Crazy Horses

pura moca


Jay Osmond said:

The song was recorded at MGM in Hollywood and we added that distinctive "Wah! Wah!" intro sound afterwards. Alan had written the lyrics, which talked about horsepower, and he said: "It's got to sound like a horse somehow". We tried everything, then finally found something on Donny's organ that sounded like a neighing stallion.

Concerning the opening part of the song, said:

It wasn't [a] theremin, it was a Y[C]-30 Yamaha organ with a portamento slide. We had a wall of Marshalls in the studio. It was so loud that you couldn't even walk in the studio, so we had to play the organ from the control room. My brother Alan actually played it on the record. I played it live. But the secret to it was a wah-wah pedal. We opened the wah-wah just enough to get that really harsh kind of a piercing sound, but it was the loudness of the Marshalls that got us that sound. And then we doubled it. That was the secret to that sound.

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