0 ili daleko vise

hoces i meni i ja ne znam isto sa tim da se snadjem , pitanje je sa koliko zena je meni drag muskarac bio?

Dobro pitao sam i dobio sledeći odgovor .

11. Passing Through
Line 4:

Fluttering, fluttering.
Not enriched by one's neighbors.
Careless because of confidence.

Moving to and fro, while not being supported by others. One's confidence is making one careless.
Line 5:

Emperor Yi gives his younger sister in marriage,
in order to bless.
A source of good fortune.

Being given a place to have some kind of benefit. This helps things to go well.
Line 6:

The city wall falls back into the moat.
The army should not be used.
Personally inform the city of its fate.
Persistence is inadequate.

Being in a vulnerable position, without adequate defenses. One cannot undertake things that require being strong. It is important to be fully aware of the situation. It is not a good idea to keep acting as if one isn't vulnerable.

Hexagram is changing to:
1. Sunrise

A foundation for progress.
It is beneficial to persist.

There is creative power, inspiration, or an idea, looking to become manifest. There may as yet be no direct road for realization, though. Persistence is necessary to realize it.
posto je to tako valjda planiras da ostanes ceo zivot s njom

Verovatno...za sad,ali to se nikad ne zna,ako se promeni,poludi,naravno da ne,ali ako bude ovakva(a znam da hoce),onda DA i to me ponekad uplasi,prodje mi kroz glavu koliko prelepih devojaka ima na ovom svetu,ali posle toga isto mi prodje kroz glavu da nikad ne bi mogao postici da budem sa svim tim lepim devojkama i da zbog zivotinjskog nagona ne vredi upropastiti nesto sto vredi i sto je daleko iznad trenutnog nagona,jer nas "nagon" traje godinama i sve je bolje i bolje. ;) :)
sta sutra da jedem *pitanje za ji djing
hihi eto tako banalno

35. Progress

The Marquis of Kang made use of given horses.
They multiplied to a great number.
Every day they mated three times during the daytime.

Progressing by making effective use of opportunities.
(The Marquis let the horses he was given mate as often as possible, in order to have a lot of offspring.)
