Express Entry / Expression of Interest Canada - stavka 13 kaze da ti trebaju svedocanstva I diplome, to je tacno, ali ti to ne treba za WES, to ti treba da prikupis kad dobijes ITA... Za WES imas sve na njihovom sajtu I ako ti nesto nije jasno slobodno pitaj, ovde su skoro svi to vec odradili. Ja sam prosle nedelje poslala FedEx-om kazu da treba 3 nedelje. Da, suprugu treba diploma I dodatak diplomi, a ako je po starom onda transkript. Sve to prevedeno, I salju se kopije... A za tebe si mozda u pravu jer za srednju skolu dobijas 2 poena pa mozda nije ni bitno. Srecno!!! :bye:
Pozdrav svima!
Evo, muz i ja se pridruzujemo svima, i krecemo u akciju prikupljanja papira. Bili smo kod advokata na konsultacionom razgovoru, cisto da se eto iz prve ruke upoznamo sa tim sta i kako, a dalje cemo sami. IELTS smo polagali, ja sam ga uradila dobro za "ne nosioca" liste l:7, r:7.5, s:7, w:5.5, a muz je imao isto kao i ja, sto je znacilo da mora ili na remark ili na ponovno polaganje, zbog 5.5 na writing delu. Aplikacija sa sajta je medjutim prihvatila i dala nam broj za dalju proceduru, iako na sajtu kaze da minimum mora da bude 6 na svakom delu. Na kraju smo poslali i Ambasadi u Becu mail, i rekose da mora jovo na novo. :) Tako da cekamo 9.maj i da opet ispolaze sve. :) Papiri odneti kod sudskog tumaca, tako da cemo taman to na WES da saljemo, dok se sacekaju rezultati. E sad, ako neko moze da mi odgovori na par pitanjca, bila bih mu zahvalna. :)

- Koliko se otprilike cekju rezultati procene WES- a?
- Posto je muz nosilac liste, advokat, barem po onom listu koji nam je dao, je napisao da on mora da salje svedocanstvo i diplome iz srednje skole + dodatak diplomi i diplomu sa Vise. I to je ok, u procesu je prevodjenja (mada mi nije jasno cemu srednja skola, jer na sajtu stoji poslednje zavrseno obrazovanje, tako da ako neko ima neku info o tome, neka je prosledi. :))
E sada me zanima da li i ja treba da saljem svoje obrazovanje? Posto mi je ostalo jos 3 ispita do uzimanja male diplome sa Fakulteta, sto znaci da bih sada slala sve iz srednje, ali po onom bodovnom sistemu max koji moze da dobije supruznik je 10 poena, pa ne znam da li uopste slati i placati 300CAD ako ne pravi neku Bog zna kakvu razliku (jedino ako mora). Kako ste vi odradili?

Kako vi napredujete sa svim ovim? Mi ulazimo u sve to, i pravo da vam kazem jedva cekamo da, ako sve bude kako treba, zaplivamo tim vodama. :) I da ne zaboravim, hvala unapred na odgovorima. :)

Wes nisam cekala duze od tri nedelje. Stim sto bar pet dana ranije sam dobila pdf sa kojim sam vec mogla da otvorim profil.iznenadjujuce je brzo proslo.
Ne znam sto je advokat rekao da saljei srednju skolu, ja koliko sam videla samo najvisi stepen obrazovanja koji imas. Ja nisam slala svedocanstva samo fakultetsku diplomu. Ne znam za tebe ali mislim da ne mora.
Hvala vam mnogo na odgovorima. :) A ni meni nije najjasnije zasto su rekli da idu i srednja i Visa. Jos je on nama tada rekao da se u kurirsku kovertu stavljaju dve- jedna sa srednjom skolom, druga sa Visom, naravno sve pecatirano pecatima skola sa sve memorandumima. Eto, makar je potrefio u kakve koverte ide ako nista drugo. :) Jos je rekao da muzu idu sve 4 godine srednje, a meni samo 3. i 4. Ali ako ste svi vec uveliko prolazili bez toga, onda je to uopste sumanuto slati, jer je apsolutno suvisno. Bem mu, od sada se informisem samo na forumu. :) A Boze zdravlja ako sve prodje kako treba, ima od A do S da napravim uputstvo za upotrebu, da ljudima ne padne na pamet da odu do advokata. :)
pozdrav svima...

Moje pitanje glasi sta se tacno salje preko WESA za EE imam diplomu fakulteta i uverenje o polozenim ispitima ...da li sam dobro videla da se placa 322 dolara i koliko se ceka...jel sigurno Fedexom da posaljem...ako moze neko da mi odgovori da ne pogresim nesto:confused:

Moje iskustvo sa WES-om je sledece:

7.11. WES primio dokumente (automatski odgovor)
20.11. obavestenje da je sve kompletno i da pocinje proces evaluacije
26.11. gotova evaluacije, elektronski poslat dokument

Posle par dana je sve stiglo i u stampanom obliku na kucnu adresu.

Ja imam i Bachelor i Master diplomu i slao sam obe. Obe su uradili za standaru sumu novca (sto me je malo i iznenadilo).
Šalje se diploma i dodatak diplomi. Dodatak diplomi je od fakulteta do fakulteta drugaciji ali je za proces evaluacije obavezan.
Po mom misljenju ovde ne moze da se pogresi i ovo je mozda i najlaksi korak u celoj aplikaciji (meni do sada i jedini :cool:)

Puno srece i samo napred...
Proslo sedmo izvlacenje... klackalica ... hahaha zamalo da dodje ITA odmah, 7 poena... cekamo jos dve nedelje :)

Determination — number of invitations

1. (1) For the purposes of paragraph 10.2(1)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the number of invitations that may be issued during the period beginning on April 10, 2015 and ending on April 11, 2015 is 925.

Required rank

(2) Foreign nationals who, on April 11, 2015 at 00:00:01 UTC, have been assigned a total of 469 points or more under the Comprehensive Ranking System that is set out in the Ministerial Instructions Respecting the Express Entry System, as published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on December 1, 2014 and as amended from time to time, occupy the rank required to be invited to make an application for permanent residence.
Nece se valjda zaustaviti na nekih 450 bodova

nece, premali je pool... ali ce stati na 400, jer njima u izbornoj godini samo moze biti plus da ne prime sve one imigrante koje su naveli na listama...
sa druge strane - niko ne zna sta se racuna kao broj viza - npr, uz mene kao PA idu supruga i sin - da li i njih dvoje spadaju u kvotu ili ne? ... ovim smanjenjem broja ITA su jasno pokazali da nemaju nameru da drasticno obaraju broj poena u svakom izvlacenju, jer tada sistem ne bi imao smisla... ali je isto tako jasno da je pool jako mali, i da ni odrzali sistem u zivotu i pravili ta manja izvlacenja, cak i po 1000 ljudi - granica mora da dodje na oko 400 krajem godine... ne znam, videcemo... mi se ne nerviramo, tu smo i dobar je to skor koji imamo, ali sad moze da se mrcvari na CEC-only ili nesto slicno... ali trebalo bi do juna da dodje ITA sigurno, prema mojoj proceni...

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Blago tebi ja sam daleko ispod 400 tako da cisto sumnjam da cu doci na red. Srecno.

invizigot - ne treba da pada moral.... to su samo neka moja nagadjanja, a ja sam uvek vise nego oprezan... ako pool ostane ovakav - na 4 programa koja EE pokriva, naravno da ce svi ljudi iz poola dobiti ITA... ono sto mi ne znamo jeste sta je u interesu Kanadi - mnogi clanovi foruma koji su vec tamo spominju da je javnost neprijateljski nastrojena prema novim imigrantima, cena nafte je u bunaru, plus izborna godina... to naravno ne mora nista da znaci, i ovo je totalno laicki posmatrano sa moje strane - ipak svi ljudi u poolu su vec prosli eligibility kriterijum, i vec imaju uslove za PR koji su do 1.1. bili dovoljni...
invizigot - ne treba da pada moral.... to su samo neka moja nagadjanja, a ja sam uvek vise nego oprezan... ako pool ostane ovakav - na 4 programa koja EE pokriva, naravno da ce svi ljudi iz poola dobiti ITA... ono sto mi ne znamo jeste sta je u interesu Kanadi - mnogi clanovi foruma koji su vec tamo spominju da je javnost neprijateljski nastrojena prema novim imigrantima, cena nafte je u bunaru, plus izborna godina... to naravno ne mora nista da znaci, i ovo je totalno laicki posmatrano sa moje strane - ipak svi ljudi u poolu su vec prosli eligibility kriterijum, i vec imaju uslove za PR koji su do 1.1. bili dovoljni...
Bas tako Boske 83, svidja mi se poslednja recenica, mislim zasto bi smo sad bili mnogo gore tretirani nego program pre 1.1., mi cemo da budemo oko 350 kolko vidim, stigo IELTS i ne valja nista (6, 6.5, 6,5, 8) mislim eligibility je ok ali sam se nadala vecem broju poena, ne znam samo da li da placam i polazem ponovo (Sofija, Skoplje??) ili da se nadam necemu pa da vidim za par meseci da izadjem ponovo :(
Možda nekom pomogne...

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said he expects just 10 to 15 per cent of the immigrants who arrive in Canada this year will have been selected via the new Express Entry application system, a mechanism designed to choose immigrants more quickly to better meet the needs of the labour market. But he expects that figure will rise sharply by 2016.
Since the system's launch on Jan. 1, Canada has invited 6,851 prospective economic immigrants in the Express Entry pool to apply for permanent residency in various categories, from federal skilled workers to skilled trades people and those, including students, in the Canadian Experience Class. The Conservative government pledged to accept up to 280,000 immigrants this year, but the vast majority will be selected under the old system as Canada transitions to Express Entry.
“I don't expect a huge number to have landed in Canada under Express Entry in 2015, but a growing number will have been selected and approved,” said Mr. Alexander, who was in Toronto Friday promoting what he described as a successful launch for Express Entry.[/b][/b]
“We wanted to get this right and what we're seeing so far in 2015 is that it is going well. The pool is populated by lots of very qualified people. The processing times for the first successful applicants have been much faster than predicted, and news is getting out that this is a new beginning for Canadian immigration that is faster and more effective.”
Mr. Alexander said he doesn't expect the new system to significantly alter the mix of Canada's immigration source countries. India, China and the Philippines remain the largest sources for applications.
“We still see strong interest and immigration flows from Asia ... but we also see some new markets responding to the prospects of a faster system,” Mr. Alexander said. “I know in France there's a lot of interest in Canadian immigration and a lot of interest in Express Entry.”
In one round of selections, the top countries of residence were Canada (foreign applicants who are already in the country), the United States, India and England, according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
Standing in front of cameras primarily from Toronto's ethnic media outlets, Mr. Alexander formally welcomed three of the first people granted permanent residency under the new system. One of those selected was Emma Hughes, a 29-year-old from Ireland with a degree in industrial chemistry who was working at a Burlington, Ont., chemical company. She applied in early January, was selected in the first round of Express Entry at the end of January, and had her approval for permanent residency by late March, a period of roughly two months.
“That is truly remarkable,” Mr. Alexander said. Under the old system, would-be immigrants could wait up to eight years to have their applications assessed, since it was run on a first-come, first-served basis. Now, the top candidates go to the front of the line right away, he said.
It's a competitive system, but fair, he added.
Under the new system, applicants are assessed in an electronic pool. They are graded on factors such as age, education and work skills and given a score on a 1,200-point scale. Every few weeks, a cutoff score is selected by the ministry and all those above that score are invited to become permanent residents. CIC has had six rounds so far. Applicants with a Canadian job offer or those nominated by a provincial government have a significant leg-up, as all others can only score a maximum of 600 points. The points cutoff started at nearly 900 points but recently fell close to 450.
Mr. Alexander said one of the challenges he has faced is the perception that applicants will need a job offer to get into Canada, which is not the case. The percentage of people selected with labour market impact assessments is relatively small, he said.

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Možda nekom pomogne...

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said he expects just 10 to 15 per cent of the immigrants who arrive in Canada this year will have been selected via the new Express Entry application system, a mechanism designed to choose immigrants more quickly to better meet the needs of the labour market. But he expects that figure will rise sharply by 2016.
Since the system's launch on Jan. 1, Canada has invited 6,851 prospective economic immigrants in the Express Entry pool to apply for permanent residency in various categories, from federal skilled workers to skilled trades people and those, including students, in the Canadian Experience Class. The Conservative government pledged to accept up to 280,000 immigrants this year, but the vast majority will be selected under the old system as Canada transitions to Express Entry.
“I don't expect a huge number to have landed in Canada under Express Entry in 2015, but a growing number will have been selected and approved,” said Mr. Alexander, who was in Toronto Friday promoting what he described as a successful launch for Express Entry.[/b][/b]
“We wanted to get this right and what we're seeing so far in 2015 is that it is going well. The pool is populated by lots of very qualified people. The processing times for the first successful applicants have been much faster than predicted, and news is getting out that this is a new beginning for Canadian immigration that is faster and more effective.”
Mr. Alexander said he doesn't expect the new system to significantly alter the mix of Canada's immigration source countries. India, China and the Philippines remain the largest sources for applications.
“We still see strong interest and immigration flows from Asia ... but we also see some new markets responding to the prospects of a faster system,” Mr. Alexander said. “I know in France there's a lot of interest in Canadian immigration and a lot of interest in Express Entry.”
In one round of selections, the top countries of residence were Canada (foreign applicants who are already in the country), the United States, India and England, according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
Standing in front of cameras primarily from Toronto's ethnic media outlets, Mr. Alexander formally welcomed three of the first people granted permanent residency under the new system. One of those selected was Emma Hughes, a 29-year-old from Ireland with a degree in industrial chemistry who was working at a Burlington, Ont., chemical company. She applied in early January, was selected in the first round of Express Entry at the end of January, and had her approval for permanent residency by late March, a period of roughly two months.
“That is truly remarkable,” Mr. Alexander said. Under the old system, would-be immigrants could wait up to eight years to have their applications assessed, since it was run on a first-come, first-served basis. Now, the top candidates go to the front of the line right away, he said.
It's a competitive system, but fair, he added.
Under the new system, applicants are assessed in an electronic pool. They are graded on factors such as age, education and work skills and given a score on a 1,200-point scale. Every few weeks, a cutoff score is selected by the ministry and all those above that score are invited to become permanent residents. CIC has had six rounds so far. Applicants with a Canadian job offer or those nominated by a provincial government have a significant leg-up, as all others can only score a maximum of 600 points. The points cutoff started at nearly 900 points but recently fell close to 450.
Mr. Alexander said one of the challenges he has faced is the perception that applicants will need a job offer to get into Canada, which is not the case. The percentage of people selected with labour market impact assessments is relatively small, he said.

Jedino što mi nije jasno je procenat koji spominje. Ne znam da li je to na osnovu njegove projekcije trenutnog stanja ili su toliko planirali. Trenutno je u bazi 22K aplikanata i 7K koji su već izvučeni što nas dovodi do tih 10% od 280K ukupnog broja.

Što više ovo gledam, ne znam da li da se nadam ili da potpuno zaboravim :) Ja sa 310 bodova i nemam neke šanse...
