lenard koen

  1. Vuk Samotnjak

    Kako je Lenard Koen promenio život Nika Kejva

    Ako se divite pevaču i tekstopiscu grupe The Bad Seeds, najmisterioznijem čoveku rok muzike, Niku Kejvu, onda će vam biti teško da ga zamislite kao jedanaestogodišnjeg dečaka srnećih očiju. Koliko god to bilo nezamislivo, zaista je nekad bi tako mlad i nevin. Međutim, sigurno je i tad...
  2. Vuk Samotnjak

    Lenard Koen - tekstovi pesama (Leonard Cohen lyrics)

    "Happens To The Heart" I was always working steady But I never called it art I got my shit together Meeting Christ and reading Marx It failed my little fire But it's bright the dying spark Go tell the young messiah What happens to the heart There's a mist of summer kisses Where I tried to...