Juzna Afrika nacionalizuje farme belaca?

bilo bi pogresno tebe nazvati glupim,ti si budala,samo budala moze ovo nazvati argumentom.Iskrcas se na africku obalu,pocnes da im uvaljujes cesljeve i ogledalca u zamenu za slonovacu i zlato, zato sto oni nisu optereceni materijalizmom a ,to podrazumeva da su imbecili,ne ? Vremenom ih odvodis u roblje,a sve sa ciljem da sprecis crnjog Hitlera koji pripema invaziju na Dover

Momak je unikat, mora se priznati.
Da ih vratimo opet u dobra stara kapitalistička vremena, odnosno na plantaže pamuka ;)

Ti se zezaj. Oni koji su u SAD i imaju sve uslove za zivot, a opet zive ko zivotinje tamo i dele se u ghetto i bande slicno kao sto su se delili po plemenima kad su bili u Africi.
Posle neko kaze da genetika ne igra ulogu.:lol:
Magarac u Bec, magarac iz Bec.:lol:
Ti se zezaj. Oni koji su u SAD i imaju sve uslove za zivot, a opet zive ko zivotinje tamo i dele se u ghetto i bande slicno kao sto su se delili po plemenima kad su bili u Africi.
Posle neko kaze da genetika ne igra ulogu.:lol:
Magarac u Bec, magarac iz Bec.:lol:

ajd idi malo pa citaj nesto , pokusaj da razumes

ot kada i vise nisu robovi , ono zvanicno i vidi dal , im se i promenilo materijalni status ,

eto u zadnjih 40 godina.

a i jel znas , kako se dobija jeftina radna snaga

upss, ma naucio si ti ako radis u zemlji robova zvan Srbija
Zašto? Zašto bi itko imao ikakvu "odgovornost" prema njima?

Daleko plemenitija i kreativnija vrsta ljudi, američki Indijanci, desetkovana je na razne načine (većinom kroz bolesti, no eto....).

Zašto bi zaostala varijanta homo sapiensa, koja stvara jedino kaos, nasilje, nesreću, kal... na bilo koji način trebala pomoć?
Zašto crnci jednostavno ne bi nestali? Pa oni sami bi bili prvi da se regrutiraju u druge rase, kad bi bilo čarobnog štapića preko kojeg bi to mogli.

Evo dosta dobre ilustracije tko su oni (doduše, radi se o razvijenijem Senegalu).

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Three weeks after college, I flew to Senegal, West Africa, to run a community center in a rural town. Life was placid, with no danger, except to your health. That danger was considerable, because it was, in the words of the Peace Corps doctor, “a fecalized environment.”

In plain English: shit is everywhere. People defecate on the open ground, and the feces is blown with the dust – onto you, your clothes, your food, the water. He warned us the first day of training: do not even touch water. Human feces carries parasites that bore through your skin and cause organ failure.
Senegal was not a hellhole. Very poor people can lead happy, meaningful lives in their own cultures’ terms. But they are not our terms. The excrement is the least of it. Our basic ideas of human relations, right and wrong, are incompatible. […]

Take something as basic as family. Family was a few hundred people, extending out to second and third cousins. All the men in one generation were called “father.” Senegalese are Muslim, with up to four wives. Girls had their clitorises cut off at puberty. (I witnessed this, at what I thought was going to be a nice coming-of-age ceremony, like a bat mitzvah or confirmation.) Sex, I was told, did not include kissing. Love and friendship in marriage were Western ideas. Fidelity was not a thing. Married women would have sex for a few cents to have cash for the market.
The Ten Commandments were not disobeyed – they were unknown. The value system was the exact opposite. You were supposed to steal everything you can to give to your own relatives. There are some Westernized Africans who try to rebel against the system. They fail.

:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:
Ti se zezaj. Oni koji su u SAD i imaju sve uslove za zivot, a opet zive ko zivotinje tamo i dele se u ghetto i bande slicno kao sto su se delili po plemenima kad su bili u Africi.
Posle neko kaze da genetika ne igra ulogu.:lol:
Magarac u Bec, magarac iz Bec.:lol:

veoma ograniceno razmisljanje,ali evo ti tema za razmisljanje.Uzmi za primer nas Srbe,pre gotovo tri decenije pocele su pizdarije u SFRJ,i mi danas placamo cenu losim potezima koje su neki vukli .Natalitet mizeran,sveopste siromastvo,stopa samoubistava verujem da je udesetostrucena,..trebace nam najmanje dve generacije da se vratimo na standard iz osamdesetih i ,to ako budemo imali srecu pa sada pocnemo da radimo u pravm smeru.Bude li se migracija pametnih nastavila,citav 21. vek bicemo septcika jama.
Crnci u SAD su dva veka robovi bez bilo kakvih prava,tek sesdesetih proslog vekadobijaju pravo na skolovanje i gradjanske slobode,ali rasizam je ziveo sve do osamdesetih i devedesetih.To znaci da oni tek poslednjih pola veka imaju mogucost napredovanja i,vi ocekujete da za taj period nadoknade dva veka robovanja,dok mi Srbi ne mozemo da dodjemo sebi posle malo pizdarija iz devedesetih ?Stotinu godina u drustvenim i socioloskim procesima je veoma kratak period.Zaista, kao da su te poslali u Beci i, ti se vratis iz Beca sa ovakvim pogledom na drustvene procese,tuzno
Poslednja izmena:
pa , recimo , mozete iz ovoga teksta da vidite , kako se prema prezivelim iz internata , gde su prisilno stavljeni , oduzeti od ( divljaka ) Ato se sve i desavalo do kraja 1960 godine.

to je ta demokratija BELACA, koju i gle su isti ti i provodili po svetu.

ako je nekome potrebno da prepricam , slobodno se moze i javiti

residential school survivor's claim
This is the second complaint that has emerged against Wallbridge, Wallbridge over residential school cases
By Jorge Barrera, CBC News Posted: Feb 07, 2018 3:29 PM ET Last Updated: Feb 07, 2018 3:29 PM ET

Bert William Solomon attended St. Anne’s Indian residential school from 1930 to 1935.
Bert William Solomon attended St. Anne’s Indian residential school from 1930 to 1935. (Submitted by Sophia Ethel Kelywegt)

Photo of Jorge Barrera

Jorge Barrera

Jorge Barrera is a Caracas-born, award-winning journalist who has worked across the country and internationally. He is currently working for the CBC Indigenous unit based out of Ottawa.

Follow @jorgebarrera on Twitter
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Ontario's legal profession watchdog is investigating a complaint against a northern Ontario law firm over allegations it mishandled a compensation claim from a dying St. Anne's residential school survivor.

The Law Society of Ontario's enforcement department began investigating the complaint filed against Wallbridge, Wallbridge, headquartered in Timmins, Ont., last October, according to a copy of a letter from the law society provided to CBC News.

The letter from the law society identifies Peter James Wallbridge, one of the co-founders of the firm, as one of the subjects of the investigation.

The complaint was filed by Sophia Kleywegt, one of the daughters of Bert William Solomon who attended St. Anne's Indian Residential School from 1930 to 1935.

St. Anne's has emerged as one of the most notorious institutions that operated throughout the more than a century long existence of residential schools. The school, which operated in Fort Albany near Ontario's James Bay coast, was known for using a homemade electric chair on students for punishment.

Ottawa initially fought St. Anne's residential school electric chair compensation claims

MP wants answers on why Ottawa suppressed residential school's police files

Died before telling his story
Solomon died at 82 in December 2007 at the Timmins, Ont., hospital before getting the opportunity to tell his story to the tribunal created to award compensation for abuse suffered at residential schools, known as the Independent Assessment Process (IAP).

"It is important for us to hear this story and nobody gave him a chance to tell his story, to tell what happened to him," said daughter Sophia Kleywegt.

Kleywegt said she is still waiting on an update on the investigation.

"Here I am, still in limbo," said Kleywegt.

Sophia Kleywegt
Sophia Kleywegt filed a complaint with the Law Society of Upper Canada over the handling of her father's residential school IAP claim. (Submitted by Sophia Kleywegt)

Kleywegt alleges that Wallbridge, Wallbridge mishandled Solomon's claim by failing to arrange for a Cree interpreter in time to obtaing a statement from her father while he was in hospital dying from colon cancer. The IAP process allows for expedited, hospital bedside hearings.

"My dad became very ill and they were aware that he was in hospital," said Kleywegt.

"He was getting worse and we called them and told them that we don't know how long he was going to survive…. So they responded that they couldn't get a [Cree] interpreter immediately and that is how they left it."

Kleywegt said they were in contact with a woman they assumed was a lawyer at the firm. It later turned out that she wasn't a lawyer.

Firm denies it took the case
In July 2017, Kleywegt received a letter from James Wallbridge stating that the firm has "no file opened under Bert (William) Solomon's name."

Wallbridge, Wallbridge responded to a request for comment through Toronto lawyer Geoff Adair. Adair, with firm Adair Goldblatt Bieber, said the law society generally investigates all complaints. He said, in an emailed statement, that the firm had responded to the law society and believes the complaint is "without merit." He said Wallbridge, Wallbridge never took on Solomon's case.

The complaint filed with the law society remains unproven.

Susan Tonkin, a spokesperson for the law society, said in an emailed statement she could not comment on any ongoing investigations or complaints. Tonkin said the law society has a team of people assigned to deal with complaints from Indigenous Peoples.

"The length of time to conduct an investigation varies from matter to matter, depending on the complexity of each case," said Tonkin.

Altar Boys, St. Anne's Indian Residential School
A group of altar boys at St. Anne's Indian Residential School c. 1945 in Fort Albany, Ont. (Edmund Metatawabin collection/Algoma University)

'It gave him nightmares'
Solomon was in-and-out of hospital in Cochrane and Timmins between 2006 and 2007, said Kleywegt.

She said his case was one of a group of cases picked up by Wallbridge, Wallbridge through the Ininew Friendship Centre in Cochrane.

While Solomon was hospitalized, Kleywegt said he revealed the abuse he suffered at St. Anne's for the first time. Solomon told his daughters a teacher at the school had stabbed his hand with a pencil and that he was sexually assaulted by another student at the instruction of the same teacher, she said.

"He suppressed it for so many years," said Kleywegt.

"It gave him nightmares."

Claim rejected
The family filed an IAP estate claim in February 2011 but it was rejected in August 2015 because they failed to obtain a sworn statement from Solomon before he died or provide eyewitness and medical evidence to support the claim of abuse.

"I have no doubt that the claimant suffered terrible experiences during his attendance at the residential school," wrote deputy chief adjudicator Wes Marsden in his ruling.

"In my experience, very few survivors have been able to recall positive experiences at residential schools…. Despite my sympathies…I am still required to apply the IAP model to the facts of this case."

A representative for the federal government opposed the claim.

Kleywegt said she will continue to fight for her father's case.

"It's just one of the things we promised him we would continue on right to the end," she said.

Wallbridge, Wallbridge faced a complaint in 2016 from another St. Anne's survivor, known in court records as H-15019, who asked for an investigation into why the law firm failed to file evidence to support the survivor's IAP claim.

The law society case is still ongoing and the complaint remains unproven.

H-15019's complaint hinges on Wallbridge, Wallbridge's representation of St. Anne's survivors in a separate civil claim filed in 2003. Thousands of Ontario Provincial Police documents from a 1990s investigation into abuse at St. Anne's were filed during that civil case. H-15019 contends those documents could have supported his IAP claim, which he initially lost. He was awarded compensation after a re-hearing held last year.

Adair said the allegations against Wallbridge, Wallbridge in this case were "ridiculous" and without merit.

"The whole idea of a plaintiff's lawyer who is operating on a contingent fee hiding documents that benefit their clients is just stupid," said Adair. "Why would anybody do that?"

The OPP documents, along with other records from the Cochrane case, were not used to support any St. Anne's IAP claims until 2014 when an Ontario judge ordered Ottawa to turn over the files.

'Solicitor-client privilege' keeping 98-year-

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Marsi, jesi se ti nadrogiro i ne znas sta pises kao i uvek?

pa drogu stavljam na falus i onda pocnem , da vas ...

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Ješće korenje a može usput da napiše freeware igricu, Crvenkapa i Vuk Drašković.

a oc i da pita VUKA ili bese VUK , njega pita.

uh , eto zaboravih

no zasigurno znam da ce mu OCI ISPASTI.

a od cega, moze bit i od same pomisli da crnac , ide zajedno sa njim na put
veoma ograniceno razmisljanje,ali evo ti tema za razmisljanje.Uzmi za primer nas Srbe,pre gotovo tri decenije pocele su pizdarije u SFRJ,i mi danas placamo cenu losim potezima koje su neki vukli .Natalitet mizeran,sveopste siromastvo,stopa samoubistava verujem da je udesetostrucena,..trebace nam najmanje dve generacije da se vratimo na standard iz osamdesetih i ,to ako budemo imali srecu pa sada pocnemo da radimo u pravm smeru.Bude li se migracija pametnih nastavila,citav 21. vek bicemo septcika jama.
Crnci u SAD su dva veka robovi bez bilo kakvih prava,tek sesdesetih proslog vekadobijaju pravo na skolovanje i gradjanske slobode,ali rasizam je ziveo sve do osamdesetih i devedesetih.To znaci da oni tek poslednjih pola veka imaju mogucost napredovanja i,vi ocekujete da za taj period nadoknade dva veka robovanja,dok mi Srbi ne mozemo da dodjemo sebi posle malo pizdarija iz devedesetih ?Stotinu godina u drustvenim i socioloskim procesima je veoma kratak period.Zaista, kao da su te poslali u Beci i, ti se vratis iz Beca sa ovakvim pogledom na drustvene procese,tuzno

Jeste, i zato se Nemci, Japanci i Juzni Koreanci nikad nisu oporavili od rusilackih ratova.
Ma ajde molim te.:roll:

Japanci su bili teska sirotinja nakon WW2 i Amerikanci i njihove BIJE & CIJE su nameravale da ih drze sirotinjskim. I sta se desilo?:lol:
Decenijama su udarane velike carine na uvoz japanskih automobila i motocikala, ali desilo se divno cudo pa su domaci forumerski *******i proslavili Crkavanje Detroita i @Tixi je postavio temu, a domaca *******ija je aminovala i slavila pobedu koja nije njihova i koju nikad ne bi mogli da ostvare.

Nakon Korejskog rata nije bilo neke razlike izmedju Severne i Juzne Koreje. A da, nema ni danas. Severna Koreja je najbolja Koreja.:lol:

Nemacka je bila razrusena skroz nakon WW2. Drezden sravnjen bombardovanjem, sve fabrike unistene. I Nemci nikad nisu uspeli da se oporave.

Dokle bre vise sa tom luzerskom ideologijom.

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pa , oni ce tebe

hansom zvati , turac ce ti dati, musliju , ce ti jos vise zavaliti.

sve u germaniji.

Mani me se vise tvojih LGBT fantazija.:bljak:
Pusti neki pornic sa nekim nauljanim crncem i uzivaj ako ti je merak.:per:
Sve je to deo slobode zapadne civilizacije i protestantske radne etike :cool:, ali imaj bar malo pristojnosti i kulture :kpozdrav: da drugima te svoje perverzije :bljak: ne naturas na nos.z:hm:
Jeste, i zato se Nemci, Japanci i Juzni Koreanci nikad nisu oporavili od rusilackih ratova.
Ma ajde molim te.:roll:

Japanci su bili teska sirotinja nakon WW2 i Amerikanci i njihove BIJE & CIJE su nameravale da ih drze sirotinjskim. I sta se desilo?:lol:
Decenijama su udarane velike carine na uvoz japanskih automobila i motocikala, ali desilo se divno cudo pa su domaci forumerski *******i proslavili Crkavanje Detroita i @Tixi je postavio temu, a domaca *******ija je aminovala i slavila pobedu koja nije njihova i koju nikad ne bi mogli da ostvare.

Nakon Korejskog rata nije bilo neke razlike izmedju Severne i Juzne Koreje. A da, nema ni danas. Severna Koreja je najbolja Koreja.:lol:

Nemacka je bila razrusena skroz nakon WW2. Drezden sravnjen bombardovanjem, sve fabrike unistene. I Nemci nikad nisu uspeli da se oporave.

Dokle bre vise sa tom luzerskom ideologijom.

JES vala dosta sa luzerima , koji svo svoje znanje , dobijaju od ZNN i pichica zapadnih.

idi , sedi i lijepo citaj i citaj , historiju ne napisanu od ovijeha , vec potrazi , ima i ..


za to istrazivanje je potrebno i znanje , a tamo i neko pred znanje.

a ocito , nemas ga.
Jeste, i zato se Nemci, Japanci i Juzni Koreanci nikad nisu oporavili od rusilackih ratova.
Ma ajde molim te.:roll:

Japanci su bili teska sirotinja nakon WW2 i Amerikanci i njihove BIJE & CIJE su nameravale da ih drze sirotinjskim. I sta se desilo?:lol:
Decenijama su udarane velike carine na uvoz japanskih automobila i motocikala, ali desilo se divno cudo pa su domaci forumerski *******i proslavili Crkavanje Detroita i @Tixi je postavio temu, a domaca *******ija je aminovala i slavila pobedu koja nije njihova i koju nikad ne bi mogli da ostvare.

Nakon Korejskog rata nije bilo neke razlike izmedju Severne i Juzne Koreje. A da, nema ni danas. Severna Koreja je najbolja Koreja.:lol:

Nemacka je bila razrusena skroz nakon WW2. Drezden sravnjen bombardovanjem, sve fabrike unistene. I Nemci nikad nisu uspeli da se oporave.

Dokle bre vise sa tom luzerskom ideologijom.

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Mani me se vise tvojih LGBT fantazija.:bljak:
Pusti neki pornic sa nekim nauljanim crncem i uzivaj ako ti je merak.:per:
Sve je to deo slobode zapadne civilizacije i protestantske radne etike :cool:, ali imaj bar malo pristojnosti i kulture :kpozdrav: da drugima te svoje perverzije :bljak: ne naturas na nos.z:hm:

cuj , dobi da i opet se buni.

svoje zelje o crnackome , neprikriveno ovde izbacuje.

primi ga i cuti.


najzad da si i nes razumeo.

a sad , trk i pocni da ucis , izgubio si godine i godine

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Marsijaneru, stvarno mi nije interesantno da razgovaram sa tobom.

cuj , kaze razgovaramo.

joooj zemljo otvori se ,

aham , dal bese ravna zemlja ili je ki lopta:think:
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