Pro Evolution Soccer

Partizan na PES 2015! Ako neko ima link neka okaci :D

Našao na kraju sam dobar torent (ne mogu da okačim link jer ne daju), skinuo se brzo, igra šljaka i sve okej. E sad, grafika bi mogla biti malo bolja, i fale animacije pred utakmicu. Ali ne bunim se. Pošto FIFU verovatno neću moći da pokrenem (jer nemam dovoljno jaku konfiguraciju a poboljšanjem grafike su značajno podigli zahtevnost), dobro je i ovo dok ne nabavim nešto bolje.
Zaista je neverovatno u kojoj meri je PES kao fudbal upropasten u odnosu na period pre desetak godina. Poslednji PES 17 je ostavio izuzetno los utisak na mene, igra neinteresantna, nema nikakvog balansa, slabo izrazene individualne razlike medju igracima.
FIFA se igra sve vise iz godine u godinu. To sto vecina ovde pamti sta je bilo pre 20 godina sa fudbalskim naslovima ili se igra na piratskoj verziji i jeste razlog zasto su kod nas takve predrasude, kako za Fifu tako i za PES. FUT je igraniji nego ikad bez obzira na mane i nedostatke, brojke su abnormalne pogotovo na konzolama.

Sa druge strane NBA su ukaljali do te mere da 5 godina unazad igras istu igru sa sve vise i vise p2w elementima. Da ne pricam o PC verziji..

Za PES nema sta da dodam, prazna igra bila i ostace, uglavnom za local 2p zabavu.
FIFA se igra sve vise iz godine u godinu.

Zato što je FIFA od 2011. godine postala ono što je PES bio. Tad su se konačno opametili, počeli žešću kampanju na konzolama i promuvali se.

Ali samo zato što je FIFA no1 u poslednjih desetak godina, ne znači da pre toga kONAMI nije dominirao na sceni fudbala svuda u svetu. Zahvaljujući uspehu KONAMI fudbala se na mnogim utakmicama i reklamira Sony Playstation.

U Srbiji garantovano 90% svih ljudi koji su igrali PS2 su cepali PES 06 i 08.
"EA Sports, the publishers of FIFA, decided to enter the market of association football gaming in the late-80s. FIFA gave five test years of licensing to EA Sports, who would use it to eventually create the successful FIFA International Soccer video game in 1993. The game’s success allowed both sides to agree to a five-year deal, securing a partnership that would continue for years to come.

Around the same time, Konami released Hyper Soccer before the company would split into the sectors — Perfect Eleven (Europe) and Winning Eleven (Japan). Perfect Eleven (ISS) was a good selection in the late-90s but Winning Eleven proved to be unmatchable. The fall of the ISS series led to Winning Eleven taking over Konami’s European branch, where the company released their games under the title of Pro Evolution Soccer from then on.

EA versus Konami football games has always been a cat and mouse battle. Konami’s ISS series first introduced avatars; players in the game had faces, kit numbers, and other components matching those of real life. FIFA expanded upon the idea by incorporating 3D player models and more realistic movements. PES incorporated higher display resolutions and gameplay with an emphasis on user timing. That's not to say things were all the same back then as they are now. Konami’s first football video game under the Pro Evolution Soccer title was universally acclaimed, and actually made PES more demanded than FIFA in the 2000s.

Pro Evolution Soccer’s tenure as the world’s top football game came to an end around the release of seventh generation consoles. Sony and Microsoft had respectively shifted towards their iconic PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Xbox 360 consoles. The new consoles provided a platform for a fresh start and FIFA would take advantage through their winning formula of Ultimate Team. It was a game mode where individuals could build a team in any way they wanted to. This could be done in multiple ways — slowly through packs, quickly through payment, or entertainingly through wagers. The thrill of potentially seeing or being involved in said teams competing against each other made FIFA video games a huge hit to consumers. FIFA would adapt the current rank and reception it has now, something which has yet to be faltered.

Gameplay FIFE se puno promenio tokom 2011. godine i nije više moglo samo da se šutira lob s kraja na kraj.

FIFA 2010 izgleda kao da je neko uzeo kreon i nacrtao igrače na plastelinu. I tačno se vidi da su pokušavali da provale recepturu za dobar PES sistem, a 2011 su to konačno i učinili.
