ВЕНЕЦУЕЛА ПРОГЛАСИЛА МОБИЛИЗАЦИЈУ: Очекују амерички удар великих размера! Напад само што није почео!

Zabole me za tvoje zahteve. Meni je urednik Novosti persona za razliku od tebe.
Nou hard filings, Lesi.

Google predtraga po "Venezuela Colombia" za poslednjih 7 dana daje sledeće rezultate

Vest približna tome jeste ovo, direktno sa sajta šoferske vlade:

President Maduro dispatches back-up teams against COVID-19 to Venezuela-Colombia border


Dakle, urednik Novosti LAŽE
Nou hard filings, Lesi.

Google predtraga po "Venezuela Colombia" za poslednjih 7 dana daje sledeće rezultate

Vest približna tome jeste ovo, direktno sa sajta šoferske vlade:

President Maduro dispatches back-up teams against COVID-19 to Venezuela-Colombia border


Dakle, urednik Novosti LAŽE
Rekoh ti, to je objava bezimenog klošara sa nadimkom De Sisi. Ona prethodna ima ime i prezime i registrovana je u APR. ti si možda registrovan, ali u Upravi za narkotike.
Takav ti je današnji svet. Neko ko ima ime i prezime laže, a neko ko se sakriva iza pseudonima je primerak iskrenosti.
Šta si se strunio?
Personi je upravo posao da laže.
Time on leba zarađuje
Ne se uzbuđavaš
Nafta vise nikoga i ne zanima. Ja pojma nemam o kakvoj nafti sada ovde drvite.
Ooo, pa nemoj tako drugarice Rayela, dajte si malo kontrolirat', a ni narativ vam nije bas prikladan.
Cuj, nafta nikoga ne zanima. Pa hocemo li ondaK da zivimo ko' Amishi? Pa i Amishima treba petroleja za njihove lampe.
Ja pokusavam da zamislim cime cete da se smikate, da lakirate nokte, i kojoj posteljini da spavate, sve oko vas je nafta...

Nije natfa samo ono sto se u traktor sipa, sto rece drug Plama...
Threatening Military Intervention in Venezuela During a Pandemic?
by Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flories Posted on April 16, 2020

Unbeknownst to most Americans, as we are grappling with this terrifying pandemic, the Trump administration is currently carrying out the largest military operation in Latin America in 30 years, and has made it clear that alleged Venezuelan “narco-terrorism” is the target. It’s worth noting that the last deployment of similar size took place at the time of the 1989 US military intervention in Panama to remove General Manuel Noriega.

President Trump announced the deployment at the beginning of an April 1 COVID-19 press conference. According to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, “included in this force package are Navy destroyers and littoral combat ships, Coast Guard Cutters, P.A. patrol aircraft, and elements of an Army security force assistance brigade.” General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, added that there are “thousands of sailors, Coast Guardsman, soldiers, airmen, Marines involved in this operation.”

The announcement came a week after Attorney General William Barr unsealed an indictment against President Maduro and 13 other current or former Venezuelan officials. The officials were accused of “narco-terrorism” and millions of dollars in cash rewards were offered for information leading to their capture, including a $15 million reward for Maduro’s capture.

Read more: https://original.antiwar.com/mbenja...-intervention-in-venezuela-during-a-pandemic/
It is true that your native Russia has been disseminating misinformation about said disease

Yenta, you sound angry and frustrated. You'll bust a blood vessel if you don't relax.

The American sociologist Robert S. Lynd said: "It is easier to believe a lie one has heard a hundred times than a truth one has never heard before."

Since the beginning of last century, one campaign of lies after the other has been aimed at Russians. No matter how often the great many untruths were refuted it became clear that, unfortunately, it is much more profitable to spread lies than to stand up for the truth.

Beside that I am not Russian.
