School Days


School Days

Makoto Ito rides the train to and from school every day. However, at the beginning of his second term, he falls in love with a beautiful girl that also rides the train. Unfortunately, she barely knows of his existence. Her name is Kotonoha Katsura, and though they attend the same school, they are not in the same class. In an attempt to catch her eye, Makoto enlists the aid of a close female friend of his: Sekai Saionji. She helps him, despite the fact that she--unbeknownst to Makoto--is in love with him. Thus the three are bound in a love triangle of life changing proportions.
Aw, nisam postovala u ovoj temu, a zavrsila sam anime :3

Obozavam ovo! Cak je dospeo i na Top 3 Fave Anime-a. Kotonoha mi je najbolja, a lajkam i Setsunu i Sekai. Itou-a mrzim >_<
XD Mene je prvo nervirala, posle mi je bilo zao, al poslednja epizoda najbolja, samo vices "Kolji kucku" :mrgreen:

I svidja mi se OST. Pogotovu ona pesma na nekoj 5-6-oj epizodi, ne secam se bas

A Katsura mi je postala jedan od fave anime likova ever. Cak sam na jednom forumu zbog nje nick menjala. xD
