boyz
Son what you don’t understand
My words might never explain
So I am hoping that time will.
Things may not go as you planned
Dark clouds might bring you pain
But I will be in your heart still
Telling you…

...“Don’t Look Down”
