Slaganje znakova

Bik i Ribe

Ovo bi vrlo lako mogla biti idealna veza dvoje ljudi koji u svojim životima ne trebaju nikoga osim jedan drugoga. I Bik i Riba su ljudi koji nemaju prevelikih potreba za komunikacijama sa vanjskim svijetom, pa čak i u trenucima kada se svađaju, što znači da njih dvoje unatoč neslaganjima ili razmimolaženjima mišljenja neće svoju intimu dijeliti sa nikime, osim jedan sa drugim. Iako svaka prava Riba neće razumjeti Bikovu materijalističku prirodu i potrebu za velikom količinom novaca, ona će u tim istim novcima silno uživati, a na takvo nešto neće joj se biti teško priviknuti, pogotovo kada shvati sve prednosti lagodnog života. Ribe su pritajeni ovisnici o svemu i svačemu, pa će joj se sviđati i prijedlog Bika da ne treba raditi jer će se on o svemu skrbiti i brinuti, u čemu će Riba posebno uživati ne radeći ništa što ne želi, ako baš ne mora. Bik će svojoj Ribi priuštiti vrlo raskošan život, a Riba će uživati u svakom trenutku njegove pažnje, pogotovo u krevetu, gdje će njih dvoje savršeno funkcionirati, jer Bik ima strast, a Riba senzualnost.
Gotovo savršena kombinacija.

Naravno preuzeto sa

Ovo je obicno veoma srecna kombinacija. Sentimentalni partner u znaku
Ribe naci ce veliki komfort u simpaticnom Biku. Neptun, vladar Riba, je
vislja oktava Venere, koja zauzvrat vlada nad Bikom. Bik je vise praktican,
daje prednost cinjenicama i cistom pravcu, dok Riba pripada idealistima i
trazi poseban osecaj za svaku situaciju. Oboje se krecu pravcem
harmonije u vezi i obicno su tolerantni i saosecajni. Bik moze pomoci Ribi
da dosegne svoje snove i ambicije - da ideje pretvori u realnost. Sa druge
strane, Riba nudi neznost, pitomost, velikodusnost i naklonost, koje Bik
odobrava i u njima uziva. Partner u znaku Ribe je romantican, mastovit,
upecatljiv i flexibilan i to je bas ono za cim Bik prirodno traga. Mada,
iskusenje ce za oboje biti veliko, pogotovo kada se radi o hrani i alkoholu.
Ako uspeju prihvatiti umerene telesne vezbe i ostale zdrave navike u svoju
svakodnevnicu, bice u stanju i da uzivaju u svim zivotnim zadovoljstvima
jos puno godina. Ovo dvoje mogu zajedno podrzavati lepotu, umetnost,
culnost i inace skoro sve fine stvari u zivotu. Riba se lako nadje pretrpana
emocijama, ali moze biti lako vracena u realnost Bikovom trezvenoscu.
Zauzvrat, Bik ce uz Ribu moci nauciti kako da se prepusti svojim snovima i
fantaziji. Postoji opasnost da ohrabruju jedno drugo na predaju
senzualnim i luxuznim aktivnostima, sta ih lako moze dovesti do rapidnog
povecanja troskova! Ali sve u svemu, ako se oboje nauce samodisciplini,
ovaj spoj moze biti divna kombinacija. Bik je zemljani a Ribe su vodeni
znak i sanse za zajednicki uspeh su velike. Kreativnost, materijalni uspeh i
zadovoljstvo su im na dohvatu ako harmoniziraju jedno s drugim. Ali ako
je Bik previse upravljacki nastrojen, strog i krut sa promenljivom Ribom, ili
ako Riba postane previse nestabilna i nepouzdana, rezultati mogu biti
emoionalno pogubni. Partner u znaku Ribe, vladavina lekovitog Jupitera i
nadahnutog Neptuna, moze doneti inspiraciju i puno maste u zajednicku
vezu, dok ce vise prakticni Bik zajednicke snove pokusati i da ostvari. Ako
uplove u bracne vode, da osnuju dom i porodicu pod najboljim mogucim
uslovima, mogu biti veoma uspesni. Generalno su veoma kompatibilni jer
Voda i Zemlja su opipljive i realne fizikalne celine. Partner u vodenom
znaku Ribe je rodjen da povezuje ljude, i ako se udruzi sa partnerom u
zemljanom znaku Bika, ne postoji jaci prirodni spoj. Zauzvrat, Bik moze
imati racionalnije poglede na svet i manje odbojnosti prema
emocionalnim nedoumicama partnera u znaku Ribe. Bik moze pomoci
Ribi da stabilizuje svoju senzibilnost. Ali i previse dobrog moze doneti
nesrecu ako oba partnera nisu dovoljno oprezni. Bik se moze umoriti od
nestabilnosti Ribe, a Riba ce se osecati neshvaceno i povredjeno. Uz
ljubav i razumevanje, ovo je jedna od najkompatibilnijih kombinacija
Zodijaka, koja sa sobom potencijalno nosi srecu za mnoge zajednicke
Taurus + Aries

Earth + Fire = Lava

Taurus, you are the second sign to Aries, which is a fire sign. This means trouble in the area of money and buying things. Aries has a fiery and spontaneous approach, often charging at life head-on. You are steadier and more reserved, and prefer a slower pace, especially when it comes to money.

Aries’ spontaneity with money is at first like fire to the ice of your conservative and security-conscious approach. You will need to persuade them to come to a compromise position if the relationship is to have a fighting chance.

Aries needs to feel in control, and it’s a good idea to let them think they are. Their impulsiveness often blinds them to anything more than one side of a situation. You are more likely to see all sides, and to come up with a practical solution (it may take you a little longer than most, though).

Being opinionated is the default mode of many Aries. Don’t get dragged into a battle of egos. Just smile and let them think they are right!

Despite these differences, this combination could produce a very successful and secure relationship, because there are areas where you mesh together well.

Mars and Venus are both sexual planets: Mars rules the dominant male energy and Venus rules the feminine and sensual. The drive and passion of Aries, coupled with your sensual and nurturing essence, work well in the bedroom for both of you.

On an emotional level, you are possessive and dependent, and Aries is free and changeable. And Aries will take your loyalty and your nurturing for granted. However, Aries may ultimately be your best partner. If you can both compromise on lifestyle, there’s a good chance you could find happiness together.

You’ll do very well with Aries born between 31 March and 10 April, because Leo influences them. This affects your domestic satisfaction area, and promises a fine and lasting match. These people also know how to lay on the charm, so it will be pretty hard for you to resist them.

Those born between 21 March and 30 March may suffer financial losses. You could end up carrying them, and there’s nothing you hate more than someone who isn’t responsible with money. Get the credit checks happening before you lose your heart.

People born between 11 April and 19 April could be too unrestrained and ambitious for your taste. Their schemes, though far-reaching, don’t appeal to you because you are more frugal.
Taurus + Taurus

Earth + Earth = Solid Ground

There’s something simple and straightforward about Taurus. Down to earth and uncomplicated sums you up. When you meet your star twin, you’ll be attracted, and at ease with them.

The soft, loving, sociable energy of Venus will contribute to the magic you’ll both experience in that first encounter. You’ll both be comfortable, and appreciate the way you can so easily share affection.

Grace, charm and good etiquette are very important spices when it comes to a Taurean’s romantic appetite, so the two of you will have the same standards, the same requirements.

It’s quite likely that your meeting will take place at some social or artistic event, because Venus also rules art, music, clothes, fashion and jewellery. You’ll both be attracted to these.

Having friends is important to Taurus, so when two Taureans are together, there will be lots of social and cultural activities. Neither of you will go for anything too wild, but new and interesting friendships will be the cornerstone of your romance — it’s an important piece of common ground.

You both resist change if you feel it is being imposed upon you. This means that neither of you will push unexpected changes on the other. This is a plus in many ways, but it has risks as well.

In this combination, both sides can, without realising it, slip into a pattern of behaviour which is very undemanding. That way lies complacency, and that is not a good place to be.

You are both seekers of security, so one of you will have to take the initiative if you are to move beyond mere safety and into success. Be cautious here, though. If both of you are preoccupied with earning money, time together could become a scarce commodity. That’s a recipe for trouble.

At the other extreme, you could lock horns if both of you want to control the dollars and cents.

However, money matters shouldn’t really present much of a problem, and your shared love of home and family is strong, so this could be a good match, financially and emotionally.

By far your best match is with Taureans born between 20 April and 29 April. You will feel an affinity with them on most levels.

Those born between 30 April and 10 May will give you lots of exciting romantic times. Sex and intimacy are the strong points with these people.

Taureans born between 11 May and 21 May will be inclined to a more serious financial approach; this could satisfy your financial instincts.
Taurus + Gemini

Earth + Air = Dust

Although the planets Venus and Mercury, which rule Taurus and Gemini respectively, are friendly, there are some major differences in the two signs’ basic personality and motivations.

Taurus prefers a slow, easy-going pace. This is clear in the way you approach your day-to-day life, and in the way you communicate. You prefer to delve into things deeply and methodically, solving problems step by step.

Gemini is totally different, preferring to flit from one thing to another. They can become restless and impatient — even irritable, on occasion. These character traits may not fit well with a Taurus.

This doesn’t mean you’re not attracted to the wit and humour of Gemini. It’s just that you need things to be slower, by a degree or two.

Both of you will always have plenty to talk about, and will spend hours enjoying each other’s company. Gemini’s desire to explore will match you well, too.

You’re both also pleasure-seekers, and like to do things that engage you intellectually, emotionally and culturally — you have a lot in common.

On a sexual level, you may be a little more slow-moving than Gemini. If the Gemini you are with is a thoughtful, self-aware one, they may put their mental abilities to good use, and take time to stimulate you. If you’re not so lucky, you may find that Gemini leaves you high and dry.

So while on some levels this combination is not bad, the restlessness of Gemini may be too much for you on a long-term basis.

You’re best suited to Geminis born between 2 June and 12 June, as Venus, your own ruling planet, also has a strong influence on them. Although these people will have the usual chatty Gemini wit, they have more artistic flair, and similar cultural tastes to you.

You could have some unexpected experiences with those born between 13 June and 21 June. It may be a roller-coaster ride. There’s a touch of Aquarius in them. If you like some excitement, but find it difficult to break free of your routine on your own, you may be in for a pleasant surprise with these Geminis.

Geminis born between 22 May and 1 June will complement you well, and offer you great communication and a varied lifestyle. They will want to know the reason for every little thing, so be prepared for endless discussions — late night chats could continue well into the wee hours with them.
Taurus + Cancer

Earth + Water = Mud

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which means changing moods and emotional highs and lows. But you both have a strong desire to show affection, so when the Cancerian is in an agreeable mood, your friendship will thrive.

This combination is very compatible, and could work well long term. This is becasue Taurus falls in Cancer’s area of friendship and fulfilment: you may be the answer to a lot of Cancer’s needs.

This is not always the case, though. Taurus brings a practical and earthy grounding to someone whose emotions at times are very volatile, and sometimes, this just doesn’t work.

But Cancer can slowly bring about the changes you need for your spiritual growth and fulfilment. And these changes could take place without too much argument from you because they won’t be sudden or imposed — you can live with that!

Don’t forget, some Taureans also have unpredictable mood swings. You may both have to accept that a little moodiness is a part of this relationship. The solution? Leave space for each other. If you do this, your compatibility rating will rise significantly.

There’s excitement and an emotional component in your sexual life with Cancer. This is essential for you — though you are a physical being, you relate well to the emotional input and sensitivity of a Cancerian.

Compassion for each other is a rare thing in relationships these days. This combination is an exception. The Moon and Venus are feminine in nature and highlight the softer characteristics of both parties.

Overall, your compatibility with Cancer is quite high. Cancerians born between 22 June and 3 July are excellent partners. This could be a sensitive and loving relationship.

You will be very attracted to Cancerians born between 4 July and 13 July, because they are ruled by Mars, your marital planet. There’s no doubt a friendship with someone born around this time could blossom into something very special.

Those born between 14 July and 22 July will intrigue you, but they may be better suited to being good friends or associates rather than lovers. The chemistry between you may not have quite enough spark. And spark is vital for a sexually vibrant long-term partnership.
Taurus + Leo

Earth + Fire = Lava

This is an unusual combination of energies. Your ruling planets, Sun and Venus, are rather different: earth and fire, after all, are not generally too comfortable with each other (in terms of planetary friendliness). However, there is an obvious and immediate attraction between you.

This combination can be hot, as lava implies! There’s a natural magnetism, with a hunk of passion thrown in for good measure.

Taurus won’t mind taking the back seat, in a social sense, to the right kind of Leo. This is great for the partnership, because Leo’s warmth, vitality and showmanship need a large stage to perform on. If you can let them be the star of the show, your relationship will work remarkably well.

And you’ll be quite happy to let Leo take the spotlight as long as you get some recognition and return on your emotional investment. The relationship has to be a two-way street, so Leo needs to remember not to get too-self absorbed. If the affection you are getting winds down to a slow drip, you’ll be out of there in a blink of an eye.

Leo has a protective element, as we see in nature. The lion is thoroughly committed to providing for his pride, and this is equally true for people born under the sign of Leo. You’ll be drawn to their loyalty, and you’ll feel sure that Leo will give you the security you need.

On the physical side, Leo brings out your sexual desires. For a while, this can take over, and you may feel that your emotional satisfaction has been thrown to the winds. Try to move slowly if you’ve just met an overpowering Leo, and are in danger of being swept off your feet.

If you can take things a step at a time and balance this pure physical pleasure-seeking with practical and nurturing behaviour, this Taurus–Leo relationship could well be one that will last.

Leos born between 23 July and 4 August are excellent partners for you. You’ll find common ground in your desire to make a safe haven for yourselves and your family. This Leo will protect and nurture you. In return, you can support them in their crusade to conquer the world.

Leos born between 15 August and 23 August are also well suited to you as life partners. Mars rules them, which adds more passion to the combination. One thing, though — you could find yourself giving a lot more than you receive with them. Set the boundaries at the start.

You will need to be careful with those born between 5 August and 14 August. Money and security are hugely important to you, and they could be at risk here. Jupiter rules your financial debt, and is linked to these people. Make sure you control your own money if you get involved with them.
Taurus + Virgo

Earth + Earth = Solid Ground

This combination is considered elementally perfect, astrologically speaking. You are an earth sign ruled by Venus, and Virgo is also an earth sign, which means Virgo will complement you perfectly on many levels. There should be a very natural vibe between you.

For a start, the combination of earth and earth makes the practical nature of your relationship incredibly solid. This is no bad thing: it means that Virgo is fully aware of — and supports — your need for financial independence and material security.

On the other hand, you’ll have to put up with Virgo’s finickiness and perfectionism. They’ll want to analyse and dissect every little thing. This sort of constant mental gymnastics will tire you out, even though you essentially agree with what Virgo has to say.

Virgo will want you to talk and talk and talk — and listen and listen and listen! — so you may need to let them know that sometimes you prefer a bit of peace and quiet. A time with no intellectual exercise could seem weird to Virgo, the star sign with the ever-active mind.

Sometimes, Virgo may take a request for time-out as a personal insult, as an indication that you’re not committed to the relationship. This is not true, but to counteract it you may need to find other common interests. Show Virgo that talk doesn’t have to be the only thing you share.

Art, fashion, music and perhaps cooking could be wonderful joint ventures for you. They are all activities that will help highly strung Virgo relax and synchronise their pace with yours. A quieter, more relaxed pace will work wonders for them.

Because Virgo is the romantic sign for Taurus, the two of you will share lots of sexual pleasure — this relationship can work long term. This is an area that can make up for any other weaknesses in your relationship, as it will be satisfying for both of you.

Most Virgos will be attractive to you, and vice versa. Those born between 13 September and 22 September will echo your ideals and desires quite strongly. Your karmic sense is strong with these Virgos — you feel you’ve met or known each other before.

Those born between 24 August and 2 September are more playful, and have a lot to offer by way of sensual and sexual variety. You will enjoy great physical ease with them, and there don’t seem to be too many walls between you.

Those born between 3 September and 12 September are the most serious Virgos. They may think you are a bit of a wet blanket. They tend to be highly strung and volatile. If it’s only thrills and spills they’re after, you may have to show them the door pretty early on.
Taurus + Libra

Earth + Air = Dust

Libra is ruled by Venus, as you are, so there’s an immediate connection between Librans and Taureans. Libra is an air sign and stimulates your mind, and your earthiness can ground the mental scatter of the Libran.

You will enjoy the social variety that Libra brings, but it could also exhaust you. Remember, you need domestic stability. So while you need sociability, you will need to strike a balance between the two styles. Too much partying will put you off balance.

A Libran can offer you the sensitivity — and social graces — you need. On your own, you can be pretty stubborn and wilful. Librans seem to know how to deal with that. On the other side, you can offer Libra a comfortable and secure future.

If your Libran friend is sensitive and co-operative, this relationship can be a superb one — a perfect balance of social activity and domestic bliss, where you nurture and support each other.

Libra will be prepared to help you in areas related to work. If you’ve felt obstructed, and incapable of feeling inspired in your life path, Libra will help push you forward.

Libra is the sign that relates to your vitality. It also reflects the opposite — illness — for your sign. It points to possible health issues, or problems with everyday activities and routines. Your lifestyles may be out of sync with each other. In the extreme, an overly social Libran may not feel comfortable staying home, whereas you are most comfortable at home.

The partnership may need both of you to make major lifestyle adjustments until you find a happy medium. Be careful not to go too far with this. If, out of a sense of obligation, you surrender your Taurean needs, your health and wellbeing may suffer in the future.

Librans born between 23 September and 3 October are ruled by Venus, and their views and life objectives will be a very good match with yours. You will have great relationships with these people.

If you get involved with those born between 4 October and 13 October, remember that the sign of Aquarius has an influence on them. You may find two things difficult. One, they have some pretty progressive ideas — wacky, you might even say. And two, because of this they may not give you the stability or security you look for. If love is blind, though, it might work.

Those born between 14 October and 23 October are very attracted to you and have a high degree of sensuality. Communication is a key word for them, though, so get out the books and brush up on your general knowledge and social skills. You’ll need it with them!
Taurus + Scorpio

Earth + Water = Mud

Many Taureans have been madly attracted to their opposite sign, Scorpio. The powerful drive and magnetic appeal of the Mars and Pluto-driven Scorpio is irresistible for you. Opposites do attract.

Your first meeting with a Scorpio will be overwhelming. You’ll probably be bewildered by the waves of passion you feel when you’re around them, even if you don’t know them yet. Scorpio will feel the same way about you; there’s an undeniable connection between Mars and Venus.

Scorpio is a fixed water (ice) sign. The action of water on earth in this case will not be entirely fluid. The cold inflexibility of Scorpio will conflict with your earthy stick-to-your-guns approach. You will agree on some things, but endlessly debate others, and you’ll go head to head quite often. If your partnership is to work long term, both of you will need to learn to accept the other’s viewpoint, even when you disagree with it.

Scorpio needs to express love through sex, and though this may flatter you at first, you’ll soon need something more affectionate and sensitive. If it’s not there, you may not be able to stay in the relationship — it’s too intense. You are ‘touchy-feely’ too, but you don’t want just sex!

The pluses here are that Scorpio will help you explore the part of you where love and sensuality can reach their peak, and you can help Scorpio get in touch with their softer side and learn to let go.

Oddly, this combination will bring challenges in the area of money and its control. Though you’ll nurture and love each other, these issues will become a major testing ground for you both. You will both need to make an effort here.

Most Scorpios will fare well with you, Taurus, but those born between 24 October and 2 November are ideal. They will, on the whole, be compatible emotionally, mentally and sexually. You can make long-term plans and commitments with them.

With those born between 3 November and 12 November, you are better off sticking to social activities and friendship. There is also a strong spiritual and karmic aspect between you and these people. Neptune, the planet of idealism, will trigger some unique experiences between you. If you are a hard-core materialist, these natives of Cloud Nine might be too far above planet Earth for you.

People born between 13 November and 22 November are only moderately compatible with you. They are very emotional — they are the very ‘watery’, sensitive Scorpios, up and down like yo-yos. You want far more emotional consistency and steadiness than most of them can offer.
Taurus + Sagittarius

Earth + Fire = Lava

Essentially, Taurus, you and the Sagittarian are very different people. You’re concerned with what you can touch and feel. The world of real things, things that are tangible, is what you deal in.

Sagittarians seem to base their life on a philosophy of freedom, independence and spontaneity. On a very fundamental level, this doesn’t fit in with who you are. Sagittarius is not likely to give you the assurance and comfort you need — their lifestyle is not as reliant on habit and structure as yours.

Socially, you may find that their brash and direct manner grates on your nerves. And from the other side, Sagittarius could find you a little stuck in your ways and a little immovable in your opinions.

Sagittarians tend to change rapidly and adapt easily, which will be hard work for you to keep up with, let alone copy. This constant adjustment is going to be a crucial factor in whether or not you can make this relationship work.

There are lots of pluses on the sexual side, though, because you’re both ruled by Venus and Jupiter. When you strip away the layers of Sagittarian bravado, you will find their deeper and more compassionate side. This is what you will really connect with. But you will need to be patient to get to it — it will take time, but your relationship will get stronger from then on.

If you’re looking for mateship with Sagittarius, your ideal combination would be with those born between 2 December and 11 December. These people are influenced by Aries and Mars as well as by their ruling planet, Jupiter. You are likely to share some wild and exciting times together.

But Mars also makes them hot, fiery and driven. Their impulsiveness and passion can be overwhelming. Also, they are spendthrifts, so you won’t see eye to eye where money is concerned.

Those born between 12 December and 21 December also offer you fun and friendship. You’ll enjoy their company very much, and you’ll be an attractive couple. Social engagements and nightlife will be a key element of your partnership. These Sagittarians will also protect and nurture you in a way that makes you feel appreciated.

Be careful with those born between 23 November and 1 December — they are not lucky for you. They can be very free and easy with money, which is a bad fit with your more conservative mindset.

If you are in a relationship with them, make sure you talk about finances and set your boundaries clearly. Don’t lend each other money unless you have thought through the consequences for your relationship. There’s nothing worse than money becoming a wedge between loving partners.
Taurus + Capricorn

Earth + Earth = Solid Ground

The earthy, practical quality of Capricorn resonates well with your matter-of-fact Taurean attitude. Same elements always have a lot going for them; it is a great start to a relationship. Your initial connection with Capricorn will be good, and you will see a lot of yourselves in each other.

You’re both quite traditional, and you can depend on each other for the down-to-earth things. Capricorn will make you feel secure, because they are ambitious, and place great importance on achievement in the real world.

Once Capricorn loves you, there’s nothing they won’t do to support you in what you are doing. There’s a very strong possibility that you will join forces, which will increase your chance of success in your field.

But Capricorn is also a changeable sign. They are likely to attempt new things and experiment; you may find it hard to let go of the tried and tested. You need to trust your Capricorn partner if the relationship is to work.

Though security issues will not be an issue, there are other areas in which love may fall short of the mark. Sex, particularly. Capricorn can be a little sober and withdrawn, and may not fully understand or be able to fulfil your sensual needs. If you really want the relationship to work, you will need to give this side of it some serious attention.

Capricorns born between 2 January and 10 January are by far the most compatible. They are co-ruled by your ruler, Venus. They won’t seem as hard or closed off as other Capricorns.

Venus softens them and makes them far more demonstrative than you’d expect. Perfect. You can look forward to loads of affection and love from them. There’s also a certain knowledge and ‘second sight’ between you that is uncanny.

Those born between 22 December and 1 January are moderately compatible with you. They have a stronger interest in money and finances than you, but this is not really a problem, because you’d like someone who’s not afraid to work and can provide you with the finer things of life. You have similar professional and financial goals, and similar philosophical and moral views.

You can expect good all-round relationships with those born between 11 January and 20 January. These Capricorns can be a true love match for you. They can be very romantic — and very persuasive when they’re wooing you. This is down to Mercury’s influence. Their Virgoan flavour will add a touch of perfectionism to their style, which you’re likely to be happy with.
Taurus + Aquarius

Earth + Air = Dust

You have a conservative, practical, matter-of-fact approach to most issues. Aquarius, in contrast, has a tendency to be progressive and ideological about life. At times you feel that Aquarius is ‘off with the fairies’ — some of their ideas are just too impractical for you. They, on the other side of the coin, will be frustrated because they can’t get you to think outside the square.

Aquarius is really focused on social issues, diplomacy and politics, whereas you feel that good management and charity start at home. You are more concerned with the immediate challenges of life than with global or even community issues.

Aquarius is a fixed sign, like Taurus, so there’s little room for either of you to adjust to the other’s viewpoint. You are both very much creatures of habit and will have settled into your own way of seeing and doing things. This will be more pronounced if you’ve reached the 35 year mark.

The unconventional approach of Aquarius will also appear in the bedroom. Their sensual explorations will help you discover a deeper part of your nature. Sex could become a far more fulfilling part your life than you ever thought possible.

Although they make wonderful casual partners, Aquarius is probably not who you would want to tie the marriage knot with.

Try minimising your involvement with Aquarians born between 21 January and 30 January. The relationship between your ruling planets and these people is challenging. Erratic is the way you would describe them. You won’t feel grounded in a relationship with an Aquarian born during this period.

You’ll have a very good rapport and a great sensual connection with those born between 31 January and 8 February. Mercury is always a fine planet for you, and these people have an affinity with it. Games, intellectual understanding and great communication means you are well suited.

Those born between 9 February and 18 February are co-ruled by Venus and Libra, and so have the same sort of disposition as you. Because Venus is your ruling planet, you are a good match astrologically. The only thing you won’t like about them is their indecision and procrastination; on every other front, you could have a rewarding future with them.
Taurus + Pisces

Earth + Water = Mud

The sign of Pisces falls in the friendship area of the Sun sign of Taurus. The Pisces–Taurus connection is predominantly one of companionship and social activity.

Pisces tends to be far more spiritual and idealistic than you, with your practical ‘must touch and see to believe’ nature. They will have to prove that they can balance what’s possible with what’s real if they’re going to cut it with you.

Having said that, you will still feel attracted to the Pisces energy. Perhaps the watery sign will drip, drip, drip on your emotions and slowly break down your scepticism.

Pisces could teach you important karmic life lessons about believing in things you can’t see — you may learn about faith, and about trust in a higher being.

You have lessons to teach Pisces as well. You can show them the value of balancing their spiritual life with their practical day-to-day existence. Both sides may find these lessons tough at first, but it is worth persisting — there is much you can learn from each other.

You, Taurus, are extremely straightforward, extremely ‘black and white’ in many ways. Being with you is a very unusual experience for Pisces. They like to absorb many different emotional and spiritual colours.

Pisces wants to go deep — to get to the heart of the mystery of life and nature — whereas are often quite content with the routineness of your existence. You like to know from day to day where everything is and what you can expect around the next corner.

You can have a great meeting of heart and mind with Pisces born between 19 February and 28/29 February. They are supreme idealists, and see the whole world through rose-coloured glasses. However, you may find yourself at odds with them sometimes because they are not terribly practical.

Pisces born between 1 March and 10 March are not quite as compatible with you. They are very sensitive and emotional; this will look wishy-washy to you. You need strength and decisiveness. Some people born around this time have extraordinary psychic and intuitive abilities. This may interest you initially, but their lack of practicality is likely to see you lose interest soon.

Mars and Pluto make those born between 11 March and 20 March hot and very intense. You’ll be seduced by their emotional responses. They are strong, silent and deep — but also demanding. Unless you’re prepared to compromise, this could be a dizzy ride of highs and lows.

Oboje su Blizanci, koji imaju dosta zajedničkog-vezujućeg. Njima neće biti uopšte dosadno: biće tu puno priča i razmena ideja, zajedničkih planova, druženja i putovanja. Oboje su racionalni, pomalo površni, dobro se razumeju - dobar mentalni kontakt. Međusobna pažnja će postojati, a ne zadugo, naročito ne na ljubavnom planu. Prijateljski, lagan kontakt.

Ovako piše Astrozmaj..
Blizanci i Blizanci

Bržu, skladniju, okretniju, strastveniju i šarmantniju kombinaciju dvaju znakova teško da ćete uspjeti sresti u cijelom zodijačkom krugu. Ovo dvoje ljudi kada se sretne, kao da su se susrele dvije planete koje zajedničkim udruživanjem daju Supernovu, ili veliki prasak. Ovo dvoje ljudi ne mogu baš lako dosaditi jedan drugome, pa čak i kada su loše volje ili kada imaju problema na poslu. Imaju vrlo slične interese i potrebe za određenim stvarima kao što su veliki životni prostor, sloboda kretanja i neograničenost njihovih potreba. Postoji nešto što oboje Blizanaca označava vrlo dobro, a to je njihova površnost, koja im je glavna mana i koja bi ih povremeno mogla odvesti u krivom smjeru. Oboje se moraju čuvati te svoje nestabilnosti i nemara za potrebe ljudi oko sebe, jer na taj način Blizanci gube mnogo ljudi koji bi im mogli mnogo pomoći u životu, ali njima čak ni to nije važno. Dok god se dobro zabavljaju i dok ih posjećuje nebrojeno mnogo njihovih prijatelja ovo dvoje ljudi će uživati u životu i u neformalnoj, ali jakoj ljubavi.
Dobra veza, i dobar brak pod uvjetom da je jedan od Blizanaca s obje noge na zemlji.

Ovako pišu na

Spoj dva Blizanca je kao susret cetvoro ljudi, jer Blizanci reprezentuju
dualni znak Zodijaka. Ova veza nikada nece biti dosadna i oba partnera ce
deliti intelektualne interese i otvorene poglede na svet. Uzivace u divnim
zajednickim vremenima, mada dva Blizanca retko ostaju zajedno, osim
ako se sretnu u kasnijim godinama. U ovoj vezi nazalost nedostatak
kontrole obicno preovlada, mada se ova kombinacija moze pokazati i kao
kompatibilna, jer su partneri makar u stanju da razumeju njihove
promenljive prirode. Sexualni zahtevi i potrebe bice obostrane. Nehajni i
nezavisni, u stanju su da lako saradjuju i da jedno drugo sexualno
zadovolje. Ljubomora skoro nikada nije problem, ipak svadje mogu lako
eskalirati, zbog obostrane teznje flertu i potajnim prevarama. Brzo ce
zaboraviti sve probleme i preci na sarkazam. Da li ce ovaj spoj producirati
srecu ili tugu, zavisi od toga hoce li barem jedno od njih, barem ponekad
obratiti paznju na zajednicki zivot i interes. Diskusije ce im biti zive, zivot
brz, nemiran i promenljiv, i sve to zato sto oboje zele tako i nikako
drugacije. Nece im biti dosadno, ipak ova kombinacija je previse
nestabilna na duge staze. U stanju su da pricama vrte jedan drugog u krug
celu noc! Oboje poseduju veliki komunikacioni talenat, pa bi cak jedno
drugome bili prvi izbor za zajednicka dugotrajna putovanja. Merkur (ili
Hermes - u grckoj mitologiji) je bio specijalista za putovanja, ali je
Blizancima podario i ljubav prema razlicitim stvarima, mestima i idejama.
Laskavi i prijatni ljudi i sitruacije lako i brzo dosade Blizancima, pa je
jedan od vaznijih aspekata u ovom spoju naci humor i stimulaciju, za
kojima oba partnera posezu u svim vrstama okolnosti. Blizanci imaju
sklonost da postanu povrsni, nestabilni i jako hekticni. Najteza stvar u
zajednickom zivotu dva Blizanca bi bila priznavanje velikih obaveza, pa
vezi preti raspad ako oboje ne ostanu fokusirani na zajednicke ciljeve.
Blizanci su podanici brilijantnog Merkura, magicnog izaslanika bogova, koji
budi talenat za komunikaciju, konverzaciju i socijalne interakcije, zajedno
sa blagom duhovitoscu i jakim interesom za sve novo. Ove zajednicke
osobine cine ovaj par zanimljivim i zanosnim, uvek u centru socijalne
scene. Oboje su fascinantni govornici, sa puno prijatelja koji se cesto
sastaju, pa su njihove zabave i slavlja obelezena kao vazni dogadjaji na
svacijem kalendaru. Znak Blizanci je mutirajuci (promenljiv)- pa su ovi
partneri u stanju da se medjusobno lako sloze i najcesce ce biti u stanju
da akceptiraju zelje jedno drugoga. Veza bez tamnih, zamagljenih pozuda
- sve je izlozeno na videlo! Ova kombinacija na poslovnom planu
poseduje potencijal za exelentnu saradnju u situacijama gde su stranke
vezane za korespondentne profesije, kao sto su: pevac - kompozitor, autor
- izdavac, itd.
Gemini + Gemini

Air + Air = Wind

Because both of you have a natural affinity with communication, you connect really easily. Both you and your Gemini partner will satisfy each other in full measure. Gemini is the twin of the Zodiac, so a Gemini may also be your karmic twin.

You’ll spend hours talking, sharing ideas, telling jokes and generally enjoying each other’s company, either just as a twosome or in a social situation. You’ll like the fact that the Gemini you have attracted not only communicates but also is capable intellectually. A Gemini can understand your ideas, and will bounce back with concepts that stimulate your creativity and idealism.

The weak spot in this relationship stems from the fact that Gemini, being a mutable air sign, is not very grounded. One of you will have to anchor the other. Both of you have a tendency to skim the surface of a topic — you both prefer to be the bee buzzing around from flower to flower, rather than the bee who settles down and builds the hive.

If you’re looking for a continuing relationship, you’ll have to deal with issues of money, stability and security. They may not be your favourite topics, but you’ll have to give them some consideration.

It’s also vital for you to get in touch with your emotional side. Both of you are basically ‘air heads’ — you have restless minds, and they stop you getting in touch with each other at the heart level.

The relationship can be very playful on a sexual level, but this will only last if you move to a more meaningful and committed relationship. You’d best give some careful thought to all this— you are both good at hitting the ball, but neither of you is much good at the follow through. And marriage is a follow through thing: it requires tenacity and determination, which are not your best things.

Geminis born between 22 May and 1 June are quite good partners for you; they have a great mental, social and communicational affinity with you. Who will get the first and last word in could mean a few ego scraps from time to time, but generally you will enjoy your time together.

Geminis born between 2 June and 12 June will be more sensual and are far better suited to an emotional and physical involvement with you. Both of you will make a lot of time for each other’s physical needs in this union. Discussing your sexual and sensual needs will occupy much of your time together.

Geminis born between 13 June and 21 June are more likely to be associated with you on a karmic or spiritual level. They could help resolve some of your deeper life issues (or bring them to the fore). If you usually find it difficult to share the more private parts of yourself, you will find it easy with these Geminis. They will make it enjoyable for you to offload. This is quite a good match for you.

Rak je kucno bice i moze smatrati nemirnog Blizanca tesko prilagodljivog
za zajednicki zivot. Dok je Blizanac konstantno u potrazi za promenama,
Rak je zadovoljan domacinstvom i porodicnim aktivnostima. Sa druge
strane, Rakove promene raspolozenja mogu jako pritiskati i cak i oterati
leprsavog Blizanca. Raku se treba prici sa velikodusnoscu i mekim recima,
da bi oprezni Rak izasao iz svog zastitnog oklopa brze nego inace. Rak
moze nauciti Blizanca kako da uspori svoj zivotni tempo i uziva i u delima
drugih ljudi oko sebe. Problemi nastaju ako Rak dobije osecaj da je
nepozeljan ili ignorisan od strane Blizanca... Nemirni Blizanac i senzibilni
Rak su cesto privuceni jedno drugome, ali sve u svemu imaju malo
zajednickih interesa. Rak je intrigantno emocionalan i strastven, spreman
da zadovolji fizicke potrebe Blizanca, ali on obicno trazi vise posvecenosti
nego sto je Blizanac spreman da pruzi, pogotovo u ranim ljubavnim
etapama, gde su burne pozude zestoke. Blizanceve sklonosti flertu sa
strane daju Raku osecaj nesigurnosti, pa je ovaj spoj sklon brzom
hladjenju i prolaznoscu. Ipak, ako Blizanac odluci da smiri svoje burne
dozivljaje i ljubav prema promenama, veza se moze pokazati i
emocionalno zadovoljavajuca, jer Rak tezi da zastiti i snabde porodicu i
svoje voljene. I dok je Rak obicno veoma oprezan i emocionalan, Blizancu
ce biti tezak boravak na istom zivotnom nivou i upotrebice svoj ostar jezik
za negodovanj i pobune - tako ce partnera Raka samo duboko uterati u
njegov zastitnicki oklop. Blizanceva potreba za slobodom i nezavisnoscu
moze biti jako ugrozavjuca za Raka, koji traga za vlasnistvom i
posedstvom, sa stabilnoscu i sigurnoscu visoko na njegovoj listi potreba.
Rak je vodjen emocijama i osecnjima i preferira rutinu. Blizanceva
nezaustavljiva priroda ce se pokazati preaktivna za Raka. Osecjni Rak
(vodeni znak) je podanik promenljivog Meseca, dok je nemirni Blizanac
(vazdusni znak) i podanik komunikativnog, optimisticnog i entuzijazmom
napojenog Merkura, koji ponaked moze biti i kritican i otresan, za razliku
od Meseca koji je odgojen, povucen i orijentisan ka razvitku, ali ipak
promenljive prirode i turoban. Ova dva znaka bi mogla biti u dobroj
kombinaciji pod uslovom da saradjuju, koriste emocije i intelekt i da
zajedno zavrsavaju poslove. Rak moze pomoci Blizancu da podgreje svoja
osecanja i bude nezan, dok Blizanac zauzvrat Raka moze ohrabriti da
napusti svoj zastitnicki oklop. Potrebno im je da dostignu zajednicke
ciljeve i saradjuju na projektima koje mogu da dele medjusobno, tako da
svoju energiju usmere ka poslu a ne ka ljubomori i nemirima. Pre nego sto
ovo dvoj euplove u bracne vode, Blizanac treba dobro promisliti i biti
siguran da sa partnerom Rakom zaista deli dovoljno interesa za
dugotrajnu vezu i zajednicki zivot, jer Raku je potrebna sigurnost i dom, a
Blizanac ne voli da bude svezan. Blizance, imas li dovoljno strpljenja da
izadjes na kraj sa Rakovim regularnim dozama neraspolozenja? Veoma
komplikovana kombinacija, cak i na poslovnom planu.

Blizanci i Rak imaju sasvim različite životne interese i potrebe. Blizanac je druželjubiv i će odmah prići i otvoriti se, dok Rak neće: on je stidljiv, plašljiv, povučen, snebljiv; neće se on otvoriti dok se ne uveri u partnera. Veza može lako da se uspostavi, ali ima tendenciju da donese razočarenje Raku jer je jako osetljiv, dok partner nije. Blizanac je površan. Bolje je da muškarac bude Rak.
Blizanci – Blizanci:

Neutralna zajednica koja može ispasti i savršeno i katastrofalno. Posebno se slažu na intelektualnom planu. U ovom slučaju vrijedi da se jednakosti privlače. Jedan drugoga će razumjeti i podržavati. Problem može biti samo ukoliko ni jedan nije dovoljno snažan da na sebe preuzme odgovornost za očuvanje veze.

Blizanci – Rak:

Topao, nježan i posvećen domu rak nikako nije za blizance. Njihova površnost i ravnodušnost raka može samo povrijediti. Iako pri prvom kontaktu mogu naći dosta toga zajedničkog, rakovima ne savjetujemo upuštanje u vezu s blizancima, osim ako nisu spremni povremeno gledati svoga blizanca kako se mirno odlazi udvarati drugim osobama.

Ovako piše covermagazin..
Blizanci i Rak

Najprecizniji opis ovo dvoje ljudi u ljubavnoj vezi mogli bi dati kao miješanje ulja i vode. Ma koliko se trudili da od njih napravite jedinstvenu masu oni će uvijek ostati razdvojeni i nakon nekog vremena ćete sigurno dići ruke od svakog pokušaja da ih spojite. Iako jedan Rak koji je strastven i temeljit ispunjava sve Blizančeve snove o vječnoj i pravoj ljubavi, upravo taj isti Rak neće se nikada moći prilagoditi njegovoj vječnoj potrazi za uzbuđenjima i novinama. Raka bi vrlo lako mogla povrijediti Blizančeva nemarnost prema njegovim potrebama, a Blizancu bi mogla dosaditi Rakova pretjerana ovisnost o partneru i njegovo kronično nezadovoljstvo sa stvarima oko sebe. Rak je osoba koja žudi za stabilnošću i toplim domom, za djecom i mnoštvom kućnih ljubimaca, što bi jednog Blizanca dovelo na sam rub živaca. Blizanac je osoba koja nikada nije vezana sponama za samo jedno mjesto na svijetu, on je vagabund koji traži svoj izgubljeni dio sebe u svakoj zemlji koju posjeti, a to će u Raku uvijek izazvati ljubomoru i na kraju ih rastaviti.
Ovo dvoje ljudi imaju premalo zajedničkoga da bi ostvarili nešto stabilnije i konkretnije od flerta ili površne veze.
Gemini + Cancer

Air + Water = Rain

As Cancer is a very sensitive and emotional sign, being ruled by the Moon, you may often not understand why they feel the way they do. Their moods can change frequently, and this will bother you.

You are a more intellectual and thoughtful person than Cancer, living in your head rather than your heart. You need to know the whys and wherefores. A Cancer won’t understand why you don’t feel what they feel.

There is an obvious chasm between your nature and Cancer’s nature, and the two of you will have to cross it before you can get anywhere in a relationship. But it may just be a matter of accepting that you are different!

This could play out as each of you taking on the tasks you have the talent for. This will bring out the best in each personality — Cancer can do well on the feeling tasks, and you will do well on the reasoning ones. If you do this, the relationship will stand a chance of going forward.

We would have to wonder whether this was the basic difference between Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise during their marriage. Nicole is a Gemini and would have dealt with things more rationally than Tom. Tom, being a Cancer, would have been moody and temperamental.

Physically you may find it difficult to train your mind into a less rational way of relating to the Cancerian. Cancer wants you to feel, and to connect with their feeling, but this may be too hard for you — you love to think and talk about your thoughts in the bedroom.

If Cancer doesn’t reciprocate, you may fall into the trap of thinking Cancer is denying your intellectual worthiness. This would be a mistake. It’s just those different styles and different needs raising their heads again.

Remember, there are non-verbal means of communicating. Cancer may just be the one to teach you a new level of understanding. Though not a perfect match, you can learn much from each other.

Cancerians born between 22 June and 3 July are linked to you financially, but will not offer you the emotional fulfilment you yearn for. A business arrangement with them may be the start of bigger and better things if you are patient enough to give this relationship a chance of maturing.

Cancerians born between 4 July and 13 July may be too intense for you — squabbles will erupt just when you think things are going well. There’s a very volatile element to these individuals. There may be no rhythm to their moods, no reason why they change so dramatically from one moment to the next. This will be a major challenge for you.

Those Cancers born between 14 July and 22 July are a little less difficult to handle and you could develop a high-quality friendship in this partnership.

Generally, you’ll be able to quietly help develop the mental skills of Cancer. They, in turn, will teach you how to get in touch with your inner, emotional self.
