Alanis Morissette - tekstovi pesama+biografija (Alanis Morissette lyrics with biography in Serbian)


Buduća legenda
Alanis Nadine Morissette (rođena 1. lipnja 1974.) je kanadsko – američka pjevačica (i pisac pjesama) te povremeno glumica.

Njen međunarodni debitantski album, Jagged Little Pill (1995.) postao je jedan od najuspješnijih albuma svih vremena, a procijenjeno je da je prodan u trideset milijuna primjeraka širom svijeta. Slijedila su još tri studijska albuma – Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie (1998.), Under Rug Swept (2002.) i So-Called Chaos (2004.), iako nijedan nije postigao isti uspjeh kao Jagged Little Pill.

1 Rani život
2 Alanis i Now Is the Time
3 Preseljenje u Los Angeles
4 Jagged Little Pill razdoblje (1995.–1998.)
5 Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie razdoblje (1998.–2002.)
6 Under Rug Swept razdoblje (2002.–2004.)
7 So-Called Chaos razdoblje (2004.)
8 Jagged Little Pill:Acoustic i The Collection razdoblje (2005.)
9 Diskografija
10 Singlovi
11 Promos
12 Gostovanja
13 Pozornica, film i televizija
14 Videografija
15 Vanjske poveznice

Rani život

Alanis Morissette rođena je u Ottawi, Ontario, Kanada, kao kćer učitelja Alana i Georgine Morissette - otac je Kanađanin, mama Mađarica. Ima starijeg brata, Chada i brata blizanca Wadea. Između treće i šeste godine živjeli su s roditeljima u Njemačkoj. Morissette je pokazivala ljubav prema pjevanju i pisanju pjesama vrlo rano. Kada je imala 9 godina, napisala je prvu pjesmu. Novcem sačuvanim od gostovanja u dječjoj TV-emisiji You Can't Do That On Television, Morissette je izdala indie singl Fate Stay With Me s B-stranom Find The Right Man. U New York-u, Morissette se prijavila na Star Search, popularnom natjecanju za američke talente. Otišla je u Los Angeles kako bi se pojavila u emisiji, ali izgubila je nakon prvog kruga.

Alanis i Now Is the Time

1990., Alanis potpisuje ugovor s MCA Records i objavljuje debitantski album – Alanis (1991.) – s producenticom Leslie Howe. U to vrijeme, Morissette se kreditirala jednostavno kao 'Alanis', kako bi se izbjegla moguća zabuna za kanadskog kolegu Alannah Myles. Album je dosegao dvostruku platinastu nakladu a prvi singl, Too Hot, dosegao je Top 10 kanadskih top ljestvica. Slijedeći singlovi bili su Feel Your Love, Walk Away i Plastic.

1992., Alanis je nominirana za tri Juno Awards: Single of the Year, Best Dance Record, i Most Promising Female Vocalist – ovu zadnju je i osvojila. Iste godine, objavila je Now is the Time, nasljednika 'Alanis'. Namjera je bila ovim albumom odmaknuti Morissette od dance-pop zvuka koji je predstavio debitantski album, a sadržavao je singl An Emotion Away. Međutim, Now Is the Time prodao se u broju manjem od polovice prethodnog, te nakon izvršenog ugovora na dva albuma s MCA Canada, ostala je bez velikog ugovora.

Preseljenje u Los Angeles

1993., Alanis se preselila iz rodnog grada Ottawe u Toronto. Živući sama prvi put u životu, Alanis se susrela s društvom pisaca pjesama, ali rezultati su je rezultati frustrilali. Posjet Nashvillu nekoliko mjeseci kasnije također se pokazao neplodnim. Počela je putovati u Los Angeles i surađivati sa što je moguće više glazbenika, u nadi da će pronaći suradnika. Tijekom toga, Alanis se upoznala s producentom i piscem pjesama Glenom Ballardom. Prema Ballardu, veza je bila trenutna, i u 30 minuta od upoznavanja, počeli su eksperimentirati različitim zvukovima u Ballardovom kućnom studiju. Unatoč naivnosti Alanis, Ballard je vjerovao da se radi o ženi mudrijoj nego što bi njene godine trebale nositi. Prekretnica njihovih sastanaka bila je pjesma 'Perfect', koja je napisana i snimljena za 20 minuta. Alanis je improvizirala tekst na mjestu prema Ballardovim tonovima. Verzija pjesme koja se pojavila na Jagged Little Pill je jedini pokušaj koji je ovaj par ikada snimio. U Los Angelesu, Alanis je živjela u malom, jednosobnom stanu. Na putu u supermarket jedno poslijepodne, bila je opljačkana uz prijetnje pištoljem. Čovjek je pretresao njenu torbicu dok je drugi držao pištolj uperen u nju i natjerao je da leži licem dolje prema pločniku. Alanis je poslije otkrila da joj je jedina briga bila knjiga tekstova pjesama koje je držala u torbici. Tekstovi su, srećom, ipak ostali netaknuti. Činili su glavninu Jagged Little Pilla. Ballard i Morissette snimali su pjesme za Jagged Little Pill doslovno dok su bile pisane. Prema Alanis, Ballard je bio prvi suradnik koji ju je ohrabrivao da izrazi emocije potpuno i bez straha ili srama. Kao rezultat, Alanis je bez zadrške dijelila sve, od svoje poletne ljubavi za životom u 'You Learn, preko tople zaluđenosti u 'Head Over Feet', do najmračnije, najbezobzirnije fantazije za osvetom u 'You Oughta Know'. Alanis je crpila inspiraciju za pjesme u potpunosti iz osobnih iskustava. Do proljeća 1995., Alanis potpisuje ugovor s Maverick Records.

Jagged Little Pill razdoblje (1995.–1998.)

1995., s dvadeset i jednom godinom, Alanis je objavila prvi međunarodni album, Jagged Little Pill. S obzirom na to da su očekivanja od albuma bila izrazito mala, njen menadžer i dugogodišnji prijatelj Scott Welsh kasnije je priznao da nije očekivao da će se album prodati u više od 250,000 primjeraka. Album je debitirao na broju 118 Billboardove 200 ljestvice.

Međutim, stvari su se brzo promijenile kada je DJ iz Los Angelesa s utjecajne radio postaje naišao na 'You Oughta Know' i počeo je puštati non-stop. Pjesma je odmah zaprimila pažnju te se video spot počeo jako često vrtjeti na MTV-u. Slušatelji su bili šokirani i oduševljeni njenim pristupom i stavovima, rijetkima za žene umjetnice u to vrijeme.

Dok je 'You Oughta Know' bio hit, skupina hit singlova koji su slijedili zapravo su poslali Jagged Little Pill na svoj fantastični uspon prema vrhu. Nakon 'Hand in My Pocket', treći singl, 'Ironic' postao je najveći hit Alanis Morissette. Doduše, primila je velike kritike zbog teksta, kada je postalo očito da se mnoge situacije koje je Alanis opisala zapravo ne mogu kategorizirati kao ironične. Irski komičar Ed Bryne je zapravo temeljio veći dio svoga stand-up komičarskog nastupa ističući nedostatak ironije u pjesmi. 'You Learn' i 'Head Over Feet', četvrti i peti singl, zadržali su Jagged Little Pill na Billboard Top 20 ljestvicama više od godinu dana.

Jagged Little Pill postigao je fenomenalan uspjeh. Prodao se u 16 milijuna primjeraka samo u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, a u preko 30 milijuna primjeraka širom svijeta – singlovi s albuma zauzele su mjesto među najprepoznatljivijim pjesmama desetljeća.

Morissette su neki proglašavali 'lutkom glazbene industrije'. Napadana je zbog suradnje s Glenom Ballardom, zbog njegove navodne reputacije po stvaranju imidža, iako je Alanis sama stvorila sve tekstove pjesama za Jagged Little Pill i većinu glazbe za isti, a i takva vrsta suradnje nije bila neobična za solo glazbenike u to vrijeme.

Unatoč svemu, album je nominiran za šest Grammy nagrada. Na dodjeli 1996., Alanis je izvela 'You Oughta Know', međutim bez ljutnje, ostavljajući samo prizvuk tuge i kajanja. Te večeri, Alanis je osvojila nagrade za Album of the Year, Best Female Rock Vocal Performance, Best Rock Song i Best Rock Album.

Kasnije te godine, Morissette je krenula na osamaestomjesečnu svjetsku turneju promovirajući Jagged Little Pill, počevši od malih klubova da bi završila ogromnim koncertima. Na cijelu turneju osvrnula se DVD-om Jagged Little Pill Live.

Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie razdoblje (1998.–2002.)

1998., Alanis snima 'Uninvited', pjesmu kao soundtrack filma 'City of Angels'. Pjesma nikada nije službeno objavljena kao singl, ali je vrlo često emitirana na radiopostajama.

Kasnije te godine, Morissette objavljuje Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, još jednom u suradnji s Glenom Ballardom. Obožavatelji i kritičari nisu bili spremni za ovaj novi pristup pisanju pjesama, jer je većina pjesama, uključujući 'The Couch' i 'Unsent' prkosila tradicionalnim oblicima.

Nakon objavljivanja, album se počeo prodavati iznimno dobro. Izdavač se nadao prodaji milijun primjeraka odmah po objavljivanju. Prodao se upola toliko. Bilo kako bilo, album je debitirao kao broj 1 na Billboard 200 ljestvici, obarajući rekord po broju prodanih albuma jedne žene u samo tjedan dana (469,000 primjeraka, kasnije je taj rekord oborio album Britney Spears 'Oops!... I Did It Again'). Kao nasljednik Jagged Little Pilla, Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie zadržao se znatno kraće na ljestvicama. Njegovi rječiti, osobni tekstovi odbili su mnoge obožavatelje i nakon samo 28 tjedana, sišao s Billboarda 200, s 2.6 milijuna prodanih primjeraka. Širom svijeta, ukupno se prodao u oko 7 milijuna primjeraka. Kritike su bile uglavnom pozitivne, uključujući ocjenu od četiri zvjezdice slavnog časopisa Rolling Stone. 1999., pjesma 'Uninvited' osvojila je dvije Grammy nagrade za Best Rock Song i Best Female Rock Vocal Performance. Prvi singl, 'Thank U', bio je također nominiran za Grammy u kategoriji Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Video spot za ovu pjesmu, u kojem se Alanis pojavljuje gola, stvorio je ozračje blage kontroverzije. Te iste godine, Morissette objavljuje unplugged live (acoustic) album 'MTV Unplugged'. 1999., Alanis Morissette proširuje područje djelovanje počevši se baviti glumom. Pojavila se u ulozi Boga u filmu Kevin Smith-a 'Dogma'. Smith, koji tvrdi da je veliki obožavatelj Alanis, zamolio je nekoliko puta da sudjeluje u filmu. Morala je odbiti glavnu žensku ulogu, i u trenutku kada joj je raspored dopustio da sudjeluje u filmu, jedina slobodna uloga bila je ona Boga – bez govornih rola, tj. samo pojava na kraju filma.

Također se pojavila u hit-komediji 'Seks i Grad' (Sex and the City) te Curb Your Enthusiasm, a i igrala jednu od glavnih uloga u predstavi Eve Ensler 'Vaginini Monolozi' (The Vagina Monologues).

Under Rug Swept razdoblje (2002.–2004.)

2002., nakon četiri godine odsutnosti, Alanis Morissette objavila je treći međunarodni studijski album 'Under Rug Swept', bez primjetne odsutnosti suradnika na Jagged Little Pillu i Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, Glena Ballarda. Prvi put, Alanis je preuzela ulogu i pisca pjesama i producenta. Album je lansirao hit singl 'Hands Clean', dok je debitirao kao broj jedan na Billboard 200 ljestvici, s prodajom 215,000 primjeraka prvi tjedan. Under Rug Swept će eventualno doseći milijun prodanih primjeraka u Sjedinjenim Američkim državama, iako je samo pjesma 'Hands Clean' dobila značajno mjesto na radio i TV postajama. Grammy nagrade zaobišle su album, ali je Alanis osvojila još jednu Juno nagradu za producenticu godine.

U prosincu 2002., Alanis objavljuje CD/DVD kombinaciju 'Feast on Scraps', u koju su uključeni nastupi uživo i osam prethodno neobjavljenih pjesama nastalih na snimanju albuma Under Rug Swept. Album je opet nominiran za Juno nagrade, kategorija Music DVD of the Year.

U studenom 2003., Alanis se pojavljuje u Broadwayskoj predstavi 'The Exonerated' u ulozi Sunny Jacobs, osuđenice na smrt oslobođene nakon što se pojavio dokaz da nije počinila zločin.

So-Called Chaos razdoblje (2004.)

Svibanj 2004. donosi novi album, njen četvrti međunarodni studijski, 'So-Called Chaos'. Dok Alanis nosi sve zasluge za pisanje pjesama, ovaj put koproducenti bili su Tim Thorney i John Shanks. S prodajom u 115,000 primjeraka u prvom tjednu, debitirao je kao broj pet na Billboard 200 ljestvici uz općenito pozitivne kritike. Prvi singl, 'Everything', objavljen je u ožujku 2004. Kako bi se izbjegao cenzorski 'beep' u prvom stihu pjesme, u radio i TV verzijama pjesme riječ 'asshole' promijenjena je u 'nightmare'. Same radio i video verzije pjesme također su promijenjene izbacivanjem nekih stihova iz albumske verzije. Još dva singla, 'Out is Through' i 'Eight Easy Steps' uslijedili su uskoro ali nijedan nije dosegnuo uspjeh pjesme 'Everything', iako je dance mix 'Eight Easy Steps' u prvih 10 na US dance music charts.

U lipnju 2004, Alanis je objavila zaruke s glumcem Ryanom Reynoldsom. Glumačkoj karijeri u srpnju dodaje ulogu u Cole Porter biografskom filmu De-Lovely, u kojem je izvela pjesmu 'Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love' i imala kratku glumačku ulogu anonimne kazališne glumice. Snimak pjesme objavljen je na soundtracku filma i na The Collection.

Jagged Little Pill:Acoustic i The Collection razdoblje (2005.)

11. veljače 2005. Alanis postaje naturalizirani građanin Sjedinjenih Američkih Država još uvijek zadržavajući kanadsko državljanstvo. Sebe smatra Kanadsko-Amerikankom.

Kako bi obilježila desetgodišnjicu Jagged Little Pilla, Alanis objavljuje studijsku akustičnu verziju 13.lipnja 2005. pod nazivom 'Jagged Little Pill Acoustic'. CNN izvještava da će album biti ekskluzivno pušten u prodaju preko lanca trgovina Starbucks, a ekskluziva bi trajala šest tjedana. Taj potez izazvao je dosta kontroverze, čak su i kompanije kao HMV u Kanadi iz protesta maknule cijeli katalog Alanis Morissette iz ponude za vrijeme trajanja ekskluzive. Album se prodao u oko 310,000 primjeraka, nakon šest tjedana prodaja je normalno nastavljena u svim ostalim dućanima, s tim da su uključene stvari koje originalno nisu ponuđene u verziji za Starbucks. Alanis je popratila ovaj album dvomjesečnom turnejom u ljeto 2005., svirajući u manjim, intimnijim okruženjima.

14. listopada, Alanis objavljuje obradu Seal-ove pjesme 'Crazy' iz 1991. kao prvi singl s albuma najvećih hitova, Alanis Morissette: The Collection. Pjesma je došla na 11. poziciju Billboard Top 40 ljestvice do 5. prosinca.

The Collection je objavljen 15. studenog 2005., uslijedila je ograničeno izdanje albuma 6. prosinca. Ograničeno izdanje DVDa uključivalo je dokumentarni film s dva prethodno neobjavljena video spota za pjesme iz 1996., 'Can't Not' i 'King of Intimation' (obje s turneje 'Can't Not'). Pjesma Can't Not kasnije se pojavila u nešto drukčijoj verziji na Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie. DVD također uključuje isječak od 90 sekundi neobjavljenog video spota za pjesmu 'Joining You'.

Alanis je napisala soundtrack za film 'Kronike iz Narnije: Lav, Vještica i Ormar' (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) – 'Wunderkind'. Pjesma je nominirana za nagradu Golden Globe (Best Original Song).

U nekoliko članaka je rečeno (uključujući Alanis samu) da je novi album u izradi i očekuje se da će biti objavljen tijekom 2006. Nagađa se da će zvuk biti malo 'egzotičniji'.


Alanis (objavljeno samo u Kanadi) (1991.)
Now Is the Time (objavljeno samo u Kanadi) (1992.)
Jagged Little Pill (1995.) - #1 US (12 tjedana), 16x platinasta naklada (14.5 milijuna primjeraka prodano), #2 Italija, #6 Francuska, #1 UK, 10x platinasta naklada (ukupna prodaja: 30 milijuna)
Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie (1998.) #1 US (2 tjedna), 3x platinasta naklada (2.6 milijuna primjeraka prodano), #1 Italija, #5 Francuska, #3 UK, platinasta naklada (ukupna prodaja: 7 milijuna)
MTV Unplugged (1999.) #63 US, zlatna naklada (630,000 primjeraka prodano), #6 Italija (ukupna prodaja: 3 milijuna)
Under Rug Swept (2002.) #1 US (1 tjedan), platinasta naklada (1.0 milijun prodanih primjeraka), #1 Italija, #2 Francuska, #2 UK, zlatna naklada (ukupna prodaja: 4 milijuna)
Feast on Scraps (2002.) (CD/DVD komplet) (73,000 primjeraka prodano u US)
So-Called Chaos (2004.) #5 US, zlatna naklada (456,000 primjeraka prodano), #5 Francuska, #4 Italija, #8 UK, srebrna naklada (ukupna prodaja: 2 milijuna)
Jagged Little Pill Acoustic (2005.) (izdano za Starbucks lanac 13. lipnja, za ostale 26. srpnja), #50 US (308,000 primjeraka prodano), #8 Francuska
Alanis Morissette: The Collection (2005.) #51 US (127,413 primjeraka prodano), #16 Italija, #44 UK, #18 Njemačka, #9 Švicarska, #49 Nizozemska, #41 Irska


Jagged Little Pill:

"You Oughta Know" #1 US Modern Rock Tracks, #22 UK, #4 Australija, 1# Brazil
"Hand in My Pocket" #1 US Modern Rock Tracks, #26 UK, #12 Australija, 1# Brazil
"You Learn" #6 US, #24 UK, #20 Australija, 1# Brazil
"Ironic" #2 US, #11 UK, #8 Njemačka, #3 Australija, #1 Latvija, #1 Brazil, #1 Španjolska
"Head over Feet" #1 US Top 40 Mainstream, #7 UK, #73 Njemačka, #12 Australija, 1# Brazil, #6 Španjolska
"All I Really Want" #59 UK, #38 Australija, #33 Španjolska

Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie:

"Thank U" #17 US, #1 US Modern Rock Tracks, #5 UK, #19 Njemačka, #13 Australija, #1 Kanada, #6 Italija, #16 Latvija, #1 Brazil, #1 Španjolska
"Joining You" #16 US Modern Rock Tracks, #28 UK, #28 Njemačka
"Unsent" #23 US
"So Pure" 20 US, #38 UK, #12 Brazil

MTV Unplugged:

"That I Would Be Good" #21 Latvia
"King of Pain" #1 Brazil

Under Rug Swept:

"Hands Clean" #3 US, #12 UK, #18 Njemačka, #8 Australija, #1 Kanada, #3 Italija, #4 Latvija, #1 Brazil, #5 Španjolska
"Precious Illusions" #23 US, #53 UK, #77 Njemačka, #36 Australija, #4 Kanada, #8 Brazil, #23 Španjolska

So-Called Chaos:

"Everything" #24 US, #22 UK, #29 Njemačka, #11 Australija, #3 Kanada, #3 Italija, #2 Indija, #3 Kanada, #14 Čile, #19 Nizozemska, #3 Portugal, #20 Španjolska
"Out Is Through" #56 UK, #75 Njemačka, #37 Nizozemska, #32 Španjolska
"Eight Easy Steps" #3 US Hot Dance Singles Sales

Alanis Morissette: The Collection:

"Crazy" (James Michael Mix) #65 UK, #3 Italija, #9 US Billboard Adult Top 40, #12 Španjolska, #6 Finska, #1 Izrael, #20 Austrija, #38 Njemačka, #13 Latvija, #6 Tajvan, #19 Brazil


"Hand in My Pocket (acoustic)" (promo s Jagged Little Pill Acoustic) (2005.) #7 Španjolska
"Simple Together" (promo samo za Europu s Feast on Scraps) (2002.)
"Uninvited" (promo, 1998.) #1 US Top 40 Mainstream, #1 Brazil


"Uninvited" (City of Angels soundtrack, 1998.)
"Still" (Dogma soundtrack, 1999.)
"Mercy," "Hope," "Innocence," i "Faith" (The Prayer Cycle kompilacija, 1999.)
"Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love)" ( De-Lovely soundtrack, 2004.)
"Wunderkind" (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe soundtrack, 2005.)

Pozornica, film i televizija

You Can't Do That on Television (1986.)
Dogma (1999)
The Vagina Monologues (1999.)
Sex and the City, Dawn (epizoda "Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl", 1999.)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, That Woman (God) (2001.)
Curb Your Enthusiasm, (epizoda "The Terrorist Attack", 2002.)
The Exonerated, Sunny Jacobs (2003.)
De-Lovely, (2004.)
American Dreams, (epizoda "What Dreams May Come", 2004.)
Degrassi: The Next Generation, ravnateljica (epizoda "Goin' Down the Road: Part 1", 2005.)


Jagged Little Pill, Live (1997.) Live in the Navajo Nation (2002.) Feast on Scraps (2002.) VH1 Storytellers (2005.) Global Warming: The Signs and The Science (2005.)

Izvor: Wikipedia


"Feel Your Love"

Baby, I've got this thing for you
I'm thinkin' there's somethin' goin' on now
A wicked imagination
A serious kind of somethin' new
It's drivin' me right out of my mind now
It's gotta be desperation
Can't feel no pain when I'm thinking about you
Dreamin' isn't black and white
Can't make no gain 'til my vision c-comes true
Give it to me like I'd like to give it to you

Love I wanna feel your love
Right from the bottom of my heart to your hands
(now baby now) Love I wanna feel your love
You know this waitin' for you boy I can't stand

Bein' just who you wanna be and doin' whatever
comes to mind now
I gotta get information
Never knew what to do with you
You're givin' me sometin' to hold on to
My newest infatuation
"People Power" means I gotta believe you
Can't you hear the voices callin'
Keep your flowers cause their colour will turn blue
Give it to me like I'd like to give it to you

Love I wanna feel your love
Right from the bottom of your heart to your hands
(now baby now) Love I wanna feel your love
You know this waitin' for you boy I can't stand

"Too Hot"

Always too hot never too cold
You make your best shot too hot to hold
Never too young Never too old
You gotta go for gold

Hey boy you wanted all or nothin'
Lose the apprehension baby
And go with the flow cause you know you've got
Stand up if you want the answers
You need to blast 'em straight up baby
So say what you mean and you mean to say now

Hey you don't have to go and prove it
You just go ahead and do it
Your time is for the takin', makin'
the best of what you got now

Never too hot never too cold
You make your best shot too hot to hold
Never too young Never too old
You gotta go for gold

Don't care what they say about ya
You never throw a hero party
For those who oppose who you chose to be now
Maybe you could feel the power
It's like a bomb inside your head that blows if you're
slow when you go to use it
You, you gotta show them that you mean it just go ahead and scream it
And show them what they're missin' listen
to what your heart could tell ya


You gotta go for gold and you'll make it baby
Gold! And when you're there you gotta
Throw your hands in the air
And wave 'em like you just don't care
Reachin' teachin' practice what you're preachin'
Throw your hands in the air
And wave 'em like you just don't care
Movin' provin' everything you're doin'


You, you don't have to go and prove it
You just go ahead and do it
Your time is for the takin' makin'
the best of what you got now
Always too hot
Never too cold
Give your best shot
Go with the flow cause you know you've got to


You got a plastic name and a plastic heart
You can play the game or you'll never start
I'm talkin' to you
You got a plastic house and a plastic fence
Gotta look around or you'll lose your friends
Am I gettin' through?

You got a plastic girl in a plastic bed
And she's in your house made of gingerbread
And you're in there too
Got a plastic smile on a plastic face
But it's underneath that you can't erase
But what can you do-do-do?

Say Love-it's not that hard after all
(tell me what I want, what I wanna hear)
When everybody does
Say Love-it's gonna tear down the walls
(tell me what I want, what I wanna hear)
if everybody loves

You live in a plastic dream through a plastic card
But reality you don't disregard
You know that it's true
You got a plastic goal in a plastic life
Gotta search your soul gotta make it right
And here's what you do-do-do


Wake up in the morin'
Some are not sleepin' tight
A matter you've been ignorin'
Why can't you just say it?
Will not wait forever
Can't you see I'm right
I want you to endeavor
To tell me again and again!

"Walk Away"

A downtown cafe Saturday evenin' and the
place is about to be closed I'm meeting my baby
yeah and order my hundreath cup of coffee today
My hands are shakin'

At half past seven I'm sittin here waitin' for
my boy all alone for too long It's after eleven
yeah I'm tired of waitin' and I'm gonna go home
cause I don't need this

You never think twice before you break all the rules
you gotta be crazy if you think I'm a fool

I'll walk away and say good bye
If you don't want me anymore
I've bot my pride
I'll walk away and say good bye
if I don't get the love we had before
not satisfied

He finally gets here I'm waitin' for him to ask me
why there's a frown on my face He orders a
cold beer he has an excuse about his car
breakin' down but I don't buy it
You're givin' me sometin' I don't need anymore
Just gimme the word and I'll be slammin' the door


His best intentians are never the same as what
he does of the end of the day. I'm feelin' the
tension yeah Don't gimme no reasons cause you
don't comprehend what am I feelin'
You never think twice before you break all the rules
You gotta be crazy if you think I'm a fool
You're givin' me somethin' I don't need anymore
Just gimme the word and I'll be slammin' the door


So tell me now Just say the word
It won't be long
I'll be long long gone...
"On My Own"

Why do I feel it's all up to me to see that
everything's right and it's how it should be
Why don't they just leave me alone
I've got to prove I can
Little girl with stars in her eyes they've
got her all figured out and there's nowhere
to hide why can't they all see who I am
when will they understand

It may take some time they don't know how
it feels because they can't read my mind
They always say I'm too young and they
feel they should help me
But I can make it all alone out here on my own

Every day I feel so in demand and all I
wish I could find is a place I can land
One day I'll feel comfort inside cause I'll
know who I am

I can hold the line if I know in the end
that I won't be left behind I don't regret
what I've done I don't think you can blame me
Now I'm standin' all alone out here on my own

I'm not thinking 'bout leavin' home
But I need to be on my own
Doesn't mean I have a heart of stone
I won't even ask them why
I can't ever let them see me cry
Here I'm standing all alone out here on my own...
out here on my own

Feeling lost in a world full of lies
I can't help thinkin' that love is just
passin' me by Hold on to what I believe
and keep an open hand

Can I have it all if there's no one to
turn to when I stumble and fall
Is there a secret I need because no one
has told me-all alone

It may take some time cause I know
how it feels to have a lot on your mind
I'll never feel all alone cause!
Know that I have me
Now I can make it all alone out here on my own

I'm lookin' for someone who can made me feel
A serious love like Juliet's is real
A little impulsive and a boy at heart
A little bit shy but he'll be oh so smart

Superman I need a superman

You got a complicated girl like me
He's gotta be fair and treat me properly yeah
I want him to understand equality
You gotta Keep searchin' everywhere in the world
You gotta keep lookin' or you'll miss the feelin'

You gotta be tough to make it today who
You do it your way and not how they say
You'll find him somewhere
You gotta be tough to make it today who
And never be scared of finding your way
to Superman

Should I call him on the telephone
Should I go seem him or just stay at home
will be different from the other boys
if I could find him I'd be overjoyed

Superman where are you Superman
Whenever it seems like everything's on the line
You gotta keep lookin' or you'll miss the feelin'


With all the other boys I never knew
what it took to make a choice
When he's mine I'm gonna stop
all my changin' around now
Between the two of us there'll be
enough goin' on that's serious
I can't wait 'til I can stop
all my lookin' around now

I found my Superman I found my Superman

Whenever it seems like everything's
on the line you gotta keep lookin' or
you'll miss the feelin'


Make sure she's alright
She just can't wait to party
She'll make it look so easy
Why won't you listen to me

Jealousy-some girls have it rough oh baby
Loyalty-why is that so tough, the trust is gone

Jealous don't you know your girl is jealous
She can't help but be suspicious
Can't you see, that girl is jealous
So better make it right

Cruelty-it's easy for him to be
Fallacy-you're out on a limb for him

Conspiracy Anxiety she just can't wait to party
Strategy totally she'll make it look so easy
Loyalty disagree why won't you listen to me
Fantasy Novelty she will be free


Jealous-it's no fallacy
Jealous-she doesn't trust you much
Suspicious-so baby can't you see that girl
don't trust you much make sure she's alright

"Oh Yeah!"

My name is Alanis. I'm a white chick singer
the drums are a-smokin' and so's the bass
Shake your thing
When you sing
just sixteen
no disco queen

I'm a white chick singer I've seen the world I've got
a lession 4u I'm your teacher girl
Two words you'll be hearin' will
shake the earth so repeat after me
No need to be rehearsed

Oh yeah

My name is Alanis I'm just sixteen so
please gimme a break I'm no disco queen
Just hear what I'm sayin' you don't
wanna miss I got a message 4U and it
goes like this


Ride my train
Go insane
your teacher girl
rules your world

Now don't overdo it when you shake your thing
cause you'll be goin' insane when you start
to sing
Without special training an amateur
Could be a casuality case if they sing
these words


Yo-Ah Yo-Ah
Wo-oh Yeah!

The drums are a smokin' and so's the
bass they keep on pumpin' a groove and it'll melt your face
Comon' everybody and blow your mind
Because you'l never escape these 2
words of mine
"Party Boy"

You're love ain't enough-OW!
You're just a party party party boy yeah
oh baby
You're just a party party party boy!

From the moment I walked into your life
I knew right then it was a serious
thing 4U

I got a kick out of your party friends
After a while I found a holiday, overdue
Who completely away from you
Oh baby your love ain't enough-OW!

Party Boy You're just a party boy
Ain't no time for sleepin' cause you're misbehavin'
Party Boy You're just a party boy
Wake up soon and open your eyes
the time has come to see the light

It took me long enough to realize
That all you give me is a really big broken heart
And I remember how it used to be
There was a time when we could never be
torn apart and now I wish that we could make a start
You know I gave you all my love-OW!


This world of yours turning upside down
Goin' up and down like a merry-go-round
A rumor goin' on right across the town
Why can't you see it?

I gave you love like you never knew
And you're givin' me nothing but an attitude
And now I'm gonna give a bit of solitude
I'll miss you baby oh...
Misbehavin'-now I'll mis ya

Ow! Your just a party party party boy
yeah oh baby
You're just a party party party boy!
I've got to say to you so you listen
Hey Boy A-Good Bye!

"Real World"

We play the game with determination
We don't give a dam 'bout our reputation baby
It's not a game, it's a revelation
Step inside the real world
The real world...yeah yeah yeah... The real world...yeah...

It's been every day now, and it just won't go away
Life is so intense now, not much common sense now yeah
And late in the night I turn out my light yeah
A song in my head, and it says "STEP INSIDE THE REAL WORLD"

We play the game with determination
We don't give a damn 'bout our reputation baby
It's not a game, it's a revelation
Just another day in the real world...yeah, the real world

I can make decisions with no one else believin' me
I just look inside me 'cause I've got my own voice to guide me
It came in a dream, a light so extreme yeah
A voice in my head, and it says "STEP INSIDE THE REAL WORLD"


Ya gotta step inside the real world STEP-IN-SIDE-THE-REAL-WORLD
I woke from the dream, I know what it means yeah
That voice in my head...It says "YOU'RE HERE INSIDE THE REAL WORLD"


Step inside the real world, inside the real world, step inside the real world...
"An Emotion Away"

I had high expectations
It's something I could not compromise
And when I saw you I wasn't ready
It completely took my heart by surprise

Who...And when I think of the time I med you
The situation looked harmless
It wasn't long before I got confused enough
And soon I realized that your...

Love is just an emotion away
I know it's gonna get to you
Love will be only a moment away
A moment away you know it's true

Lately the way I'm feeling
It's something I could never have planned
I knew that one day I'd find a love thing
Now I'll never stop believing in chance

I put my heart on a shelf forever
I never thought I would find you
I didn't know any better baby
But then I realized that your...


Love is crazy love love is crazy and soon you're gonna get some

It was the night Rod Stewart played
And we were, were standing in the pouring rain
If I had known it was the last time I would see you again...
I would change everything...

I look through the broken glass I watch the storm go through my mind
There's so much I had to say I know the words I left behind
And now I'm caught in a daydream with nowhere to run and hide
The world rushes by me, it's leaving me here all alone
(I would change everything, but I can't do anything
I would give all that I have to know where you are)

I'll always carry you inside my heart and you
You'll never know how much I wonder where you are
I always knew that you would take a part of me away with you
And I never got to say good-bye

I look in the mirror now and all I see is yesterday
At night I hear your voice and it is calling out my name
And with every hour just hold on to what you can
They're lost in a moment and fading away in the night
(I would change everything, but I can't do anything
I would give all that I have just to know where you are)


...and I never..ever...said good-bye...

That night is just a memory
But I still feel you standing next to me
And when I think I hear your voice all I hear is the rain...
"The Time Of Your Life"

Standing there on a road that leads to anywhere
Like a child left in the wilderness, standing there penniless
Wanting to be the best

Here's a place where life runs at a different pace
Where love is just convenient, none are obedient
And we are subservient

Look at me, I'm a girl that some may preconceive
Why do they try and generalize, why are they antagonizing me
But something I can't control that...

I Wantcha
You know I'll never stop 'til I've gotcha
You'll never be quite the same when I rock ya
I'm not the kind of girl that you thought I was
You'll have a good time 'cause I wantcha
I'm breaking down the walls 'till I have you, feel you
Show you the time of your life

Here we are and I wonder how we've come this far
In a world that does not recognize women are victimized
What does that symbolize

Why do I want the things I usually criticize
It may be self destructiveness, or maybe it's emptiness inside
But something I can't control that...


You'll have a good time...
It's a lonely road, and no one knows the way that I feel
I'm not giving up now... I'll never try to justify
They'll never understand, you'll be a happy man
You'll have the time of your life

It's something, it's something, it's something that I can't control
The time of your life...
"No Apologies"

Whenever we talk about sun all I see is the rain
It's like looking for tears in a ocean
I'm hearing your words like the wind
They blow straight through my heart
Will you ever give in to emotion

And we hurt the ones that we love the most
Why we do only heaven knows
And I don't know why I'm still holding on...holding on

I reach in my heart to see
If your love is alive in me
But now I feel alone
My feelings turn to stone
My heart makes no apologies

When an apology's made it isn't always enough
To erase all the past in a moment
Whenever I need you the most
You always leave me behind
With a word from your lips I'm alone

You've been blind not to realize
All the love that I hold inside
So tell me why do I keep holding on...holding on


What I need is your sympathy
Like a light flowing into me
But I will never give up holding on...holding on

[CHORUS] heart makes no apologies no no
my feelings turn to stone... I make no apologies
"Can't Deny"

It's late at night and no one's around
And only my heart is making a sound
I lay awake alone in my bed
And I can't sleep should I call you instead

I think of you far too much 'cause you, you're one of a kind
I'm not like an open book
'cause I've got something in mind

You know I can't deny the way I feel inside
I won't be hiding my love
You know I can't disguise you're always on my mind
And now I can't get enough

Give me love, I know that you can
I like the strength of a confident man
It's in my blood and all through my veins
You feel it once and you're never the same

Whenever I close my eyes you're there. I feel it inside
But why am I holding in my love, I can't tell you why


I think of you far too much 'cause you, you're one of a kind
I'm not like an open book 'cause I've got something in mind
You know I , you know I, I can't deny
Every day you're always on my mind
You know I , you know I, I can't disguise
Can't deny the way I feel inside

"When We Meet Again"

We said good-bye with so much left to say
We knew inside we'd find another way
We'll have it all, it's not too late to try
Maybe you and I could go from here
Maybe you and I can make it, this time we'll...

Fall in love when we meet again
We can finish what we started
Fall in love if we try again
And then nothing will keep us apart

We're not the same as when we first began
We'll try to change, we'll take another chance
Maybe you and I could work it out
Maybe you and I can make it, this time we'll


I see your face, it's always on my mind
A time and palace we almost left behind
This time we'll fall in, this time we'll...

"Give What You Got"

You've got to give it all to baby
You know I want it all for me
I wanna get to know you baby
Is that a possibility

Hey, you're my man, I'm your woman
And I'm not too proud to tell you what you do to my head
I'm not kiddin'
You've got everythin' that any girl would want, yes you do
You're just wishin'
Well it's time you know the truth and that is
When you are beggin' me for money
Just got to tell me what you need
But if you want my lovin' buddy
You've got to get down on your knees

You've got to give what you got and take what I'm givin' you baby
You've got to want what you see and see what I'm givin' away

Hey, stick with me, I'm your momma
And you can run to momma every time your skin you knee
No one ever,
Could ever take your place, the way you move makes me hot
Let me tell you,
You won't be satisfied without me

You've got to give it all to baby
You know I want it all for me
I wanna get to know you baby
Is that a possibility

"(Change Is) Never A Waste Of Time"

I know there's a reason you're forcing a smile
You hide what you're feeling and you have for a while
I can tell that you're falling
And you feel that you can't go on
But a new day is calling
And you'll see that the feeling is gone

You know you're not the only one
Who has a lot to overcome
And when the time has come then you move on
'Cause you've been crying for too long
Sometimes life is so unkind
But change is never a waste of time

I know how you're feeling, I've been there before
The hurting is something much to strong to ignore
Don't be waiting for someone
Who can take all your fear away
When there's no one to listen
That is when you should not be afraid


But change is never a waste... it's never a waste of time
"Big Bad Love"

I'm having dreams in the night of you baby
And Sigmund Freud would have thought I was crazy
I wonder why you've become an obsession
All I know is that I need to have your big bad love
Big bad love [3k]
You keep on lovin' and lyin'
You've turning me into a fool babe
But I'm not screamin' or cryin'
There's better things we have to do baby

It takes a lot for me to truly believe
That you could love me unconditionally
And I'm terrified of taking a chance
If you're not ready to believe in romance

Who...I wonder why I am so unrelentless
There's nothing that I can do to prevent this
And the dream I am not apprehensive
All I know is that I need to have your...

Big bad love
I need a love with an attitude
Big bad love
The only kind that I want from you
Big bad love
I need it from you so urgently
Big bad love...need it baby yeah yeah yeah

I'm not avoidin' your lovin'
'Cause I can afford to be blue babe
I keep on pushin' and shovin'
I can't get enough out of you baby

I don't believe your blood is bad to the bone
'Cause then you're different when we're here all alone
And if you knew the game I wanted to play
Now would you say the words I want you to say ...who

I'm am so relentless...I can't prevent this... I am not apprehensive
All I know is that I need to have your big bad love
"All I Really Want"

Do I stress you out
My sweater is on backwards and inside out
And you say how appropriate
I don't want to dissect everything today
I don't mean to pick you apart you see
But I can't help it
There I go jumping before the gunshot has gone off
Slap me with a splintered ruler
And it would knock me to the floor if I wasn't there already
If only I could hunt the hunter

And all I really want is some patience
A way to calm the angry voice
And all I really want is deliverance
Do I wear you out
You must wonder why I'm so relentless and all strung out
I'm consumed by the chill of solitary
I'm like Estella
I like to reel it in and then spit it out
I'm frustrated by your apathy
And I am frightened by the corrupted ways of this land
If only I could meet the Maker

And I am fascinated by the spiritual man
I am humbled by his humble nature
What I wouldn't give to find a soulmate
Someone else to catch this drift
And what I wouldn't give to meet a kindred
Enough about me, let's talk about you for a minute
Enough about you, let's talk about life for a while
The conflicts, the craziness and the sound of pretenses
Falling all around...all around
Why are you so petrified of silence
Here can you handle this?

Did you think about your bills, your ex, your deadlines
Or when you think you're gonna die
Or did you long for the next distraction
And all I need know is intellectual intercourse
A soul to dig the hole much deeper
And I have no concept of time other than it is flying
If only I could kill the killer

All I really want is some peace man
a place to find a common ground
And all I really want is a wavelength
All I really want is some comfort
A way to get my hands untied
And all I really want is some justice...
"You Oughta Know"

I want you to know, that I'm happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both
An older version of me
Is she perverted like me
Would she go down on you in a theatre
Does she speak eloquently
And would she have your baby
I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother

Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able
To make it enough for you to be open wide, no
And every time you speak her name
Does she know how you told me you'd hold me
Until you died, till you died
But you're still alive

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know

You seem very well, things look peaceful
I'm not quite as well, I thought you should know
Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced
Are you thinking of me when you **** her

Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able
To make it enough for you to be open wide, no
And every time you speak her name
Does she know how you told me you'd hold me
Until you died, til you died
But you're still alive

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know

Cause the joke that you laid on the bed that was me
And I'm not gonna fade
As soon as you close your eyes and you know it
And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back
I hope you feel it...well can you feel it

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know

Sometimes is never quite enough
If you're flawless, then you'll win my love
Don't forget to win first place
Don't forget to keep that smile on your face

Be a good boy
Try a little harder
You've got to measure up
And make me prouder

How long before you screw it up
How many times do I have to tell you to hurry up
With everything I do for you
The least you can do is keep quiet

Be a good girl
You've gotta try a little harder
That simply wasn't good enough
To make us proud

I'll live through you
I'll make you what I never was
If you're the best, then maybe so am I
Compared to him compared to her
I'm doing this for your own damn good
You'll make up for what I blew
What's the problem...why are you crying

Be a good boy
Push a little farther now
That wasn't fast enough
To make us happy
We'll love you just the way you are
If you're perfect
"Hand In My Pocket"

I'm broke but I'm happy
I'm poor but I'm kind
I'm short but I'm healthy, yeah
I'm high but I'm grounded
I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed
I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby
What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five
I feel drunk but I'm sober
I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm restless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

What it all comes down to
Is that everything's gonna be quite alright
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is flicking a cigarette
And what it all comes down to
Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving the peace sign
I'm free but I'm focused
I'm green but I'm wise
I'm hard but I'm friendly baby
I'm sad but I'm laughing
I'm brave but I'm chickenshit
I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

And what it all boils down to
Is that no one's really got it figured out just yet
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is playing the piano
And what it all comes down to my friends
Is that everything's just fine fine fine
I've got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is hailing a taxi cab

[Harmonica solo]
"Right Through You"

Wait a minute man
You mispronounced my name
You didn't wait for all the information
Before you turned me away
Wait a minute sir
You kind of hurt my feelings
You see me as a sweet back-loaded puppet
And you've got meal ticket taste

I see right through you
I know right through you
I feel right through you
I walk right through you

You took me for a joke
You took me for a child
You took a long hard look at my ass
And then played golf for a while
Your shake is like a fish
You pat me on the head
You took me out to wine dine 69 me
But didn't hear a damn word I said

I see right through you
I know right through you
I feel right through you
I walk right through you

Hello Mr. Man
You didn't think I'd come back
You didn't think I'd show up with my army
And this ammunition on my back
Now that I'm Miss Thing
Now that I'm a zillionaire
You scan the credits for your name
And wonder why it's not there

I see right through you
I know right through you
I feel right through you
I walk right through you

You know how us Catholic girls can be
We make up for so much time a little too late
I never forgot it, confusing as it was
No fun with no guilt feelings
The sinners, the saviors, the loverless priests
I'll see you next Sunday

We all had our reasons to be there
We all had a thing or two to learn
We all needed something to cling to
So we did

I sang Alleluia in the choir
I confessed my darkest deeds to an envious man
My brothers they never went blind for what they did
But I may as well have
In the name of the Father, the Skeptic and the Son
I had one more stupid question

We all had our reasons to be there
We all had a thing or two to learn
We all needed something to cling to
So we did

What I learned I rejected but I believe again
I will suffer the consequence of this inquisition
If I jump in this fountain, will I be forgiven
We all had our reasons to be there
We all had a thing or two to learn
We all needed something to cling to
So we did

We all had delusions in our head
We all had our minds made up for us
We had to believe in something
So we did
