Kako da isključim opciju chek spelling and grammar na Exploreru?

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Kako da isključim opciju check spelling and grammar na Internet Exploreru?

Nikao da provalim, a nerviram se već neko vreme, od kako sam resetovao komp...

Najviše me nervira kad mi veznik i pretvori u I.

1. Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools icon present in toolbar. You can also press "Alt+X" keys together to open it.

2. Now click on "Manage add-ons" option present in Tools menu. It'll open add-ons manager window.

3. Now click on "Spelling Correction" option given in left-side pane and uncheck the option "Enable spelling correction" given at the bottom of the window as shown in following screenshot:

Poslednja izmena:
1. Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools icon present in toolbar. You can also press "Alt+X" keys together to open it.

2. Now click on "Manage add-ons" option present in Tools menu. It'll open add-ons manager window.

3. Now click on "Spelling Correction" option given in left-side pane and uncheck the option "Enable spelling correction" given at the bottom of the window as shown in following screenshot:




'ebem mu mater, ako nisam 10 puta otvorio taj "Manage add-ons", ali nikako da zagledam levi deo ekrana, nego sam buljio u desni....

Hvala, puno...

Tražio sam i na netu, ali sam nalazio samo za Word i Outlook....

Još jednom, svaka čast i :hvala:

Moderatori, može LOCK, što se mene tiče....:ok:
