Драгољуб Дража Михаиловић

Ja sam predlozio @Kochi da otvori novu temu jer je stara zaspamovana i otisla u off.
Svako ima pravo da otvori temu o necemu,takodje svako ima pravo da ne ucestvuje na temi ako je ne smatra relevantnom.

Па добро Јакобе ако тако мислиш и то убеђен!
Ја ћу ту тему заобилазити јер ништа паметно да се прочита.Биће то опет монолог постављача са документима о којима сам већ писао. Ево пример: Тема о Веселину Мисити -.... од 65 коментара 32 су Кочина скоро 50%.
Draža je bio po obrazovanju podoficir /podnarednik/ što je mentalno uvek i ostao. Napredovanje u karijeri do čina potpiukovnika, pred WW2, može da zahvali isključivo ženidbi sa ćerkom pukovnika Jevrema Brankovića koji nije štedeo uticaj da zeta što dalje progura. Draža je inače bio svaštar. Niti na jednom formacijskom mestu se nije zadržao duže od 6 meseci, a tast je uvek obezbedjivao opstanak. Već negde od 1930 godine je evidentirana i njegova zavisnost od alkohola.

Shodno svojim intelektualnim sposobnostima se ponašao tokom WW2 u Jugoslaviji. Istorijski trenutak je višestruko prevazilazio njegovo obrazovanje i inteligenciju. Kad se tome doda i prepečenica, rezultat je neminovno 10:0 za protivnika.

Draža je završio podoficirsku školu a tokom Balkanskih ratova se negde dobro tukla njegova jedinica pa su svi djuture unapredjeni u čin poručnika. Nije završio vojnu akademiju već je napredovao kao ratni kadar. Nešto kao Mladić. Nema završenu Ratnu školu a ima čin generalpukovnika.

Draža je čak jedno vreme predavao na vojnoj akademiji pa je to možda razlog zabune. Vojnu akademiju Kraljevine Jugoslavije nije nikada niti pohadjao niti završio.

Postoji dokument - pismo načelniku Akademije u vreme kad je Draža tamo bio predavač. U pismu grupa kadeta traži da se potpukovnik Mihailović udalji iz nastave jer na časove dolazi pijan.

Jednom podoficir uvek podoficir, to je poznato pravilo u vojsci. Bilo je to očigledno i kod Miloševićevog načelnika generalštaba generala Ojdanića. Čovek je dugo bio podoficir i, očigledno, nikad nije uspeo da postane /mentalno/ oficir i ako je imao čin generala armije.

U tehnici je to takodje poznato. Ko jedno vreme provede na poslu kao tehničar nikad više ne može da postzane inženjer, i pored mnogo slučajeva da tehničari nekako steknu diplomu inženjera. Medjutim uvek po načinu razmišljanja ostanu tehničari, da ne kažem crtači.

Zato je Draža onako i prošo u WW2, jer intelektualno nije bio dorastao Slobodanu Jobanoviću i Momčilu Ninčiću koji su ga sve vreme "gurali" prema Nemcima i Italijanima, pa čak i prema ustašama.
Nemoj kiseli, shlogirace nam se Koca...


Vas dvojica ste najjaci likovi na Krsti, ali kad ste u paru.


mi nismo u paru. atmosfera u srbiji , diktirana amerikancima ( srbija je pod americkom okupacijom, ali se ne sme reci), je takva da oni smatraju da su cetnici ona struja, koja pogoduje njima. misle da su jos uvek u trscanskoj krizi
Poslednja izmena od moderatora:
Pozabavicemo se do detalja poternicama za Drazom iz 1941. i 1943.

Te poternice govore vise od 1000 reci, i u startu ruse visedecenijsku komunisticku propagandu da su cetnici cekali ''odsudan cas'', za razliku od komunista koji su prihvatili beskompromisnu borbu protiv okupatora...bilo je upravo obrnuto, ali to sad nije tema...



Nemačka poternica za Dražom iz decembra 1941. godine

Nakon oslobodjanja Loznice i Banje Koviljace, Gornjeg Milanovca, Stragara, Čačka, napada na Nemce u Kruševcu, Šapcu, Valjevu, Kraljevu, borbi na Rudniku, na drumu Kragujevac-Gornji Milanovac, nemackih protiv ofanziva Bitka na Ceru i Novembra 41...

3. decembra nemacka Komanda Srbije izdaje naredjenje za ''unistenje Mihailovicevih odreda juzno od Valjeva''. To se trebalo postici opkoljavanjem i ''ciscenjem'' terena povrsine 120 kilometara u okolini Ravne Gore. Nova nemacka ofanziva nazvana je ''operacija Mihailovic''

I. Avakumovic Mihailovic prema nemackim dokumentima 28-31. str.

O detaljima same ''Operaciji Mihailovic'' kad bude tema...

Nakon neuspele ofanzive na Ravnu Goru (Nemci nisu uspeli da uhvate Drazu), Nemci smatraju da je Draza presao u Bosnu...Ipak posto nisu bili sigurni, odlucili su da preko radija, letaka i plakata objave ucenu njegove glave. To je prva, od dve nemacka poternica za Drazom i ujedno prva nemacka poternica za vodjom nekog pokreta otpora u okupiranoj Evropi....

Pohod na Ravnu Goru i poternica za Drazom dospeli su i u Ratni Dnevnik Vrhovne komande Vermahta u Berlinu, 10 decembra.

Das Unternehmen zur Sauberung und Sicherung des westl. Moravatales gegen die
Mihailovic=Gruppe ist geschlossen.
Mihailovic ist mit wenigen Anhangern entkommen, Stabsfiihrer Major Misic mit
Stab gefangen. Damit ist groSte Gruppe der nationalen Aufstandischen im serbi»
schen Raum gesprengt.
Durch Aufruf an Serben ist auf Mihailovic eine Kopfpramie von 200 000 Dinar
Siidwestl. Valjevo noch Bandenreste.

Original (zahvaljujem se kiselom sto je postavio, mogao bi i ceo, ono je samo deo :D )

10. decembar
Srbija: Akcija čišćenja i osiguranja saobraćajnice uz dolinu Zapadne Morave
protiv pristalica Mihailovića je okončana. Mihailoviću je pošlo za rukom da sa malobrojnim pristalicama pobegne, ali je uhvaćen vođa štaba Mišić sa svojim ljudima. Time je razbijena najveća grupa nacionalnih ustanika na srpskom prostoru. Upućen proglas Srbima da je Mihailovićeva glava ucenjena na 200 000 dinara

Prevod Nikola Zivkovic - Srbi u ratnom dnevniku Vrhovne komande Vermahta

Zavrsena je akcija ciscenja i osiguranja zapadnog dela doline Morave od Mihailoviceve grupe. Mihailovic je pobegao sa malim brojem svojih pristalica. Zarobljen je nacelnik staba major Misic sa Stabom. Time je razbijena najveca grupa ustanika na prostoru Srbije. Mihailoviceva glava, objavom Srbima ucenjena je na 200 000 dinara. Jugozapadno od Valjeva jos se nalaze ostaci bande....

Prevod K. Nikolic Istorija Ravnogorskog pokreta, knjiga prva, 159.

A u izvestaju nemacke Komande Jugoistoka zabalezeno je:

342. pesadijska divizija opkolila je Mihailoviceve cetnike jugoistocno od Valjeva i 7. decembra sa 5. bataljona otpocela je koncentricno nastupanje pravcem Babina glava. Mihailovic je s mukom uspeo da se izvuce iz zahvata nasih trupa. Sa nekoliko svojih ljudi pobegao je u jugoistocnu Bosnu. Njegov stab sa Majorom misicem kao nacelnikom staba, zarobljen je. Mihailovicevi cetnici su u ovoj operaciji 342. divizije izgubili oko 10 mrtvih i 390 zarobljenih....

Miloslav Samardzic, Borbe cetnika protiv Nemaca i ustasa, 1941-45
Zbornik dokumenata, tom XII, knjiga 2, 1038.

U stvari Nemci nisu zarobili Drazin stab, vec stab Ribnickog cetnickog odreda, kojim je komandovao major Aleksandar Misic. Takodje Draza nije bio otisao u Istocnu Bosnu, vec se sklonio u okolinu Gornjeg Milanovca....

Miloslav Samardzic - Borbe cetnika protiv Nemaca i ustasa, 1941-45

Dalje ide prica u detalje prema cetnickim izvorima, ali to kada bude tema...

Zaskljucak ''Operacije Mihailovic''

Iako general Bader kaze ''Grupa Mihailovic moze se smatrati razbijenom'' u dnevniku 342. divizije ostalo je zapisano da ''unistenje ove cetnicke grupe, koja sada ima mnogobrojne nenaoruzane pristalice u nacionalnom srpskom seljackom stanovnistvu, nije postignuto''...

I. Avakumovic Mihailovic prema nemackim dokumentima, 31.

Sve to dovelo je do ove poternice za Drazom iz decembra 1941...


Sledi poternica iz 43....
Poslednja izmena:
10. Dezember 1941

Das Unternehmen zur Sauberung und Sicherung des westl. Moravatales gegen die
Mihailovic=Gruppe ist geschlossen.
Mihailovic ist mit wenigen Anhangern entkommen, Stabsfiihrer Major Misic mit
Stab gefangen. Damit ist groSte Gruppe der nationalen Aufstandischen im serbi»
schen Raum gesprengt.
Durch Aufruf an Serben ist auf Mihailovic eine Kopfpramie von 200000 Dinar
Siidwestl. Valjevo noch Bandenreste.
Bei Sauberungsaktion Cacak wurden 182 Kommunisten ersdiossen.
Neue Meldungen liegen nicht vor.

jedino sto je zivkovic "zaboravio" sledece dve recenice u originalnom tekstu, koje sam ja slobodan da stavim u totalitetu....cetnicka poluistina, kao cela istina, zar ne?

ova akcija je bila nastavla nemacke operacije na uzice ( koja je bila primarna).mihailovic je bio vrlo siguran u operaciji mihailovic, jer je musicki mu unapred rekao. musicki je bio smenjen, stavljen na led, i kada su jedinice koje su ucestvovale u toj akciji nestale, bio je vracen na svoju prethodnu poziciju. nedic se pobrinuo o tome...inace ucena je bila fantasticna. u onoj inflaciji , draza je vredeo 70 maraka u zlatu :D
no draza je nakon toga konataktirao nemce, i sve je bilo u redu. dogovorili su se, i draza je "legalizovao" svoje odrede da prezime, i bio bez vojske, samo sa stabom ( i udovicom ace misica, koja mu je bila svalerka.on ju je tesio zbog ace...imao je dobro srce, voleo je francusku poeziju , i verovatno francuske sobarice....)
Poslednja izmena:
jedino sto je nikolic "zaboravio" sledece dve recenice u originalnom tekstu, kje sam ja slobodan da stavim u totalitetu....cetnicka poluistina, kao cela istina, zar ne?

mihailovic je bio vrlo siguran u operaciji mihailovic, jer je musicki mu unapred rekao. musicki je bio smenjen, stavljen na led, i kada su jedinice koje su ucestvovale u toj akciji nestale, bio je vracen na svoju prethodnu poziciju. nedic se pobrinuo o tome...inace ucena je bila fantasticna. u onoj inflaciji , draza je vredeo 70 maraka u zlatu :D
no draza je ankoj toga konataktirao nemce, i sve je bilo u redu. dogovorili su se, i draza je "legalizovao" svoje odrede da prezime, i bio bez vojske, samo sa stabom ( i udovicom ace misica, koja mu je bila svalerka.on ju je tesio zbog ace...imao je dobro srce, voleop je francusku poeziju , i verovatno francuske sobarice....)

ponovo ti kazem, nemoj da govoris o necemu o cemu nemas pojma...

Nije ih zaboravio Nikolic vec ih nisam napisao ja jer nemaju veze sa temom...

Bei Sauberungsaktion Cacak wurden 182 Kommunisten ersdiossen.
Neue Meldungen liegen nicht vor.

objasni mi kakve veze ovo ima sa poternicom za Drazom...

Tema nije 10. decembar Ratni Dnevnik Vermahta, vec poternica za Drazom iz decembra 1941, kojoj je prethodila ''operacija Mihailovic''

Kad si se vec okomio na Nikolica, a kao po obicaju nemas pojma o cemu govoris, nastavak prevoda je sledeci...

Prilikom akcije ciscenja u Cacku, ubijeno 182 komunista


Ti si najkomicniji kada nesto jednostavno ne mozes da oporvgnes...kada je za to izneto toliko argumenata da tvoje smicalice, lazi i izmisljotine jednostavno ne mogu da prodju, onda tvoji postovi izgledaju ovako....ali ti to i dalje ne mozes nicim da argumentujes...

kladim se da ti je zao sto si mi postavio original ratnog dnevnika :)

200 000 dinara tada bila prilicno velika vrednost...poternica se obraca narodu...

ostaju cinjenice

decembra 1941. nakon neuspele ofanzive na Ravnu Goru, raspisana je poternica za Drazom Mihailovicem, a ona je dospela cak i u Ratni Dnevnik Vermahta....Ta poternica je prva nemacka poternica za vodjom nekog pokreta otpora u okupiranoj Evropi :mrgreen:

sve ostalo su blebetanja koja nicim ne mozes da argumetujes....odavno je smor slusati tvoja izlaganja...
Poslednja izmena:
ponovo ti kazem, nemoj da govoris o necemu o cemu nemas pojma...

Nije ih zaboravio Nikolic vec ih nisam napisao ja jer nemaju veze sa temom...

Bei Sauberungsaktion Cacak wurden 182 Kommunisten ersdiossen.
Neue Meldungen liegen nicht vor.

objasni mi kakve veze ovo ima sa poternicom za Drazom...

Tema nije 10. decembar Ratni Dnevnik Vermahta, vec poternica za Drazom iz decembra 1941, kojoj je prethodila ''operacija Mihailovic''

Kad si se vec okomio na Nikolica, a kao po obicaju nemas pojma o cemu govoris, nastavak prevoda je sledeci...

Prilikom akcije ciscenja u Cacku, ubijeno 182 komunista


Ti si najkomicniji kada nesto jednostavno ne mozes da oporvgnes...kada je za to izneto toliko argumenata da tvoje smicalice, lazi i izmisljotine jednostavno ne mogu da prodju, onda tvoji postovi izgledaju ovako....ali ti to i dalje ne mozes nicim da argumentujes...

kladim se da ti je zao sto si mi postavio original ratnog dnevnika :)

200 000 dinara tada bila prilicno velika vrednost...poternica se obraca narodu...

ostaju cinjenice

decembra 1941. nakon neuspele ofanzive na Ravnu Goru, raspisana je poternica za Drazom Mihailovicem, a ona je dospela cak i u Ratni Dnevnik Vermahta....Ta poternica je prva nemacka poternica za vodjom nekog pokreta otpora u okupiranoj Evropi :mrgreen:

sve ostalo su blebetanja koja nicim ne mozes da argumetujes....odavno je smor slusati tvoja izlaganja...

wow, neuspela ofenziva nemaca, koji znaju gde se cetnicka piz.a nalazi......pokret otpora? nemci ne znaju da je on pokret otpora, niti ga tako gledaju. oni znaju da je on ljigavac koji sedi na dve stolice, pa se specijalno vise ne trude oko njega. srbija je od decembra 1941 do 1944 mirna k'o bubica. najmirniji kraj u evropi (izuzev saveznicko bomabradovanja 1944)
da vidis koliko ulaza za partizane tek ima u ratnom dnevniku vermahta.....a tek ratni dnevnik talijana ...pa oni slave cetnike, kao svoje saveznike...
cinjenice su da je draza bio upozoren, da mu se nije nista desilo, jer nemci nisu hteli da izgube svog najboljeg spijuna, koji im omogucava pristup englezima....mihailovic je najobicniji nemacki agent
no draza je nakon toga konataktirao nemce, i sve je bilo u redu. dogovorili su se, i draza je "legalizovao" svoje odrede da prezime, i bio bez vojske, samo sa stabom ( i udovicom ace misica, koja mu je bila svalerka.on ju je tesio zbog ace...imao je dobro srce, voleo je francusku poeziju , i verovatno francuske sobarice....)

Da obratimo paznju na ovu sprdacinu....i kakva samo ljiga moze da iznese ovako nesto...ovakve lazi i bljuvotine, kao i uvek bez izvora i inicim argumentovane...

zato pozivam moderatore da reaguje i zadrze ozbiljnost pdf Istorija...

Major Aleksandar Misic, sin vojvode Misica, je spasio Drazin zivot, u ''Operaciji Mihailovic'', tako sto je privukao paznju Nemaca, izlazeci ispred njih i predstavljajuci se kao Draza, sto je omogucilo Drazi da se izgubi...

Major Aleksandar Misic i slovenac major Ivan Fregl, zrtvovali su svoje zivote za opstu stvar, osudjeni na smrt streljanjem 17.decembra, a major Fregl je sam komandovao paljbom...
wow, neuspela ofenziva nemaca, koji znaju gde se cetnicka piz.a nalazi......pokret otpora? nemci ne znaju da je on pokret otpora, niti ga tako gledaju. oni znaju da je on ljigavac koji sedi na dve stolice, pa se specijalno vise ne trude oko njega. srbija je od decembra 1941 do 1944 mirna k'o bubica. najmirniji kraj u evropi (izuzev saveznicko bomabradovanja 1944)
da vidis koliko ulaza za partizane tek ima u ratnom dnevniku vermahta.....a tek ratni dnevnik talijana ...pa oni slave cetnike, kao svoje saveznike...
cinjenice su da je draza bio upozoren, da mu se nije nista desilo, jer nemci nisu hteli da izgube svog najboljeg spijuna, koji im omogucava pristup englezima....mihailovic je najobicniji nemacki agent


cinjenice koje nicim ne mozes da argumentujes....lazi i gluposti od reci do reci...''srbija mirna ko bubica''....lol...sve izazvano kompleksima i frustracijom hrvata koji mora da se nosi sa povijescu II sv.rata...tuzno...

nastavio bih dalje sa poternicom iz 43.

nadam se da ce tvoje bljuvotine biti u medjuvremenu obrisane...
Poslednja izmena:

cinjenice koje nicim ne mozes da argumentujes....lazi i gluposti od reci do reci...sve izazvano kompleksima i frustracijom hrvata koji mora da se nosi sa povijescu II sv.rata...tuzno...

nastavio bih dalje sa poternicom iz 43.

nadam se da ce tvoje bljuvotine biti u medjuvremenu obrisane...

ne moram da ih argumentujem...mogu da tvrdim.. ti ne ogovaras na moju argumentaciju, zar ne?

ali imam nesto slatko za tebe.. dovoljno da ga optuzim za spijunazu i mirno streljam ..:D


Mf. T — 314, R 1457,
Ic October 30, 41.

Subject: The Chetnik detachments of the Yugoslav Army under the command of Colonel Draza Mihailovic place themselves at the disposal of the German Wehrmacht for the purpose of joint struggle against the communists.

On October 28, at 4 p.m. Serbian Captain Nenad Mitrovic with whom I am personally acquainted and Serbian Colonel Branislav Pantic of the General Staff called at my private quarters at Dedinje.
Colonel Pantic stated on that occasion that he had been authorized by Colonel Draza Mihailovic to establish contact with the Prime Minister General Milan Nedic and with the administrative offices concerned of the German Wehrmacht with a view to offering the services of the Chetnik detachments of the Yugoslav Army under the command of Draza Mihailovic' for the struggle against Communism in Serbia. This statement is to be considered fully valid and binding. Colonel Pantic vouches therefor with his officer's word of honour.
General Nedic has been informed of the foregoing during an interview with Colonel Pantic held in the morning of October 28. He approves of this step and would wish that it be implemented in practice as soon as possible. I told Colonel Pantic that I have no authority whatsoever to conduct negotiations on the matter, and that I shall duly convey the communication received to the appropriate Headquarters and Commanding General.
Acting on instructions received from Draza Mihailovic, Colonel Pantic declared that Draza Mihailovic assumes responsibility and provides full guarantee for the definite elimination of communist armed bands from Serbian territory to the east and west of the Morava River. Mihailovic further declared that he is not pursuing any political objective and that he fully recognizes the fact that the country has been defeated and that the Germans are entitled to all rights vested in them as an occupying power. Draza Mihailovic expects that, from the moment he issues the appropriate orders to his detachments, punitive expeditions against the Serbian population and mass shootings in the areas where his Chetnik detachments are located will cease. The general objective is to restore the conditions of peace and order that prevailed in occupied Serbia prior to June 28, 1941.«
When I remarked that according to information at our disposal Draza Mihailovic received his orders from London, Colonel Pantic answered that this was not the case.
To my question whether Mihailovic was only playing for time, in order to finally drive the Germans out of the country, Colonel Pantic declared that as soldiers both Draza Mihailovic and he personally were too well aware of Germany's military strength to harbour any such childish illusions. The political revolutionary emphasis and political note have been introduced among the people by the communist Partisans.
Interview held in my apartment on October 29, at 3 p.m. following a phone call. The talks were attended by Colonel Pantic and Captain Mitrovic.
I first called the gentlemen's attention to the fact that everything I have to tell them according to instructions received from the Commanding General must remain absolutely secret and that the German officers present are likewise under the obligation of preserving absolute secrecy.
I then proceeded to acquaint them with the answer of the Commanding General:
"We wish Colonel Draza Mihailovic to come to Belgrade personally for the purpose of continuing the talks and guarantee his personal safety and life both on his outward and return journey regardless of the outcome of the negotiations."
I further stated that I have been entrusted with the fulfillment of this mission.
It was evident that the gentlemen would have preferred that a meeting be arranged between an accredited representative of the General and that some neutral meeting place had been chosen.
The gentlemen realized that the Commanding General was entitled to demand the foregoing and that there was nothing to be changed with regard to the decision, — and declared, — primarily in order to prevent the further annihilation of the Serbian population and avoid the further destruction of the economic foundations for the survival of the Serbian peoples, — that they were ready to assume this task themselves. The talks then turned to the technical i.e. practical problems involved, and the necessary documents issued to both gentlemen, assuring them freedom of passage by the commanders of the German Wehrmacht units on their way to Colonel Draza Mihailovic and back.
I stated to both gentlemen upon my word of honour that I personally assume responsibility for the safety and life of Colonel Draza Mihailovic from the moment I meet him at Lajkovac and escort him from there and back. Besides I shall also see to it that appropriate measures are taken by the Transport Command. I shall await the gentlemen Monday afternoon, November 3, between 3 and 4 p.m. in Lajkovac.
Captain Mitrovic called at my flat on October 30, at 9 p.m. and requested me on behalf of Colonel Pantid to obtain a written document. He vouched with his life that there will be no abuse of this written document and that the latter would be restituted immediately after contact was established. He emphasised the well-known fact that Draza Mihailovic enjoys the highest esteem of the entire Serbian people at present, and that during the interview of October 29, General Nedic stated that he now regretted his failure to establish contact with Draza Mihailovic when assuming government power. Mitrovic further informed me privately that Kosta Pecanac is subordinated to Draza Mihailovic and that he has taken action on his own. In reply to Captain Mitrovic's request I stated that I shall see to it that a written document, whose rough copy in Serbian language had been submitted to me, be prepared by the German headquarters concerned.

(Captain Joseph Matl worked in the Abwehr Department of the German Command in Serbia. Up to the outbreak of the Second World War, Matl was a. Professor of Slavonic languages and literature at the University of Graz.)
hehehe...s ovim ''dokumentima'' znas sta ti je ciniti...

a ovo je i dalje pdf Istorija, a ne pdf Tracevi i skandali, mada si ti idealan za tako nesto...vec tei vidim kao paparaca koji iskace iz zbuna, pentra se po terasama...

ja sam moderatorima ukazao na ozbiljnost samog pdf-a i teme, inace ne znam zasto sam je ponovo otvarao...al dokle god si ti tu, i trosis svoje ''dragoceno'' vreme, vrtimo se u krug...

ipak sledi tvoja stara boljka, poternica iz 43...:)
Poslednja izmena:
hehehe...s ovim ''dokumentima'' znas sta ti je ciniti...

a ovo je i dalje pdf Istorija, a ne pdf Tracevi i skandali, mada si ti idealan za tako nesto...vec tei vidim kao paparaca koji iskace iz zbuna, pentra se po terasama...

ja sam moderatorima ukazao na ozbiljnost samog pdf-a i teme, inace ne znam zasto sam je ponovo otvarao...al dokle god si ti tu, i trosis svoje ''dragoceno'' vreme, vrtimo se u krug...

ipak sledi tvoja stara boljka, poternica iz 43...:)

zbog cega ? zbog tvog junaka koji je nemacki agent, pa mu stampaju poternice da ga ne kompromitisu u ocima saveznika? niko nije dirao mihailovica , niti pokusao. nitko nije vrsio desant na ravnu goru :D
na dokumentu ti pise odakle je. sigurno nije ugodno za ovakvog obozavaoca citati da mu je predmet vlaznih snova karakterna drolja, ali , verujem da ces preziveti :D
nego da se vratimo poternicama, kada bas volis temu....
prva poternica je objavljena 10 decembra , 200 hiljada, na radiju, stampi, i posterima, i 13 decembra u NDH (ta ista). nakon toga je "legalizovao" 3000 svojih djilkosa kod nedica (citaj nemaca), da prezime. na taj nacin , je omogucio nedicu i nemcima (uz cetnicku pomoc), da se posvete ostacima partizana, i da uniste bilo kakav drugi pokusaj otpora protiv nemaca ( da ne bi cetnici imali konkurenciju). tako da nemci sto mirnije i efikasnije mogu da izvlace iz srbije sirovine i hranu za svoje potrebe...to se zove cetnicka borba protiv okupatora...:D:D:D:D:D
poternica iz 1943 godine, se pojavila samo u nedicevoj stampi, 21 jula 1943 godine, samo u srbiji ( ne u crnoj-gori, ne u NDH......) ali poternica za titom se pojavila na teritoriju cele jugoslavije, i bila objavljena i na radiju, i u svim novinama na teritoriji jugoslavije. i kao takva bila objavljena u samoj nemackoj stampi, na teritoriji nemacke, volkischer beobahter (list nacisticke partije)je 20 marta 1943, posvetio ceo clanak titu..:D
u periodu od 1 augusta do 5 decembra 1941 godine, nemci su imali u srbiji 203 mrtva i 378 ranjenih. 11522 gerilca ubijena i 21809 taoca streljanih....vidis kako su cetnici/partizani bili uspesni u srbiji....
kako je tekao sastanak u divcima izmedju mihailovica i nemaca ......


Mf. T — 314,
R 1457, 1314—1321

To Section Ic No. 1514/41 geh.
Secret Belgrade, November 11, 1941

Minutes of Meeting with Serbian Staff Colonel Draza Mihailovic on November 11, 1941
The meeting took place in the village tavern opposite the Divci railway station, beginning at 7.15 p.m. and ending at 8.35 p.m.

The meeting was attended on the German side by:
Lieutenant Colonel Kogard
Military Administrative Counsellor Dr. Kiessel
Captain Dr. Mattel
SS Obersturmfiihrer Wienicke
Standartenfiihrcr Matern

On the Serbian side by:
Colonel Draza Mihailovic
Major Alexander MiSid (both in uniform)
Colonel Pantic
Captain Mitrovic (both in civilian suits)

Abbreviations used in text: Lt. Colonel Kogard — K. Colonel Draza Mihailovic — D. M. Major Alex. MiSid — A. M. Colonel Pantic — P.

Lieut. Colonel Kogard opened the meeting by reading the following statement:
"Colonel Mihailovic! I have been instructed by the High C immand in Serbia to state the following:
Two weeks ago you informed us in Belgrade through your confidential representatives that you intend "to prevent the r.itile shedding of Serbian blood and wholesale destruction of Serbian property". At the same time you offered to fight against communism together with the German Wehrmacht and the organs of the Nedic government. This offer has none the less been rejected by the High Command because:
1) The German Wehrmacht will settle accounts with communism alone and in the shortest possible time, and
2) The Commander-in-Chief cannot trust you as an ally.The Nedic Government having assessed the situation inSerbia correctly joined the struggle against communism since the very outset. General Nedic strove to enlist all men fit for combat on Serbian territory in this struggle, and yet in your case, Colonel, did not succeed in doing so, notwithstanding his manifold endeavors. You have joined the side of those who wish to drive the Germans out of the country and who have concluded a close fighting alliance with the communists already by the end of September. You have waged armed combat with those officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who had previously hidden in the forests and remote hamlets and have not been deported to captivity in the appropriate manner prescribed by the German Wehrmacht.
As for your fighting methods, it has unfortunately been established that your men often resorted to various underhand ruses and stratagems in order to get the better of the unsuspecting German troops. I would call attention in this connection to the taking of German prisoners at Krupanj, Loznica and Gor. Milanovac. In this manner your Chetniks inflicted harm on the German Wehrmacht by means not used by regular troops.
In view of the foregoing, when you suddenly proclaim yourself an ally of the German Wehrmacht, one cannot believe that you are motivated by genuine conviction.
The German Wehrmacht has begun the destruction of all "insurgents" and achieved satisfactory results in this respect. As you are also aware, first class combat divisions and tank units are on the march. Your position, Colonel, is deteriorating from day to day, while ours is improving continuously. As a staff officer you are sure to assess the situation correctly and know full well, that both due to the approaching winter and the continuance of the German military operations your combat groups will come to a bad end.
The German Wehrmacht cannot burden itself with allies which join it temporarily for reasons of expediency. Besides, the attitude of your leaders and men cannot be changed as fast as necessary.
Had your offer been prompted by sincere conviction, Colonel, this would have inevitably have been reflected in the conduct of operations of late. But this was not the case as you permitted a tank attack on the town of Kraljevo on November 1, in spite of the fact that you submitted your offer to the German Wehrmacht on October 28.
You Colonel Mihailovic, have had several opportunities to join the forces of order in the interest of the Serbian people and yet you failed to avail yourself of the former. Kosta Pecanac embarked on the right course at the right time.
As for your intention to prevent the shedding of Serbian blood and destruction of Serbian property I am authorized to indicate the only way to do so and that is:
"The cessation of armed hostilities and unconditional surrender."
This calls for the handing over of all armaments, ammunition and equipment. The liberation of German prisoners of war taken captive by your groups or currently located on your territory. You are aware, Colonel, that the continuance of armed struggle would render you responsible for the continuance of bloodshed, all the more so as one hundred Serbs pay with their lives for every German killed, and fifty Serbs are killed for every wounded German. Your men are also aware that the German Wehrmacht is obliged to carry cut reprisals primarily against the families of the fighters in the forests.
The decision to surrender will not be an easy one for you Colonel. None the less, even after careful consideration, the German High Command in Serbia does not see any other way out of the present situation. The resumption of illegal armed struggle by your combat groups at an opportune moment would not be defendable either from the German or the Serbian point of view. And this seems to be the intention of your superiors, those who pull the strings from London.
In so far as you, Colonel, reject the, conditions I have mentioned, armed operations against your Chetniks will be continued along the same lines as those already mounted against the communist bands. You may rest assured, after having been uselessly exposed to rack and ruin once again, but this time through your fault, peace, order and .work will be promptly restored in Serbia after the latest action of the German Wehrmacht."

Colonel Draza Mihailovic answered: (Shorthand transcript).
"I am neither the representative of London nor of any other foreign country. I am therefore not interested in your previous or future intentions. But it is not the blood of the guilty ones that will be shed as a result of the measures currently under way in Serbia. The communists will continue their surprise attacks in order to kill the innocent. Nedic was unable to win the necessary following as it was impossible to act overtly. The Serbian people are freedom loving. Regardless of the fact that they have lost their freedom they hope to regain it. The Nedic government openly sided with the occupying powers and this was an error. I have no intention of fighting against the occupying forces because as a staff officer I am well aware of the relative strength of both sides. I am not a communist, nor do I work for them. But I have attempted to mitigate and prevent their terror. The Germans themselves surrendered Uzice and then the race between my forces and the communists began. When the Germans withdrew their weak garrison the communists attacked Gornji Milanovac and I was therefore obliged to do so the same. They marched on Cacak, and I had to follow suit. They began advancing on Kraljevo, I was forced to do the same.
The attack on Krupanj is no act of mine, and was carried out by a renegade Lieutenant Martinovic. But my men did march on Loznica in order to prevent the communists from taking it. The surprise attack on Sabac was carried out by insubordinate elements. I have given the order to retreat there, as it is pointless to attack Sabac if the left bank cannot be taken. I have never concluded any serious agreements with the communists because they have no concern for the people.
They are led by foreigners, by men who are not Serbs: by the Bulgarian Jankovic, the Jew Lindermaier, the Hungarian Borota, two Mohammedans whose names I do not know, Major Boganic of the Ustashi. This is all I know about the communist leadership. They want the greatest possible number of Serbs killed in order to assure their success later on. It was not possible to reach any agreement with them. My sole intention was to prevent their terror which is just as frightful as the German one. The people are currently subjected to terrorist action from two sides and are innocent! Communist terror is carried out by provoking incidents so as to cause the shooting of those arrested by the Germans.
As a soldier I am not ashamed of being a nationalist. It is this capacity only that I wish to serve my people. I have not sided with those who wish to drive out the Germans. But, in view of the weak German forces stationed in the country, I could not permit Serbia to become communist. Combat was waged only against a few officers and non-commissioned officers and in a few cases only. It is our duty as soldiers not to surrender as long as we can hold out. This is why we cannot be reproached for not surrendering. I never intended resorting to underhand ruses and stratagems in this respect.
Poslednja izmena:
I ask to be enabled to continue the struggle against communism which began on October 31. We are well versed in forest combat especially against elements who are seeking to hide.
Ammunition is indispensable. I counted on it when I came here. Communism in the country constitutes a danger for the Serbian people and the German Wehrmacht which has other tasks than to fight it here,
I had hoped to obtain a limited quantity of ammunition this evening and believed that this question would primarily be examined on this occasion.
I do not know that my Chetniks have resorted to illicit means of combat. Armed struggle against the occupier was a necessary evil in order to prevent the broad masses of the people from going over to the communists. The situation is more than clear to me as a soldier. I would never have embarked on surprise attacks if the communists had not used these tactics and if the Germans had not abandoned several towns and villages. The communists dispose with an ammunitions factory in Uzice and have an ammunitions depot in their hands. In the interest of the Serbian people and in the German interest I request that ammunition be delivered to me this evening if possible.
In that case there would be no more surprise attacks on the German troops. Otherwise, namely if no ammunition is forthcoming, the communists will regain control of the area and establish contact with Montenegro and Sandzak. They are mobilizing the people by force, by means of terror and, at pistol point, driving these men to attack. There are not many convinced ideologists in the communist ranks. In the villages the number of their followers is barely one per cent and slightly more in the cities. My secret idea was to protect the Serbian people, which is imbued with nationalism, from communism. This is why I had to try and muster sufficient strength to protect the nationalist elements and thus avoid unnecessary losses on all sides. I am not responsible for the attack on Kraljevo on November 1, as I have just ordered my troops to withdraw and rally for the struggle against communism. But there are still Partisan groups in the environs of Kraljevo.
I could not agree with Kosta Pecanac, because an overt agreement had been concluded which the people would not have been able to accept. Kosta Pecanac has lost all esteem among the people. Had I followed his example I would likewise remained without esteem and influence. I do not know how, as a foreigner, you will understand my statement, but just reflect, whether a man can side openly with an occupier, when he publicly states his intention to fight against those who have assumed the attractive title of "fighters for freedom". Kosta Pecanac has been branded as a traitor. It is only possible to act secretly on a nationalist basis, so as not to compromise the national cause.
I suppose that following this statement greater trust could be shown me concerning the honesty and sincerity of my intentions, and that it would be possible to extend assistance to me. I ask that the situation be understood as is useful for both sides.
I repeat my request that I be supplied with a certain quantity of ammunition this evening.
It goes without saying that maximum secrecy on this matter should be maintained on both sides. I wolud request an answer concerning assistance in ammunition this evening if possible. All my forces have been mustered for the struggle against communism."

K. The rights of the occupying powers have been precisely laid down by international law. It ensues therefrom that you are conducting an illicit struggle Colonel Mihailovic. Besides, you have had ample opportunity for cooperation. It was not the German Wehrmacht that began shedding blood. This was entailed by the conduct of illicit armed struggle. We were faced with two enemies: Colonel Mihailovic and communism. Their terrorist action provoked reprisals. As an example of such abuse of confidence I shall cite the surprise attack on Gornji Milanovac. German soldiers were deceived and taken captive there under the pretext that they were threatened by the communists.

D. M. I know nothing of this incident. Not a single bullet has been fired on my orders.

K. I have no other orders from the Commander in Chief of Serbia than to ask Colonel Mihailovic whether he intends to surrender unconditionally or not.

D. M. I do not see why I have been invited to this meeting, if this is the only thing you had to inform me of. This message could have been transmitted through intermediaries.

K. I must insist upon an immediate answer.

D. M. Although I am a leader, I am still not alone. I cannot reach this decision without hearing the opinion of my subordinate commanders.

K. When can I expect an answer?

D. M. My comrades in arms are engaged in fighting the communists on a very broad front. Combat is fierce and entails many losses. I can give you an answer shortly after I receive it from the front.

K. If the answer is not in the affirmative, fighting against you will be continued.

A. M. We shall not fight the Germans even when such a fight is imposed on us.

K. I have personally experienced such a fight in Cacak.

A. M. We only wanted to keep our forces concentrated in one spot as we feared that the German troops would be evacuated therefrom one day. Then we would ail have come under the bloodstained knife of the communists.

D. M. I know that the Morava and Sava river valleys are important for the Germans and therefore assumed that the abandonment of certain towns and villages in western Serbia is impending as this region is devoid of interest for the German Wehrmacht. I therefore could not allow the communists to gain control of this area all the more so as there are few ideologically convinced communists in Serbia.

K. I have concluded my statement. When do you wish, Colonel, to return to the pre-arranged place?

D. M. Immediately.

A. M. The statement of Colonel Draza Mihailovic with which I fully agree, has sprang forth from the noblest Serbian heart. I would ask that his every word be trusted. We shall not be untrue to you. What you have said springs from the heart of every veteran soldier. Kindly inform the General thereof.

K. It is not in the soldierly tradition to spill blood unnecessarily. We are only striking against the bad elements.

A.M. Is anything known of the struggle we are currently waging against the communists?

(The rest of the document is completely illegible).
Poslednja izmena:
Ma, kakvi. To ti je isto kao i sastanci partizanskog vrha (Đilas, Koča Popović i Velebit) s Glezom fon Horstenauom u martu 1943. u Zagrebu i Sarajevu. To je klasična vrste nagodbe s neprijateljem radi neke trenutne koristi i nije nikako vid kolaboracije, jer onda su i partizani kolaboracionisti, kada su sNemcima pregovarali o razmeni zarobljenika, kao i kada su im rekli da su spremni da se odupru anglo-američkoj invaziji na Balkan, i kada su dogovorili prekid borbe (bitka na Neretvi) dok se ne obračunaju s četnicima. To je suština tzv. martovskih pregovora. Jedan vid nagodbe, a nikako kolaboracija, takav je i bio sastanak u Divcima, koje pominješ. Ipak, to je bio građanski rat, ne zaboravite, a u bilo kojem ratu, a posebno u građanskom, nema šistih ruku. Kao što je jednom prilikom rekao Entoni Idn, min.spolj.poslova Velike Britanije: Niti je Draža suviše crn, niti je Tito beo, uobičajena boja za Balkance je siva.
zbog cega ? zbog tvog junaka koji je nemacki agent, pa mu stampaju poternice da ga ne kompromitisu u ocima saveznika? niko nije dirao mihailovica , niti pokusao. nitko nije vrsio desant na ravnu goru :D
na dokumentu ti pise odakle je. sigurno nije ugodno za ovakvog obozavaoca citati da mu je predmet vlaznih snova karakterna drolja, ali , verujem da ces preziveti :D
nego da se vratimo poternicama, kada bas volis temu....
prva poternica je objavljena 10 decembra , 200 hiljada, na radiju, stampi, i posterima, i 13 decembra u NDH (ta ista). nakon toga je "legalizovao" 3000 svojih djilkosa kod nedica (citaj nemaca), da prezime. na taj nacin , je omogucio nedicu i nemcima (uz cetnicku pomoc), da se posvete ostacima partizana, i da uniste bilo kakav drugi pokusaj otpora protiv nemaca ( da ne bi cetnici imali konkurenciju). tako da nemci sto mirnije i efikasnije mogu da izvlace iz srbije sirovine i hranu za svoje potrebe...to se zove cetnicka borba protiv okupatora...:D:D:D:D:D
poternica iz 1943 godine, se pojavila samo u nedicevoj stampi, 21 jula 1943 godine, samo u srbiji ( ne u crnoj-gori, ne u NDH......) ali poternica za titom se pojavila na teritoriju cele jugoslavije, i bila objavljena i na radiju, i u svim novinama na teritoriji jugoslavije. i kao takva bila objavljena u samoj nemackoj stampi, na teritoriji nemacke, volkischer beobahter (list nacisticke partije)je 20 marta 1943, posvetio ceo clanak titu..:D
u periodu od 1 augusta do 5 decembra 1941 godine, nemci su imali u srbiji 203 mrtva i 378 ranjenih. 11522 gerilca ubijena i 21809 taoca streljanih....vidis kako su cetnici/partizani bili uspesni u srbiji....


kako te bre vise nije sramota da lazes ovako bezocno...

pa do pre neki dan si tvrdio da je poternica iz 43. Samardzicev falsifkat...

O Divcima smo pricali, mali milion puta...tvoje splacine su nebitne, svi dokazi izneti su Okruznom sudu u Beogradu...protiv Draze ne postoji ni jedan jedini dokaz saradnje sa Nemcima, za razliku od komunista, i najupecatljivije ''martovskih pregovora'', ali to nije tema...trenutna tema su tvoje lazi pa prelazimo na cinjenice...

to na sta se svodi tvoj rad na ovom forumu pokazuje azuriranje tvojih postova bez obavestavanja, promene po potrebi, kako budes uhvacen u lazima i izmisljotinama...

postovi kiselog povdom poternice iz 43.

ove tvoje tzv. operacije su u masti samrdzica, ne postoje. poternica za drazom je ukinuta 1942 godine. nemci su ga izjurili iz crne gore 1943 godine, pa se vratio za srbiju, i nije mu dlaka pala s glave. 22.06.2009., 17:00

daj prekini sa falsifikovanim poternicama 22.06.2009., 17:10

i tako dalje, mrzi me da trazim, ima jos postova gde poternicu iz 43. nazivas Samardzicevim falsfikatom....

Sada kada si siguran da tvoje lazi ne mogu da prodju jer znas da sam spremio suvise izvora, prelazis preko tih istih lazi, a cilj je naravno kao i uvek, ako nesto ne mozes da opovrgnes, onda treba umanjiti znacaj, stari komunjarski recept, pa u najnovijem postu kazes...

poternica iz 1943 godine, se pojavila samo u nedicevoj stampi, 21 jula 1943 godine, samo u srbiji ( ne u crnoj-gori, ne u NDH......) ali poternica za titom se pojavila na teritoriju cele jugoslavije, i bila objavljena i na radiju, i u svim novinama na teritoriji jugoslavije. i kao takva bila objavljena u samoj nemackoj stampi, na teritoriji nemacke, volkischer beobahter (list nacisticke partije)je 20 marta 1943, posvetio ceo clanak titu..:D

Sad odjednom poternica postoji i nije falsifikat...:))))))

Dakle svima je jasno sta ti radis ovde...

Naravno iz svega ovoga tacno je da se poternica pojavila u Novom Vremenu, kao glavnom glasilu tada u zemlji, i za Titom i za Drazom...sve ostalo su splacine koje treba da umanje znacaj te poternice, a koje ne mozes nicim da argumentujes...

Iznosis gomilu splacine koje nemaju veze sa temom....spamujes temu po starom dobrom obicaju...

Sta imas da kazes povodom svojih lazi da je poternica za Drazom iz 43. falsifikat?

o tome kako menjas pricu po potrebi, uvek sa jasnim ciljem...nisi li ljigav i ne gadis li se samog sebe?
Poslednja izmena:
[be Yugoslav rather than
KTB OKW,b. 6/II,p.812
August 30th,1943OKW has sent FuhrerLs decree dated August 28th
over appointment of envoy Neubacher as gSonderbevollmachtigten des
Ausw. Amtes fur den Sudostenh as an addition to his existing tasks in
the South-east.Appointment has already been forseen in a regulation
concerning Befelsfuhrung in the South-east.His official seat is to be in
KTB OKW,b.6/II,p.1036
October 30th,1943On October 29th,Special envoy Neubacher has
briefed the Fuhrer on political and economical issues in the Southeast,
especially on TitoLs growing influence.On the same day an order
was issued concerning the united effort in the struggle against
communism in the South-east.The foreign ministry has despatched it
on October 30th,with a request that all involved military posts are to be
informed >hmit der Bitte um unterrichtung der beteiligten militarischen
Stellenh<.Special envoy Neubacher,who receives his instructions from
the Foreign minister,is charged with the political leadership in fight
against Comunnism and with organisation of anti-communist
nationalistic forces in the South-east.He is to take care that the political
and economical measures are targeted against Communism.The
ordering of reprisals is to be done in consultation with him. It is further
instructed that the commanding powers are to be tightened in the
person of Oberbefehlshaber of AG gFh. Sp.envoy Neubacher has also
been granted special powers:among others, he has the authorisation to
negotiate with nationalsitic bands,if the possibilty occurs.(Bands of
Draza Mihailovic,which have partly been pushed back to Serbia by
Tito,appear to be breaking up.)c.
KTB OKW,b.6/II,p.1233
November 5th,1943Serbia: Mihailovic strives for a national-Serbian
army >hbemuht sich umcArmeeh<.He waits for an outside impulse to
take action.Because there is still no such impusle,his movement faces
crisis.Opposite to him,Communism steadily gains influence;it pushed
Mihailovic out of Croatia. Because of this,he seeks conntact with
German posts. It is striven to dissuade him from actions against
Germans;still,precaution has to be taken against blackmailing
methods.Apart from that communist action aimed at dissolution of his
forces has far advanced.
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1252-1253
November 7th,1943From the German point of view it is desirable that
Tito changes the coast as his main objective.So far he has pushed back
the Serbian chetniks.It is the question if these ,under the
circumstances,can be won over for our side. Sp. envoy Neubacher is
authorised for the negotiations.
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1261
November 17th,1943Proposals for arrangement with chetnik groups
have been presented. At the moment,only single bands are involved,not
Mihailovic personaly.
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1289
November 20th,1943The OB Sudost sent an extract from an agreement
signed between the Mil.Bef.Serbien and Cetnik Staff 148 on November
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1294
November 21st,1943The cease-fire agreement between
German,Bulgarian and Serbian security forces on one side,and chetnik
groups on Serbian-Montenegro border on the other side has been
signed between Mil.Bef. Serbien and a high-ranking DM commander.
The agreement,in which Mihailovic has not been involved ,should serve
as a prerequisite for a joint fight against the communists.
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1296
Here is the text of the agreement (scanned from J.PiekalkiewiczLs gKrieg auf dem Balkan
1940-1945 and converted using ABBYY Scan-to-Office software):
Geheime KommandosacheAuszug aus Vertrag zwischen Mil.
Befehlshaber Sudost und Cetnikstab 148, Fuhrer Major Lukacevic,
vom 19.11.43.
1.Waffenruhe im Raum Bajina Basta - Drin-Flus -Tara-Flus -
Bijelopolje - Rozaj - Kos. Mitrovica -Ibar-Flus - Kraljevo - Cacak -
In Abkommen sind eingeschlossen Deutsche Wehrmacht und Polizei,
Bulgarische Wehrmacht, SFK, SSW, RSK, serbische Behorden und
Wirtschaftsbetriebe, auf Cetnikseite Cetnikverbande des Majors
Lukacevic im genannten Gebiet.
2.Waffenruhe soll Voraussetzung fur gemeinsamen Kampf gegen
Kommunisten bilden.
3.Gemeinsamer propagandistischer Kampf gegen Kommunismus.
4.Bestatigung Lukacevic, das in unterstellten Einheiten kein
Angehoriger der mit Deutschland im Krieg befindlichen Machte
5.Uberlassung von Kampfraumen an Cetnikverbande zu selbstandiger
Kampffuhrung durch Deutsche Wehrmacht.
6.Eingliederung der Cetnikverbande in deutsche Kampffuhrung bei
groseren gemeinsamen Operationen. Kampfauftrage fur diese Zeit
durch deutsche Fuhrung an Cetnikverbande.
7.Verpflichtung Major Lukacevic nicht gegen Mohamedaner
vorzugehen. Verpflichtung deutscherseits,mohamedanisches Vorgehen
gegen serbische Bevolkerung und Verbande Lukacevic zu verhindern.
Bei Zwischenfallen gemeinsame Untersuchung und Befreiung.
8.Austausch von Verbindungsstaben.
9.Lieferung deutscher Munition zur Durchfuhrung gemeinsamer
Kampfaufgaben entsprechend militarischen Notwendigkeiten. Vorlage
von Starke, Gliederung und Bewaffnung der Cetnikverbande.
10.Vertrag ist geheimzuhalten.
OB Sudost (Okdo. H. Gr. F) Ic C/AO
Nr. 2107/43 gKdos. v. 20.11.43
Translated extracts:
2.Cease-fire should be a prerequisite for joint action against the
3.Joint propaganda aginst Communism.
6.Integration of chetnik units in the German command chain during
bigger operations.Tasks of the chetniks will be determinted by German
8.Exchange of liason staffs.
9.Ammunition for use in joint actions will be supplied according to the
military neccesities.Information on strenght,order of battle and
weapons of Chetnik groups are to be submitted.
Here is the original German gDislokationh map (courtesy of Mr.Awender).Under the
g1.Geb.Divh, gCetn.Vbd.Lukacevich is to be seen:
And v.Weichsf instruction on dealing with chetniks,dated November 21st,1943 (from the
same source as the scan above):
Geheime Kommandosache! Ic/AO Nr. 2171/43 g.Kdos.
II. Ang.
H. Qu.,den21.11.1943
Der Oberbefehlshaber
IC/AO Nr. 2171/43 g.Kdos.1. In Auswirkung der seit langerer Zeit in
enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sonderbevollmachtigten des
Auswartigen Amtes und OB. Sudost gefuhrten Verhandlungen mit
Fuhrern von Cetnikverbanden wurde ein Abkommen geschlossen, das
ortlich begrenzte Waffenruhe und fallweise zu treffende gemeinsame
Kampffuhrung gegen den Kommunismus vorsieht.
2.Voraussetzung fur dieses Abkommen war es und wird es bei
moglichen weiteren Abkommen sein, das die Cetnikverbande
a)sich aller Kampf- und Sabotagehandlungen gegen die deutsche
Wehrmacht, deren Verbundete, die mit diesen gemeinsam kampfenden
landeseigenen Verbande und die Muselmanen enthalten,
b)bei Teilnahme an gemeinsamen Kampfhandlungen gegen die
Kommunisten sich der deutschen Fuhrung unterstellen,
c)alle Verbindungen zu den mit Deutschland im Kriege stehenden
Machten aufgeben und vorhandene Verbindungsstabe ausliefern,
d)sich an einer gemeinsamen Propaganda gegen denKommunismus
3.Samtliche Offiziere sind uber folgendes zu unterrichten:
a) Das bisherige Verbot einer Zusammenarbeit mit den
Cetnikverbanden und einzelnen Banden entsprach der eindeutigen
Festlegung des Obersten Cetnik fuhrers Draga Mihajlovic auf
unabdingbaren Kampf gegen Deutschland und seine Verbundeten,von
dem dieser sich bisher nicht losgesagt hat.
b)Die Erklarung einzelner Cetnikfuhrer, den Kampf gegen den
Kommunismus gemeinsam mit der deutschenWehrmacht fuhren zu
wollen, kam der Gesamtbeurteilung der Feindlage im Sudostraum, die
das kommunistische Bandenunwesen und seine nachweisbare ideelle
und materielle Unterstutzung durch die UdSSR als Hauptgefahr
erkannt hat, entgegen und muste demnach zu einer Uberprufung der
Cetnik-Angebote fuhren.
c)Die neuerdings loyale Einstellung einzelner Cetnik-verbande kann
nicht verallgemeinert werden, da auch heute noch Uberfalle und
Sabotageakte durch Cetnik-Banden ausgefuhrt werden.
d)Der Truppe sind weiterhin Verhandlungen mit Cetnikverbanden
verboten.Eigenmachtigkeiten konnen nur die von hochster politischer
und militarischer Stelle
aus angebahnten Verbindungen storen und damit schwere Nachteile fur
die Gesamtfuhrung im Sudost Raum zur Folge haben.
e)Ortliche Cetnikfuhrer, die sich zu gemeinsamem Kampf anbieten,
sind an die nachstliegende Dienststelle der Abwehr oder des SD zu
f)Die Propaganda gegen die Cetnik-Bewegung wird eingestellt, ihre
Wiederaufnahme ist abhangig von der Entwicklung der
neugeschaffenen Lage.
gez. Frhr. von Weichs Generalfeldmarschall
1.As a result of the long negotiations that the gOB Sudosth and
gSonderbevollmachtigten des Auswartigen Amtesh had with the
commanders of chetnik groups,the agreement has been made,which
provides local cease-fire and occasional joint action against
Communism.2.Prerequiste for this agreement was,and for eventual
future agreements will be that the Chetniks:
a) will refrain from all combat- and sabotage acts against
Germans,their allies,friendly domestic forces and Muslims;
b) will stand under German command in joint actions against the
c) will severe all connections with the countries in war with Germany
and will deliver all present liason staffs of those countries;
d) will co-operate in the joint propaganda against the communists;
3.All officers are to be informed of the following:
a) Up untill now the co-operation with the chetniks was forbidden
because of Draza MihailovicLs unalterable insistance to fight the
Germans and their allies; up until now,he hasnLt apostized such a
b) Declaration of some chetnik commanders that they would fight the
Communism jointly with the German Wehrmacht complied with the
general evaluation of the enemy position in the South-east: USSRsponsored
communist bands are the biggest danger. Thatfs why the
offers made by chetniks had to be re-evaluated;
c) Newly loyal attitude of the some chetnik groups should not be taken
as a general attiude: sabotage and attacks are still perpetuated by the
chetnik bands;
d) The troops are still forbidden to negotiate with the chetniks.
Arbitrary acts can only jeopardise already initiated conntacts made by
the highest military and political posts. Such actions can only bring
serious disadvantages in the whole South-east;
e) Local chetnik commanders who offer co-operation,are to be taken to
the nearest SD or Abwehr post;
f) Propaganda against the chetniks is to cease; the results of the current
developents will decide if it is to be re-introduced.
sign. Frhr. von Weichs Generalfeldmarschall
November 23rd,1943According to a trustworthy source,Mihailovic has
ordered his commanders to co-operate with the Germans. He himself
can not step forward in such a fashion because of the impact such
move could have on populacefs disposition.
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1304
December 17th,1943Lecture notices on
cthe deployment of chetnik commander Djurisic,who fell into German
captivity in mid-May,and who should now organise his earlier
followers for the co-operation with Germany.
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1366
December 22nd,1943The Head of the POW section >hChef des
Kriegsgefangenenwesensh< should make an inquiry about 1300 former
followers of the Montenegrin chetnik leader Djurisic(who should cooperate
with Germany in Montenegro) and report on their behaviour so
far,because their use for a special action is being considered.
KTB OKW b.6/II,p.1379
Extracts from a draft titled gDie Entwicklung im Sudosten vom 1.April-31.Dezember
1944 which was compiled in November 1944 using the documents of Wehrmacht
Fuhrungstab and KTB; to be found in gKTB OKWh,p.632-732.
As in fall of 1943 TitoLs movement grew stronger,supported by
Russian and English help and as Mihailovic movement was being
pushed into Serbia (and aditionaly weakend by non-existence of Italian
support) ,Mihailovic realised that the time has come to re-examine his
attitude to the Germans. As the German leadership in the same time
was striving to unite and activate all of the anti-communist forces in
the South-east (for which a Sp. envoy for South-east,Dr. Neubacher,has
been appointed in October 1943),the contacts were made and in the
next two months a series of cease-fire agreements was made between
German military posts and MihailovicLs commanders. He refrained
from personal involvement,mostly because he didnLt want to lose the
Anglo-American arms shippments,which he still received,no matter
how smaller than before. Anyway the actions by MihailovicLs
organisation against the Germans stopped.
