Kakvi ste metalci?!

ne kapiram koja je fora biti metalac??? meni se cini da oni sebe samo prave glupljem . koja je sad fora da nosis crno, i da slusas tu "muziku" (ako se tako moze nazvati..)....
some people i'll never undertsand... :roll:
Koliki ti je IQ,ako smijem pitati? :roll:
-> -> -> ->

jeste zaista... ta 'muzika' !!..pa kako to moze..ni ja ih ne razumem..odoh sad da slusam Death...a stvarno..ti metalci...cccc
Ispade ovo, potpuno neočekivano.

You Are Power Metal!
You love Tolkien too much, but you produce epic beautifully melodic albums. EVERYONE hates you, but you still have a small cult following. That's quite a shame since you're such a great and skilled genre.
You Are Viking/Folk Metal!
The most open minded of all metal genres. You have no problem with breaking down in the middle of a song with a Xylophone Solo if the song calls for it. You also usually incorporate more than one vocal style in your music, which makes for a good change every once in a while.

1581 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 31787 times.
5% of people had this result.
My favourite genre! :D

You Are Power Metal!
You love Tolkien too much, but you produce epic beautifully melodic albums. EVERYONE hates you, but you still have a small cult following. That's quite a shame since you're such a great and skilled genre.

2184 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 34899 times.
10% of people had this result

Tebi bi bolje bilo da idše dase testiraš na narko-testu...
Ito ne triii... već šeees puta!!!
