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Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.

Odavno već nisam mislio o tebi
među nama dani i godine stoje
nikada te više pronašao nebi
da se jučer nismo vidjeli nas dvoje

Stigao sam kasno, stajao na cesti
i slučajno tebe ugledao tada
ni slutili nismo da ćemo se sresti
pod svjetlima ovog bezimenog grada

Pričaš mi o svemu, hodamo polako
odavno se nismo isplakali tako
Ostala si uvijek ista
i ove suze na licu tvom
Ostala si uvijek ista
Jedina žena na putu mom
Ostala si uvijek ista

(M. Kovac)
*** Beautiful Maria Of My Soul ***

In the sunlight of your smile
in the summer of our life
in the magic of love
storms above scattered away
lovers dreaming in the night
reaching for paradise
but as the dark shadows fade
love slips away
on an empty stretch of beach
in the pattern of the waves
drawing pictures with my hand
in the sand, I see your face
skipping pebbles on the sea
wishing for Paradise
sand castles crumble below
the restless tides ebb and flow
listening to a shell
hoping for your voice
beautiful Maria of my soul
though we'll always be apart
locked forever in a dream
if I ever love again
even then, nothing will change
and the taste of you remains
clinging to Paradise
but as the distance from you grows
all that my heart ever knows
hunger for your kiss
longing for your touch
beautiful Maria of my soul
filling all my nights
haunting all my days
beautiful Maria of my soul

Rano jutro pola 6
Svakog dana putuje
Moja Milena
Mirise na jabuke
Zivi ko podstanar
Moja Milena

Oci su joj pune sna
Kako li se preziva
Moja Milena
Ruke ne pokazuje
Kaze da dobro je
Moja Milena

Milena generacijo moja
Da smo se ranije sreli
Milena generacijo moja
Toliko toga nas dijeli

Milena generacijo moja
Tko nam je ukrao dusu
Milena generacijo moja
Jesmo li previse htjeli

Milena generacijo
Milena generacijo

Novi Fosili

Bilo je osam, na trgu cvijeca
Ja sam te cekao na kraju price
Tada si rekla: Mi necemo vise
Odmahnuh rukom, ma sto me se tice

Al' ne bi' ni Bogu priznao tada
Sve je moje u vodu palo
Sad mirno kazem, lagati necu
Onoga dana i vrijeme je stalo

Kako je dobro vidjeti te opet
Staviti ruke na tvoja ramena
Kao nekad poljubi me njezno
Za ona dobra, dobra, dobra stara vremena

Stvarno sam htio, vidjeti te opet
Sa istim smijehom, na usnama tvojim
Pricaj o kisi, o bilo cemu
Ne pricaj o sebi, jos toga se bojim

Neka sam proklet ako i danas
Postoji nacin, da objasnim sebe
Ne zelim nikog, i sve mi se cini
Da citav sam zivot volio tebe

Kako je dobro vidjeti te opet
Staviti ruke na tvoja ramena
Kao nekad poljubi me njezno
Za ona dobra, dobra, dobra stara vremena

Ma, bas je dobro vidjeti te opet
Staviti ruke na tvoja ramena
Kao nekad poljubi me njezno
Za ona dobra, dobra, dobra stara vremena

Novi Fosili

ova pesma je tako romanticna....

Voz pospani voz za Harkov, Gomelj, Lenjingrad
Znam kako je nocas dalek Beograd
Nece moci nikada olovka ni hartija
ni svo ruski postari nemogu ti odneti
pismo koje pisem ja marka s likom Lenjina
i u pismu jedina tuga sto me razbija.

Nije votka rakija mada nocas udara
Tuga mi je velika velika ko Rusija
Ja nemogu poslati ljubav jer se nesalje
nit sam mogo poneti s sobom tvoje poljupce

Voz u vozu izguzvana lica putnika
Ti si tamo negde iza onih planina
Dal si mozda zaspala il si budna kao ja
dal te muce nemiri il te nista nemuci
Kada budes citala pismo koje pisem ja
tajna bice skrivena iza ovih redova.

Umiru jeleni...
i sad u meni tamo gde si bila
slomilo se jutro...
ko ti je rekao da snovi tamne
nikad necu znati,
jer bicu samo trag coveka
i bicu vodja skitnica.

Nek' bude dan...
kad divlje ptice krenu... preko istog mosta
ja cu preci,
ako me tamo ceka tvoja senka
nista necu reci,
jer bicu samo trag coveka
i bicu vodja skitnica.

Ne brini
ne brini
jeleni umiru sami...
ne brini
ne brini
jeleni umiru sami,

Ehhhh... :cry:
Ostrva te skrivaju galebovi cuvaju
Ja sam davno daleko
Sad ti drugi sviraju sad te drugi miluju
Ja sam davno prestao

Seti se makar jos jednom
Seti se pa me pronadji
Lazu te da ne vole
Grudi moje balkanske
Oci tvoje jadranske

Kad zima posle svega dodje
I vojnicka me muka prodje
Vole grudi balkanske

Stare ladje vuku me, uspomene tuku me
Slani vetar vraca sve
Znaces da sam nemiran, znaces da te dozivam
Kad se more podigne
The Color Of The Night -LAUREN CHRISTY

You and I moving in the dark
Bodies close but souls apart
Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed
I need to know the way you feel

I'll give you everything I am
And everything I want to be
I'll put it in your hands
If you could open up to me oh
Can't we ever get beyond this wall

'Cause all I want is just once
To see you in the light
But you hide behind
The color of the night

I can't go on running from the past
Lave has torn away this mask
And now like clouds like rain I'm drowning and
I blame it all on you
I'm lost - God save me...

'Cause all I want is just once
To see you in the light
But you hide behind
The color of the night

'Cause all I want is just once
Forever and again
I'm waiting for you, I'm standing in the light
But you hide behind
The color of the night

Please come out from
The color of the night
Bila je tako lepa
uvek se secam nje
Bila je tako lepa
kao tog jutra dan.
Divna je ona bila
kada sam ostao sam.
Vise se nismo sreli
jer nju je odnio dan.

Sve je kao tajna
ostalo na keju tom.
Oci, njene ruke,
placni pogled njen.
Mozda je tako bolje
zaborav brise sve.
Ali ipak cesto
cesto se setim nje.

Danima kisa lije
uz prozor stojim sam.
Proslo je mnogo dana
obuze tad me san.
Setih se onog jutra
nasega rastanka.
Setih se tihe reke
kojom je otisla.

Bila je tako lepa
uvek se secam nje.
Bila je tako lepa
kao tog jutra dan.
Divna je ona bila
kada sam ostao sam.
Vise se nismo sreli
jer nju je odnio dan.

Jednoga dana ima da riknem uz ovo... :cry: :cry:
Godine ko srne
nestaju u bjegu
Uspomene sad su
poljupci u snjegu
poljupci u snjegu

Godine i snovi
rjeka koja tece
to je sve sto imam
od tebe i srece
od tebe i srece

Dao sam ti dusu
Srce sam ti dao
Nista vise nemam
Al mi nije zao.

Godine ko srne
nestaju u bjegu
Uspomene sad su
poljupci u snjegu
poljupci u snjegu

Godine i snovi
rjeka koja tece
to je sve sto imam
od tebe i srece
od tebe i srece

Dao sam ti dusu
Srce sam ti dao
Nista vise nemam
Al mi nije zao.
Bit ćemo razumni
i zatajiti je,
jer ovo nam vrijeme neće uzvraćati
ljubav koju smo mu davali
od prvih nježnih, poratnih godina.
Promijenit ćemo pjesmu,
uzeti srce u šake
i ono će se opirati
kao živa ruka vode, ruka vjetra,
ali nećemo mu dati,
jer su smiješna sada ta naša očitovanja
svijetu kojem se to više ne dopada,
i mi smo sa svojom nerazumnom dušom
pred ljubavnicom sitom i pospanom.
Bit ćemo mudri
i pjevati pjesme,
u kojima ništa nećemo otkriti
od toplih godina i glazbe.
Nećemo priznati buku krvotoka,
opću povijest ljubakanja u domu na Jurjevskoj,
mapu Šibenika, plažu u prosincu,
tvoj odlazak; snijeg koji te briše
i godinu koja te podcrtava.
Sasvim ćemo izmijeniti rječnik
i staviti šaku na luda usta
da što ne izbrbljamo pred zamišljenim licem
tvoje svakidašnjice, jednostavne i odviše pametne.
Živjet ćemo ne odajući se
dugim pismima,
samoubilačkim olovom,
na prstima sa samim sobom
sa prazninom među rebrima,
jer tako bi bilo dostojno,
ako se već nešto mora.
Ne poniziti
srce i staru glavu
pred danom koji ispunja ulicu
kao ledena voda svjetlosti,
kao sjeverni vjetar.
Ne dirati više u te stvari;
treba pjevati drugačije pjesme.
Označiti petlju sudbine,
dati znak postojanja i prisebnosti;
toliko tek.
Nikada više ljubavnih pjesama moja mala,
zadovoljavat ćeš se starima.
Nikada nećemo ni pokušati
odškrinuti crnu knjigu mora;
povući ćemo jedino crtu
i ispod nje šutjeti, šutjeti do kraja.
Pristao sam bicu sve sto hoce
Evo prodajem dusu vragu svome
I ostacu samo crna tacka
Poslije ove igre kad me slome
Kad me mirno slome
Pristao sam bicu sve sto hoce
La la la la la la la la la la

Mislio sam da se zvijeri boje
Ove vatre koja trag mi prati
I to sam mislio
A sad nosim kako mi ga skroje
Po meni se nista nece zvati
Po meni se nista nece zvati

Zablude sam, evo, prestao da brojim
Nemam kome da se vratim kuci
Dokle pjevam dotle i postojim
Prijatelji bivsi, prijatelji buduci
Pamtite me po pjesmama mojim
Pamtite me po pjesmama mojim

Pa pusti da ti sviram
duša gine od tišne
I ne boj se buke
to što svira to su ruke

si zaboravio sve
što te drži skupa
Ovaj dan što na prozor lupa
nije tvoj

Oko tebe šute stvari
tvoj krevet i stol te nijemo
Sa zidova vise trice
tek da te grubo
U sjenama tih vremenama tih vremena
slutiš prevaru
izdaju u u u u

Ja sam bio pogresan
Kad sam ti stavio ruku na rame
Tamo je drzao dugo
I govorio rijeci

Ja sam bio pogresan
Kad sam trazio da mi kazes
Koja si strana
Postoje pravila igre
Ti znas da ne mozes sama

Ispod svih tih zastava
Sto vijore svud oko nas
Ne postoji mjesto
Gdje mogla bi stati
Visoko dignuti ruke
I pjevati nasu pjesmu
I pjevati nasu pjesmu

Protiv volje umijesan
U staru zavjeru strana
U staru zavjeru nada
Ja sam jednoga dana
Slucajno nasao put
Ispod svih tih zastava
Sto vijore..

Kapi s oboda
Sada padaju na uze i gun
Ja sam slobodan
Neka s moga vrata vijori sal od svile..
Kapi s oboda
Sada padaju na uze i gun
Ja sam slobodan
Neka s moga vrata vijori sal od svile..

(D. Rundek)
Setamo polako pored reke
u kasne sate ljubim te
moj Andjeo si ti
Toliko trebas mi

Zvjezda sa neba pala je
ko da je znala zbog tebe
moja jedina si ti
puna njeznosti

S tobom nasao sam srecu
ti si meni sudjene
pozelit drugu nikada necu
jer ti si zame rodjena

Ljubi me njezno, njezno polako
sama znas da je bolje tako
tiho pricaj mi o nasoj ljubavi
U mojoj dusi nemiri
dok si kraj mene ljubljena
moj Andjeo si ti
toliko trebas mi

S tobom nasao sam srecu
ti si meni sudjena
pozelit drugu nikada necu
jer ti si zame rodjena.

Proveli smo noci bez sna
u zaru ljubavi
ni jedna nije ko ti
to zaboravi
S tobom nasao sam srecu
ti si meni sudjena
pozelit drugu nikada necu
jer ti si zame rodjena...
She's like the wind - Patrick Swayze

She's like the wind trough my tree
She rides the night next to me
She leads me trough moonlight
Only to burn me with the sun
She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done

Fell her breath in my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league

Just a fool to belive
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

I look in the mirror and all I see
Is a young-old man with only a dream
Am I just fooling myself
That she'll stop the pain
Living without her
I'll go insane

Fell her breath in my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league

Just a fool to belive
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

Fell her breath in my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league

Just a fool to belive
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

Just a fool to belive
She's like the wind

Just a fool to belive
She's like the wind

Just a fool to belive
She's like the wind

Kiss the girl - Little mermaid

Concusion, strings, winds, words...

There you see her
Sitting there acros the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's somethin about her
And you don't know why
But you're dieing to try
You wanna kiss the girl

Yes you want her
Look at her you know you do
Possible she wants you to
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl

Sing with me now...

Shalalalalalala my oh my
Look at the boy to shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl
Shalalalalalala ain't that sad
And it is shame to bad
You're gonna miss the girl

Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagune
Why you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Untill you kiss the girl

Shalalalalalala don't be scared
You got the mod prepared
Go on and kiss the girl
Shalalalalalala don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You wanna kiss the girl
Shalalalalalala float along
And listen to this song
The song says kiss the girl
Shalalalalalala music plays
Do what the music says
You gotta kiss the girl

You gotta kiss the girl
Why don't you kiss the girl
You wanna kiss the girl
You gotta kiss the girl
Go on and kiss the girl
Love Hunters


I love you that`s my sin, nowhere you can hide,
I`m sorry they told you, everything I`m not.
And nothing you can do just let me to
Find a way out far from people.
No way out, another time, another place, love is hell!!!

And nothing you can do to let me in,
And we both die under this heaven,
Cause haven is in your room,
Black and wild, black and free, you and me!

And none of my prayers never can be realised.
My Indian profile somewhere you could have lost.
And even if you want to save me out,
I am lost deep in my self yet!
Cause near that bar you lost all yours,
I want go back when I was young!

Only you can save me, no you can`t, I don`t want.
I wanna say: "Goodbye life" oh so long.
Love is hell! She didn`t exist!!!


You might know that I`m around you somewhere
But you`re scared to look for me on the streets
Knowin` truth, that you`ll be my girl someday.
Anyway we`re all so lost for life
You`re changin` guys, knowin` well it is so wrong then,
Tryin` hard to make your life so normal,
But your life is prepared for something insane,
I guess I know who its supposed to be!


Goodbye Kim, oh, my heart where is love?
For me it`s hidden.
Hallo Kim, all my love, better dead
Than being hidden.
(Like you are hidden for me)

Missin` girls but I let them pass by me,
I was old, now I`m so long under earth,
But my eyes, my spirit is still for you
Even now when I can`t be your choice.

You may find grave without a name on,
Than you`ll think here must lay some stone,
That man was so heartless, just like stone is,
At the end he simply turned into stone.

If they ask, when you`re sitting in your forest,
"He is gone" just say to passinger,
But his bones, still sailin` all around me when I sleep
I`m still in love with my "Nose".
But your "Nose" smells flowers from below
Waiting light that will never come.
"`Cause my light is nothing but you darling"
Anyway I see my love`s love of monk!
Zadrzacu pravo

Zadrzacu pravo svoje
Da im nedam da me bude
Da ni zasta vise nisam
Za ulicu, ni za ljude
Da me niko ne vidi
I da nikog ne vidim

Da ne pitam nikad ko je
Zadrzacu pravo svoje
Ne pitam jer znam da nisi ti
Da im nedam da me guse
Dok se s tobom tajno vidjam
U metrou svoje duse

Zadrzacu pravo svoje
Da se suncam u svom mraku
Da pocrnim u svom srcu
Kao zlato na junaku
Da me niko ne vidi
I da nikog ne vidim

Zadrzacu pravo svoje
Da ti prevedem ime
Na sve svetske jezike
I da na svakom od njih
Znaci ljubav....
Crno pa se ne vidi

Sedimo zajedno
vece je carobno
a medju nama je zid
na usne crveno
na oci zeleno
stavljam da
sakrijem stid

Izlaza nema
zlo nam se sprema
i pas tvoj drema
kao da moje korake
ne zeli da cuje

I svetla gasim
da svoju senku
od tebe spasim
samo mi ona ostaje
posle tvoje pobede

Posljedni put
ti ja kosu diram
i crnu haljinu
nocas biram
crna je najbolja
crna odgovara
hocu da budem
ti lepa

Jer ako kazes kraj
kad ti dodje
ako se zaplacem
i suza podje
moze da nastavi
haljinu pokvasi
crno pa se ne vidi

Na stolu jabuka
na traci poruka
i malo pudera trag
sve ce to nestati
neko ce oprati
neko ko bit ce ti drag

Izlaza nema
zlo nam se sprema
i pas tvoj drema
kao da moje korake
ne zeli da cuje
I have often told you stories
About the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand
And sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me
And I would surely stay

But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveller
I looked for something new
In days of old
When nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thougt my eyes
Had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Neobuzdana tresnja:
I have often told you stories
About the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand
And sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me
And I would surely stay

But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveller
I looked for something new
In days of old
When nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thougt my eyes
Had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

that's heavy, girl, extremely heavy ...
check this out ...

Give In To Me -
Michael Jackson

She Always Takes It With A Heart Of Stone
'Cause All She Does Is Throw It Back To Me
I've Spend A Lifetime
Looking For Someone
Don't Try To Understand Me
Just Simply Do The
Things I Say

Love Is A Feeling
Give It When I Want It
'Cause I'm On Fire
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Talk To Me Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

You Always Knew Just How To Make Me Cry
And Never Did I Ask You Questions Why
It Seems You Get Your Kicks From Hurting Me
Don't Try To Understand Me
Because Your Words Just Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Love Is A Woman
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

You And Your Friends
Were Laughing At Me In Town
But It's Okay
And It's Okay
You Wont Be Laughing Girl
When I'm Not Around
I'll Be Okay
And I'll, I'll Not Find
Gotta, The Peace Of Mind No

Don't Try To Tell Me
Because Your Words
Just Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Talk To Me Woman
Love Is A Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

Love Is The Feeling
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Quench My Desire
Takin' Me Higher
Tell It To The Preacher
Satisfy The Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
Hear It
Give It To The Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
I Don't Like A Lady
Talk To Me Baby
Give In To Me

Give In To The Fire
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

Love Is A Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

'Cause I'm On Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
Give It To The Feeling

Break Me Shake -
Savage Garden

I never thought I'd change my opinion again
But you moved me in a way that I've never known
You moved me in a way that I've never known

But straight away you just moved into position again
You abused me in a way that I've never known
You abused me in a way that I've never known

So break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
Just break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

So your the kind that deals with the games in the mind
Well you confuse me in a way that I've never known
You confuse me in a way that I've never known

So break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
SO WON'T YOU break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

She says, "I can help you, but what do you say?
Because it's not free baby, you have to pay."
You just keep me contemplating, that your soul is slowly fading

God don't you know I live with a ton of regret?
'Cause I used to move you in a way that you've never known
But then I accused you in a way that you've never known
That you hurt me in a way that I've never known...

Break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
SO WON'T YOU break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

Listen, baby

Break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

You'll be, you'll be alone

Break me shake me hate me take me make me
Fake me break me shake me hate me take me
Break me

Liberian Girl -
Michael Jackson

(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl . . .
You Came And You Changed
My World
A Love So Brand New
Liberian Girl . . .
You Came And You Changed
Me Girl
A Feeling So True

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
Just Like In The Movies,
With Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Says . . .
"Do You Love Me"
And He Says So Endlessly . . .
"I Love You, Liberian Girl"

(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl . . .
More Precious Than
Any Pearl
Your Love So Complete
Liberian Girl . . .
You Kiss Me Then,
Ooh, The World
You Do This To Me

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
Just Like In The Movies,
With Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Says,

"Do You Love Me"
And He Says So Endlessly
"I Love You, Liberian Girl"
(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
I Wait For The Day,
When You Have To Say
"I Do,"
And I'll Smile And Say It Too,
And Forever We'll Be True
I Love You, Liberian Girl,
All The Time

I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You
I Love You Baby
I Want You
I Love You Baby
Ooh! I Love You Baby, I Want
You Baby, Ooh!
Neobuzdana tresnja:
I have often told you stories
About the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand
And sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me
And I would surely stay

But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveller
I looked for something new
In days of old
When nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thougt my eyes
Had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

that's heavy, girl, extremely heavy ...
check this out ...

Give In To Me -
Michael Jackson

She Always Takes It With A Heart Of Stone
'Cause All She Does Is Throw It Back To Me
I've Spend A Lifetime
Looking For Someone
Don't Try To Understand Me
Just Simply Do The
Things I Say

Love Is A Feeling
Give It When I Want It
'Cause I'm On Fire
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Talk To Me Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

You Always Knew Just How To Make Me Cry
And Never Did I Ask You Questions Why
It Seems You Get Your Kicks From Hurting Me
Don't Try To Understand Me
Because Your Words Just Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Love Is A Woman
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

You And Your Friends
Were Laughing At Me In Town
But It's Okay
And It's Okay
You Wont Be Laughing Girl
When I'm Not Around
I'll Be Okay
And I'll, I'll Not Find
Gotta, The Peace Of Mind No

Don't Try To Tell Me
Because Your Words
Just Aren't Enough

Love Is A Feeling
Quench My Desire
Give It When I Want It
Takin' Me Higher
Talk To Me Woman
Love Is A Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

Love Is The Feeling
I Don't Wanna Hear It
Quench My Desire
Takin' Me Higher
Tell It To The Preacher
Satisfy The Feeling
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
I Don't Wanna
Hear It
Give It To The Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
I Don't Like A Lady
Talk To Me Baby
Give In To Me

Give In To The Fire
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

Love Is A Woman
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me
Give In To Me

'Cause I'm On Fire
Talk To Me Woman
Quench My Desire
Give It To The Feeling

Break Me Shake -
Savage Garden

I never thought I'd change my opinion again
But you moved me in a way that I've never known
You moved me in a way that I've never known

But straight away you just moved into position again
You abused me in a way that I've never known
You abused me in a way that I've never known

So break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
Just break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

So your the kind that deals with the games in the mind
Well you confuse me in a way that I've never known
You confuse me in a way that I've never known

So break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
SO WON'T YOU break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

She says, "I can help you, but what do you say?
Because it's not free baby, you have to pay."
You just keep me contemplating, that your soul is slowly fading

God don't you know I live with a ton of regret?
'Cause I used to move you in a way that you've never known
But then I accused you in a way that you've never known
That you hurt me in a way that I've never known...

Break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone
SO WON'T YOU break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

Listen, baby

Break me shake me hate me take me over
When the madness stops then you will be alone

You'll be, you'll be alone

Break me shake me hate me take me make me
Fake me break me shake me hate me take me
Break me

Liberian Girl -
Michael Jackson

(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl . . .
You Came And You Changed
My World
A Love So Brand New
Liberian Girl . . .
You Came And You Changed
Me Girl
A Feeling So True

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
Just Like In The Movies,
With Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Says . . .
"Do You Love Me"
And He Says So Endlessly . . .
"I Love You, Liberian Girl"

(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl . . .
More Precious Than
Any Pearl
Your Love So Complete
Liberian Girl . . .
You Kiss Me Then,
Ooh, The World
You Do This To Me

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
Just Like In The Movies,
With Two Lovers In A Scene
And She Says,

"Do You Love Me"
And He Says So Endlessly
"I Love You, Liberian Girl"
(Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka
(I Love You Too-I Want You
Too-My Love)

Liberian Girl
You Know That You Came
And You Changed My World,
I Wait For The Day,
When You Have To Say
"I Do,"
And I'll Smile And Say It Too,
And Forever We'll Be True
I Love You, Liberian Girl,
All The Time

I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You Liberian Girl,
All The Time
I Love You
I Love You Baby
I Want You
I Love You Baby
Ooh! I Love You Baby, I Want
You Baby, Ooh!

LOVE YA!!!!!! :D :wink: 8)

Snijegovi neki ledeni pokrivaju staze sna
Sve ostaje kao prije, gdje je to sto zelim ja?
A vjetrovi neki hladni zavijaju, sutis ti
Ta srca sto vatru traze, jesmo li jos uvijek mi?
Obecaj mi proljece
Vedra plava jutra
Obecaj sto nikom nisi
Ja vjerujem u sutra.
A vjetrovi neki hladni zavijaju, sutis ti
Ta srca sto vatru traze, zasto vise nismo mi?
Duga i samotna zima u nama i oko nas
Reci da nade jos ima, daj da ti cujem glas.
Obecaj mi proljece
Vedra plava jutra
Obecaj sto nikom nisi
Ja vjerujem u sutra

(Drugi nacin)
In the sunlight of your smile
In the summer of our life
In the magic of love
Storms above scattered away

Lovers dreaming in the night
Reaching for Paradise
But as the dark shadows fade
Love slips away

On an empty stretch of beach
In the pattern of the waves
Drawing pictures with my hand
In the sand, I see your face

Skipping pebbles on the sea
Wishing for Paradise
Sand castles crumble below
The restless tides ebb and flow
Listening to a shell
Hoping for your voice
Beautiful Maria of my soul

Though we'll always be apart
Locked forever in a dream
If I ever love again
Even then, nothing will change

And the taste of you remains
Clinging to Paradise
But as the distance from you grows
All that my heart ever knows
Hunger for your kiss
Longing for your touch
Beautiful Maria of my soul

Filling all my nights
Haunting all my days
Beautiful Maria of my soul.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
