Vladimir M.
- Poruka
- 4.032
13.januara 1849 u Neue Rheinische Zeitung Karl Marx je pozvao na istrebljenje Srba i Hrvata jer su nesposobni za revoluciju.
14 i 18 pasos.
Možda ja loše tumačim ovo.
Da li je Karl Marx je pozvao na istrebljenje Srba jer su nesposobni za revoluciju u svojim novinama????
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The year 1848 first of all brought with it the most terrible chaos for Austria by setting free for a short time all these different nationalities which, owing to Metternich, had hitherto been enslaving one another. The Germans, Magyars, Czechs, Poles, Moravians, Slovaks, Croats, Ruthenians, Rumanians, Illyrians and Serbs came into conflict with one another, while within each of these nationalities a struggle went on also between the different classes. But soon order came out of this chaos. The combatants divided into two large camps: the Germans, Poles and Magyars took the side of revolution; the remainder, all the Slavs, except for the Poles, the Rumanians and Transylvanian Saxons, took the side of counter-revolution.
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All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm. For that reason they are now counter-revolutionary.
Da li je sada malo jasnija odmazda 100 za 1 od strane Nemaca U WW2. Koji su samo možda sprovodili PREDVIĐANJE svog sunarodnika Karla Marxa inače takođe NEMCA!
14 i 18 pasos.
Možda ja loše tumačim ovo.
Da li je Karl Marx je pozvao na istrebljenje Srba jer su nesposobni za revoluciju u svojim novinama????
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The year 1848 first of all brought with it the most terrible chaos for Austria by setting free for a short time all these different nationalities which, owing to Metternich, had hitherto been enslaving one another. The Germans, Magyars, Czechs, Poles, Moravians, Slovaks, Croats, Ruthenians, Rumanians, Illyrians and Serbs came into conflict with one another, while within each of these nationalities a struggle went on also between the different classes. But soon order came out of this chaos. The combatants divided into two large camps: the Germans, Poles and Magyars took the side of revolution; the remainder, all the Slavs, except for the Poles, the Rumanians and Transylvanian Saxons, took the side of counter-revolution.
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All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm. For that reason they are now counter-revolutionary.
Da li je sada malo jasnija odmazda 100 za 1 od strane Nemaca U WW2. Koji su samo možda sprovodili PREDVIĐANJE svog sunarodnika Karla Marxa inače takođe NEMCA!
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