Statistika braka horoskopskih znakova


  1. Veća je verovatnoća da će parovi sa istim horoskopskim znakom završiti razvodom.
  2. Rak i Jarac imaju stopu odobravanja kompatibilnosti braka od 59,4%.
  3. Bik i Vodolija imaju najveće šanse za stabilan brak.
  4. 15,40% pacijenata podnese zahtev za razvod od partnera drugog horoskopskog znaka.
  5. Što se tiče kompatibilnosti, Strelac i Ribe imaju stopu razvoda od 38%.
  6. Parovi Vaga i Škorpija imaju 15,2% manju verovatnoću da uđu u dugoročne posvećene veze.
  7. Brakovi Ovan i Vaga imaju stopu odobravanja kompatibilnosti od 52,2%.
  8. Ribe i Devica imaju stopu uspešnog braka od 75%.
  9. Veća je verovatnoća da će se brakovi Strelca i Jarca raspasti za 62,6%.
  10. 89% parova Lav-Devica ima tendenciju da vodi nesmetan bračni život.
  11. Brakovi Riba i Blizanаcа imaju 63% šanse da se okončaju razdvojenošću.
  12. Parovi Jarac i Bik imaju najveću verovatnoću (85%) da ostanu zajedno duže od 5 godina.

Famous research made by Michigan State University professor Bernard Silverman, Studies of Astrology, in which he looked at 2,978 married couples and 478 couples who divorced. He found absolutely no correlation between which couples divorced, and which couples were born under alleged "incompatible" signs.

There is a recent research with a better sample in this very subject. Love not in the stars is the 2007 research that describes the largest test of astrology ever carried out. Dr David Voas, the Senior Research Fellow at the University of Manchester Centre for Census and Survey Research analysed the birthdays of all 20 million husbands and wives in England and Wales. The study found that zodiac “love signs” have no impact on our chances of marrying and staying married.
