Problemi sa hladjenjem


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I kako ih resiti...

A mene kritikuju sto sam stavio 4 ovakva na kuciste, a ovde samo na jednoj bocnoj strani 20 komada. Cool!
Koliko su temperature unutra? I ima li uopste kulera na procesoru?

@ father
Ko zna mozda covek drzi napolju ovo cudo, a da drzi unutra pre bi nastala mnogo prasnjava soba nego vakuum.
Evo performansi:
Now I suppose you are wondering: "Does it actually make a difference to the running temperature?"
Answer: Yes and no.
The main difference between the casefancasefancase... and any normal case is the system or mainboard temperature. After prolonged use it remains pretty constant at about 23 - 24 degrees Centigrade. The CPU temp is not as greatly affected, basically because I am using the standard fan/heatsink supplied with the CPU. If I was to shell out for something with big copper fins on it I'd probably notice a difference. But just in case you were wondering, here's a BIOS screenshot.
