
Jel se sećate šta je to "sijamsko pušenje" ? :lol:

- Kad ga puši a kožicu prevuče preko glave ... :eek: :per:

P.S. Ova sex zgoda se ne primenjuje na one koji su muslimanske i judeanske veroispovesti ... :whistling:

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Ne treba se obrezivati ako se ne mora. Ako postoji problem, onda bolje pre nego kasnije, ali kod nekog ko nije završio medicinu preko veze. Neki to reše i prirodnim putem, ali kod mnogih ne može. Neko bi rekao da je qujac prosta stvar, a to je ljudi moji komplikovano kao viša matematika, mnogo komplikovanije od pitjke.
Не бих се никад обрезао. Само би отупио осјећај на главићу и интензитет сексуалног узбуђења.

А ако је до естетике, увијек се може кожица свући, па да изгледа исто или слично. А и смрди ми на Ислам.
Не бих се никад обрезао. Само би отупио осјећај на главићу и интензитет сексуалног узбуђења.

А ако је до естетике, увијек се може кожица свући, па да изгледа исто или слично. А и смрди ми на Ислам.

Muslimani su to uzeli od Jevreja. A Jevrejima je to Boziji zakon. Ali ne obrezuju se danas svi.
Претпостављам да је постојао неки добар разлог, због кога "шар пеј" има сву ту кожу, тако да не бих ја ту ништа дирао!
Претпостављам да је постојао неки добар разлог, због кога "шар пеј" има сву ту кожу, тако да не бих ја ту ништа дирао!

Oćeš video klip sa youtubeta koliko bebe zapravo vrište i grče dok im seku pišu?
Njima se radi bez anestezije...

Mame oporavljaju pichku u susednoj prostoriji a tate ne smeju tek tako da ulaze u bolnicu pa drkaju kod kuće... tj, obrezani i ne drkaju...
2010 godina se obrezuju a šta je bilo pre toga?
Pre 2010 godina nije bilo Jevreja?

A Muslimani uzeli od Jevreja? Ono ko državu što su im uzeli? Lepo pa ajde...


zapravo jevreji se obrzuju daleko duže...

It has been variously proposed that circumcision began as a religious sacrifice, an offering to ensure fertility, a tribal mark, a rite of passage, an attempt to emphasize masculinity, a means of humiliating enemies and slaves,[15] or as a hygienic measure.[15][16] Darby describes these theories as "conflicting", and states that "the only point of agreement among proponents of the various theories is that promoting good health had nothing to do with it."[15] Immerman et al. suggest that circumcision causes lowered sexual arousal of pubescent males, and hypothesize that this was a competitive advantage to tribes practicing circumcision, leading to its spread.[17] Wilson believes that circumcision represents a signal of commitment to a group, and may serve evolutionary purpose by reducing the incidence of extramarital sex.[18]
The oldest documentary evidence for circumcision comes from ancient Egypt.[19] Circumcision was common, although not universal, among ancient Semitic peoples.[20] In the aftermath of the conquests of Alexander the Great, however, Greek dislike of circumcision (they regarded a man as truly "naked" only if his prepuce was retracted) led to a decline in its incidence among many peoples that had previously practiced it.[21]
Circumcision has ancient roots among several ethnic groups in sub-equatorial Africa, and is still performed on adolescent boys to symbolize their transition to warrior status or adulthood.[22]
A ako i ja malo budem tupio kako mi Grci ne volimo obrezivanje, hoćeš li mi onda verovati da Jevreji to rade po Bibliji?

A ko je naučio plemena u Africi? oni imaju ekstra tehniku... bolje da ne znate...

Zanam da jedan sličan ritual praktikuju Aboridžini u Australiji. Radi se o sledećem: kada dečak stupa u svet odraslih vrši se ritual sečenja penisa. U korenu penisa se raseca mokraćni kanal i pomoću malih komada drveta, se isti otvara, tako da zaraaste otvoren. vo je iako na prvi pogled deluje sumanuto veoma važno. Australija nije prebogata hranom, i pleme mora strogo voditi računa o broju svojih članova. Stoga kada imaju seks, a vole da ga praktikuju, aboridžini jednostavno puste da sperma iscuri kroz taj otvor. Onog momenta kada zažele decu, jednostavno prstima zatvore taj otvor. Praktično, i jednostavno....

Što se tiče jeverja:

The rite of circumcision (brit milah) is performed on the eighth day of a boy's life. (There is no parallel practice for girls, and "female circumcision" has nothing to do with Judaism.) The ritual usually takes place in the morning at the family's home.
Circumcision is commanded in Genesis 17:10-14 as an outward sign of a man's participation in Israel's covenant with God, as well as a sign that the Jewish people will perpetuate through him. The commandment is incumbent upon both father and child - fathers must see that their sons are circumcised, and uncircumcised grown men are obligated to perform the rite.
Those who are not circumcised suffer the penalty of kareit, no matter how otherwise observant they may be. Perhaps in part for this reason, circumcision is the mitzvah most likely to be observed by otherwise non-observant Jews.
Circumcision is so important that it may be performed on the Sabbath or a holiday, despite prohibitions of drawing blood on those days. Yet the ceremony may be postponed for health reasons, and then it cannot be performed until seven days after a physician has declared the child healthy. If this occurs, the rite cannot be performed on the Sabbath or holiday, because there is no longer sufficient reason to violate the general law of the holy days.
Circumcision is performed by a mohel, an observant Jew who has been trained in the relevant Jewish law and surgical techniques. (In most traditions, circumcision performed by a physician is not valid even if a rabbi is present, although the Reform movement has begun to accept such circumcisions.)
It is a preferable to have a minyan present for the ritual, but it is not necessary. Only the father and the mohel must be present, but the mother and the godparents (kwater and kwaterin) are usually present as well.
During the ceremony the child is held by a person designated as the sandek, who is usually a grandparent or family rabbi. An empty chair is set aside to symbolize the presence of the prophet Elijah, who rebuked those who had forsaken the ritual. He now presides over all circumcision ceremonies to ensure the continuation of the ritual.
The infant may be given a couple of drops of wine or some local anaesthetic to ease any pain. The mohel recites benedictions of circumcision, then the father offers the blessing:
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has sanctified us with your commandments and commanded us to bring him into the covenant of Abraham, our father.​
Any guests present say, "Amen," and then give the blessing:
As he entered the covenant, may he enter into the study of Torah, into marriage and into the doing of good deeds.​
The procedure itself, which is very brief, then takes place with the sandek holding the infant in his lap. Afterwards, the child is bandaged, dressed, and given a name. The mother and father will often say a few words about the significance of the name. The event will usually be celebrated by a festive meal hosted by the family.
If a child was previously circumcised in a religiously invalid way, or born with no foreskin, the same ceremony is held but with only a symbolic pinprick of the tip of the penis. This ceremony is called the hatafat dam brit.
In recent years, circumcision has become something of a controversy, with some people denouncing the practice as unnecessary or harmful. {1} However, this is a medical issue, not a religious one. Very few Jews are convinced by those who believe circumcision to be mentally or physically damaging, and as far as it being medically unnecessary, it was never practiced for that reason. Like many mitzvot, circumcision is performed simply because God has commanded it and any practical benefits are secondary.
Zanam da jedan sličan ritual praktikuju Aboridžini u Australiji. Radi se o sledećem: kada dečak stupa u svet odraslih vrši se ritual sečenja penisa. U korenu penisa se raseca mokraćni kanal i pomoću malih komada drveta, se isti otvara, tako da zaraaste otvoren. vo je iako na prvi pogled deluje sumanuto veoma važno. Australija nije prebogata hranom, i pleme mora strogo voditi računa o broju svojih članova. Stoga kada imaju seks, a vole da ga praktikuju, aboridžini jednostavno puste da sperma iscuri kroz taj otvor. Onog momenta kada zažele decu, jednostavno prstima zatvore taj otvor. Praktično, i jednostavno....

Idi bre, naježio sam se. :eek:
Zanam da jedan sličan ritual praktikuju Aboridžini u Australiji. Radi se o sledećem: kada dečak stupa u svet odraslih vrši se ritual sečenja penisa. U korenu penisa se raseca mokraćni kanal i pomoću malih komada drveta, se isti otvara, tako da zaraaste otvoren. vo je iako na prvi pogled deluje sumanuto veoma važno. Australija nije prebogata hranom, i pleme mora strogo voditi računa o broju svojih članova. Stoga kada imaju seks, a vole da ga praktikuju, aboridžini jednostavno puste da sperma iscuri kroz taj otvor. Onog momenta kada zažele decu, jednostavno prstima zatvore taj otvor. Praktično, i jednostavno....

Što se tiče jeverja:

Aham, a ženama stavljaju one ogrlice da im prirodni vratni pršljenovi olabave tako da su im pršljenovi zapravo ove ogrlice. To je jako praktično kad isečeš kitu zbog žene a ono da te sluša inače joj skidaš ogrlicu dve... Onda mora da te sluša inače skapava od bolova.

Takodje im seku klitoris zbog te hrane da ne traže kitu više nego li im treba za porod.
Jako praktično.
I ja ću da verujem tekstu na internetu? Ajd nadji blogove Kraljevića Marka i Muse Kesedžije...
Sakaćenje genitalija je nastalo u periodu kada medicina nije mogla da pomogne za pojave fimoze i parafimoze, danas imaš svašta. Samo treba naći urologa sa kojim ćeš se dogovoriti. Neupućeni u urologiju jednostavno samo traže najgori način, koji je lekaru najbrži. Sa ovim načinom se gubi nervni sistem i zaštita a sa ostalim se sve sačuva.
Još jedan je razlog sakaćenja i nastao je mnogo kasnije - da se spreči masturbacija. Masturbacija kod muškarca je jako važna jer kao emotivan pol intenzinvnije razmišlja o postupanju sa ženom tokom običnog drkanja.
A što se mišljenja o masturbaciji tiče pa današnja civilizacija ima i porno filmove...
Poslednja izmena:
Idi bre, naježio sam se. :eek:

Familija ide kod seoskog vrača. Dete malo bućnu u vodu da ga speru od duhova.
Dok vrač konopcem vezanim u čvor oko dečakovg organa vuče kožicu iz sve snage dotle se detetu drže ruke na ustima i očima (plus par članova porodice koji ga fiksiraju držeći za ruke i noge da stoji u mestu).
Kao kad kolješ pile, zveknu nečim oštrim tik uz sam glavić.
O smrtnim slučajevima se ne priča.

A ovo je kod civilizovanih:
Čak u bolnici gde je sve praktičnije kad dodje do smrti dobijate izjavu - znate, nestalo vazduha u inkubatoru, pravite novo, žalimo slučaj.
Kožica je bitnija od smrti vašeg deteta.
Poslednja izmena:
