National Vanguard Boston Sponsors Serbian Children


Americka rasno svesna/nacionalisticka organizacija je pokrenula kampanju u korist Srpske dece na Kosovu i Metohiju. Organizacija "Serbian kids" postoji vec od 1993 godine. Jos jedan primer da korumpirane vlade zapadnih zemalja ne predstavljaju volju naroda i da sve nacionalisticke i rasno svesne snage sirom sveta podrzavaju Srpski narod.

National Vanguard Boston Sponsors Serbian Children

Activism; Posted on: 2005-09-07 20:56:40

National Vanguard: providing hope and renewal to White people from the Gulf Coast to war-ravaged Europe.


Your assistance is needed as National Vanguard Boston raises funds to help afflicted Serbian children -- made refugees as a result of NATO bombings, US support of KLA terrorism, and the occupation of Kosovo.

by Matthew Downing
National Vanguard Boston

THE MEN AND WOMEN of National Vanguard Boston are currently raising funds in order to provide aid to our embattled Serbian kinsfolk from Kosovo and other regions of the former Yugoslavia. As an ethnic minority in this war-torn region, they suffer constant violence, harassment, and intimidation at the hands of organized Muslim KLA terrorists.

Since so-called international "peacekeeping" forces such as NATO and the UN helped create this crisis by supporting the KLA and by wrongfully deposing the former Serbian president Milosevic, they have done little or nothing to prevent this violence -- taking place on their own watch.

In March 2004, a bloody anti-Serb pogrom took place, creating several thousand new refugees amidst the maelstrom of rape, looting, murder, and destruction of homes and churches.

As in any war zone, innocents such as children always suffer terribly and are at the greatest risk.

All proceeds of this outreach will be sent to an established charity -- found online at -- that has been in existence since 1993. This charity sponsors orphaned and displaced Serbian refugee children. (For more specific information visit their website, or check out my recent article.)

In order to raise sufficient funds to make a difference, we are offering beautiful Serbian Orthodox greeting cards rendered in the Byzantine style, depicting the battle between St. George and the dragon (shown at much reduced size and quality above). This ancient recurring motif spans European civilization from pagan times into the Christian era, and is emblematic of our current struggle against the dark and malevolent forces which seek to extinguish our race.

Each card is available at a suggested donation of $5.00 in the U.S. and $6.00 elsewhere. Please, inform all your friends, family members, and coworkers about this opportunity to provide hope and renewal to our Serbian kinsfolk in this, their most dire time of need.

Our initial fundraising efforts in the Boston have been a great success -- thanks to the many non-affiliated individuals and organizations who came together to generously contribute to our charitable sponsorship of these children.

We believe it is noble and right to help these displaced and orphaned Serbian child refugees from the war-torn regions of Kosovo and Metohija in the former Yugoslavia. In future articles, we'll give you more information on the children we've sponsored.

Supporters and members of National Vanguard -- as well as just readers -- are invited to lend their much-needed assistance.

Send cash, check, or money order with memo 'Serb Charity' payable to:

National Vanguard Boston
PO Box 990984
Boston, MA 02199

Paypal: (please include "Serb Charity" as a note along with your full mailing address!)

Ајдееееее, Гледао сам ја Мура у више верзија и друге његове документарце, Клинтона није нападао када је убијао невине Србе већ је говорио како слабо туче по Србији.
погледај више његових дела па причај. А Фаренхајт је измишљотина Клинтонове администрације.
Па и наша полиција је чувала Америчку и Британску амбасаду када смо ратовали са њима.
Joш само Мур да направи филм о бомбардовању 1999., па да нас бог види.
Али пусте жеље, пусти снови. Кажу да је Клинтон демократа, а Мур не прави филмове у којима разобличава демократе. Мада се мени итекако обрће стомак и кад видим Буша и кад видим саксофонисту.
Nexus 6:
a ja sam, vidis gledao Mura, kako proziva sve zivo kad su bombardovali onaj voz sa civilima...
a i kad proziva Klintona...

Можеш ли да ми кажеш у ком његовом филму, пошто сам изгледа пропустио, па да евентуално ускладим моје досадашње мишљење о дотичном.
Право и кажеш. Али треба бирати између два зла

Не може се бирати између ДВА ЗЛА - само између ДОБРА и ЗЛА... мада они имају "философију": 'оћеш ово, а Ти кажеш НЕЋУ, а они кажу супер, нећеш... али када те ја питам *ОЋЕШ-НЕЋЕШ - ОПЕТ 'ОЋЕШ !!!... то тије философија демонократије...
Не може се бирати између ДВА ЗЛА - само између ДОБРА и ЗЛА... мада они имају "философију": 'оћеш ово, а Ти кажеш НЕЋУ, а они кажу супер, нећеш... али када те ја питам *ОЋЕШ-НЕЋЕШ - ОПЕТ 'ОЋЕШ !!!... то тије философија демонократије...

Ма мислио сам на Амере, Клинтон или Буш
А наравно да се слажем ЗА ДОБРО ПРЕ ЗЛА
