Kafana "Bonaca"

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Daj bre nemoj tako,ja sam na osnovu naziva teme postavio sliku.Razumem da nije smesno,nego zalosno.

.. pa dobro...:confused:

.. ajde sada svi da se lepo isplacemo... pa da obrisemo suze... i nastavimo gde smo stali... si?

.. meni je zaista veoma zao svih tih ljudi, pre svega dece... i nije da zatvaram oci pred tom surovom realnoscu prethodnog i ovog veka... ali sta da radimo... imas neku ideju... sta uciniti i kako pomoci tim jadnicima... ili samo zelis da nas podsecas na njihovo postojanje i da se osecamo bedno sto zivimo kako zivimo... i sto se pri tome trudimo da se zabavimo i razonodimo...

... jer pre svega ovde smo radi zabave... a verujem i ti isto...
.. pa dobro...:confused:

.. ajde sada svi da se lepo isplacemo... pa da obrisemo suze... i nastavimo gde smo stali... si?

.. meni je zaista veoma zao svih tih ljudi, pre svega dece... i nije da zatvaram oci pred tom surovom realnoscu prethodnog i ovog veka... ali sta da radimo... imas neku ideju... sta uciniti i kako pomoci tim jadnicima... ili samo zelis da nas podsecas na njihovo postojanje i da se osecamo bedno sto zivimo kako zivimo... i sto se pri tome trudimo da se zabavimo i razonodimo...

... jer pre svega ovde smo radi zabave... a verujem i ti isto...

Nema leba od plakanja.Ako mozes pomozi,ako ne idi svojim putem.E tako.
.. evo za pocetak.. rashadjenje...




.. svakom po porcija...

;) :klap:
.. for Karpos....;)

I know a place in Africa...

Inspiring poetry written by Wayne Visser, a South African currently based in UK.

I know a place in Africa
Where I can feel the sun on my back
And the sand between my barefoot toes
Where I can hear the gulls on the breeze
And the waves crash on the endless shore

I know a place in Africa
Where the mountains touch the skies of blue
And the valleys shelter vines of green
Where the trees spread out a cloth of mauve
And the bushveld wears a coat of beige

I know a place in Africa
Where I can hear the voice of thunder gods
And watch their lightening spears thrown to earth
Where I can breathe the scent of rain clouds
And taste the sweet dew of dusty drops

This is the place of wildness
Of evolution and dinosaurs
Where life began and mankind first stood
Of living fossils and elephants
Where lions roar and springbok herds leap

This is the place of struggle
Of desert plains and thorn trees
Where pathways end and hunters track game
Of horizons and frontiers
Where journeys start and sunsets bleed red

This is the place of freedom
Of exploration and pioneers
Where darkness loomed and light saw us through
Of living legends and miracles
Where daybreak came and hope now shines bright

My heart is at home in Africa
Where the sound of drums beat in my chest
And the songs of time ring in my ears
Where the rainbow mist glows in my eyes
And the smiles of friends make me welcome

My mind is at ease in Africa
Where the people still live close to the soil
And the seasons mark my changing moods
Where the markets hustle with trading
And Creation keeps its own slow time

My soul is at peace in Africa
For her streams bring lifeblood to my veins
And her winds bring healing to my dreams
For when the tale of this land is told
Her destiny and mine are as one.
.. for Karpos....;)

I know a place in Africa...

Inspiring poetry written by Wayne Visser, a South African currently based in UK.

I know a place in Africa
Where I can feel the sun on my back
And the sand between my barefoot toes
Where I can hear the gulls on the breeze
And the waves crash on the endless shore

I know a place in Africa
Where the mountains touch the skies of blue
And the valleys shelter vines of green
Where the trees spread out a cloth of mauve
And the bushveld wears a coat of beige

I know a place in Africa
Where I can hear the voice of thunder gods
And watch their lightening spears thrown to earth
Where I can breathe the scent of rain clouds
And taste the sweet dew of dusty drops

This is the place of wildness
Of evolution and dinosaurs
Where life began and mankind first stood
Of living fossils and elephants
Where lions roar and springbok herds leap

This is the place of struggle
Of desert plains and thorn trees
Where pathways end and hunters track game
Of horizons and frontiers
Where journeys start and sunsets bleed red

This is the place of freedom
Of exploration and pioneers
Where darkness loomed and light saw us through
Of living legends and miracles
Where daybreak came and hope now shines bright

My heart is at home in Africa
Where the sound of drums beat in my chest
And the songs of time ring in my ears
Where the rainbow mist glows in my eyes
And the smiles of friends make me welcome

My mind is at ease in Africa
Where the people still live close to the soil
And the seasons mark my changing moods
Where the markets hustle with trading
And Creation keeps its own slow time

My soul is at peace in Africa
For her streams bring lifeblood to my veins
And her winds bring healing to my dreams
For when the tale of this land is told
Her destiny and mine are as one.

No abla Englais

nikad ga nisam ucio :(.....dosta toga razumem ali da pricam :rotf::rotf: ;) hvala na pesmi

daj nesto sa youtuba pa da :whistling:...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
