Gde se može nabaviti ovaj program.?
Donji video pokazuje kako da instalirate aplikaciju na početni ekran svog uređaja.
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Da, da.
Program je zaista super. Koristio sam verziju 1.2 a zadnjih par godina verziju 5. Iskreno ..... ,,petica" nudi zaista mnogo......
Ova tvoja priča mi je poznata, al' se nadam da će se ,,javiti" i neka lakše dostupna verzija. U tom smislu sa i pokrenuo temu. U svakom slučaju ....hvala. Ako je nabavim - javljam.
Ne znas ti sta valja. Ima besplatna verzija na:
oko 300MB
Ako hoces compact verziju mora da im platis 15$ - nije skupo zaista.
Premium verzija je dosta skuplja, i nema je na netu, mozes samo da porucis preko poste. Kosta 80$, ali realno vredi svaku paru, obzirom na mogucnosti:
- Online access to some 1 billion stars
- Download daily updates of new discoveries and orbital data of satellites, comets and asteroids.
- Calculates the position and simulates the movement of some 100,000,000 stars, more than 1,000,000 deep space objects including nebulae, galaxies and quasars, over 150,000 asteroids, 100+ planetary moons and some 2,000 comets.
- Advanced telescope control
- Calculate and print maps of solar eclipses on Earth map (both in the past and future)
- Add you own images of deep sky objects on the sky
- Exact numerical integration of orbits of comets and asteroids
- Improved Sky Diary - the calendar includes additional celestial events in the monthly overview and a new planet/eclipses observation mode (special guided tours animating the events).
- Revised high resolution maps of planets obtained from the latest space missions.
- Color Milky Way at different wavelenght
- Print Star Charts
- Exhaustive Object Information for every object in the database
- Online interaction to different Digital Sky Survey (DSS)
- Online interaction of RedShift with GoogleTM Earth map. In this way you precisely can set you home location in RedShift.
- Online access to SOHO (SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory, a dedicated Earth satellite) "live" images of the Sun
- Observation planner allowing you to refine your observation schedule for tonight.
- More than 30 deep space mission (like Apollo, Galileo, Cassini/Huygens)
- Smooth 3D-flight to all planets, moons and some 80,000 stars
- Travel through time to observe the skies from any vantage point on Earth or in our solar system from 4173 BC to 9999 AD.
- Access a spectacular photo gallery of hundreds high-resolution color images, featuring famous celestial bodies.
- Video gallery with over 50 real movies and animations devoted to space and astronomy - including Apollo 13 and the Hubble Space Telescope.
- 60 minutes of narrated introduction on the origin and structure of the universe
- 12 lectures - excursions through deep space.