Taj bjlesak vam je udar groma tako da nema ništa čudno u tome. Misterija rešena.
Da, to je receno na vestima. Deluje
kao udar groma.
Ali koliko znam, gromovi ne ruse mostove.
Dr Martin Fullekrug:
Whilst it is perhaps not impossible to think that a lightning strike makes a contribution to such a collapse, it is probably very unlikely to happen. Lightning could potentially contribute to a critical fatigue of material. For example, the lightning generated heat could result in evaporating water to very high pressure and produce a subsequent crack or burst of critical support material, similar to the bark of a tree disintegrating after a lightning strike. In theory, in might be also possible that the lightning strikes a critical metal bolt such that its function becomes impaired. But again, any such kind of scenarios are rather speculative.
"It was just after 11:30 when we saw the lighting bolt hit the bridge and we saw the bridge go down," Pietro M. told ANSA.
Expertz say:
Witnesses said the bridge was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm before it crumbled, though lighting alone should not have felled the bridge. Preliminary investigation points to a combination of poor design, questionable building practices and insufficient maintenance.
Sum guy:
I saw the bridge collapse in front of my eyes; the debris from the collapse landed 20 meters away from my car,” Davide Ricci, who was driving nearby at the time, told Genoese newspaper Il Secolo XIX. “It felt as if electricity was traveling from above downward, as if one of the beams had been struck by lightning.
Korozija se jasno vidi na slikama.
Ali, eksperti naglasavaju da
grom, tj.
munja to nije mogla da ucini.
Presek je isuvise
pravolinijski, kao da je profesionalno odradjen. Grom kada udari moze da osteti, napravi pukotinu, napravi procep/rascep, pa da se neki od delova, recimo, obruse. Ali ne verujem da bi se obrusili do te mere da se cela jedna sekcija urusi kao kula od karata.
poveca fotka:
Ostalo je tek nesto manje od polovine stubova koji su drzali potporu, sto deluje porpilicno cudno.
Sve kao da se kidalo delic po delic, frakturisano na mnogo mesta. Ako je to
tako, i recimo da su isparenja reke tokom 50+ godina svakog leta doprinele tome da
taj deo korodira vise, sta ce biti sa ostatkom mosta? Kada ce se i drugi delovi urusiti?
I, najbolje od svega jeste pitanje - kako je kamion znao da se zaustavi pred urusavanje mosta i da ostane
bas na tom mestu?
Jedino ako je
vidovit pa je bio u fazonu
Aha, sada ce grom da ovde zvekne, point of no return je bas ovde 0.5m dalje