Osudjen pedofil iz SPC

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Monah osuđen zbog pedofilije
9. februar 2007. | 14:54 | Izvor: Beta
Novi Sad -- Jovan Mišić, bivši starešina manastira Hopovo na Fruškoj gori, osuđen na godinu dana zatvora zbog bluda nad maloletnicima.

Opštinski sud u Novom Sadu je danas saopštio da je javnost bila isključena iz postupka zbog zaštite prava maloletnih lica.

Monah Ilarion, što je Mišićevo duhovno ime, oktobra 2006. proglašen je krivim za tri krivična dela nedozvoljene polne radnje i osuđen na jedinstvenu kaznu od 10 meseci zatvora. Po žalbi zastupnika oštećenih maloletnika, sud je krajem decembra 2006. godine preinačio presudu i Mišića osudio na jedinstvenu kaznu zatvora u trajanju od godinu dana.

Monah Ilarion je još 2001. godine priveden istražnom sudiji Opštinskog suda u Novom Sadu zbog optužbi za pedofiliju. U tada podnetom optužnom predlogu izrečena je sumnja da je on "u nameri da zadovolji svoje polne prohteve iskoristio lakomislenost maloletnih dečaka", i potkupljujući ih, naveo na bludne radnje.

U optužnom predlogu su imena deset dečaka od sedam do 11 godina koji su bili Ilarionove žrtve u Dvorskoj bašti u Sremskim Karlovcima.

Kazna za ovog monstruma je sramno niska,ali bolje i to nego da se kao njegov kolega pedofil vranjski pahomije kezi zrtvama sa slobode...

a ovako spc štiti svoje zlikovce:

Mišić je nakon pritvora napustio Hopovo i, kako su tada javljali mediji, sa sobom "poneo" i veći deo manastirske imovine, uključujući i dva zvona.

Po navodima medija, on je potom bio u manastiru Mileševa, a zatim su organi gonjenja "izgubili" njegov trag, da bi ga pronašli u manastiru Svete Trojice pored Pljevalja u Crnoj Gori.

Nakon toga, vladika slavonski Sava privremeno je postavio Ilariona da se brine o manastiru Orahovica na Papuku u Hrvatskoj, odakle su ga proterale hrvatske vlasti, pošto je dvoje orahovačkih đaka prijavilo monaha da je masturbirao kod osnovne škole.
Ali samo godinu dana.... Tom treba minimum 20
pa recimo da bi to bio neki prihvatljiv minimum za takvog monstruma koji je zlostavljao malu decu...
uzgred,ne treba zaboraviti koliko je SPC stitila i pokrivala tog zlikovca...desetoro dece i kazna od 12 meseci..u proseku za svakog klinca po mesec i sest dana...sramno
Sad kad smo to razjasnili da predjemo na normalne drzave; SAD, VB ili Irska su, jel, 'normalne drzave', a tamo pedofili svestenici uopste ne idu na robiju, vec se sve zavrsi vansudskim poravnanjem.


In 2004-FEB, CNN was able to view a draft copy of a survey prepared by the church. It reveals that 4,450 of the 110,000 Roman Catholic clergy (4%) who served between 1950 and 2002 have been accused of molesting minors. This has resulted in 11,000 individual abuse claims filed against Catholic clergy during that interval.

In 2005-FEB, Dr. Kathleen McChesney of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said that the crisis is not yet over because thousands of victims across the country are still reporting the abuse. She said: "In 2004, at least 1,092 allegations of sexual abuse were made against at least 756 Catholic priests and deacons in the United States. Most of the alleged incidents occurred between 1965 and 1974. What is over is the denial that this problem exists, and what is over is the reluctance of the church to deal openly with the public about the nature and extent of the problem."



"The Ferns Report was presented to the Irish government on 25 October 2005 and released the following day. It identified more than 100 allegations of child sexual abuse made between 1962 and 2002 against twenty-one priests operating under the aegis of the Diocese of Ferns. Eleven of these individuals were alive in 2002. The nature of the response by the Church authorities in the Diocese of Ferns to allegations of child sexual abuse by priests operating under the aegis of the diocese had varied over the forty years to 2002."

osuđen na godinu dana zatvora zbog bluda nad maloletnicima.
Evo jos primera iz 'normalnih drzava' o kojima ne znate bas nista.

Recimo hronologija slicnih slucajeva u SAD:

Timeline: US Catholic sex scandal
The main events in the ongoing sex abuse scandal involving the US Roman Catholic Church and in particular the Boston Archdiocese, which has been at the centre of many of the highest-profile accusations.

Cardinal Law resigned, accused of covering up sex abuse by priests

1984: Bernard Law is appointed archbishop of Boston, and elevated to cardinal a year later.

1985: Sex abuse by priests becomes a national issue in the US for the first time, as Louisiana priest Gilbert Gauthe pleads guilty to 11 counts of molestation of boys.

1992-3: The Reverend James Porter of Fall River diocese, Massachusetts, is accused of abusing children in five US states in the 1960s and 1970s. He later pleads guilty to 41 counts of abuse.

1992: US bishops meeting in South Bend, Indiana, admit attempts by some of their number to hide abuse.

1993: First legal proceedings brought against Dallas diocese over sex abuse by the priest Rudolph Kos.

13 July, 1998: Dallas diocese forced to pay more than $31m to victims of Kos.

1999: Former Massachusetts priest John Geoghan indicted on child rape charges.

8 January, 2002: Vatican publishes guidelines on how to deal with paedophile priests, saying all cases should be reported to Rome.

9 January: Cardinal Law apologises to victims of John Geoghan and promises a tougher line on abusive priests in future.

18 January: Geoghan convicted of indecent assault and battery of a 10-year-old boy, for which he later receives a 10-year prison sentence.

4 April: Two US men, in Florida and Oregon, begin legal action which symbolically names the Vatican for its alleged role in covering up sex abuse cases.

8 April: File released on the Rev Paul Shanley, alleging he publicly advocated sex between men and boys and still received the backing of the archdiocese for his ministry.

23 April: Pope John Paul II calls emergency meeting with US cardinals in Rome.

2 May: Paul Shanley arrested in California and later charged on three counts of child rape. He denies the charges.

13 June: US bishops approve "zero tolerance" national policy on abuse, but the Vatican demands changes to protect rights of priests.

17 September: Boston Jesuit priest James Talbot charged with raping and assaulting three teenaged students.

19 September: The Boston Archdiocese reaches $10m settlement with victims of John Geoghan, retracting a previous settlement of $30m which the Church said would have bankrupted the archdiocese.

Shanley was convicted of raping at least one boy

3 November: Cardinal Law apologises for "decisions which led to suffering".

13 November: US bishops meet in Washington and approve revised policy on abusive priests which takes account of Vatican concerns.

On the same day, Roman Catholic activists from the Survivors First group launch an online database listing 573 US priests accused of involvement in paedophilia since 1996, later dropping 100 of the names.

3 December: New revelations about eight priests in Boston archdiocese accused of abusing women and girls, taking drugs and supplying drugs in return for sexual favours.

6 December: Cardinal Law leaves for the Vatican, on the same day that he reportedly is ordered to appear before a grand jury investigating sex abuse allegations.

13 December: Cardinal Law resigns as archbishop.

The Vatican has demanded some protection for accused priests

April 2003: The Boston Archdiocese avoids bankruptcy by agreeing to sell land and buildings for over $100m to fund legal settlements to more than 500 abuse victims.

24 August: John Geoghan is killed in a Massachusetts prison.

27 February 2004: A report commissioned by the Church says more than 4,000 US Roman Catholic priests had faced sexual abuse allegations in the last 50 years, in cases involving more than 10,000 children - mostly boys.

1 July: The key accuser of defrocked priest Paul Shanley is dropped from the case by prosecutors.

7 July: In an unprecedented move, the Portland Archdiocese files for bankruptcy because of the huge costs from clergy sex abuse lawsuits.

The action halts a trial of a lawsuit seeking some $155m against the late Rev Maurice Grammond, who was accused of molesting more than 50 boys in the 1980s.

28 September: Prosecutors drop a case against former Massachusetts bishop Thomas Dupre, hours after he is charged with raping two children in the 1970s.

15 November: US Roman Catholic bishops elect Bishop William Skylstad as their new president. His Washington diocese faces bankruptcy due to the volume of compensation claims made by alleged victims of child abuse.

3 December: After two years of talks, the diocese of Orange County, California, settles a sex abuse lawsuit brought by 87 plaintiffs for an unspecified sum. The diocese later says the package is worth $100m (£53m).

pa ako su ostali zatvorenici "posteni" oni ce preinaciti osudu na"... 1 g. al ima da se dobro vladas..." mislim nema da kazes JOK, cisto da ti ne bi kasnije palo na pamet tako nesto... ma ima da cveta kad mu vreme nije...
pa ako su ostali zatvorenici "posteni" oni ce preinaciti osudu na"... 1 g. al ima da se dobro vladas..." mislim nema da kazes JOK, cisto da ti ne bi kasnije palo na pamet tako nesto... ma ima da cveta kad mu vreme nije...
nadam se da ce ga poslati u mitrovicu,dovoljno mu je i pet dana tamo sa obichnim robijashima...tamo prosto obozavaju pedofile...
Ali samo godinu dana.... Tom treba minimum 20
Грозим се на сам чин педофилије и блудничења. То је и светогрђе! Али, када прочитам како католици штите своје педофиле, срамота ме што сам хришћанка. Можда тога има и у другим религијама, било је тога и у старој Грчкој! Дакле, о нормалној држави се не може говорити у смислу западне државе, јер тек те државе нису нормалне! Од феномена "заштићеног сведока" преко нагодбе са тужиоцем до мита и корупције, категорије које су само на знатно вишем и перфиднијем нивио од ситуације у нашој држави. Дакле, МНОГО МАЛО ЈЕ ДОБИО! Ако Иранци за крађи секу руку, ја бих овакве типове кастрирала! Они не користе женском роду а трауматизују децу!
У сваком случају добио је више од Фљоре Бровине, браће Мазреку и осталих шиптарских терориста које је досовски режим пустио на слободу, а чији су злочини неупоредиво страшнији.
Јел се тад неко од вас бунио?

da bi srbi pustili nekog albanca kao nevinog on mora biti em nevin, em mora dobro da podmaze, [ desetine hiljada evrica] em da je rodjen pod srecnom zvezdom... mada meni zvuci smesno kada od nekog [ima gi dosta] srbina cujem albanac a nevin auuuuuu
ipak da se ne skrece sa teme u pravu si
Казна за тог, нажалост монаха, је бесмислено мала, ја бих је удесетостручио, али ни то не би помогло код таквих поремећених ликова зато у ствари повећање казне не би имало сврху. Ја бих за овакве случајеве (као и за случајеве силовања)у оквиру казне увео ОБАВЕЗНО МЕДИЦИНСКО ХИРУРШКО КАСТРИРАЊЕ.....и онда лепо нека блудничи у својим сновима.

Та педофилија је једна заиста психопатолошка болест - која све више узима маха, нарочито на Западу, уопште не могу да схватим те људе ако су уопште људи.
PEDOFILI su UMNO BOLESNE OSOBE bez obzira na DELATNOST kojom se bave.

Sad to što ovde neki za "opravdavajuć odgovor" imaju delovanja u rimokatoličkoj crkvi (brojniji su pa je samim tim i veća šansa za nečim takvim) zapravo potvrdjuju gorepomenutu tvrdnju.

Nakon silnih policijskih istraga širom sveta spektar zanimanja je raznolik - duhovnici, učiteljsko osoblje, medicinsko osoblje, policijski službenici (zato se neki slučajevi uspešno zataškaju), čak i jedan mesar...
Nebitno - prednjače muškarci ali tu su i žene...


Domaća kaznena politika je preblaga jer nema puno prijavljenih slučajeva a maloletnici mogu stupati u medjusobne seksualne odnose već od 16 godina???
Čudno? Pa naše prababe i pradede su se uzimali u tim godinama...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
