Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Happy Birthday
Weird Al Yankovic

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Well, it's time to celebrate your birthday, it happens every year
We'll eat a lot of broccoli and drink a lot of beer
You should be good and happy that there's something you can eat
A million people every day are starving in the street

Your daddy's in the gutter with the wretched and the poor
Your mama's in the kitchen with a can of Cycle Four
There's garbage in the water
There's poison in the sky
I guess it won't be long before we're all gonna die

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Well, what's the matter little friend, you think this party is the pits
Enjoy it while you can, we'll soon be blown to bits
The monkeys in the pentagon are gonna cook our goose
Their finger's on the button, all they need is an excuse

It doesn't take a military genius to see
We'll all be crispy critters after World War III
There's nowhere you can run to, nowhere you can hide
When they drop the big one, we all get fried

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Well there's a punk in the alley and he's looking for a fight
There's an Arab on the corner buying everything in sight
There's a mother in the ghetto with another mouth to feed
Seems that everywhere you look today there's misery and greed

I guess you know the Earth is gonna crash into the sun
But that's no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun
So if you think it's scary, if it's more than you can take
Just blow out the candles and have a piece of cake

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
And a pinch to grow an inch!

do not throw your f*ucking shit on me
do not let your anger come out on me
do not accuse me of your anxiety
do not tell me what I am
do not decry me

look at your own self first!

BEOGRAD - Masna mrlja koja se jutros pojavila kod hrvatske luke Vukovar za sada se nije proširila na teritoriju Srbije, izjavila je zamenik direktora Direkcije za vode Srbije Dragana Milovanović.

Ona je kazala da su osmatrači i inspektori na licu mesta od jutros i da nisu primetili ništa neuobičajeno i precizirala da se mrlje ovakvih dimenzija "po pravilu veoma brzo razbiju i nestanu", bez posledica.

"Za sada nema niti najava niti alarma da se mrlja širi ka Dunavu u Srbiju", istakla je Milovanovićeva.
Sto mrzim kad nekom objasnis jedno, a on u svojoj glavi isfantazira pedeseto i onda se ljuti sto si ti uradio kako si rekao da ces. :confused:

I gotovo zezanje, od sutra mora da se arbajtuje. :(
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
