11. 09. Inside Job!

Uncontrolled fires​

The collapse of 7 World Trade Center, a 47-storey skyscraper in the vicinity of the Twin Towers, has attracted many conspiracy theories, some of which were trending on major social networks on last year's 9/11 anniversary.
This building - containing offices of the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the Office of Emergency Management - collapsed hours after the Twin Towers without being hit by a plane or directly targeted.

Screengrab of the moment building 7 collapsed

But in 2008, a three-year investigation by the National Institute of Standards and Technology concluded it had collapsed because of intense and uncontrolled fires - lasting for nearly seven hours - started by debris from the fall of the nearby North Tower.
7 World Trade Center was the first tower of its kind to collapse because a fire.
But in 2017, the Plasco tower in the Iranian capital, Tehran, became the second.
A claim widely shared online, "Jet fuel cannot melt steel beams," suggests the World Trade Center's Twin Towers were demolished by explosives.
But according to an official report, the crashed planes considerably damaged support columns of both the towers and dislodged fire-proofing.
Additionally, the fires reached up to 1,000C in some areas, causing the steel beams to warp and the eventual collapse of the buildings.
“America seemingly had the most powerful air force in the world but failed to intercept any of the planes that day, which theorists believe is an indication of a government conspiracy to let the attacks go ahead,” the Daily Star says.

However, later investigations specified that not only did the attackers turn off their aircrafts’ transponders upon hijacking them, making them far harder to track on radar, but that Norad was given nowhere near enough time to intercept the planes.
Unfortunately, unlike with the World Trade Center, there is no clear video of the plane hitting the Pentagon. Something hit the Pentagon, all right. But these conspiracy theorists don't believe it was a plane. Rather, they say it was some sort of military missile.

Theorists have examined the early photographs of the crash site and believe that the hole made in the building -- which was originally about 75 feet (22.9 meters) wide before more of the building collapsed -- was too small to have been caused by a 757 commercial airplane with a wingspan of over 124 feet (37.8 meters). But experts believe that not only did a wing of plane probably hit the ground before impact with the building, but that the wings would not have been strong enough to neatly penetrate the building [source: Popular Mechanics]. Some find it suspicious that windows above the impact remained intact before the rest of the structure collapsed, but these windows were blast-resistant.

Also, hundreds of witnesses say they saw the plane hit the building. And, if Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon, where did it go? More importantly, what happened to the victims who were on it? Perhaps, say theorists, they were put on Flight 93.

Flight 93 Was Shot Down​

If the Sept. 11th attacks were an elaborate government plot, then how do conspiracy theorists explain United Airlines Flight 93, the plane that crashed in an abandoned strip mine near Shanksville, Penn.? Most people believe that passengers on board likely revolted, and the scuffle with the terrorists resulted in the crash. This theory is supported by cockpit recordings.
Conspiracy theorists don't think this story matches the evidence at the crash site, however. Much of the plane at the site was destroyed, and reports of sheet metal and papers found 6 miles (9.7 kilometers) away from the main crash site raise questions. Theorists don't think this could be the result of a normal plane crash, but rather argue that the plane must have been shot down by the government. Popular Mechanics' review of the details determines that debris did not land so far away as these reports indicate, and that all debris landed a reasonable distance from the crash considering the direction in which the wind and the plane were going [source: Popular Mechanics].
Unfortunately, unlike with the World Trade Center, there is no clear video of the plane hitting the Pentagon. Something hit the Pentagon, all right. But these conspiracy theorists don't believe it was a plane. Rather, they say it was some sort of military missile.

Theorists have examined the early photographs of the crash site and believe that the hole made in the building -- which was originally about 75 feet (22.9 meters) wide before more of the building collapsed -- was too small to have been caused by a 757 commercial airplane with a wingspan of over 124 feet (37.8 meters). But experts believe that not only did a wing of plane probably hit the ground before impact with the building, but that the wings would not have been strong enough to neatly penetrate the building [source: Popular Mechanics]. Some find it suspicious that windows above the impact remained intact before the rest of the structure collapsed, but these windows were blast-resistant.

Also, hundreds of witnesses say they saw the plane hit the building. And, if Flight 77 didn't hit the Pentagon, where did it go? More importantly, what happened to the victims who were on it? Perhaps, say theorists, they were put on Flight 93.
ovo je već žešće vređanje zdravog razuma krila aviona udarila u zemlju pre nego što je avion udario u zgradu ili krila nisu bila dovoljna jaka da prodru u zgradu pa su verovatno zbog toga prosto nestala i nema ih nigde,neverovatno
ovo je već žešće vređanje zdravog razuma krila aviona udarila u zemlju pre nego što je avion udario u zgradu ili krila nisu bila dovoljna jaka da prodru u zgradu pa su verovatno zbog toga prosto nestala i nema ih nigde,neverovatno
Pa na stranu to ali imaš svedoke, neki videli avion a neki nisu. Imaš i spisak valjda stradalih iz tog aviona.

Poslednja izmena:
Pa na stranu to ali imaš svedoke, neki videli avion a neki nisu. A imaš i spisak valjda stradalih iz tog aviona.

sviđa mi se ovo oko svedoka neki videli avion a neki nisu lol
nema materijalnih dokaza da je avion udario u tu zgradu ispada da su ostaci aviona isparili onog trenutka kada je avion udrario u zgradu,ludilo
spisak stradalih iz tog aviona može samo značti da su negde stradali kao što je 125 ljudi zaposleno u toj zgradi stradalo taj dan ali to nije dokaz zvanične verzuje koja kaže da se komercijalni avion zakucao u zgradu pentagona
Ima tu jedna nelogičnost, navodno su to uradili da bi opravdali napad na Avganistan. Napadali su Vijetnam, Irak dva puta i Srbiju bez napada na teritoriji USA. Kada pogledaš Avganistan ko se uopšte trza da brani tu veću nedodjiju od svih prethodnih slučajeva pa da oni moraju to pravdati na taj način. Osama bin Laden je i pre tog napada bio optužen za terorizme protiv Amerike i bio je u Avganistanu. Mogli su samo sa tim izgovorom da ulete tamo. Za Vijetnam borba protiv komunizma, Za Irak bili Kuvajt i fejk oružje za masovno uništenje, za Srbiju neki tamo jadni Albanci, nidje veze ta teorija.
Poslednja izmena:
Ima tu jedna nelogičnost, navodno su to uradili da bi opravdali napad na Avganistan. Napadali su Vijetnam, Irak dva puta i Srbiju bez napada na teritoriji USA. Kada pogledaš Avganistan ko se uopšte trza da brani tu veću nedodjiju od svih prethodnih slučajeva pa da oni moraju to pravdati na taj način. Osama bin Laden je i pre tog napada bio optužen za terorizme protiv Amerike i bio je u Avganistanu. Mogli su samo sa tim izgovorom da ulete tamo. Za Vijetnam borba protiv komunizma, Za Irak bili Kuvajt i fejk oružje za masovno uništenje, za Srbiju neki tamo jadni Albanci, nidje veze ta teorija.
vatrootporni pasoši hm??
Talibanski Maverik nepogrešivo putničkim avionom udara u Pentagon posle ubrzanog kursa letenja na avionu za zaprašivanje komaraca?? šta kaže vladin izveštaj? kako je to moguće?? :D
