
Mozda bi mi proradila neka sujeta i mrznja sto svi jebu a ja ne, pa bih poceo da zavodim zene, a bio bih dobar u tome jer ne bih bio napaljen. Pa onda do momenta kada ona podivlja, skine mi pantalone, gace, zabezekne se.. E prc nesh hebati, hahahaha, klo klo klip u stiklama na vrata niz hodnkk hahahah hahahahaha ha ha haaaaa
Bukvalno niko nije rekao pa zadovoljio bi partnerku na načine koji njoj prijaju, npr streponom

Kao što bih ja nekako alternativno svog partnera da sam u toj situaciji

Svi samo neka samoubistva i osvete
Bukvalno niko nije rekao pa zadovoljio bi partnerku na načine koji njoj prijaju, npr streponom

Kao što bih ja nekako alternativno svog partnera da sam u toj situaciji

Svi samo neka samoubistva i osvete
A sto da mucim partnerku tom dramom? Nadji brate nekog da te zadovolji u tom pogledu. Ja bih joj nasao. Jer znam da joj ne bi bio dovoljan strapon ili sta vec. Ne gledam tako posesivno na seks. Tek tada bih bko frik.
Dokazano kod kastriranih ljudi. Njet njiente nope.

Jel? Evo baš čitam neki tekstić i komentare stručnjaka na odnos Sivog Crva i Misandei i koliko je tako nešto realno u stvarnom životu.

Dr. Thomas W. Johnson, retired professor of cultural anthropology and an expert on eunuchs:
“With 4,000 years of history of eunuchs and hundreds of thousands of them throughout history, we know very little about eunuch sexuality. We know some. In various literature, eunuchs have been considered asexual, hypersexual, strictly homosexual, strictly heterosexual, ambisexual … Any kind of sexuality you want to consider has been attributed to eunuchs somewhere. And the answer is, we don’t know. We can only talk about some individuals. Chinese and Korean eunuchs often married and then, because they were infertile, they would adopt young eunuchs, so we have generations of eunuch family history, each of them marrying and then adopting, and having relatively successful marriages. Sir Richard Burton, in his travels, wrote about the eunuchs of Mecca and talked about them being sexually active with their wives. When we had the rise of the Italian castrati, who were castrated usually between the ages of 10 and 12, we have a number of them attempting to marry, and a legal brief from the Church in 1718 said that they shouldn’t be allowed to because eunuchs are too tempting to women. ‘They are more esteemed by lewd women because they can give them all the satisfaction without any risk or danger of pregnancy.’ Sexuality doesn’t require an erect penis. Tongue, lips, fingers — there are all kinds of ways for a male to be sexual with a woman. They become far less sexual, but they do not become asexual.

Dr. Richard Wassersug, retired professor of anatomy and neurobiology and an expert on the psychology of castration:

All of that aside, there’s no question that sex drive does go down with castration, but that doesn’t necessarily mean one is asexual. He wouldn’t have a lot of testosterone, he’d have a little from his adrenal glands. But you don’t need testosterone to be a lesbian. He could have sex with a woman the same way a woman could have sex with a woman

Zato uostalom i dalje postoji praksa da se seksualni prestupnici kastriraju hirurškim uklanjanjem testisa. Ali evo i ovde kažu isto, te iz perspektive prevencije polnih krivičnih dela to i nije baš 100% pouzdan metod

Surgical castration, also called orchiectomy, involves the physical removal of the testicles, which produce 95 percent of a man’s testosterone. However, the small amount still produced by the adrenal glands could be enough to allow some sexual function to remain. According to one study from the 1960s of about 1,000 German sex offenders who had been castrated, 65 percent men immediately felt their libido plummet, but 18 percent were able to have sex 20 years later. Based on the small amount of data that exist on this subject, it appears between zero and 10 percent of sexual offenders who are surgically castrated repeat their crime.

Navede me Akademija na kojoj se trenutno raspravlja o veličini, da pitam:

Da li biste bili sa osobom koja nema penis? Da je npr neki Unsullied ili nešto

Kako biste se seksali? Uz pomoć strepona, ili prstima ili oralno

I ako se npr odlučite za neki od tih načina, je l bi vam bio problem da zadovoljstvo bude samo za vas, da ne možete da ga pružite i drugome

Ne bi se seksali uopšte nego se voleli platonski?

Pitanje za muškarce nije šta biste radili da vam devojka nema vaginu, nego kako biste se organizovali da vi nemate penis
Mnogo zena prakticno nema vaginu ili je neupotrebljiva iz nekog razloga, pa ako je fizicki problem resava se hiruski, ali i mentalni problemi se resavaju, ako postoji volja i strpljenje....
Na isti nacin se resava i problem penisa...Video sam mnoga glupa resenja u smislu proteza koje se koriste u svim prilikama, zbog potpuno nesposobnih lekara, ali ako od zene mogu da naprave muskarca onda postoji resenje i da se od muskarca napravi funkcionalan muskarac....
Kada su u pitanju jednostavni problemi kao sto su libido i erekcija odavno su pronadjeni nacini da se uspostavi potpuna kontrola i prakticno samo psihologija moze da pravi problem....
Tema je trebalo da se zove evnuh umesto loseg engleskog crtanog naziva....
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