ima toga i u prvom delu... u svakom slucaju, evo ti opis za prvi deo, za drugi jos nemam... vise od ovoga ne mogu...

1. Pick up the Voralberg key from the reception counter of the inn.
2. Place the key into the back of the automaton bell.
3. Press the automaton bell button.
4. Introduce Kate to the innkeeper.
5. Inspect the case to understand the Help idea.
6. Ask the innkeeper for Help.
7. Pick up Fax 1 from the bedside table.
8. Call Kate's boss using the cell phone.
9. Talk to the innkeeper about the Mission to receive Fax 2.
10. Pick up the tourist brochure.
11. Pick up the two gear wheels on the floor by Momo's table.
12. Pick up the two gear wheels from Momo's table.
13. Pick up the Valadilene Gazette from the bench in the main street.
14. Ring the notary's automaton (lever on the body).
15. Deploy Fax 2 on the notary's automaton's hand.
16. Pull the lever of the notary's automaton (automaton left arm).
17. Talk about the Mission with the notary.
18. Take the telescopic key from the umbrella stand in the notary waiting room.
19. Use the 4 gear wheels on the 4 nails in the case in the church elevator.
20. Pull the lever in the elevator.
21. Pull the cross on the wall in the sacristy.
22. Take the key from the bureau in the sacristy.
23. Use this key to open the bureau lock.
24. Open drawers 1, 2, 4, and 5 and take the punch card out of each drawer.
25. Open drawer 3.
26. Pull the lever on the side of the sacristy bureau.
27. Take the priest's confession out of drawer 3.
28. Take the Voralberg key for the tomb out of drawer 3.
29. Use the church bell elevator.
30. Use the funeral punch card in the slot in the barrel-organ automaton.
31. Use the Voralberg key in the hat on the tomb automaton.
32. Pull on the plate in Hans Voralberg' s tomb.
33. Take the Valadilene voice cylinder out of Hans' coffin.
34. Take the newspaper cutting out of Hans' coffin.
35. Use the telescopic key on the Voralberg factory gate.
36. Wind up the automaton at the bottom of the Voralberg factory gate.
37. Pull the lever on the Voralberg factory gate.
38. Pull the lever on the platform to activate the cable car.
39. Bring down Oscar who is hanging in the factory workshop.
40. Talk to Oscar about Production to receive Oscar's punch card.
41. Wind up the elevator automaton in the factory warehouse.
42. Pull the handle hanging down in the windmill room.
43. Pull the lever so that the Voralberg key attaches itself to the windmill.
44. Use Oscar's punch card on the assembly line console
45. Select the right wood using the brochure on the assembly line console.
46. Select table 3 on the assembly line.
47. Activate production with the large lever on the right of the assembly line.
48. Take the automaton legs from the table on the production line.
49. Give the automaton legs to Oscar.
50. Pull out the book from the cupboard in Anna's office.
51. Place the Valadilene voice cylinder in the Hans-Anna automaton.
52. Take the Hans-Anna automaton.
53. Take the automaton gardener key from the labyrinth fountain.
54. Use the automaton gardener key on the automaton gardener.
55. Switch on the attic light.
56. Talk to Momo to get the pencil and paper.
57. Use the pencil and paper on the mammoth picture on the beam in the attic.
58. Give the mammoth tracing to Momo.
59. Take Anna's diary out of the attic desk.
60. Take the inkwell out of the attic desk.
61. Follow Momo out into the mountains.
62. Click on the dam in the mountains.
63. Ask Momo for Help.
64. Take the broken lever near the dam.
65. Click on the small boat.
66. Use the broken lever on the boat oar.
67. Ask Momo for Help.
68. Ask Momo for Help.
69. Take the mammoth doll in the cave.
70. Ask Oscar, in the train, about the Mission.
71. Ask Oscar about the Mission at the ticket office to receive the ticket and the train release permit.
72. Click on the hat of the automaton-stamping machine at the notary's house.
73. Use the ink on the head of the automaton-stamping machine.
74. Place the train release permit on the base of the automaton-stamping machine.
75. Press the automaton stamping machine button.
76. Give the train release permit to Oscar.
77. Give the train ticket to Oscar.
78. Place the mammoth doll on the shelf in the inventory carriage.
79. Place the Hans-Anna automaton on the pedestal in the inventory carriage.
80. Place the Valadilene voice cylinder into the cupboard of the inventory carriage.
81. Give the train ticket to Oscar.
82. Turn the train winder valve.
83. Pull the train winder lever.
84. Turn the train winder valve a second time.
85. Give Oscar the train ticket.

valjda je ovo... :wink:
Ne snalazim se dobro sa Engleskim jezikom pa nisam znala da ima samo dva dela.
Svidja mi se igrica i da li ima nesto slicno ovome.

Po ovome sto si napisala, radi se definitivno o prvom delu Syberia-e. Drugi je nedavno izasao i uz naslov ima oznaku 2. Odlican je bas kao i prvi, ali naravno, nema vise drazi nepoznatog kao kada igras prvi put igru koju ti sada prolazis. Inace ovo je jedna od najboljih point-click avantura koje su se u poslednje vreme pojavile na trzistu - superiorna grafika, fantasticna ideja i prica, dovoljno zahtevna, ali bez nelogicnosti i irealnih, neresivih problema.
Tesko ces pronaci nest slicno njoj, ipak, toplo ti preporucujem 'Put u srediste zemlje' koja je radjena po slicnom principu, cak su i neka graficka resenja Syberia-e koriscena kao osnov za ovu igru. Ipak, u njoj ces pronaci dosta nelogicnosti, barem po mom licnom sudu. Ipak, vredi igrati. Srecno.
Igram "PUT U SREDISTE ZEMLJE" i treba mi pomoc.
Stigla sam do nekih vrata gde se znakovi redjeju u krug i neznam kako dijamant da izvadim.
Ne snalazim se dobro sa Engleskim jezikom pa nisam znala da ima samo dva dela.
Svidja mi se igrica i da li ima nesto slicno ovome.

Po ovome sto si napisala, radi se definitivno o prvom delu Syberia-e. Drugi je nedavno izasao i uz naslov ima oznaku 2. Odlican je bas kao i prvi, ali naravno, nema vise drazi nepoznatog kao kada igras prvi put igru koju ti sada prolazis. Inace ovo je jedna od najboljih point-click avantura koje su se u poslednje vreme pojavile na trzistu - superiorna grafika, fantasticna ideja i prica, dovoljno zahtevna, ali bez nelogicnosti i irealnih, neresivih problema.
Tesko ces pronaci nest slicno njoj, ipak, toplo ti preporucujem 'Put u srediste zemlje' koja je radjena po slicnom principu, cak su i neka graficka resenja Syberia-e koriscena kao osnov za ovu igru. Ipak, u njoj ces pronaci dosta nelogicnosti, barem po mom licnom sudu. Ipak, vredi igrati. Srecno.
Sem toga, ne mora da znaci da je Sajberija point & click, moze da se namjeti pa da se igra preko tastature...
Igram "PUT U SREDISTE ZEMLJE" i treba mi pomoc.
Stigla sam do nekih vrata gde se znakovi redjeju u krug i neznam kako dijamant da izvadim.
Posto sam davno igrao tu igru, tesko da ti mogu pomoci, samo znam da je uzasno teska agonetka. Gore iznad imas jednu pjesmu. Koliko se sjecam, na osnovu nje moras da poredjas simbole i otvoris vrata( moram reci da ne odobravam igranje sa siframa, a jos manje sa walktrough-ima, iako igram igre oko 3 godine( mislim na novom kompu,) nijednom nisam uzeo walktrough.)
Zaglavio sam se u manastiru... Napravio sam dve svece, uzeo makaze, cetku i dalje ne znam sta da radim. Povlacio sam i neke svece sa sipkom, ali bez efekta... :D
Zaglavio sam se u manastiru... Napravio sam dve svece, uzeo makaze, cetku i dalje ne znam sta da radim. Povlacio sam i neke svece sa sipkom, ali bez efekta... :D

Udji u manastir gde se nalazi patrijarh,na zidu sa leve strane nalazi se ikona uzmi cetku i ocisti je i tu ce ti se pokazati sta treba da radis sa svecama, odnosno sipkom....
